Saturday, March 26, 2016

Transhumanism and its Connections to Eugenics and Political Control

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe

See here and here for more about Judaism and Transhumanism. There is a whole whack of intellectuals and entertainers in the media that are promoting and popularizing "Transhumanism." They are promoting an evil agenda that is essentially eugenics on steroids. These people are not here to "liberate" humanity, they are here to enslave humanity --- they are assholes on a grand scale that are taking away human rights.

This is one of the ideas I was referring to when I was talking about eugenics and the British Empire here and here. Slavery and the caste system are still being implemented in a covert way. They know that people would begin to revolt if they found out what was really going on. You can see here how Steve Fuller essentially admits this in a very weaselly, intellectual way. 

It is important to note that Transhumanism has its beginnings in eugenics (see here for more about this,) which can be traced back to Julian Huxley and Francis GaltonContemporary cybernetics and Transhumanism's beginnings also have connections to the Frankfurt School, who were the neo-Freudian architects of the 60s counterculture, the sexual revolution, and the proliferation of drugs. This, in turn, fostered the rise of the “personal computer” and the CIA's MKUltra program. They were also responsible for the modern ideas of Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness. Much of this was created to curb and monitor supposed "anti-Semitism." To learn more, click on the links that I have provided below this article.

These technocratic elitists and their cohorts are going to hook you up to computers and data mine your brain, life, and environment with all data they collect. (Total Information Awareness.) It is insane and far out, but completely true. It is not a coincidence that the Singularity University is working with Google --- nor is it a coincidence that Google has a close relationship with NASA and DARPA. DARPA, Google (and the other big technology companies like Facebook, Oracle, Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.) all know that they have to play ball with the CIA and the NSA. They are all a part of the intelligence apparatus. All of the people in positions of power at these corporations are there for a reason. They are assets. They would not be there otherwise.

The activities that they are engaging in are taking away human rights and privacy on a scale that people cannot even begin to think of. Imagine if someone had access to your brain, your life, your thoughts, and that your whole life was being taped. Imagine they could see out your eyes and hear out of your ears, imagine they were able to manipulate your behavior and you didn't even know it!

Sounds crazy, but it's all real. These people need to be called out for the garbage they are promoting. Look up Eugenics and Transhumanism. Do some research. People need to learn that this ideology plays right into the hands of the politically and economically powerful.

1. Transhumanism

2. Transhumanism and Judaism

3. Transhumanism and Judaism Part 2

4. Transhumanism: From MK-ULTRA To Google

5. Computers, Artificial Intelligence and the All-Seeing Eye of Surveillance

6. Transhumanist Documentaries That Are a Must Watch

7. Most People Don't Know the Complete Story About the Unabomber

8. Raytheon BBN Technologies

9. Full-Spectrum Dominance and No-Touch Reality TV Torture

10. DARPA's iXo A.I. Control Grid

Friday, March 25, 2016

Jewish Groups Get 94% of Homeland Security Grants - 2014

The Department of Homeland Security allocated to Jewish institutions $12 million, or 94 percent, of $13 million in funds for securing nonprofits.

The Jewish Federations of North America’s Washington office director, William Daroff, said Tuesday that the allocation made sense particularly in light of an intensification of threats on Jewish community targets in the United States and overseas.

“In the current environment there are threats to nonprofits and to Jewish institutions,” he told JTA, noting a swell of attacks on Jewish institutions in Europe in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip.

“We see it clearly in Europe, but we also see it here in the United States in Kansas City, in Seattle and numerous occasions that are not made public or do not come to fruition,” Daroff said. He referred to attacks in recent years on Jewish community centers in Kansas City and Seattle.

The allocations, announced July 25, are based on applications that are then assessed for threat by local and federal law enforcement officials.

The $13 million disbursed last week brings to $151 million the amount disbursed since the program started in 2005, most of it to Jewish institutions.

Leading the lobbying for the program have been the Jewish Federations of North America, the Orthodox Union and Agudath Israel of America.

In a statement, the JFNA thanked Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson as well as lawmakers for championing the funds, among them Sens. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala), Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Dan Coats (R-Ind.), and Reps. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.), Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.), John Carter (R-Texas) and David Price (D-N.C.).

U.S. Jewish NGOs to Get 97% of Homeland Security's Defence Grant in 2012

Natasha Mozgovaya

While the budget has shrunk in recent years, the threat to Jewish institutions has not changed; as a result, Jewish non-profits will receive a record percentage of the funds.

Jewish non-profit organizations in the United States will receive 97 percent of the funds granted by the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year 2012, money which is aimed at dealing with security threats those institutions face.

In 2012, Jewish institutions in the U.S. will receive $9.7 million, or 97 percent of the funds intended for dealing with security threats, as part of the Vital Nonprofit Security Grants distributed by the Department of Homeland Security.

In 2009, when the white supremacist James W. von Brunn opened fire at the Washington Holocaust Museum, killing a guard, Jewish NGOs received over $9 million out of $15 million allocated to 227 non-profit organizations, aimed to "bolster the security of nonprofit institutions deemed by the Department of Homeland Security to be vulnerable to terrorist attacks."

In 2010, Jewish institutions received $15 million of the total sum of $19 million distributed by Homeland Security.

However, in recent years the budget has been shrinking, while the threat level has not changed, resulting in Jewish non-profits - community centers, schools, hospitals, synagogues and charities – primed to receive a record percentage of next year's non-profit funding.

"I'd gladly trade out threat level not to qualify for these grants," William Daroff, vice president for Public Policy of The Jewish Federations of North America told Haaretz.

"Any non-profit in the largest urban areas can apply for these grants, and determinations are made solely on the threat level Homeland Security officials assess each institution faces."

Daroff explained that most of the funds are usually used for the purchase of closed circuit TVs, vehicle barriers and blast-proof glass, while a small amount is designated for training.

