Monday, February 22, 2016

PATENT 6011991 [Explained] Remote Brain Computer Interface – Neural Monitoring 01.04.2000

I published this in an earlier post located here. But I think it would be good to republish it once again. Please also see this post here. In addition, this is also a good video to watch about becoming a human node in a world surveillance network. The reality is, this is already happening.

PATENT 6011991 Remote Brain Computer Interface – Neural Monitoring  01.04.2000 

Abstract: A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored  brain activity. (Note: this is artificial telepathy.) The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmitted to a remote location (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity is compared with pre-recorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or patterns to determine if  a match or substantial match is found.

(Note: I can see this being applied to the human nodes on the network, (human beings under constant monitoring and surveillance) as well as going to the ABI (activity based intelligence) data being collected – going to thought based activity - for mapping & mastering the Human Domain. )

If such a match is found, then the computer at the remote location determines that the individual was attempting to communicate the word, phrase, or thought  corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal. 

(Note: Right now, this technology is being employed in Geospatial Intelligence, meaning  you  don't have the privacy of your own thoughts. This technology wasn't funded,  developed and patented for government and military use to sit on a shelf somewhere collecting dust. )

DESCRIPTION: This invention relates to a system and method for enabling human beings to
communicate with one another by monitoring brain activity. In particular, this invention relates to such  a system and method where brain activity of a particular individual is monitored and transmitted in a  wireless manner (e.g. via satellite) from the location of the individual to a remote location so that the  brain activity can be computer analyzed at the remote location thereby enabling the computer and/or  individuals at the remote location to determine what the monitored individual was thinking or wishing to communicate.​

 In certain embodiments this invention relates to the analysis of brain waves or brain activity, and/or to the remote firing of select brain nodes in order to produce a predetermined effect on an individual.

(Note: this is remote mind control – MK-Ultra directed not necessarily by human handlers, but by a computer system that sits on a Global Information Grid in a network centric environment. They can not only monitor your thoughts but they can modify your behavior remotely.​)


 Generally speaking, this invention fulfills the above described needs in the art by providing a method of communicating comprising the steps of: (Note: And here are the following 9 steps that will be employed:​)

1. Providing a first human being at a first location; (Note: this would be the equivalent of your patient zero or target node on the network.​)

2. Providing a computer at a second location that is remote from the first location; (Note: this would be the Geospatial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence System on the Global Information Grid.​)

3. Providing a satellite; (Note: this would be the 'space' component of the domain on the Global Information Grid.)

4. Providing at least one sensor (preferably a plurality--e.g. tens, hundreds, or thousands, with each
sensor monitoring the firing of one or more brain nodes or synapse type members) on the first human
being; (Note: This ties into the remote nano sensing devices discussed in Geospatial symposiums and papers.​)

5. Detecting brain activity of the first human-being using the at least one sensor, and transmitting the
detected brain activity to the satellite as a signal including brain activity information; (Note: Once you're a human node on a geospatial intelligence network with a unique BioAPI or network identifier, this is a piece of cake for them.​)

6. The satellite then sending this signal including the brain activity information to the second location;  (Note: or in other words, down to the Global Information Grid for processing.​)

7. A receiver at the second location receiving the signal from the satellite and forwarding the brain
activity information in the signal to the computer; (Note: the human terrain analysis tool and the A.I. Programs are being developed to identify the signal in the noise....this brain mapping technology goes to that aspect of GeoINT.​)

8. Comparing the received brain activity information of the first human being with normalized or
averaged brain activity information relating to the first human being from memory. (Note: This goes to mapping individual human nodes (human beings on the system) for normalcy patterns, from a telepathic ABI standpoint, by way of mapping the human brain activity casting a neural net over humanity.​)

 9. Determining whether the first human being was attempting to communicate particular words,
phrases or thoughts, based upon the comparing of the received brain activity information to the
information from memory. (Note: If it can distinguish 'reminiscing thought' from present time/space activity communication of words, phrases or thoughts, this technology can, in essence, determine intent (just like in the movie Minority Report ) – before the action is executed by “the first human being” Can you imagine the massive implications of this technology layered on to the A.I. Core of the GeoINT network system!​ Do you understand the potential for abuse!  Do you know that they can currently hack into Pacemakers? What do you think they will do with this?)

In certain embodiments, the invention includes the following step: asking the first human-being a
plurality of questions and recording brain activity of the first human-being response, to the plurality of  questions in the process of developing said normalized or averaged brain activity information relating to the first human-being stored in the memory. A database in a memory may include, for each of a plurality (e.g. one hundred or thousands) of individuals, a number of pre-recorded files each corresponding to a particular thought, attempt to communicate a word, attempt to communicate a
phrase or thought, or a mental state. (Note: this goes to the artificial intelligence and GeoINT's ability to detect and read emotions.) Measured brain activity of a given individual may be compared to files from that database of that individual to determine what the individual is attempting to communicate or what type of mental state the individual is in.  (Note: this capability is within the GeoINT context and goes to “Answering questions before they're asked."​)

In certain embodiments, the plurality of questions are the same question.​

In certain embodiments, the plurality of questions are different questions.

In certain embodiments, the invention includes the step of normalizing or averaging recorded brain
activity responsive to a given question or set of questions in developing the normalized or averaged
brain activity information relating to the first human being.​

It is an object of this invention to enable brain activity of a first human being to be monitored, with the activity being transmitted to a remote location so that individuals and/or a computer at the remote
location can determine what the first human being was thinking or intending to communicate. In such a manner, human beings can communicate with one another via monitoring of brain activity, and
transmission of the same.

(Note: this is synthetic telepathy for humans to communicate with other humans, and the ability to read or map brain functions and send that information to a machine for processing and interpretation for an actionable response – by the AI system.​)

It is another object of this invention to communicate monitored brain activity from one location to
another in a wireless manner, such as by IR, RF, or satellite. (Note: In other words over the domain of land, air and space.​)

It is another object of this invention to provide a system capable of identifying particular nodes in an
individual's brain, the firings of which affect characteristics such as appetite, hunger, thirst,
communication skills (e.g. which nodes are utilized to communicate certain words such as "yes", "no", or phrases such as "I don't know", "I'm not sure", or numbers such as "one", "two", "ten", "one
hundred" and the like), thought processes, depression, and the like. When such nodes are identified,
they may be specifically monitored by one or more sensors to analyze behavior or communication or
words, phrases, or thoughts. In other embodiments, devices mounted to the person (e.g. underneath the scalp) may be energized in a predetermined manner or sequence to remotely cause particular
identified brain node(s) to be fired in order to cause a predetermined feeling or reaction in the
individual, such as lack of hunger, lack or depression, lack or thirst, lack of aggression, lack of
alzheimer's disease effects, or the like. (Note: The 'devices mounted to the person can be wetware or wearable technology. The remotely transmitted neural stimulation can also trigger the exact opposite of the predetermined feelings and reactions mentioned - - fear, depression, aggression, anxiety. How about pain? That has serious implications stemming from the complete blocking of, or the inducement of this sensation remotely.​)

Brain node firings are the basis of thought and mind processes of individuals. Certain embodiments of this invention enable such brain firings and behavior to be captured by an external device. It is an
object of this invention to utilize a normalization or normalizing curve (or waveform or pattern) based upon monitored brain activity to detect or determine thought processes by the monitored individual. In such a manner, individuals can transmit by satellite what they are thinking or intending to think via their monitored brain activity, without the need to talk or write down information.​

 Each individual has a distinct pattern of brain node firings or brain activity. Each person is believed
to be different in this regard. Thus, a separate brain activity file may be stored in a memory for each
individual, and analyzed or compared to received brain activity from the monitored individual in order to determine what that individual is thinking or attempting to communicate. (Note: This also goes to creating a unique bio identifier for each human network node based on their individual, unique brain activity signature. This also goes to cataloging and establishing 'norms' based on an individuals brain activity in addition to the mind reading capability identified here.​)

