Showing posts with label Psychiatry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychiatry. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2024

Where's the Justice? Must Watch Documentary: Absolute Evil- Learn the History of Manipulation of Human Beings With Classified Technology (Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Jordan Peterson, Sam Vaknin, Brett Steenbarger, Les Carter, Do You Know About This? I Know Many Of You Do and You Are Complicit in Covering it Up)

See here for more about Ewen Cameron. The documentary below is an absolute must watch. Be sure to watch the whole presentation. You will learn how long this technology has been around and the massive human rights abuses that have been perpetrated. This is something that is rarely talked about, in fact, it is extremely difficult to find information on this topic. Also, be sure to watch this old news clip from CNN in the 80's. Also interesting are movies from the 80's like Videodrome and Brainstorm

See here and here for more about classified and hi-technology. See here for more about MkUltra. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles when you click through on the MkUltra link.) See here for more about Transhumanism. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles and videos when you click on the Transhumanist link.)

Saturday, April 22, 2017

A Collection of Posts About Mental Illness

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
- Jiddu Krishnamurti 

1.  The second post on mental health, must see:

2.  The third post on mental health: Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union-Now Happening in Canada & USA:

3. Fourth post on mental health: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA:

4. Fifth post on mental health: see here: Psychiatry: The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?

5. The sixth post on mental illness; The DSM Manual - Learn More About Psychiatry and Mental Illness:

6. Look at the classified technology: look at the microwave weapon technology: these people are complete psychos. See here for the intelligence techniques they engage in to discredit people and drive them crazy:

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The DSM Manual - Learn More About Psychiatry and Mental Illness

See a previous video on the topic of abusing political dissidents with mental health facilities. For more articles on the topic of mental health, look under the psychiatry category here. (Be sure to scroll down and see all the articles.)

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Psychiatry: The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?

See a previous video on this topic here. For more articles on the topic of mental health, look under the psychiatry category here. (Be sure to scroll down and see all the articles.) Below is another interesting video about psychiatry. While they say much of psychiatry is ridiculous, not all of it is. There are some cases when drugs can help people. Generally speaking, true schizophrenics are a good example of this. A true schizophrenic always has symptoms of schizophrenia at a very young age... it is not something that is developed later in life.

This is why psychologists are generally more useful than psychiatrists. (Though there are some psychologists that are hacks because it requires a lower educational entry level.) Most people don't even know the difference between the two. Psychologists can't prescribe drugs. A good psychologist will teach you quality mental coping skills that are beneficial for your life. Also, it is unfortunate that much of recent empirical experimentation and studies dealing with psychology are being used for the control and manipulation of citizens. This works perfectly with the surveillance state that has been kicked into high-gear since September 11, 2001.

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA & Other Western “Democracies"

See here for a previous article that touches on the topic of abusing political dissidents by throwing them into mental health facilities. Watch the documentary below. Areas of psychiatry are being increasingly debunked as valid science and seen to be what they were historically set up for ---- a strategy initiated by 19th and 20th century old-world, eugenicists, racists, and control freaks to prop-up a fraudulent State-supported methodology of social control with the help of pharmaceutical companies.

This isn't to say that there are no good people that are psychologists or decent psychiatrists working in the industry --- it's just that the very beginnings of psychiatry are suspect and the DSM Manual was massively connected to the CIA right from the beginning. (See here and here for more about this.)

But, most importantly, it’s useful to remember that throughout the last two centuries it has been used as a tool by totalitarian governments and authoritarian groups ---- the East German Stasi, the KGB of the Soviet Union, the US secret agencies among them --- to crush dissent, destroy truth, and silence credible witnesses.

See previous posts on this topic below the video.

Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Now Happening in Canada and the United States

MKULTRA Scientists and Electromagnetic Weaponry

CIA Mind Control Techniques MKULTRA Program Brainwashing

Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron: The Psychopathic Canadian Psychiatrist Behind "Psychic Driving"

Canada Psychiatrist Concerned About Remote Influencing Weaponry Affecting Mental And Physical Health

Just Remember the Ad Hominem Video... Don't Let Them Destroy the Message by Trying to Destroy the Messenger

Zersetzung - The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State Part 2

Is This Still Happening In Canada? Dr. Ewen Cameron Lives On --- the Nazis Didn't Lose the War, They Just Had to Move...

Transhumanism and its Connections to Eugenics and Political Control

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Farce of the Mental Health Profession - If They Don't Care About This, They Don't Care About Your Mental Health

My headline is the truth. The reality is, the mental health profession must become more evidence based and less speculative. How can they properly diagnose mental illness when technology exists that can influence individuals in ways that very few people know? One of the reasons why they don't want to deal with this, is because it benefits the "powers that be" to have someone committed that is a problem to them. This is what they used to do in the former Soviet Union, and in East Germany with the Stasi. In East Germany, it was called Zersetzung. See here, here and here for more about the Stasi and its techniques.They are now doing this in Canada and the United States under Homeand Security and Bill C-51.

See herehere and here for more about using directional sound to create the hearing of an inner voice. Also see here and here for more about the microwave hearing effect. See here for more about a Canadian Psychiatrist who concerned about remote influencing weaponry affecting mental and physical health. 

See here and here for more about psychotronic and electromagnetic weapons. Also, see here and here. CNN briefly talked about this technology way back in the 80's, see here. (See in the CNN clip how he says they can make people do stuff they normally wouldn't. That was in the 80's. Similar to this.) See here for the attempted ban on this technology by former U.S. Representative from Ohio and candidate for the president of the United States Dennis Kucinich. Even Wikipedia talks about electromagnetic warfare here

Friday, March 25, 2016

Monday, February 24, 2014

For Those Who Like to Say "I'm Crazy" or "I Need Help"

This is a repost of an earlier blog.