"In the post-9/11 era it's clear that Jewish institutions are at an increased threat level, and we are briefed more often than we wish by the local and federal officials on potential threats," Daroff said, adding that the "threats are there, but it's always a struggle to ensure funds are there during these times of fiscal hardship, so the lobbying for them is a continuous process."

Kathy Manning, chair of the Board of Trustees of The Jewish Federations of North America, noted that “the Department of Homeland Security has demonstrated a great commitment to protecting at-risk communities. These effective security grants are vital to the ongoing protection of deserving institutions, enabling us to work, worship, gather and learn without fear.”

Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Now Happening in Canada and the United States

This happened to me by someone that I used to be friends with, for more on that situation see here. Also, see here for more on discrediting political dissidents. 

Busted! Jewish Girl Caught Drawing Swastikas & Jewish Man Caught Spray Painting Swastikas & Making "anti-Semitic" Threatening Phone Calls

Nothing new, as this old article shows.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Jews, the White Slave Trade and the Evolution of the "Russian" Mob

STEVEN SPIELBERG’S pseudo-historical film about a 19th-century mutiny and massacre aboard a Spanish slave ship, Amistad, and the subsequent trial of the Black mutineers was praised by the reviewers.

Spielberg, one of the wealthiest and most successful of Hollywood’s Jewish filmmakers, was also being praised by his kinsmen in various so-called “human rights” organizations for using his propaganda skills to sensitize white, Gentile audiences to the horrors of slavery and make them feel just a little more guilty for treating non-Whites so badly in the past. What the film doesn’t mention, of course, is that Spielberg’s Jewish kinsmen owned many, though not all, of the ships involved in the 18th- and 19th-century Atlantic trade in Black slaves and, in fact, played a very prominent role in bringing Black slaves to America. See here and here for more.

The film tends to steer one away from blaming anyone for slavery except white Gentiles. This bit of misdirection is interesting in light of the fact that Jewish individuals have been dominant in the slave trade since at least Roman times — especially the trade in white slaves. Jewish slave dealers followed Caesar’s armies everywhere — into Gaul, into Germany, and into other northern lands — eager to buy as slaves all of the captives of the Romans — especially the female captives. (This actually fits right into Talmudic Judaism's interpretation of the Old Testament.)

Jews have remained dominant in the white slave trade until the present day — (especially after the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the rise of organized crime in Russia.)  Although during the Middle Ages the Christian Church tried unsuccessfully a number of times to stop them, beginning in the fifth century with an edict by the emperor Theodosius II against Jews owning Christian slaves.

The fact is, this human trafficking is not even that stigmatized by Jewish culture, as this passage reveals:

Can a synagogue give a Torah honor to a known pimp? This question was asked of a gadol (leading haredi rabbi) and was answered by him.

That rabbi was the Ben Ish Hai, Rabbi Yosef Haim ben Elijah Haham of Baghdad (1835-1909), the leading Sefardi haredi rabbi in the world and the Av Beit Din, president, of the Baghdad rabbinical court. His answer was published in a book of his responsa, Rav Pe’alim.

The question and his paraphrased answer posted below comes from Trafficking and Prostitution: Lessons from Jewish Sources, Naomi Graetz and Julie Cwikel, Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 20 [2006]: 25-58:

Question: What happens when there is only one Cohen in town and he happens to be a Shabbat violator, can he be called up to the Torah? And what happens if in this small town there is only one Levi and he is a pimp, can he be called up to the Torah for an aliya?

R. Joseph qualifies the question: it wasn’t stated if this is a pimp who practices exclusively among “goyim” or among Jews as well. “I will relate to both cases.” In the first case, if the clientele is non-Jewish the bottom line is that it is possible to honor the pimp. But in the second case, (if Jews are involved) if he brings a non-Jewish prostitute to Jews or Jewish women to non-Jews, he cannot be called up to the Torah.

But it is not easy to deny a Levi his honors and so R. Joseph in his final judgment writes that despite the fact that the profession of pimping is frowned upon, if it is just alleged that he deals in prostitution with Jews, he can still be honored.

After being banned from owning or dealing in slaves by one emperor, Jewish slave traders would wait until the next emperor came along, then they would buy a charter giving them a monopoly in the slave trade. Then public outrage against Jews would grow until another emperor would ban their slave-dealing again. Most of the time, however, Jews were the undisputed masters of the slave trade, and that is still the case today.  See here for more information about the history of Judaism and slavery. Also see herehere, here, here, here, here and here.

Interestingly enough, this fact was revealed in the New York Times. The January 11, 1998 issue has a major article titled “Contraband Women” and written by a Jewish reporter in Israel. The article deals specifically with the Jewish trade in Ukrainian and Russian women — although it doesn’t label the trade as “Jewish.” ( See here for more about the Russian Mob.)

What the report does say is this:

Centered in Moscow and the Ukrainian capital Kiev, the networks trafficking women run east to Japan and Thailand, where thousands of young Slavic women now work against their will as prostitutes, and west to the Adriatic coast and beyond. The routes are controlled by Russian crime gangs based in Moscow.

What the reader must understand is that the predominant ethnicity of these crime gangs is being underemphasized. They are mostly Jewish, but the agreed-upon subterfuge used by the newspapers in this country is to refer to them as “Russian." Thus one reads in various news organizations about the recent takeover of organized crime in many areas of America — especially the East Coast and Los Angeles — by “Russian gangs” and of the viciousness and cleverness of these “Russian” gangsters, but there is never any mention of the fact that they are not exactly Russian, but mostly politically and economically connected Jews from the former Soviet Union.