It is an object of this invention to utilize brain monitoring and transmission of monitored brain activity for lie detection and/or human communication. (Note: This AI technology would be able to “read” a person who is telling the truth or lying by the interpretation of body language, voice intonations and facial expression and make a determination for a course of action.​)

It is another object of this invention to formulate or build-up a file for each individual based upon
patterns recorded in response to that individual answering or responding to numerous predetermined
questions with known intended responses. Subsequently, monitored brain activity from that individual may then be compared to information stored corresponding to that individual to determine whether the individual is lying or what the individual is intending to communicate in the monitored brain activity. The higher the level of detail of the file, the higher the level of potential communication by certain embodiments of this invention.​

 At least one sensor on the scalp or skin in certain embodiments provides signals representative of
physiological activity generated in the brain of a monitored individual. A data acquisition device
receives the signals representative of the physiological activity generated in the monitored brain, and
transforms the signals into a pattern or curve corresponding to the monitored brain activity. This is
then transmitted (e.g. by satellite) to a computer located at a remote location, with the monitored brain activity pattern or curve being stored in a memory at the remote location. The computer then causes the received pattern or curve information to be compared with stored brain activity pattern information relating to the monitored individual in order to determine (a) whether the monitored individual is lying in response to a particular question, or (b) what the monitored individual is communicating or attempting to communicate. (Note: They have the capability and now with the Global Information Grid in conjunction with GeoINT, to reduce humanity to the sum total of the data collected on each human network node. Not only that, your every activity, transaction, communication and yes, even your inner most personal thoughts will be cataloged and uploaded to a hive based AI system on a network centric Global Information Grid.​)

Another object of this invention is to utilize normalization curves representative of received brain
activity patterns from the monitored individual, and to compare the received normalized data with
normalized brain activity pattern or curve data stored in memory relating to that individual. The use of normalization curves in one or both of the individual's file and received brain activity improves
reliability, accuracy, and efficiency.​

 In certain embodiments of this invention, the computer located at the remote location includes a
neural network suitably programmed in accordance with known neural network techniques, for the
purpose of receiving the monitored brain activity signals, transforming the signals into useful forms,
training and testing the neural network to distinguish particular forms and patterns of physiological
activity generated in the brain of the monitored individual, and/or comparing the received monitored
brain activity information with stored information relating to that individual in order to determine
what the individual is attempting to communicate. (Note: Again, this goes to the already known capabilities of the A.I. system and GeoINT and expands on those capabilities using remote command and control aspects of MK-Ultra.)​

This invention further fulfills the above described needs in the art by providing a method of affecting a mental or physiological state of an individual, the method comprising the steps of:​

1. providing at least one firing device capable of being energized on an individual; and​

2. energizing the firing device to cause the firing device to cause a particular or group of brain nodes
to be fired in the individual in order to affect the mental or physiological state of the individual.  (Note: Again, The “device” being referred to can be wetware, wearable technology or directed signal transmission in the form of RF, FM, microwave, ELF or electromagnetic.)​

3. In certain embodiments, the method including the step of providing at least one firing device on or
under the scalp of the individual in proximity of the brain of the individual.​

4. In certain embodiments, the method including the step of identifying at least one brain node related to the mental or physiological state intended to be affected, targeting the identified brain node, and
energizing the firing device or devices to cause the identified node to be fired in order to affect the
mental or physiological state of the individual. (Note: This is among the other diabolical applications - remote behavior modification prior to the perceived behavior being acted out.​)

5. In certain embodiments, the method is utilized to cause the individual to be one of less hungry, less thirsty, less anxious, and less depressed.  (Note: Or, as I previously pointed out, it can be used to cause the exact opposite. To what end is served by making a person or population who are starving 'not feel hungry'? Or a population in a region with no access to water to feel 'not thirsty'. The proponents of global dominance, of mastering the human domain and the technology that will be used to accomplish this agenda are not benevolent. My question is, will this technology be used to euthenise individuals or entire population centric regions? I don't know the answer and we can all speculate, but one thing's for sure, this technology has the capability to identify, target and eliminate people on many levels.​)

6. In certain embodiments, the remote node firing devices are electrically energized and generate
electromagnetic waves which cause a plurality of brain nodes to be fired. (Note: One thing we know for certain, we are bio electrical in nature – we are frequency based beings and the disruption, 
interference or manipulation of these frequencies can have devastating and dire effects on us.)

Research Links:
President's Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues letter to respondent 07.27.2011
Patent # 003951134 Distant Brain Reading & Brain Wave Manipulation 4.10.1976
Patent # 6011991 Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of
brain activity 01.04.2000
Patent # 6470214 USAF RF Hearing Effect for skull/tissue penetrating sound
Patent # 6587729 Similar to Patent # 6470214

Sunday, February 21, 2016

PATENT #3951134 [Explained] Distant Brain Reading & Brain Wave Manipulation 4.10.1976

I published this in an earlier post located here. But I think it would be good to republish it once again. The patent was from Robert. G. Malech for a company that was bought by a major military contractor. Robert Malech was one of the individuals that made Microwave Scanning Antennas possible.


DoD & Military Patents for Government Application

PATENT 3951134 Distant Brain Reading & Brain Wave Manipulation 4.10.1976

Abstract: Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject
whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of  the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject's brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.


The present invention relates to apparatus and a method for monitoring brain waves wherein all
components of the apparatus employed are remote from the test subject. More specifically, high
frequency transmitters are operated to radiate electromagnetic energy of different frequencies through antennas which are capable of scanning the entire brain of the test subject or any desired region thereof.

The signals of different frequencies penetrate the skull of the subject and impinge upon the brain where they mix to yield an interference wave modulated by radiations from the brain's natural electrical  activity. The modulated interference wave is re-transmitted by the brain and received by an antenna at a remote station where it is demodulated, and processed to provide a profile of the subject's brain waves. In addition to passively monitoring his brain waves, the subject's neurological processes may be affected by transmitting to his/her brain, through a transmitter, compensating signals. The latter signals can be derived from the received and processed brain waves.

(Note: This would be any type of wireless, RF or microwave receiver/transmitter local or remote)


 It is therefore an object of the invention to remotely monitor electrical activity in the entire brain or
selected local regions thereof with a single measurement.

(Note: this serves two purposes, 1) creating a unique bio identifier or BioAPI for each human network  node, 2) Mapping your mind. Creating a unique Human Terrain for every human node on the GeoINT network.)​

Another object is the monitoring of a subject's brain wave activity through transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves.

(Note: With the technology being employed by GeoINT, this can be done on an individual or population centric basis.​)

Still another object is to monitor brain wave activity from a position remote from the subject.​

 A further object is to provide a method and apparatus for affecting brain wave activity by transmitting electromagnetic signals thereto.

(Note: the apparatus they are referring to in this section is wearable tech. They are talking about manipulating your brain via network broadcast.) 


A profile of the entire brain wave emission pattern may be monitored or select areas of the brain may
be observed in a single measurement simply by altering the scan angle and direction of the antennas.

(Note: they have had the technology to map your mind, now they have the ability to deploy this technology on a large scale – this is how they intend to master the human domain, or, to apply the same analysis and monitoring that they have been using for emails and phone calls on the human being.) 

There is no physical contact between the subject and the monitoring apparatus.

(Note: again, this goes to creating human nodes on the GIG that will be monitored and controlled by the GeoINT system.) 

The computer also can determine a compensating waveform for transmission to the brain to alter the
natural brain waves in a desired fashion. The closed loop compensating system permits instantaneous and continuous modification of the brain wave response pattern.

