Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Joe Rogan and James Altucher Exposed (Just Like All The Rest of the Losers in the Alternative Media )

See here for more about Joe Rogan. Be sure to scroll down and read all the articles.  Also, watch this documentary, it was made by someone who used to work for Alex Jones. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan both know about the history of human rights abuses with classified technology. 

See here and here for a list of these lying pieces of crap. See here for James Altucher the complete lying psychopath.  See here for a list of Silicon Valley scum. They all work for  government agencies or they are connected to them somehow.  

All of these people are Satanic human waste, that is what they all have in common.  That is what the video below shows, Joe Rogan is a Satanist. All of them serve the evil Satanic system while they cover up torturing innocent people.  

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