The story of the exploitation of eastern Europe by Jewish criminals is a fascinating and infuriating story. Throughout the Middle Ages and into the modern era they focused on profiting from the weaknesses and vices of the Gentile populations of Poles, Russians, Ukrainians and others among whom they lived as a barely tolerated minority. In addition to being the moneylenders, they controlled the liquor business and owned the drinking establishments, the gambling dens, and the brothels. ( See here for the porn industry.) A number of 19th-century Russian writers, among them Dostoevsky and Gogol, have described their destructive effects on Slavic peasant society and the perpetual condition of mutual hostility which existed between the Jews and the Slavs.

During the 19th and early 20th centuries the Jewish trade in white slaves from these lands expanded enormously. It has been described by the Jewish historian Edward Bristow in his 1982 book Prostitution and Prejudice, published by Oxford University Press and Schocken Books in New York. Although Bristow’s book is written from the viewpoint of one opposed to this Jewish trade in women, it is nevertheless enormously revealing. The Jews recruited peasant girls in Polish and Russian villages, usually under false pretenses, and transported them to brothels in Turkey, Egypt, and other parts of the Middle East; to Vienna, Budapest, and other major cities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire; and as far away as New York, New Orleans, and Buenos Aires. This Jewish trade in Slavic women naturally caused a great deal of hatred against the Jews by the Slavs, and this hatred broke out in pogroms and other popular actions against the Jews over and over again.

One would believe from the works of Mr. Spielberg and other Jewish propagandists that the hatred the Slavs bore against the Jews was based only on religious bigotry and that the Jews were completely innocent and inoffensive. One fascinating fact which Bristow’s book reveals is that the center of the Jewish trade in Polish girls was in a little town called Oswiecim. The German name for this town was Auschwitz.

I don’t mean to imply that the Jews were the only ones at fault in the White slave trade. Gentile politicians and police officials gladly accepted bribes from the Jews and in return allowed them to carry on their dirty business. And in the United States non-Jewish criminal elements such as the Mafia collaborate with Jewish organized crime or ran their own slave operations. But the trade in white slaves from eastern Europe has been a mostly Jewish activity for the last 200 years.

It is ironic that organized Marxism put a temporary crimp in the slave trade in women. When the Bolsheviks seized control of Russia and Ukraine after the First World War, and of Poland and other Slavic lands after the Second World War, they clamped down on all capitalist activity, including that of the largely Jewish slave business. What they did instead was establish a huge empire of slave-labor camps, of which Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written so eloquently about.  Some of these former slave dealers became commissars and slave camp bosses. And of course, they butchered opponents by the millions.

Actually, some capitalist activity did survive throughout the Communist years in the form of organized crime. Two excellent books on the subject were published in the United States, both written by Soviet Jews thoroughly familiar with organized crime in the Soviet Union. In fact, one of the authors, Yuri Brokhin, was a former member of a Jewish organized crime gang in Russia, where he worked as a pimp. His book, Hustling on Gorky Street, was published in 1975.

The other author, Konstantin Simis, was a defense lawyer for organized criminals. His book, USSR: The Corrupt Society, was published in 1982. Both of these Jewish authors write quite frankly about the Jewish domination of organized crime during the communist years. Brokhin brags about it, in fact. He says Russians and other Slavs can only be ordinary criminals, depending on guns and strong-arm tactics, but they aren’t smart enough for successful, large-scale organized crime; only Jews are smart enough for that.

A factor neither author mentions which was more important than smartness was the connections Jewish criminals had with Communists in the Soviet bureaucracy. When a Jew, who ran a prostitution and drug racket in Moscow, could count on someone in the prosecutor’s office, law enforcement, military or intelligence to keep him informed about police plans for raids, as well as a little covert assistance if matters ever came to court, he had a distinct advantage over his Russian competitors.

Eventually Communism bled eastern Europe dry, and with the economies of the countries under their control on the verge of collapse some Communists switched hats, declared themselves “democrats” instead of Communists, and announced a return to capitalism. Many Jewish slave dealers came back into business. Other former Communists went into the business too. As the economies were “privatized” — that is, as state-owned factories and businesses were sold to private entrepreneurs at bargain-basement prices — Jews used their connections with their now “democratic” kinsmen in the bureaucracies to snap them up. Other Jews, who had monopolized organized crime during the Communist years, remained as organized crime bosses but greatly expanded the scope of their operations. Often, the new entrepreneurs and the new crime bosses are the same people. (See here for more about Russian Oligarchs.)

After the collapse of Communism, Boris Berezovsky was the richest man in Russia. He became a multi-billionaire by buying up banks, television networks, and newspapers from the government, with the aid of his friends in the bureaucracy of the government. Berezovsky would go around Moscow in a bulletproof vest and an armored limousine, and anyone who got in the way of his business interests had a tendency to get shot or simply to disappear. Second only to Berezovsky in wealth at that time, was another Jewish media mogul, Vladimir Gusinsky. Between them, Berezovsky and Gusinsky controlled most of the mass media in Russia. They also exercised pretty thorough control of Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s alcoholic president, who was a sort of a Slavic version of Bill Clinton, plus vodka. It was only through the support of Berezovsky’s and Gusinsky’s media that Yeltsin won his last election.

If you remember, Clinton and all of the media in the United States were rooting enthusiastically for Yeltsin during that election. They all were afraid that a genuine Russian patriot might beat Yeltsin, in which case the largely Jewish organized crime control of Russia would have been finished.

After the election, Yeltsin appointed Berezovsky to Russia’s national security council, but when some of the few media in Russia which still were independent publicized Berezovsky’s connections to Jewish organized crime gangs, Yeltsin was forced to fire him. Yeltsin appointed another Jew, Boris Nemtsov, to the position of deputy prime minister, one of the most powerful positions in the government. One thing Yeltsin never did, however, was make any move to curtail the operations of Russia’s organized Jewish crime gangs, which ran rampant through the country and displaying their wealth and power, while ordinary Russians struggled to feed themselves and keep their homes warm in the winter.