(Note: this is remote mind control being conducted over a network, MK Ultra taken from a scale of one to one, to a scale by orders of magnitude.​)

In performing the brain wave pattern modification function, the computer can be furnished with an
external standard signal from a source representative of brain wave activity associated with a desired
neurological response. The region of the brain responsible for the response is monitored and the
received signal, indicative of the brain wave activity therein, is compared with the standard signal.

The computer is programmed to determine a compensating signal, responsive to the difference between the standard signal and received signal. The compensating signal, when transmitted to the monitored region of the brain, modulates the natural brain wave activity therein toward a reproduction of the standard signal, thereby changing the neurological response of the subject.

(Note: this sounds a lot like remote behavior modification. In other words, these systems are able to determine behavioral patterns considered to be out of the norm based on parameters set by the HTA (human terrain analysis) tool using ABI (activity based intelligence) - - it appears, at least according to this patent, they can identify 'undesirable' brain wave patterns and correct them.  So, the question is.... is this how those humans determined to be 're-educatable' are going to be reprogrammed?)

It is to be noted that the configuration described is one of many possibilities which may be formulated without departing from the spirit of my invention. The transmitters can be monostratic or bistatic. They also can be single, dual, or multiple frequency devices. The transmitted signal can be continuous wave,pulse, FM, or any combination of these as well as other transmission forms. Typical operating frequencies for the transmitters range from 1 MHz to 40 GHz but may be altered to suit the particular function being monitored and the characteristics of the specific subject. Various subassemblies of the brain wave monitoring and control apparatus may be added, substituted or combined. Thus, separate antennas or a single multi-mode antenna may be used for transmission and reception.

(Note: I would add that the microwave and electromagnetic antennas and voluntary wearable technology with receive & transmit capabilities which can and probably will, be used for this as well. This patent was registered 39 years ago and I'm sure they've made significant leaps and bounds regarding the 'foot print' of the receiver/transmitter technology as well as in the area of range and remote targeting.) 

Research Links: 

President's Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues letter to respondent 07.27.2011

Patent # 003951134 Distant Brain Reading & Brain Wave Manipulation 4.10.1976

Patent # 6011991 Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of
brain activity 01.04.2000

Patent # 6470214 USAF RF Hearing Effect for skull/tissue penetrating sound

Patent # 6587729 Similar to Patent # 6470214

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Zersetzung Part 3 - The New Homeland Security

I have written previously about the Stasi and Homeland Security. Along with reading this article about Zersetzung, I highly recommend reading the first and second article in this series.

Also, download this free Stasi tactics bookIt is interesting to note that the idea for the Stasi came from the Bolsheviks and the Cheka

It absolutely must be mentioned that Jews played a leading role in the development of Bolshevism and the Cheka. (To learn more about this, see herehereherehere and here.) They have also played a major role in the development of the new Homeland Security laws. Also, see this post about classified technology that allows them to stalk, harass and torture you remotely. 


Zersetzung Part 3

Informants have apparently been used to frame targets for crimes or to participate in staged events which foster character assassination. A person may not be aware of some of these set-ups.  First, see this article about front groups and how they are established near a target to help with slander, character assassination, organized stalking and intelligence gathering. Then, see these articles about slander and covert torture techniques using classified technology.

Some staged events may include people provoking targets into confrontations.  Recurrent confrontations by family members, friends or unusually hostile strangers, can be common. Seemingly homeless people who are well-dressed and very clean will get into confrontations with targets... and create big public scenes.

As an example, let's say a woman target spoke with a man who had often made stomping and banging noises in the apartment above her. After she spoke with him about this, which occurred even during his absence, he immediately complains to the building manager that she was stalking him. He conveniently forgets to inform the building manager that he had assiduously 'courted' this individual for several months, without success; and that he had been following her around on a regular basis, bumping into her at different locations in a seemingly random way, but, way to often to be random.

Presumably, these setups and staged confrontations are done to get targeted people into the penal or mental health system. At the very least they can aid with recruitment. See here and here about recruiting. Also, photos, or video footage taken of an enraged target after they have been antagonized and set-up, may also assist with a smear campaign when leveraging support of the community to facilitate the removal of the target. Multiple complaints filed independently which entail the same report may also achieve this.

Local police participate in stalking and have framed people for crimes. See here for more.

Similarly, during the former Cointelpro, there were routine set-ups, and fabricating of evidence used to destroy a person's character or have them imprisoned. But this obviously hasn't stopped. According to the December 7th 2003 issue of the Sunday Herald, the FBI is on record using multiple informants to frame innocent people for crimes by having informants commit perjury. This can be done legally in the interest of "national security." The article sited a 141-page report by the House Committee on Government Reform, which stated that the FBI rigged evidence, and used informants to provide "false testimony," so that innocent people would be imprisoned. Oddly enough, some of these informants were murderers!

"Well over 20 murders were committed by FBI informants," the report revealed, and to protect them federal law enforcement "actively worked to prevent homicide cases [from] being resolved." The committee also concluded that "officials in FBI Director J Edgar Hoover's office were well aware that federal informants were committing murders." The article continued quoting Judge Nancy Gertner saying, "It is hard to conceive of accusations that shake the legal system closer to its foundation that would do more to challenge this nation's most basic assumptions of honesty, fairness, and trust in the administration of justice." She added, "All in the name of 'national security.'"

In his book, The Franklin Cover-up, former Senator John Decamp wrote, "In case after notorious case entirely unrelated to Franklin, Justice Department [DOJ] personnel appear as liars, perverts, frame-up artists, and even - assassins." Apparently Senator DeCamp experienced significant turbulence while investigating a child sex ring which included prominent individuals in Washington D.C. According to DeCamp, the elite used the FBI to orchestrate the cover-up.

 Friends and Family

If you're targeted, friends and family may be recruited to break you down. They may participate in harassment skits intended to make you look incompetent, inconsistent, hypocritical, and to mock and demoralize you.

New friends, may be used in an attempt to do the same.  These 'friends' pose as confidants and abruptly end these 'friendships' under deliberately degrading and humiliating circumstances. When taken in the context of the ongoing surveillances and harassment, these exercises appear intended to heighten emotional trauma, perhaps to provoke an uncontrolled response and/or to enforce isolation.

If you're targeted and live with someone who has been co-opted, perhaps a friend or family member, they will probably be forced to carry out some of these harassment tactics. At home they may frequently repeat your thoughts back to you and talk about something similar to what you are doing to let you know that you are under surveillance, make noise and just be generally annoying.

Traps may be set, such as items frequently falling out of freezers or cabinets as you open them. Phone conversations which occur while you're present will be loud and contain information about your personal life. Out in public, these friends or family members may be forced by their handlers to guide you through and participate in Street Theatre, where they will interact with other citizen informants to harass you. These skits will be intended to make you feel foolish, incompetent, or inconsistent.

Thefts and Break-ins

When break-ins occur there is usually no sign of forced entry, and they occur when the target is sleeping or elsewhere. This is the case even if there is a Hi-Tech security system in place. In virtually all such cases investigated, the burglars leave evidence of their visits, such as by relocating objects, or by committing petty and not-so-petty acts of vandalism. You have to understand that the people that are engaged in doing this have access to technology that surpasses anything that most people know of.

This happens at the home as well as the workplace if the target is fortunate enough to be employed. Targets have reported clothing being ripped, milk, coffee and other items poured out, and small-scale damage. Items may be stolen and brought back at a later date, and they may move items and place them in a slightly different spot. These are essentially Gaslighting tactics.