I put that in the title of this article because I want readers of this blog to remember... the stuff you are going to read on this blog, you will not find anywhere else.

Most of the media that you get is controlled. When you see some of the stuff that I begin talking about you will soon see how it is different than most of the information you read. I would honestly say that as much as 95% of alternative media is controlled, and 100% of the mainstream. If it is popular, it is completely controlled.

Just remember that in George Orwell's 1984, Oceania had a massive amount of media. It was done to cause media overload ... and it was all controlled. This is the world you live in. It is almost all fake. They will give you a lot of truth in the alternative media, but... they will leave out the 15% that makes a huge difference. It's the part that makes you see the big picture.

Now, if you've seen or read anything about me already... think or believe whatever you want. However,  I would appreciate if you withhold your judgment until you read everything I say on this blog. Remember the ad hominem video I posted earlier.  In the end, it is the message that counts... not the messenger.

I want to point a couple things out to you...

1. There may be a reason why someone is trying to discredit or shut me up

2. Organized crime and your governments, the military, and the intelligence agencies specifically, have technology that can influence human behavior in ways most people wouldn't even imagine until someone points it out to them. They also have horribly invasive spy technology that sounds like science fiction until you realize it is just classified and hidden from the public

3. I know something about Judaism and Zionism that most people don't

As for me... I have been threatened on at least three occasions I can remember, I have had someone threaten to kill my mom's dog when I was staying at her house, (incidentally the dog ended up dying of a brain tumor.) Update: it's actually a lot worse. I have had people stalking me all over North America... even on planes. My family has also been stalked. I have had my car vandalized. My mother and stepfather's business was vandalized and sabotaged.

I am sure there has been a dossier collected on me and passed out to all the people who used to be in my life. I'm quite sure the same thing has happened to people in my immediate family. Basically, my whole families life was infiltrated. I think some people who used to be close to me have also been bribed or threatened to monitor and follow me. I am quite positive that I've been under an insane level of surveillance for at least 7 years. I am also fairly sure that my family and even my extended family have been under surveillance, but not at the same level as me.

And last but not least....I'm having MY THOUGHTS READ and I don't know how long this has been going on.

I'm fairly sure that the program was initially started out to discredit me, but then they wanted me to join some sort of intelligence organization. They basically try to blackmail, bribe or financially break someone to go into this. I have been involved in some sort of MKULTRA program, (the MKULTRA program might have changed names, but it's still going on).

I've had muscle spasms, headaches, sleep deprivation, anxiety, phobias, mood swings and crazy thoughts for at least 7 years. Along with this, I've been phobic about going outdoors or being around other people which lead to massive amounts of isolation. (Update: See here first. Then see herehere, here, and here for some interesting links between Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and electromagnetic fields.) For the last few months, I have been doing much better, though I still get muscle spasms and mood swings.

Now, you might say this is mental illness. Remember ad hominem. I KNOW the technology exists to do all of what I posted above and I will be focusing on that in future posts. But, to get you started ... please see this blog post. It features coverage from CNN that talks about electromagnetic weapons. After this, go here here and here.

As for mental illness and the business of psychiatry... it would be advisable to take it with a grain of salt when you understand its history. At one time, the head of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association and the Society of Biological Psychiatry was doing mind control experiments for the CIA in Canada at McGill University. The CIA's KUBARK interrogation and torture manual refer to "studies from McGill University." It was also the American Psychiatric Association that created the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) manual. 

Now, this is really important... there is a reason behind this manual:

1. ) To benefit the pharmaceutical industries, and...

2.) To diagnose illnesses for people having experimentation done on them. Much of the technology they are using for mind control mimics these symptoms

In essence, psychiatry is essentially a pseudo-science with a bell curve of supposed social norms and any deviation outside of these norms is deemed to be abnormal and in need of medication.

Here is a video to watch on the DSM manual:

Who are intelligence agencies using mind control and testing energy weapons on?

I would say two groups specifically:

1.  Abnormal people that fall outside of the bell curve of what is deemed as supposed social norms. Incidentally, these same people might also be perfect to recruit because they are not normal in the DSM sense of the term. These may be people who society would deem as having mental illnesses or abnormal abilities of some sort.

2. Political dissidents and whistleblowers.  It's a nice feedback loop. This way they can do their testing and at the same time discredit those that are saying things they don't like. Once they discredit these people, they cannot speak out about it.  They want to get dissidents to act out or do something stupid to discredit themselves. These people are saying things about those in power... and those in power do not like it. It works out beautifully for them. They want to discredit and shut dissidents up. Once they do that, they get their icing on their cake because they can continue to torture and test weapons on them and often a dissident can't speak out because they have been compromised.

Now, one might ask.... why would they want you to join some sort of intelligence program? That's a good question. The answer is probably quite simple... to help me out and to shut me up. To make their job easier and my life easier. In other words... a bribe.

Most people think of intelligence agencies and they think of James Bond movies. But that's ridiculous. That isn't what they do.

Most of what they do now is propaganda, journalism, writing, media and very high-tech surveillance. Once you understand how high-tech the surveillance will begin to question if there is even such a thing as the war on terror--- because if is real --- they could have found Bin Laden in no time flat. They also should have been able to stop 9/11.

At the absolute least, they knew where Bin Laden was for a very long time. That means most of the media you are getting is completely false. Think about that. When I begin to show you the level of technology they have you will understand that most of your news is complete bullshit.