And tens of thousands of pretty but naive young Russian and Ukrainian women were swept up by the Russian Jewish gangs — called “Russian” gangs by the New York Times — and shipped off to a life of misery and degradation in Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand, and Israel, as well as to countries in western Europe, where Jews also had strong organized crime connections. The young women, unable to find work in Russia, Ukraine, or Poland and facing a bleak future in countries ravaged by decades of Communism, were eager for any chance at a better life. They respond to advertisements that offer them work abroad as receptionists or secretaries and also promise free training and transportation. When the girls arrive at their destinations, however, they found something quite different — but by then it was too late.

One of these girls, Irina, a 21-year-old, green-eyed Ukrainian blond, was interviewed in Israel. She told how her Israeli employer took her to a brothel soon after her arrival in Israel. He took her passport away from her, burned it before her eyes, and told her that she now was his property and must work in the brothel. When Irina refused, she was beaten and raped. Luckier than most of the Slavic women lured to Israel, Irina eventually was swept up in a police raid and sent to prison as an illegal alien. She was awaiting deportation, along with hundreds of other Russian and Ukrainian women, when she was interviewed. She lamented the fact that the Israeli who had raped her and forced her to work in the brothel was not even arrested. Indeed, according to "Talmudic" law, the rape of a Gentile woman is not technically illegal. Nor was it illegal in Israel to buy and sell slaves, so long as the slaves are not Jewish. Amazingly, the New York Times article reveals this fact.

Don't be naive and think the white slave trade isn't still big business in Israel and other countries. It is. In 1998, the time of the New York Times article, Ukrainian authorities estimated that as many as 40,000 Ukrainian women under the age of 30 were taken from Ukraine each year. Some of these women responded to advertisements promising employment abroad, like Irina did, and some were simply kidnapped and smuggled out of the country. Those who try to escape from their Jewish captors are treated brutally. Often they are butchered in front of other captive women to keep the others terrified into doing whatever they are told. At slave markets operated by the Jewish gangs in Italy young Slavic women are stripped, put on blocks, and auctioned off to brothel owners.

The most astounding thing about this whole, filthy business is that most people are forced to learn about it from a newspaper like the New York Times. And really, you should read for yourself the article to which I referred. It was in the January 11, 1998, issue, and the news is not likely to be repeated.

Ask yourself, why doesn’t Interpol, the international police agency, do something to put a stop to this White slave trade? Why don’t the governments of the countries from which the women are being abducted do something? Why don’t the mass media raise a hue and cry? Why don’t powerful feminist organizations demand the eradication of White slavery?

And the answer to all of these questions is easy: they dare not do or say anything because it is a largely Jewish business. In places like Germany, where Jews also have very strong organized crime connections, anyone who announces that fact publicly will be arrested and charged with “inciting racial hatred.” Germany and most other European countries have laws against what they call “hate speech.” Saying anything negative about Jews or Judaism, true or not, invokes these laws.

Jewish organizations — would like very much to have similar laws in the United States and other countries. Interpol, which has plenty of other work to keep it busy, is not eager to be charged with “anti-Semitism” by going after the largely Jewish White-slave gangs. But that isn't the whole story. There’s a huge amount of money made from selling women: enough money to pay off politicians, bureaucrats, judges, and policemen.

Jews like to say about the “Holocaust” of the Second World War, “Never again.” They like to talk about how it is necessary to stamp out anti-Semitism and pass laws against so-called “hate speech,” so that there can never be another “Holocaust.” But by their own behavior, they are setting in place their own future problems.

Politically connected Jews believe that with their influence in the mass media and in government, and with their puppets in political power in countries like the United States and Canada —  and with their enormous wealth they have at their disposal, and with so many Gentiles qwelled like sheep when they yell “Holocaust” or "anti-Semitism"" anytime someone criticisizes them ---- that they can keep getting away with exploitation forever.

But they are wrong. They themselves are building up the resentment and the rage that will end their reign. It will ruin them all: the gang members, the media bosses, the political writers, the politically connected “advisers” to presidents and prime ministers and the rest, even those who are not currently involved in any of these activities.

They are guaranteeing that there will be a rise in "anti-Semitism."

The Slave Trade - Quotes From Jewish Historians

In addition to what is written below, please see this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this

Now, of course, I am not saying that "every Jew was involved in slavery" or something ridiculous like that.  But, I do want to get at the root of what caused this. Why were Jews overrepresented in the slave trade? I honestly believe that it comes back to the Talmud and their interpretation of the Old Testament. To learn more about this see here and here. Most people do not understand what the New Testament is about, nor what it means in the Gospel of John when Jesus is "modifying the law." Even in the Quran, (not the Hadith,) they talk about "freeing the slaves" and the problems of usury. The historical fact is less than 4% of non-Jewish whites in the South of the United States owned slaves. Less than 2% of the whites in all of pre-civil war America, while 40% of Jewish households owned slaves.  Notice how guilt is only ascribed to "white people" - while Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than Gentile whites. Why are black and white Americans not allowed to know who the primary slave traders were?

Here are Some Quotes from Jewish Historians:

American Jewish Historical Society - New World Jewry- 1493-1825: Requiem for the Forgotten - Seymour B.  Liebman

"They came with ships carrying African blacks to be sold as slaves. The traffic in slaves was a royal monopoly, and the Jews were often appointed as agents for the Crown in their sale."

"The Jews were the largest ship chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, where the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise."

"The ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains."

Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History - Marc Lee Raphael

"Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique,) British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated."

"This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the "triangular trade" that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa."

"Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750's, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent."  

Jews in Colonial Brazil: Arnold Wiznitzer- Pages 72 & 73: 

"The buyers that appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of their lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices." "If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed."

The Jewish Encyclopedia: Vol. 10, Page 48: 

"The trade in slaves constituted the main source of livlihood for the Roman Jews"
A History of the Jews: From Babylonian Exile to the end of World War II - Solomon Grayzel: 

"Jews were among the most important slave dealers in European society."