Victor Santoro claims that these subtle memory games can be used to drive people insane. Small things such as pens, shoes, and silverware are taken or tampered with so people will seem delusional if they file a police report. Burglarizing your home is very, very common, a lot of times they'll leave evidence of their visits, just little small changes in the target's home which is noticeable. Executive Order No. 12333 states that these break-ins can be done legally.

Interestingly enough, surreptitious break-ins, thefts, and sabotage were a staple part of the old Cointelpro. Other tactics Santoro advocates include filling a target's gas tank, or substituting items of his clothing with ones a size smaller. If you're unaware that you're targeted, as most people are, then these small changes may be attributed to a lapse in your memory. If these tactics are used in combination with others, then as Santoro illustrates, you may think you're going insane.

Gunderson also spoke of Gaslighting tactics, which he described as "psychological warfare." In his personal experience with what is presumably state-sponsored harassment, he has noticed bits of furniture and other items being moved around during surreptitious break-ins. He states they are, "so arrogant that they almost always leave subliminal messages of their... entry." The logic is that a thief would never break into your home and leave a computer or stereo and just steal a toothbrush, or pour out a portion of your milk.

In his book, Subliminal Mind Control, John J. Williams wrote, "If you are being subjected to a secret and involuntary subliminal experience it is a malevolent, sinister and often dangerous attack against you that you have every right to vigorously oppose and thwart as if you are a POW or someone has broken into your home to rob you of what is rightfully yours." He warns, "In fact they have broken into your mind, and are trying to rob you of your free will. Even in cases where there is actually an intended positive outcome."

Sabotage, Vandalism and Staged Events

Targets may regularly experience acts of vandalism. Electronic equipment may frequently be failing. People have reported having electrical systems in their cars, brand new appliances, TVs, radios, PCs, and other electronic equipment suddenly die, or act strangely.

Targets may experience frequent computer trouble such as failing hardware. Ongoing computer problems which do not follow any logical pattern may also occur. Some of this can be attributed to the E-bomb which can destroy electrical equipment while not damaging humans.

Many times this vandalism is usually just below what you'd report to the police. For instance, a small but noticeable portion of your masonry has been chipped off, and a crack has appeared in one of your windows. This may be restricted to minor vandalism, just to let you know that you're under surveillance. However large-scale property damage is also done to homes and vehicles, such as slashed tires, broken windows, tampering with break lines, and destruction of electrical equipment.

Some targets have report that their pets die or are being tortured as a retaliation for a target taking action to expose them. See herehere, here, here and here for more information regarding electronic warfare.

Automobiles are one of the biggest targets, they slash tires, they smash the windows, drain the oil out of the cars, fool with the electronic components and batteries.

Vehicles invite peculiarly ferocious attacks in these harassment campaigns-slashed tires, smashed windows, oil drainage, oil contamination, destruction of electronic components and batteries... grounded fuel gages and suddenly failed brakes and clutches occur. Recurrent break-ins and auto thefts have also been reported. Some targets will also experience staged accidents and insurance scams.

Multiple seemingly independent vehicles can be used to facilitate an accident which can appear to have been caused by a targeted person. Add to this, multiple independent witnesses (informants) and you have a recipe for murder or a framing. In fact, "accidental" deaths have reportedly occurred. Once more, the Stasi would do similar things. "Car brake-leads have been cut, accidents and deaths reverse-engineered," noted Funder.


When targets drive, they may be surrounded by vehicles driven by citizen informants who frequently cut them off and tailgate them. Targets will experience more tailgating and cut-offs than what would naturally occur. Vehicles will frequently pull out past stops signs as the TI approaches an intersection. This is apparently done to startle them.

While traveling on the highway there will be a rotation of vehicles that surround targets. These vehicles may be marked with an identifying feature, or a color that they've been sensitized to. This seems to function as both an NLP tactic to trigger negative emotions which have been anchored to the feature, as well as a method to unite the group and promote group cohesiveness. In other words, it is similar to a uniform, or a squad car.

There will also be a rotation of people tailgating targets. These vehicles may cut them off after they've been tailing them for a while. Apparently this is done to imply that they weren't going fast enough. When done in a recurrent manner by multiple vehicles, this antagonizing behavior may also serve to encourage the target to accelerate, which may result in them getting pulled over. This may be especially effective if they're not aware that they're targeted.

City and state vehicles which may stalk targets in public, include: off-duty metro buses, school buses, local restaurant delivery vehicles, city and construction vehicles, fire trucks and ambulances, police cars, postal and UPS vehicles, taxis, and 18 wheelers. Helicopters and small planes have also reportedly been used to stalk people. As will be revealed in the Informants section, many of these are vehicles belonging to organizations which have been selected for recruitment into the citizen informant programs.

Convoys of vehicles which are all spaced the same distance and traveling at the same speed will participate in stalking. Within this convoy, there may be several vehicles exhibiting traits that a target has been sensitized to with NLP. These traits are thereby symbolic of a uniform. For instance, most or all of them will be a shade of red. Or most of them will have their lights on, even during the daytime. Or they may have the same bumper stickers. During the evening targets may experience frequent Brighting while driving or walking.


Vehicular Brighting is an attack. It seems to be strategically used with corners. For instance, if you're targeted and you're walking down a quiet street late at night, you'll see vehicles repeatedly turn onto or off of connecting streets. Their timing is such that they continually turn the corners while you are at it. This effectively blinds you. This happens frequently at corners. Or, as you walk down a side street, there is one or more cars parked on the side, facing your direction with the lights on. They will also wait for you to approach them and then pull out into the street, thereby Brighting you as you walk by.

These Brighting tactics are maximized when a vehicle has one headlight grossly misaligned. The misalignment produces a Hi-Beaming effect. Like other tactics, frequency and duration play an important role here. Lights being shined into a target's windows have also been reported. "Among the most common non-lethal weapons are bright lights," wrote Dr. Alexander, in his book, Winning the War. He says, "The intent is to reduce risks of injury... by temporarily hindering the eyesight of the targeted personnel." He also wrote of the use of bright lights on targeted people in his book, Future War.


Job opportunities will be trashed. Most targeted people are unemployed. Many would be in the street if it weren't for parents, siblings, or friends. Targets who are employed are usually mobbed. "Progressive financial impoverishment, [is] brought on by termination of the individual's employment, and compounded by expenses associated with the harassment.

During her investigation she concluded, "The majority of those now in contact with the Project - educated, white-collar professionals - have lost their jobs. Termination of employment in many of these cases involved prefatory harassment by the employer and co-workers [Mobbing], which coincided with the other overt forms of harassment..."

According to an article in The Christian Science Monitor entitled, Blacklisted by the Bank, Blacklisting was originally used as a foreign-policy tool. At some point federal organizations obviously decided to start using it on individuals as well. Slander may play an important role in Blacklisting. Also there are Blacklists and software packages used to check these lists for suspected "terrorists," "threats to national security," etc. Apparently this is a flourishing business and some organizations are required by law to use it.

An August 2004 article entitled, The Surveillance-Industrial Complex, by the ACLU, stated "An entire industry has sprung up to produce software that makes it easier for companies to enforce the government's blacklists and other mandates. An example is 'Homeland Tracker,' produced by a subsidiary of the giant database company Choicepoint to 'help any business comply with OFAC and USA PATRIOT Act regulations.'" The article notes that the software has a feature called "accept and deny lists... otherwise known as blacklists."

Federal law enforcement has sent these watch lists to corporations. They contained the names of individuals that were not under official investigation or wanted, but that the agency just had an interest in. We already know that some of these agencies are targeting and harassing citizens. Unbeknownst to many, these agencies are apparently deliberately destroying careers on a massive scale. Wired NewsWire spoke of these Blacklists on August 9, 2004, in an article entitled, Big Business Becoming Big Brother. The article concluded, "There is no way to determine how many job applicants might have been denied work because their names appeared on the list."

