Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Dropped Over 29,000 Bombs On a Place the Size of Las Vegas With 3 Times the Population

This is not about right or left, don't be stupid, face the truth. Your countries are supporting terrorism.  Learn the history of what is going on there. Our whole world is connected to this, remember, many of the people that support the WEF strongly support the state of Israel. WHY? Why is Israel allowed to flaunt all international law?  Who else could get away with this? 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

One of the Greatest Allies of Canada and the USA

See here and here for more about this craziness. (Be sure to scroll down to old posts.) How stupid is the world to believe these people? Many of them are entitled psychopaths

DARPA's Control Grid

This is an important document that everyone MUST read. It was written about Eben Moglen, see his lecture in this must see video about "The Inevitable Problems of Technology: World Surveillance and the Totalitarian Technocracy." 

Everything in the video below is from government documents. You might want to pause it every once in a while to read it all. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

This One Is Going Out to the Ambassadors of Israel, the "Distinguished" Ambassador Homo Erectus, Ambassador Neanderthal and Ambassador Homo Habilis

Here is One of These Advanced Specimens Below
Thank God for Evolution! Ya Ambassador Neanderthal!

Was He Supposed to Be Showing Up At
The WWE (Wrestling) Rather Than the UN? 
Watch the Whole Presentation, He Even Has "Props" Like Carrot Top,
He Learns From the Best of Them. (The Struggling Artist!)
Apparently, defenseless woman and children and a people without a country, a state,
tanks, planes, helicopters, aircraft carriers or submarines, or a military are comparable to one of the most ferocious military war machines the world has ever seen! (the Nazi's.) This is not just Ambassador Neanderthal saying this.  (Many Israeli's say this because they think you are morons.) 
Hitler will rise up from limbless 8 and 9 year old children without a military or a state
who have been deprived food, water and proper medical facilities or equipment. 

For Another Opinion on This Situation, See This Guy:

Civil War And More Slaughter: Israel's Dark Future

Itamar Ben Gvir is the Minister of National Security in Israel. He is the one being referred to in the first video about handing out machine guns to the Israeli people. Imagine if he was at the head of Homeland Security or Public Safety in Canada.  I don't think people understand how insane this is, he was supporting terrorism and terrorists in the past. See these connections between Israel, Canada, and the USA in Public Safety Canada and Homeland Security. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Truth .... Two Israeli's I Have Some Respect For - It is Very Hard to Tell the Truth Today- We Also Need More People to Speak Up About Corruption in North America

Our world is drowning in lies. --- and because of that, it lacks order and meaning.  

I am still looking for the complete video,
it is not easy to find anymore

Monday, September 4, 2023

Baruch Ben Yosef In His Own Words

This guy is a supporter of the current government in Israel. American-Israeli terrorist-turned-lawyer Baruch Ben Yosef in his own words.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

More Reports of Microwave Weapons and Sonic Weapons

See this post too. Apparently, no one cares about this in Canada, including the RCMP and CSIS. There is evidence of it being used way back to the 70's.  (Also see here for old tests done using soundwaves.) Some of these methods do not need to be in a car or a backpack, they can be done from hundreds of miles away and from space. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Public Safety Canada Warns About Harassment of Canadians By the Chinese Government But Doesn't Care About Zionists Harassing Canadians

Read this:

How Interesting eh? Talk about pure insanity. So, apparently Zionist psychopaths can attack the Canadian population but Chinese government agents can't? 

Why isn't the famed supposed whistleblower Edward Snowden talking about any of the advanced technology I am referring to? How does someone like Edward Snowden get on TedTalk, the CBC, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, John Stossel, and the shows of two comedians, namely John Oliver and Joe Rogan. It is pretty simple, it's because Edward Snowden is a phony and a liar by omission like many spies.  The appearance of truth is just as dangerous and sometimes even more dangerous than lies. 

Monday, April 17, 2023


 Also see here and here.  Also see here and here for more about weaponizing nanotechnology from neuroscientist Dr. James Giordano.