Jacob Marcus, the author of United States Jewry: 1776-1985 wrote in the Encyclopedia Britanica: 

" In the dark ages the commerce of western Europe was largely in the Jews hand, in particular, the slave trade."

United States Jewry: 1776-1985  Jacob Marcus - pg 586 

"All through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth, Jews in the North were to own black servants" 

"In 1820, over 75% of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves" 
"Almost 40% of all Jewish householders in the United States owned on slave or more"

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

United States Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton And The Syrian Shoah

Note: Regarding the current United States Presidential election and the importance of Israel and Jewish interests --- I previously made a post about Donald Trump, now equally, I think it is time to post information about Hillary Clinton. To give the article below a bit more context, it is important to see thisthis, thisthis, and this.

By Gilad Atzmon

From: Sidney Blumenthal To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2012-07-23

Quoting an Israeli security source Sidney Blumenthal wrote:

“[I]f the Assad regime topples, Iran would lose its only ally in the Middle East and would be isolated. At the same time, the fall of the House of Assad could well ignite a sectarian war between the Shiites and the majority Sunnis of the region drawing in Iran, which, in the view of Israeli commanders would not be a bad thing for Israel and its Western allies.”


In 1982, Oded Yinon an Israeli journalist, formerly attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, published a document titled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties.’  The strategic plan later named ‘The Yinon Plan’ suggested that for Israel to maintain its regional superiority, it must break its neighboring Arab states into smaller sectarian units engaged in endless tribal wars. The Yinon Plan implied that Arabs and Muslims killing each other was an insurance policy for Israel.

Most commentators on the Middle East and American foreign affairs now realise that the chaos in the Middle East has a lot to do with Israel and its supportive Jewish lobbies around the world. However, thanks to the newly leaked Clinton email archive we may have a document that provides confirmation that the Yinon Plan was, de facto, an Israeli strategy to create sectarian chaos in the Middle East.

According to the Wikileaks archive of former US Secretary of State Clinton, it appears that in 2012 the Israeli intelligence service considered a potential Sunni-Shiite war in Syria a favorable development for the Jewish State and the West.

In an email sent by Sidney Blumenthal to Hilary Clinton, an Israeli source is quoted suggesting that Iran would lose "its only ally" in the Middle East if the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad collapses. Such a development in the view of Israeli commanders “would not be a bad thing for Israel and its Western allies,” Blumenthal wrote.

It is crucial to point out that in his email to Clinton, Blumenthal also quotes an alternative view that is more reasonable and is far less enthusiastic about the escalation in Syria. “Israeli security officials believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is convinced that these developments (expanding Arab civil war) will leave them [Israelis] vulnerable, with only enemies on their borders.”

This email allows us to look at a vivid Israeli political debate that occurred back in 2012. The Jewish State had to decide whether to destroy the Syrian people just to weaken Iran or, alternatively, to destroy Iran for the sake of destroying Iran. History suggests that a decision was taken to destroy the Syrians first.  And the outcome must be disappointing for Israel —Iran is now stronger than ever.

Shockingly, in late 2015, after three years of disastrous Syrian civil war with hundreds of thousands of fatalities and millions of displaced people, Clinton, so it seems.  still clung to the formula that Israel’s concerns with Iran should be fought on the expense of the Syrian people. In an email that US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sent to an unknown account on 11/30/2015 Clinton wrote:

“The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.”

Israel is not the only one to blame for the Syrian shoah; Hilary Clinton shares some of the responsibility. I suggest that Ms. Clinton consider inviting at least a few Syrian refugees to settle in Clinton’s suburban home. Such a move would prove that she can be empathic, merciful and hopefully regretful.

How Israel was Founded on Racial Eugenics—and How That Policy Continues to the Present-day

In addition to reading the following article, please see here and here.
The state of Israel was founded upon the science of Jewish racial eugenics and continues with that policy to the present day, as a series of articles published in Jewish newspapers shows.
According to a new report in the Jewish Daily Forward magazine, titled “Israel’s Uncomfortable History of Racist Engineering,” (Jewish Daily Forward, April 21, 2014), written by the opinion editor of the Jerusalem Post, Seth J. Frantzman, even the founder of Tel Aviv’s Department of Sociology and leading Zionist was an outspoken eugenicist.
According to the Daily Forward, the Zionist Arthur Ruppin—who, among other things, was the founder of the city of Tel Aviv, head the Jewish Agency from 1933 to 1935, and “father of Jewish Sociology” called for the “purification of the “Jewish Race” and expressly stated that it was “desirable that only the racially pure come to the land [of Israel].”
Ruppin was a major figure in the Zionist narrative, and he is honoured in Israel to the present day, with a building at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem named in his honor.
Many cities in Israel named streets after him, and the city of Haifa has a prize in his name awarded for “extraordinary works” in thinking, philosophy and politics.
According to the Daily Forward, however, Ruppin, was a believer in eugenics. 
In 1919 he argued that the Jewish race should be “purified” and that it was “desirable that only the racially pure come to the land.”
As head of the Palestine Office of the Zionist Executive (later the Jewish Agency for Israel), he put his purity schemes into practice, arguing that Ethiopian Jews should not be permitted to immigrate, because “they have no blood connection,” and arguing that Yemenite Jews should be brought only for menial labor. (“Israel’s Uncomfortable History of Racist Engineering,” Jewish Daily Forward, April 21, 2014).
This Jewish eugenics program designed to “purify their race” continues to the present day.
In 2007, for example, Benjamin Netanyahu bragged that the cuts he’d made to child subsidies had brought a “positive” result, which he identified as “the demographic effect on the non-Jewish public, where there was a dramatic drop in the birth rate.”
In 2010 it was revealed that the Israeli government had an officially sanctioned sterilization policy directed at “Ethiopian Jews.” The policy saw Jewish doctors deliberately give female Ethiopian Jews long-lasting contraceptive drugs like Depo-Provera.
When the sterilization policy was exposed, the Israeli government denied it, but continued media coverage on why the birth rates among the “Ethiopian community” in Israel had fallen dramatically, forced the Israeli Health Ministry’s director-general to admit that Depo-Provera has been used without telling the women involved.