A form of Blacklisting has also been used on Russian dissidents by the state. In his book, The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov, a member of the plain-clothed People's Brigade declared, once a person was targeted, they were "treated like a leper and could only get the worst jobs."(*) To accomplish this Blacklisting, the USSR used something called a workbook. The workbook was used to advance or destroy careers. If you were cooperative with the state, your career could be very successful. If not, you would live in poverty.

In East Germany dissidents were Blacklisted as well, and their careers were destroyed. After the wall came down they were allowed to inspect their files, and learned why they were unable to get jobs or enter into universities. Dr. Munzert, speaks of the similarity between what is now happening and what the occurred in Germany; he says the goal is "to bring their finances down," by making them "loose their job."

If you've previously been mobbed out of employment and are blacklisted, the mobbing may continue during interviews. Presumably, this is used to further traumatize you.

Interview questions may be asked with accusing, or mocking tones. Questions may also be asked using certain key words, regarding the environment you just left, which only you and your former co-workers (who Mobbed you) would know. These questions are obviously designed to trigger negative emotions which have been linked to a previously painful work environment, where you experienced mobbing. They may ask these questions over and over using a slightly different syntax.

If you're targeted, during an interview you may have potential employers demanding credentials that they did not list as a requirement in their AD. During phone interviews you may have employers telling you that you responded to an AD other than the one that you actually responded to. They may also tell you that they did not place the AD, or that they placed a slightly different one. You may be told that your updated resume says you're currently working at a place that you never worked at, or a place you worked at a decade ago.

The harassment is masked in layers of accommodation to help strengthen the illusion that you're not working because you don't choose to. For instance, you may have recruiters who have harassed you in the past leave messages on your answering machine or with relatives/friends, indicating that there are opportunities available to you. It will be made to look as if you're unemployed due to your choice. The general public may not realize that Blacklisting exists because the institutions that use it operate most major news outlets. Reporters and historians are also Blacklisted for reporting corruption or historical facts that the Zionist complex does not want the public to be aware of.

Publishers Weekly, gives an editorial review on of a book entitled, Into the Buzzsaw, authored by Kristina Borjesson, in which they state, "The buzzsaw is what can rip through you when you try to investigate or expose anything this country's large institutions be they corporate or government want kept under wraps." This "buzzsaw" is what others have called the Invisible Government. The review continues, "Reporters who tattle risk losing their jobs and being blacklisted... [by] concerted corporate and/or government efforts to kill their controversial stories and their careers."

 Communications Interference

Targets experience tampering or lost mail. During the former version of Cointelpro, they would blatantly watch homes, follow cars, and open mail. The idea was to get as much info as possible to aid in the harassment and intimidation of their targets.

The Stasi too, "inspected all mail in secret rooms above post office," described Funder, "and intercepted, daily, tens of thousands of phone calls." Dr. Munzert noted that one objective of those running this program is to "disrupt the communication systems of the victims." Targets usually receive lots of wrong phone number calls or harassing telephone calls. These pranks may be linked to an event unfolding in the target's personal life. The phone has historically been an excellent harassment tool.


Targets may also be stalked online. Search engine results may be filtered (blocked) and replaced with information in a target's personal life. Websites that a target visits may be spoofed and contain information which is apparently intended to let the target know they're being stalked in the internet as well. This appears to be simply an online version of the public stalking. If you have a website devoted to exposing this program, you may have people constantly harassing you, emailing you to flame you, or claiming that they are victims and asking for support while making references to subjects unfolding in your personal life. This tactic may be used to foster a sense of hopelessness and isolation.

If you're targeted, you may receive "unsolicited" email that parallels a current event in your life. Or you may receive covert insults and threats. If you join a support group, you may also receive harassment via threads posted on message boards. Like other mediums of harassment, the topics of these threads may be about events that are unfolding in your personal life, as well as threats or insults covertly directed at you.

Your email may be blocked or filtered and your web activity may be monitored. Carnivore, DCS1000, or similar tracking software can accomplish some of this.(**) If you try to sell things online, participate in online discussions groups, or respond to employment Ads, you will probably be interrupted, trashed, or harassed.

Some people have reported that their inbox is clogged with junk messages even if they have filters on. These unsolicited emails may contain cryptic borderline-subliminal attacks. The words will be garbled but contain letters that convey a message when arranged in the correct order. Or they may contain a sounds like message. Your mind will automatically piece these letters together so they make sense. This is done on the fly, without you being aware of it.

These messages may contain junk in the body and the TI may not be able to reply to it because it came from a bogus address. These cryptic attacks are mentioned in the book, Subliminal Mind Control, by John J. Williams. If you're targeted, the message will probably pertain to something in your life situation. Any weakness you have can be exploited.

For instance, if you're going bald and have been looking for treatment, you could receive the following attack:

To: John Doe
Subject: Euro Balding Tummy
Body: asdfl;jkasdflkkjasdf;lkjasdfljkasdfl;jkasdfl

The harassment of some targeted people is more than likely broadcasted around the country via closed circuit TV to the politically powerful and those with connections in intelligence and organized crime.

In the workplace this can easily be done by surveillance systems, which many businesses now have in place. A report based on a survey conducted on over 500 companies appeared in the May 19, 2005 issue of Business Wire in an articled entitled, Statistics Show Rise in Surveillance of Workers. It stated, "More than half of the companies surveyed use video monitoring to counter theft, violence and sabotage," and that the number of businesses conducting surveillance is increasing.

This might be used for the purpose of "creating a sense of unity, [and] for identifying TIs who are to be harassed on the street." In addition to facilitating group cohesiveness and identifying targeted people, McKinney noted that it seems to be a "major source of entertainment" for the individuals participating in this harassment. Similarly, more overt degenerates have been known to record their actions so they can "re-live" the experience.

"Covert workplace surveillance is big business," stated the Denver Rocky Mountain News, on April 30, 2001. "Secret monitoring of employees has grown dramatically," echoed Knight Ridder in their August 6, 1997 article entitled, The Boss is Watching as Workplace Surveillance Grows. According to these publications, the equipment is installed after hours and includes miniature cameras hidden in thermostats, light switches, and on walls and ceilings that are located in changing areas, locker rooms, break rooms, and even bathrooms. Apparently, there have been some lawsuits concerning this.

Electronic Warfare

My goal here is to provide evidence that these weapons exist and are being used on the civilian population. They are also known as, Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Psychotronic Weapons, Less-lethal Weapons, and Electromagnetic Weapons. Most targets are hit with these weapons. See herehere, herehereherehereherehere and here for more information.

These weapons or similar ones are currently being used on a massive scale against citizens of North America and other NATO nations. Dr Munzert refers to "Directed energy weapons" as the "high-tech arms of the century," and adds that they are "part of crimes (in Europe) that almost nobody knows [about] except the victims and the offenders." Although the surface intention for the creation of these weapons is to save lives, the evidence suggests they are being deliberately misused on a global scale as a traceless form of slow torture.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Power of the Little Known Jewish Sayanim

 A  (sing. Sayan; Hebrew: helpers, assistants) is a Jew living outside Israel who provides assistance to Israel and/or the Zionist cause by utilizing the capacity of their own nationality to procure assistance. He or she must be 100% Jewish, and in many cases a dual national. This assistance includes first and foremost, eyes and ears on the ground, plus facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the hundreds of thousands.

“With a network of ‘sayanim’ scattered everywhere throughout the world (as described by ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky in his book ‘By Way Of Deception’) Israel literally has millions of eyes and ears, watching and listening to everything as it all pertains to the Jewish state.”

It is certain that not all Sayanim are recruited by Mossad talent-scouts in the Diaspora lands of their birth where they hold citizenship; some are recruited while on visits to Israel. Ever since Israel was proclaimed in 1948, it has been an objective of the Zionist movement's premier international organisation, the World Jewish Congress (WJC), to achieve a bonding between Jews of the Diaspora and Israel.

This policy was articulated with astounding frankness by Zionism's foremost strategist of the 20th century, Nahum Goldmann. Goldmann co-founded the World Jewish Congress with Rabbi Stephen S. Wise in 1934 and was president of the WJC from 1949 to 1977. In his book, The Jewish Paradox (1978), he argued that this bonding process be implemented among Jews in their late teens when all young people are at their most idealistic and impressionable.

Goldmann advocated that as many young Jews as possible be enabled to go to Israel for what are now known as 'gap-years', within or just before university education, for immersion in the Israeli way of life by way of working on kibbutzim or in one of the social services — or even as recruits to the Israeli Defence Force.

He even had the effrontery to argue that the governments of Diaspora nations sympathetic to the Jewish cause would facilitate this process and, indeed, might be persuaded to donate funds from their respective national exchequers to help pay for it!

Whether this is, or has been, done by the Canadian or American government I do not know. But several Zionist charities which organise and (nominally) pay for such gap years in Israel for young Jews holding Canadian or American nationality all publish registered charity numbers which means their funds are exempt from taxation, so the operation certainly has an indirect subsidy courtesy of the Canadian or American taxpayer.

During their stay in Israel the most avid young Zionists who also possess the required intellects and personality traits are recruited and, no doubt, given training. The process is very little different in principle from that perpetrated by the Soviet NKVD spymaster who recruited and trained the ring of Soviet spies at Cambridge University just before World War II: Guy Burgess, Donald Duart MacLean, Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt & Co. were able to penetrate the highest reaches of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) during the war when Britain was allied to the USSR. They frustrated and subverted British anti-Soviet intelligence operations during the Cold War.

The only difference between the Soviet-British and the Zionist-Jewish operation is that the Zionists are doing it on a continuous, global, mass-production basis and are carrying out the work of spotting, recruiting and training each new wave of young talent within the borders of Israel where such activity is outside the scope of the laws of Diaspora countries.

One example of a Sayanim mission, in Britain and Italy they assisted with the 1986 abduction and smuggling to Israel (drugged, in a packing case) of Mordechai Vanunu, (also watch this here,) the Christian-convert Israeli scientist who blew the whistle on Israel's secret nuclear bomb-making facility at Dimona.

An Israeli “investment” in a Sayanim can sometimes hit the jackpot like when a lowly political figure rises (often with Jewish money,) through the ranks to get the top job. For example, when “Sarco the Sayan” suddenly emerged as the most infamous accolade of French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The influential French daily Le Figaro revealed that the French leader once worked for — and hinted that perhaps he still does work for Israeli intelligence as a sayan.

The French police were investigating documents concerning Sarkozy’s alleged espionage activities on behalf of Mossad, which Le Figaro claims dated as far back as 1983. According to the author of the message, in 1978, Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin ordered the infiltration of the French ruling Gaullist Party, Union pour un Mouvement Populaire. Originally targeted were Patrick Balkany, Patrick Devedjian and Pierre Lellouche. In 1983, they recruited the “young and promising” Sarkozy, the “fourth man”. Source

Sayanim are usually not Mossad spies or agents like Pollard and Robert Maxwell. They are Jews living outside Israel (often with dual passports) who aid the Mossad, the state of Israel... or the Zionist cause of a homeland for the Jews.  During any operation, the Sayanim will perform illegal acts in the country where they are living if politicians and law enforcement turn a blind eye to what they are doing. It really comes down to the amount of political power Jews have in the country where they are operating.

Mossad and Sayanim perpetrates such activities in every Diaspora land where there is a Jewish community simply because the governments of most nations (especially Britain, the USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Poland) are normally reluctant to take effective action to stamp out such subversion for fear of:

Why Mossad's Bosses Know They Are Able To Get Away With Murder:

Shrill accusations of "anti-Semitism”; or fear that local friends of Israel organizations will cease making cash donations to their establishment political parties; or pressure from the USA, which is always willing to assist Israel because its entire political system and mass media are dominated by Zionist-Jews or non-Jew careerists whom they have suborned.

Sayanim are indispensable in locating potential threats that
may need to be kept under surveillance, for gathering
intelligence and for false flags and political assassinations

As mentioned, Sayanim are Jewish citizens of nations all over the world. They usually are not Mossad agents or assets themselves, (an example could be a Jewish Journalist or a Jewish RCMP officer who spies for Israel,) they just go about their lives until one fine day, they see something suspicious and report the information that gives them further directions, and boom... there may be a job for them.

Or, a potential problem might have been located where an agent can begin to infiltrate.  A Sayanim might have located the potential problem and pass on the necessary information to intelligence to begin the operation.  Much like military reservists, Sayanim are activated when needed to support an operation. By agreeing to be available to help the Jews and Israel, they provide an on-call undercover corps and force–multiplier that can be deployed on short notice.

When not aiding an ongoing operation, Sayanim gather and report intelligence useful to Israel. This often times volunteer corps is also deeply embedded in legislative bodies, particularly in the U.S and Canada. They are also embedded in any profession where blackmail-able information can be obtained.

A perfect example of this is would be Jews who possess massive amounts of  blackmail gold like Noel Biderman  who runs adult websites like Ashley Madison only for married people... ie websites facilitating adultery.  In August a group called the Impact Group hacked and released data. The data dump included 36 million email addresses for 33 million accounts, along with user names,credit cards, personal IP addresses, street addresses, and phone numbers. Odds are that Biderman is a Mossad Sayan or an asset. Just like some of the Jews running the pornography businesses.

But, even more powerful are individuals like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, or Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google, who already have close relationships with American intelligence agencies.

Morris Amitay, former executive director of the AIPAC, explains how this invisible cadre aids the Israel lobby in advancing its geopolitical agenda: “There are a lot of guys at the working level up here [on Capitol Hill]…who happen to be Jewish, who are willing…to look at certain issues in terms of their Jewishness. These are all guys who are in a position to make the decision in these areas for those senators. You can get an awful lot done just at the staff level.”

According to Ostrovsky and Gordon Thomas, the Sayanim provide assistance of various kinds to Mossad officers operating in foreign countries. This assistance can include intelligence gathering, keeping an eye on potential threats and political targets, slander and stalking campaigns, and facilitating medical care, money and logistics.

The best Sayanim are in positions of power and are capable to doing whatever it takes for the state of Israel. They can be Judges, Court Clerks, Expert Witnesses, Child Protective Service Workers, Assistant District Attorneys, Intelligence Officers (for example like CIA or CSIS,) Police Officers, (like the RCMP or FBI,) or anyone with a great degree of power over the lives of others.

The most promising Sayanim are will do anything at the behest of Mossad case officers (katsa) for the State of Israel against its enemies or those perceived to be unfavorable politically to Israeli policy. (see “By Way of Deception”, Victor Ostrovsky). Sayanim are not always directly involved in intelligence operations, and are sometimes only paid for their expenses.

All the larger Universities have Sayanims placed in key locations from the Dean to the Admission Officers, to the loans, and the scholarship personnel. Societies, such as Hillel, will shepherd a young Jew throughout his college career.

The Chabad sect is also believed to be linked to Mossad. You can see more information about them here.

For sure, this little known topic is not discussed openly very often, and you can obviously begin to see the reason why. It is something that has to be kept secret in order to increase the level of its political power and prowess.

The Russian Mob - Who Are They Really?

What I would like to do is to tell you in more detail about what real organized criminals are doing in countries like the United States and Canada. When I say "real" organized criminals, I'm talking about criminals that are so embedded in the political and economic framework of your government that they are  the definition of what "organized crime" really is. They are literally the electricity or the fuel for your government. Once you understand this, you will begin to see a protected class when it comes to money laundering. (See here for more about the bankers and the money changers.)