The Zionist state was therefore founded on the policy of ensuring Jewish racial purity—and ever since then, this policy has been continued under different names (“the “Jewish state”; the Jews-only immigration policy; the outlawing of marriages between Jews and non-Jews; and many other measures).

All of this proves the important fact that no matter what the Jewish Supremacists might tell the outside world, they know that they are a race and have continually sought to prevent mixing with non-Jews.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Jews Must Breed with Jews Only to Keep the Chosen Race Pure or Face Prison

Though this video is from 2010, it is still going on now. In addition to the video below, see here. (Be sure to check out all of the links on that article when you click through on it.)

The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship With Apartheid South Africa

When reading this, this and this post about Israel and its traditional relationship with the British Empire and the United Nations, I want to make it clear that this fits right into the mentality of the right wing nuts that are running the state of Israel. Don't think so? See this, thisthis, herethis, thisthis and this.  But just as important, everyone should know the relationship that Israel had with apartheid South Africa. Read this article to find out more. (To learn the history of Jewish involvement in the Slave trade see here and here. )

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Thought Crimes in Trudeau’s Canada

In addition to the article below, I suggest that you read this and this

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu in Paris in November 2015. (Amos Ben Gershom.)

The Liberal Party of Canada, which is led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and came to power in October 2015, brands itself as a progressive alternative to the Conservatives.
When it comes to Israel and the Palestinian-led campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS), however, the Liberals have continued down the Conservatives’ troubling path, violating Canadians’ wishes and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms along the way.
On 22 February the House of Commons passed a motion by an overwhelming margin of 229-51 votes in condemnation of the BDS movement.
The Liberals have a majority in the House of Commons and the motion, introduced by two Conservative members of parliament, would not have passed without them. Only two of 184 Liberal MPs voted against the motion.
The motion emphasizes the “friendship,” economic and diplomatic relations between Canada and Israel and claims that the BDS movement “promotes the demonization and delegitimization of the State of Israel.”

Expanded political ties

Canada certainly does have a deep relationship with Israel, both politically and economically, which was significantly expanded when Stephen Harper was prime minister.
The Harper government isolated Canada from the the world when it came to Israel. His government voted against United Nations motions for Palestinian statehood, opposed UN motions demanding that Israeli nuclear facilities be opened for inspection, and cracked down on charities providing relief to Palestinians.
Lauding Israel as a “priority market” for Canada, Harper updated the free trade agreement between Israel and Canada in July 2015 to reduce tariffs and broaden investment links with Israeli businesses, including allowing goods from Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank to be exported to Canada duty free.
The two-way trade relationship between Canada and Israel now amounts to at least $1.6 billion.

Boycott as threat

The recent motion, then, is clearly a step toward crushing BDS, a movement that could threaten Israel’s status as a “priority market” for Canada. This goal has existed for years but has recently been intensified, and the Liberals aren’t willing to reverse the trend.
In 2014, the Canadian government added “national origin” into the list of identifiers covered by hate speech laws, in order to criminalize those advocating boycotts against the state of Israel.
Then, in January 2015, the Canadian government agreed to strengthen ties with Israel even further. At the announcement, then foreign affairs minister John Baird said the country would “fight any efforts internationally to delegitimize the State of Israel, including the disturbing BDS Movement.”
This message was reinforced shortly afterwards at a United Nations General Assembly meeting when then public safety minister Stephen Blaney said that Canada takes a “zero-tolerance approach to anti-Semitism,” listing the BDS movement as a form of discrimination, borrowing the tactic used by Israeli government and Israel advocacy groups to undermine BDS by portraying it as being motivated by anti-Semitism.
The effort to combat BDS became more explicit by May 2015, when a government spokesperson responded to a journalist’s questions on what the government’s zero-tolerance policy response would entail by stating that “hate crimes” would not be allowed to undermine the Canadian way of life, explicitly equating human rights-based Palestine solidarity activism to criminal acts.

No divergence

These events, which have led some to fear the government will eventually move to ban BDS, took place under Conservative rule. Still, the Liberal Party’s recent vote in support of condemning BDS shouldn’t come as a surprise.
An early indicator for the Trudeau-ruled Liberals’ uncritical support of Israel came in July 2014, during Israel’s 51-day attack on Gaza, when the party released a statement claiming that “Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. Hamas is a terrorist organization and must cease its rocket attacks immediately.”
The statement failed to criticize Israel’s mass slaughter of Palestinians.
BDS specifically came under fire shortly thereafter. In March 2015, Trudeau tweeted in response to an upcoming vote to support BDS at McGill University that “The BDS movement, like Israeli Apartheid Week, has no place on Canadian campuses. As a @McGillU alum, I’m disappointed. #EnoughIsEnough.”

Rejecting rights

Trudeau became prime minister on 19 October. Within a week, he called Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, giving an assurance that Canada would continue to be a good ally. Israel’s ambassador to Canada, Rafael Barak, said the call “left his country assured that relations between Canada and the Jewish state will remain strong” since Trudeau had been consistent in supporting Israel throughout his campaign.
“I’m sure maybe the style will change,” the envoy added. “But I don’t feel there will be a change on the substance. I’m really reassured.”
This has been exactly the case as Trudeau has continued to offer Israel uncritical support. At the November 2015 UN General Assembly, a month after Trudeau had come to power, the Canadian government voted against all proposed resolutions supporting the rights of Palestinians.
The vote, which saw Canada reject 16 resolutions, was the exact same as the vote a year earlier when the Conservatives were ruling. The recent vote condemning BDS appears to be an extension of this willingness to support Israel.