There have been many new developments in organized crime during the past few years, and although the mass media have carefully avoided talking about these developments, never using the word "Jew" and referring only to "Russian" organized crime when they do occasionally mention the subject, a book was published by Little, Brown and Company, which provides a reasonably good introduction to the topic of Jewish organized crime. The title of the book is Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America. See this previous post about how they are working with the Law Enforcement. Also, watch this video. (For other good books about Jewish organized crime, see here, here, here and here.)

Interestingly, the author of the book, Robert Friedman, is a Jew himself, so it will be hard to charge him with being a so-called anti-Semite. Though some might call him a "self-hating" Jew. Whatever that means. Certainly, the Jewish gangsters turn on each other often enough in Friedman's account. Both in Russia and in the United States, members of the Jewish mobs machine-gun and bomb each other today even more readily than the members of the Italian gangs used to shoot it out in Chicago back in the 1930s. And although Friedman adopts the standard media ploy of referring to the gangsters as "Russians," he really cannot help revealing that nearly all of them are Jews.

For example, when he comments on the reluctance of the FBI and local and state police to crack down on the so-called "Russian Mafiya" or even to investigate it, he notes, and I quote: ". . . [I]n general, state and Federal law enforcement agencies were loath to go after Russian mobsters, instead devoting their energies to bagging Italian wiseguys . . . . And because the Russian mob was mostly Jewish, it was a political hot potato, especially in the New York area." -- end quote --

Friedman even points out that the mainstream, "respectable" Jewish organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, pressured the police agencies to take it easy on their kinsmen in the Jewish crime gangs, claiming that any publicity associated with investigations or arrests would -- quote -- "foster anti-Semitism" and lead the Gentile public to protest against the continued influx of Jewish gangsters into the United States from the Soviet Union as "refugees." Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, however, writes Friedman, and again I quote: "Jewish organizations continued to lobby the Justice Department to downplay the threat posed by the Russian mob. 'The Russian Mafia has the lowest priority on the criminal pecking order,' admitted FBI spokesman Joe Valiquette during a 1992 interview." -- end quote -- Well, I'm sure it hasn't been too difficult lobbying the Clinton Justice Department to be nice to Jewish gangsters since they have been the source of so much of Clinton's campaign money.

The Anti-Defamation League, of course, has a long history of cozy associations with Jewish crime bosses and with the FBI, giving the Jewish pressure group a great advantage in pulling the necessary strings to shelter the most important of the Jewish gangsters from prosecution. And it wasn't just the Anti-Defamation League which sheltered the flood of Jewish thugs, extortionists, murderers, drug dealers, slave traffickers, and racketeers pouring in from Russia. The Jewish religious establishment in America did everything it could to facilitate the influx.

That's a noteworthy point because the Jewish gangsters are portrayed by apologists for the Jews as being barely Jewish, Jews with no real consciousness of being Jewish, while the Jewish religious establishment is portrayed as being a pious bunch of rabbis, especially the Orthodox Jewish establishment. Actually, it was in the Orthodox establishment that the gangsters formed their most useful connections.

(See here for the Wikipedia write-up about Chabad and here for a website created by Jews about the problems with Chabad. You can also see this post for more information about Chabad, the JDL, the Jewish Task Force, the Intelligence Agencies and Homeland Security.)

Friedman points out that the first of the Jewish mob's godfathers in the United States, Evsei Agron, owed his crime career to a politically connected Orthodox rabbi, Ronald Greenwald. Rabbi Greenwald had gotten his political connections working for Richard Nixon's 1972 reelection campaign. He was Nixon's ambassador to the Jewish community. In the 1980s Rabbi Greenwald became mob boss Agron's one-Jew think tank and facilitator. Mob insiders report that most of Agron's rackets were planned in Rabbi Greenwald's Manhattan office. A leading mob member in Toronto, Joseph Sigalov, is also a leader in Canada's Orthodox Jewish community and the publisher of an influential Orthodox newspaper.

So, if these Jewish mobsters get invited to Democratic Party fundraisers and serve as advisers to Republican re-election committees and are in tight with the Orthodox Jewish religious establishment, and if the FBI thinks they're not really as important as the Italian gangsters, maybe we shouldn't worry about them either. Maybe they're really not such bad guys. Maybe they're just nice, Jewish boys who sometimes step over the line and break the law.

Well, the Italian gangsters certainly don't look at them that way. A member of the John Gotti gang in New York was recorded with a wiretap warning an acquaintance: -- quote -- "We Italians will kill you. But the Russians are crazy -- they'll kill your whole family." -- end quote -- This view also is shared by policemen who have had to deal with the Jews. A New York City policeman told Friedman, and I quote: "The Russians are ruthless and crazy. It's a bad combination. They'll shoot you just to see if their gun works."

One leading Jewish gangster in the United States, Monya Elson, was a hit man, a contract killer, before he became a gang boss. He began by murdering Ukrainians in Kishinev, his home town. Then he went to Moscow and murdered Russians. Then he came to America and began murdering Americans. He boasts that he has more than 100 confirmed kills. And it's not just that the Jews are more ruthless, vicious, and bloodthirsty than the members of the Italian Mafia. They are smarter, better organized, better protected politically, and much greedier: while the Italian Mafia is stealing a million dollars, the Jewish Mafia is stealing a billion. Finally, there are many more Jewish gangsters in America than Italian Mafia members. By the early 1990s, there already were some 5,000 hard-core Jewish gangsters from the former Soviet Union operating in the New York area alone. That's more than the members of all of the Italian Mafia families in the United States.

And the Jews are continuing to pour into the country from Russia. The current flood began nearly 30 years ago, when corrupt politicians in the Congress, working with mainstream Jewish organizations and the largely Jewish influenced media, enacted legislation which opened a sewer line from the Soviet-Jewish underworld to America. The late Washington Democratic Senator Henry Jackson, who had an influence on Neo-Conservatism and supported Jewish causes, spearheaded the effort to tie trade agreements between the United States and the Soviet Union to an increase in the flow of Jews from the Soviet Union to the United States.

The pretext for giving special status to Jews, for using U.S. economic power to persuade the Soviet government to permit Jews to leave when no one else could leave, for allowing the Jews who left to come to the United States without the usual immigration background checks -- even for having American taxpayers foot the bill for flying them over here and then pay for subsidized housing, food stamps, and other special benefits for them -- all of this was based on the pretext that Jews were persecuted in the Soviet Union. The mass media over here portrayed the Jews in the Soviet Union as the principal victims of Communism, rather than as its originators and its principal beneficiaries. That's an especially egregious example of  a "big lie" technique, in which one brazenly stand the truth on its head. This can be done because there is a monopoly-like control of the media where no one can contradict the "official" message. A message that is nothing but propaganda .

Friedman interviewed a well-known Jewish gangster in Miami, known to his associates as "Tarzan." His real name is Ludwig Fainberg. He came to the United States from Ukraine, a country whose natives have traditionally hated the Jews, for very good reasons. Fainberg is not a religious Jew, but he certainly is very Jewish, the kind of Jew the real Ukrainians instinctively despise. But was Fainberg persecuted in Ukraine? Hardly. Friedman reports, and I quote: "To . . . [Fainberg] being Jewish simply meant having certain privileges. 'Jews were the richest people in town,' he told me. 'Jews had cars, Jews had money, Jews lived in nice apartments. We were comfortable. My mother had nice clothes and jewelry. We took a vacation once a year to Odessa, a stunning city with a boardwalk and gorgeous beaches. It was filled with mobsters and entertainers. It was a city with a Jewish flavor.'" -- end of quote -- Fainberg is describing his life as a Jew in Ukraine in the 1960s and 1970s at the height of the supposed persecution of Jews by the communist regime. There was persecution, all right, but it was the Ukrainians who were persecuted by the Jews, not the other way around.