Out of touch

The Liberals portrayed the vote as a necessary step in combating anti-Semitism and furthering the economic relationship with Israel, as well as a reflection of Canadian values. The reality is, however, that when it comes to BDS the Canadian government is out of touch with the people it represents.
BDS has been widely supported at Canadian universities. The undergraduate student society at McGill University, representing approximately 30,000 students, passed a motion to support BDS on 22 February, the same day the government condemned the movement (though the McGill vote ultimately failed to be ratified through an online process).
The vote at McGill was a first for the university, but only the latest in a wave of BDS votes on campus throughout the country. In the last three years alone, undergraduate student unions at McMaster University, theUniversity of WindsorRyerson UniversityYork University and the University of Toronto Scarborough all passed votes endorsing BDS.
Several graduate student unions have also done the same. University students, as represented by their student societies, hold different views of Israel than the government, seeing the state as a force of oppression in the world as opposed to a friend for Canada.
The Canadian populace at large is also less supportive of Israel than the government would like to acknowledge. No polls specifically measuring support for BDS in Canada have been conducted, but there are several other indicators that Canadians are at least split on the issue at large.
A May 2014 Forum poll found that Canadians are evenly split on who is responsible for the hostilities between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. A 2011 BBC World Service poll, meanwhile, found that 46 percent of Canadians surveyed support the recognition of a Palestinian state, with only 25 percent opposed.

Free speech violation

Regardless of public opinion, however, the recent string of anti-BDS motions appears to violate the enshrined Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada. The National Council on Canada-Arab Relations issued a statementnoting that the suppression of BDS activism violates freedom of speech.
The leader of the New Democratic Party, the third major party in Canada, also expressed shock with the motion, and most of his party’s MPs voted against it (though the NDP has also cracked down on pro-Palestinian protesters in the past).
Tom Mulcair, the NDP’s leader, said “This goes against the freedom of expression we hold so dear in our society,” adding that BDS can be opposed. “But to call upon the government to condemn someone for having that opinion, that’s unheard of.”
Mulcair said the motion “makes it a thought crime to express an opinion.”
It’s a shame that the Canadian government, whether Liberal or Conservative ruled, is insistent on uncritically supporting Israel. The Liberals could have taken a strong stance against Israel’s human rights violations when they got into power, as they won by a wide enough margin to throw their weight around. Instead, they’ve prioritized perceived economic and political benefits over justice, thereby undermining their claim to be more progressive than the Conservatives.
Davide Mastracci is an associate editor at the Islamic Monthly. He has written for a range of publications including Al Jazeera America, Alternet’s Grayzone Project, The Globe and Mail, and the National Post. Website:

US and Israel Rewrite History of UN Resolution that Declared Zionism is Racism

“Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination,” reads UN General Assembly Resolution 3379. The measure was adopted 40 years ago, on Nov. 10, 1975, and the majority of the international community backed it. 72 countries voted for the resolution, with just 35 opposed (and 32 abstentions).
Although little-known in the US today (it is remarkable how effectively the US and its allies have rewritten history in their favor), UN GA Res. 3379, titled “Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination,” made an indelible imprint on history.
The geographic distribution of the vote was telling. The countries that voted against the resolution were primarily colonial powers and/or their allies. The countries that voted for it were overwhelmingly formerly colonized and anti-imperialist nations.

Map of the votes on UN GA Res. 3379 (CREDIT: Wikimedia Commons)
The resolution also cited two other little-known measures passed by international organizations in the same year:
  • the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity’s resolution 77, which ruled “that the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, forming a whole and having the same racist structure”; and
  • the Political Declaration and Strategy to Strengthen International Peace and Security and to Intensify Solidarity and Mutual Assistance among Non-Aligned Countries, which called Zionism a “racist and imperialist ideology.”
When the resolution was passed, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Chaim Herzog — who later became Israel’s sixth president, and the father of Isaac Herzog, the head of Israel’s opposition — famously tore up the text at the podium.
Herzog claimed the measure was “based on hatred, falsehood, and arrogance,” insisting it was “devoid of any moral or legal value.” Still today, supporters of Israel argue UN GA Res. 3379 was an anomalous product of anti-Semitism. In reality, however, the resolution was the result of international condemnation of the illegal military occupation to which Palestinians had been subjected since 1967 and the apartheid-like conditions the indigenous Arab population had lived under as second-class citizens of an ethnocraticstate since 1948.
In 1991, resolution 3379 was repealed for two primary reasons: One, the Soviet bloc, which helped pass the resolution, had collapsed; and two, Israel and the US demanded that it be revoked or they refused to participate in the Madrid Peace Conference.
At the UN on Nov. 11, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power and Secretary of State John Kerry eulogized the late Herzog and forcefully condemned the resolution on its 40th anniversary.
In his 2,500-word statement, Kerry mentioned Palestinians just once, and only then as an extension of Israelis. In her remarks, Power did not mention Palestinians at all.