The same story is told by other Jewish gangsters. Marat Balagula, the Jewish godfather of organized crime who succeeded Evsei Agron in New York after the latter was assassinated, also came from Ukraine. He told Friedman, and I quote: "Jews had some of the best positions in the country, They were the big artists, musicians -- they had big money." -- end of quote --

The Soviet government did crack down on dissidents of all races, of course, and this included those Jews who tried to undermine the government's policy in the Middle East because they considered it pro-Arab, just as it included Ukrainian nationalists and other ethnic separatist groups. But it did not include members of the Jewish organized crime gangs, who were not dissidents. The Jewish criminals were happy with the situation in the Soviet Union, because it allowed them to exploit the Russians and the Ukrainians. They already were living high on the hog in the Soviet Union when their kinsmen in the United States opened the border to the Promised Land for them, and they seized the opportunity to live even higher on the hog.

The collapse of Communism made things worse for the real Russians and Ukrainians, because it destroyed the order in their countries and allowed Jewish gangsters to run wild, plundering and pillaging at will. But it did not dampen the desire of many of them to come to the United States and plunder and pillage even more. Friedman quotes Boris Urov, formerly the chief investigator of major crimes for the Russian attorney general. Urov said, and I quote: "It's wonderful that the Iron Curtain is gone, but it was a shield for the West. Now we've opened the gates, and this is very dangerous for the world. America is getting Russian criminals. Nobody will have the resources to stop them. You people in the West don't know our Mafiya yet. You will. You will!" -- end quote --

The name of the game in Russia after the breakup of the USSR in 1991 was "privatization." It was praised by the bought politicians and the controlled media in the West as a giant step toward a free-enterprise society, with inefficiently managed state-owned enterprises and natural resources being sold to private businessmen, who, spurred by the profit motive, would manage everything much more efficiently, resulting in a great increase in Russian productivity and prosperity. That was the theory. Actually, privatization was a massive looting of Russia's wealth by politically connected Jewish criminals. The bureaucrats inside the government made "sweetheart" deals with the Jewish mobsters outside the government, who in any case were the only citizens with the capital to buy anything.

Everything which previously had been owned, in theory, by all the people collectively and managed by the state ended up in the hands of oligarch-like Jewish gangsters, and the Russian people had nothing, not even in theory. Instead of becoming more prosperous, the Russian economy declined every year in the 90's from the end of Communism in 1991. The Russian people were reduced to a state of beggary. While Russian and Ukrainian peasants kill one another fighting over a few potatoes in the fields, in Moscow and St. Petersburg and Odessa Jewish criminals cruised the boulevards in their Mercedes, wearing diamonds and furs, eating in glitzy restaurants where a meal costs more than a real Russian earns in a month, and patronizing sex clubs stocked with beautiful Russian women.

The Jewish gangsters and criminals weren't even trying to use the stolen wealth of Russia to get the country back on its feet. Like a plague of locusts they have devoured everything they could, and the rest they have moved out of the country. Hundreds of billions of dollars of Russia's capital was taken out of the country every year. It's not just that they want to be the richest people in a rejuvenated, capitalist Russia. Their greed is purely destructive. It's a grab-and-run operation. When the U.S. government, through the International Monetary Fund, sent billions of dollars in loans to Russia, it simply disappeared. The Jewish gangsters squirrel it away, and it was never seen again in Russia. And over in the United States politicians pretended that they didn't know what's going on.

But they knew what was going on. A steady stream of reports broke out of Russia and people caught wind of what was happening. They reported that Boris Yeltsin and the crowd around him were all on the take and were controlled by the Organizatsiya. But the Bush administration and then the Clinton administration pretended not to know. All the Bushites and the Clintonistas cared about was that Yeltsin was the candidate being promoted by the politically connected Jewish criminals in Russia -- and of course, by the heavily Jewish-influenced media over here -- and so they promoted him too.

I don't know whether or not you remember when Yeltsin was running for reelection in 1996. All of the media people in the United States were sweating it. They were afraid that a real Russian nationalist, a Russian patriot, might win. The Clinton government was holding out the promise of more money for Russia only if Yeltsin won. In fact, Bill Clinton was campaigning as hard for Yeltsin's reelection as Yeltsin was.

I'll tell you what would have happened if an honest and intelligent Russian nationalist had won instead of Yeltsin. He would have replaced the key leaders in the Army and the secret police with people he could trust. He would have done this carefully but quickly. And then he would have sealed Russia's borders and halted communications with the rest of the world for perhaps 48 hours. At the end of that time there would not have been a Jewish gangster or a collaborator with them left alive in all of Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church would make him a saint, and the Russian people would remember him with gratitude and affection for as long as the Russian nation lasted. But of course, with all of the controlled media in Russia pushing hard for Yeltsin, and with plenty of vote-stealing going on, Yeltsin was reelected, and the looting of Russia continued.

And in America the Jewish mob has continued to consolidate its power. The Miami gangster, Ludwig Fainberg, was really gloating when he explained to Friedman the difference between the Jewish situation in Russia and the American situation and what the Jewish gangsters have in mind for America. The Jews of Russia are cunning predators, he explained. That's the way they have survived the hard conditions there for centuries. But the Americans are soft and trusting, like sheep ready to be fleeced and slaughtered. American laws were made only to be broken by the Jews.

A New York police detective lamented to Friedman, and I quote: "Why are we being victimized by non-citizens who can run to Israel or Russia and can't be extradited? The Russian gangsters have told me that they've come here to suck our country dry. . . . How did the Russian mob become so entrenched? They are into Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid fraud. Why is it that every ambulance service in Brooklyn is run by the Russian mob? Why are so many of their doctors practicing without a license? They have invaded Wall Street from boiler-room operations to brokerage houses. Nothing is too small for them to steal. Even the guys with the multimillion-dollar Medicare scam still have to have their food stamps." -- end of quote --

I'll add two comments to Friedman's report on Jewish organized crime in America. First, it will not be stopped, no matter who wins the White House this year. The FBI has essentially put the Italian Mafia out of business in the United States during the past decade, but it won't put the Jewish Mafiya out of business, and the reason is that the Jews have vastly more money at their disposal for corrupting the system than the Italians ever did, and America is rapidly becoming as corrupt as Russia.

In fact, I have a strong suspicion that the reason the FBI suddenly made a major effort to cripple the Italian Mafia was to make room for the Jewish criminals. The Italians and the Sicilians thought they had the fix in, but the Jewish criminals trumped them with a bigger fix. In the sort of country America has become since the Second World War, any criminal organization run by intelligent men with hundreds of billions of dollars at their disposal to corrupt the system -- and with the protection of the mass media -- can't be stopped by governmental action. Individual Jewish gangsters will be arrested, and have been arrested in the past, but the sort of decisive action needed to stop Jewish crime cold will not be taken.

My second comment is that the Jewish Mafiya does not operate in a vacuum. It operates within the Jewish community as a whole. It operates with the support of the Jewish establishment, from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith to the financial industry, Hollywood, and the New York Times. It also operates with the support of the Christian establishment, from Billy Graham up to the Pope.

These support groups won't put up a fuss if the FBI arrests a psychopathic Jewish contract killer or an extortionist or two now and then, but any realistic effort to stamp out the real problem will have all of the support groups screaming bloody murder. To use other words, what we must deal with is not a criminal problem but a Jewish crime problem. The problem will be solved only after this fact is generally understood.

Meanwhile, the American sheep had better resign themselves to a good fleecing.