The “right” kind of “national liberation movement”

In his speech, Kerry smeared resolution 3379 as “anti-Semitic” and “absurd.” Kerry called it “a bitter irony that this resolution against Zionism was originally a resolution against racism and colonialism” and lamented that “reasonableness was detoured by a willful ignorance of history and truth.”
Sec. Kerry insisted “we will do all in our power to prevent the hijacking of this great forum for malicious intent” — a fascinating claim, considering how incredibly often the US itself hijacks the UN against the will of the international community, in the interests of both itself and Israel.
Kerry warned about “the global reality of anti-Semitism today” (he made no mention whatsoever of the global reality of rampant, rapidly accelerating, and viciously violent anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, and anti-Black racism), and implied that the “terrorist bigots of Daesh [ISIS], Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, and so many others” are part of this larger anti-Semitic trend. One could argue Sec. Kerry downplayed the severity of the present political situation by characterizing these fascistic groups’ violent extremism as rooted in anti-Semitic bigotry, rather than in radicalization under conditions of intense oppression, bitter poverty, and brutal tyranny.
The US secretary of state extolled “Zionism as the expression of a national liberation movement.” The national liberation movements of Vietnam, Korea, China, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia, Congo, South Africa, Burkina Faso, and so many more nations, however, did not get such approval from Washington; au contraire, they were mercilessly crushed under the iron fist of American empire. Traditionally, only right-wing and settler-colonial “national liberation movements” have garnered the US’s official approval.
“Why do we Americans care so much about the rights of others being respected?” Kerry asked unprovoked. “Because, in an interconnected world, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” He should tell that to the victims of US-backed dictatorships in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Brunei, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, and, once again, so many more nations.
“Times may change, but one thing we do know: America’s support for Israel’s dreaming and Israel’s security, that will never change,” Kerry proclaimed.

“Legitimacy” and imperial hubris

In her speech at the UN, Power, like Kerry, conflated the heinous Nazi attacks on Jewish civilians in the Kristallnacht with UN GA Res. 3379. Both speakers cited the abominable horrors of the Holocaust several times as reasons to support Zionism, glossing over the fact that Zionism was created in the late 19th century and that the Balfour Declaration dates back to 1917, decades before World War II.
Amb. Power — a serial warmonger and veteran blame-dodger — did what she did best: rewrote history in the favor of US imperialism. She called the resolution “1975 smearing of Jews’ aspirations to have a homeland” and insisted multiple times that resolutions like 3379 “threaten the legitimacy of the UN.”
Like Kerry, Power conveniently forgot to mention that, when it comes to the halls of the UN, there is no other rogue state as blunt as the US, which regularly spits in the face of the international community, defying UN resolutions, violating the UN Charter, and breaking international law when it sees fit.
Power’s speech exposed the fault lines in the contentious (to put it mildly) relationship between the US and the UN — that is to say, between the US and the international community. Such tensions are not the fault of the UN; the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of Washington, with its doctrinal “American exceptionalism” and the flagrant disregard for international law that so frequently accompanies such imperial hubris.

UN machinations

In their speeches, both Kerry and Power also thanked Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon, who was described by an Israeli Labor Party lawmaker as “a right-wing extremist with the diplomatic sensitivity of a pit bull” and who proposed legislation that would, in his own words, have the Israeli government “annex the West Bank and repeal the Oslo Accords.” Amb. Danon insists that God gave the land of historic Palestine to the Jewish people as an “everlasting possession” (while forsaking the US). He also told the Times of Israel that the “international community can say whatever they want, and we can do whatever we want.”
Netanyahu addressed the session with a video message. He claimed that Israel, which has for years led the world in violating UN Security Council resolutions, “continues to face systemic discrimination here at the UN.” In a January 2013 statement submitted to the UN Human Rights Council, the Russell Tribunal calculated Israel had defied a bare minimum of 87 Security Council resolutions.
The Russel Tribunal also crucially noted “that Israel’s ongoing colonial settlement expansion, its racial separatist policies, as well as its violent militarism would not be possible without the US’s unequivocal support.” The tribunal pointed out that Israel “is the largest recipient of US foreign aid since 1976 and the largest cumulative recipient since World War II” and that, between 1972 and 2012, the US was the lone veto of UN resolutions critical of Israel 43 times.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon joined Kerry, Power, and Netanyahu in the echo chamber, albeit with a bit more subtlety. “The reputation of the United Nations was badly damaged by the adoption of resolution 3379, in and beyond Israel and the wider Jewish community,” he said. Unlike the others, Ban condemned not just anti-Semitism, but also “wide-ranging anti-Muslim bigotry and attacks [and] discrimination against migrants and refugees.”
Although the Israeli government accuses the UN of bias, the evidence demonstrates the opposite. Secret cables released by whistleblowing journalism organization WikiLeaks revealed that the US and Israel worked hand-in-hand with the UN and Sec.-Gen. Ban in order to undermine investigation into and punitive action on Israel’s war crimes in Gaza.

“Something colonial”

The real victim of the 40th anniversary event was the truth — and, of course, as it was four decades ago, the Palestinians. Yet, while UN GA Res. 3379 was repealed, the truth cannot be revoked. Zionism was and remains an unequivocally racist movement — just like any other hyper-nationalist and ethnocratic movement.
None other than the founding father of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, recognized this elementary fact. In a 1902 letter to Cecil Rhodes — a diamond magnate and white supremacist British colonialist with oceans of African blood on his hands — Herzl, writing of “the idea of Zionism, which is a colonial idea,” requested help colonizing historic Palestine.
“It doesn’t involve Africa, but a piece of Asia Minor, not Englishmen but Jews… How, then, do I happen to turn to you since this is an out-of-the-way matter for you? How indeed? Because it is something colonial,” Herzl wrote. “I want you to… put the stamp of your authority on the Zionist plan.”
About Ben Norton

Ben Norton is a journalist and writer based in New York City. His work has been featured in a variety of publications. You can follow Ben on Twitter at @BenjaminNorton. His website is

Project For a New American Century and Clean Break: a New Strategy for Securing the Realm for Israel = Full Spectrum Dominance

See last posts here, herehere, herehere and here. This project is being spearheaded by NATO and Israel. It must be remembered that many of these strong Israel supporters have turned on the UN and they now believe that the United States should be a world empire. To learn more about Full Spectrum Dominance see here, here and here. To learn more about the Greater Israel Project see here. To see the former Ambassador to the United States admit that choosing the Sunni over the Shia is the less of two evils, go here and here. While that is not evidence of what I am saying here, it does make it more believable. Also, see this video where two United States Generals admit the funding of radical elements of Islam in the Middle East.

How Israel Shapes America's Foreign Policy

Project for the New American Century