Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Christianity is Edom or Esau?

Now, I honestly don't know how many Jews believe this. But, many Jewish Rabbis do believe this.  

By the way... it is impossible for Christianity to be Esau (Edom) as Christianity is the younger brother of Judaism, just like Jacob is. Christ and David both compare themselves to Jacob as they are saying the heel is against them. Jacob is the heel holder of Esau. Even his best friend put his heel up against David --- and Judas put his heel up against Jesus.  JUDAISM SOLD IT'S BIRTHRIGHT. Honestly, how could the younger Christianity be Esau? You could potentially associate it with Pagan Rome. 

Just sayin. It seems like some of Judaism's ideas are a little whacky.

“He came to his own, and his own did not receive him” -  John 1:11.

Christianity there is no male or female, no slave or freeman, Jew or Gentile, all are one in Christ. They baptize the Greeks, the Romans, and the Ethiopians. 

Book of Revelation the 144,000 are pulled out of all the tribes, (nations) not just the Jews. Which seems to be consistent with them not caring in Christianity. Book of Revelation the body is the temple in Revelation 21, there is no rebuilding of a temple. THE BODY IS THE TEMPLE like Jesus says in the Gospel of John. Everyone is an Adam or Eve connected to God made in the image of God. (This is the original ADAM KADMON.) The Jews took this idea from the New Testament, made it into a recreated Judaism after the destruction of the temple, dropped Jesus and kept the ethnocentrism. Constantine made Christianity legal and stopped Christian persecution. Nothing before this. We don't have any written records of Judaism before this. The Septuagint is it. 76 BOOKS.

This being said... see here for more about these belief systems. Christianity is full of lying psychopaths just like Judaism, Satanism, and Freemasonry. Is there any difference?  Christians have the nerve to call me an anti-Christ while they lie their asses off while I get persecuted and tortured for telling the truth? 

A Question... Constantine = Flavians (Destroyed Second Temple) = Nebuchadnezzar (Destroyed First Temple) is He the Anti-Christ or is he Himself a Christ-like Figure? A Son of God, an Adam, a Priest and a King Under Christianity. The Penitent Thief, Converted on His Deathbed, the Spear of Destiny. Given the Morningstar in Revelation and the Rod of Iron.

Jews see here. How many of you know this exists? Zerubbabel is from Zachariah. That was written way after Constantine. Your Tanakh was compiled after Constantine.  It has 24 books like the Omega of Greek. The Talmud is after Constantine. The Protestants use the Masoretic text and have 66 books and 39 books of the Old Testament. The King James Bible originally had the Apocrypha but was taken out. Constantine was the 66th Roman Emperor and the Chi-Rho of Christ and Constantine = 39. The Septuagint has 76 books.

Jesus also received 39 lashes. According to Talmudic law, the maximum number of lashes a person could receive was 39. This was to avoid the possibility of accidentally exceeding 40 lashes, which would be a violation of the Bible.

Jews, how do you interpret Zachariah? Who is Ben Joseph and Ben David in the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel? Do you want to know who it is? It is Jesus.  Jesus' first coming is Ben Joseph and his second coming is Ben David. Seriously, it is. 

Joseph is like Christ's first coming, and the woman in the sky in Revelation is like Joseph's dream in Genesis.  Ben David, Christ has the key of David in Revelation. Hallelujah is in the New Testament four times, the only other place you find this is in the book of Psalms 24 times. The Psalms are supposedly written by David. You also find Hallelujah in the Maccabees, which the Eastern Orthodox and the Catholics have. From the Christian perspective, this would be seen as their religion under attack from a pagan, secular, or atheist society.

 In Christianity, even the Roman centurion's faith makes Jesus marvel. This is not a Jew he says this about. This is connected to the faith of the Centurion that makes Jesus marvel, in the Synoptics, he wanted to save his servant, and in the Gospel of John, he wanted to save his son. Made in the image of God. Just like the name Barabbas means. Barabbas means son of the father. This also connects to Leviticus 16 and the Scapegoat

The 8th King that goes into perdition in the book of Revelation is right before Vespasian. Vespasian served for 9 years and 11 months. He was the 9th Roman Emperor, his son Titus was the 10th and Domitian was the 11th.  

There were nine Roman emperors with the name Michael who all had as their patron the Archangel Michael, beginning with Emperor Michael I Rangabe (811 - 813). Michael was the second most popular name to have ever been held by the imperial throne, with Constantine being the most popular (there were eleven emperors with the name Constantine).

God's servant like Nebuchadnezzar, (he is literally called that in the Old Testament,) was driven into the wilderness like Jesus, David, and the Israelites, restored like Simon Peter or Job the Gentile King. Nebuchadnezzar was restored to worshipping God. Nebuchadnezzar lived like a leper or an outcast, he was resurrected like Jesus does for Lazarus in the Gospel of John. This is the same Gospel where Simon Peter the sinful man is restored by Jesus in John 21. The four Gospels are associated with a Tetramorph like the Sphinx. (The Sphinx was associated with the Roman Emperor when Rome began to control Egypt, essentially they were the new Pharaohs.) Before Nebuchadnezzar is restored he is driven into the wilderness where he lives like a beast, (a lion,) he is a man (head of a man) who eats grass like an ox, and his nails grow as long as an eagle's claws. Notice the Tetramorph

From the Talmud: 

ZECHARIAH: And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. **GOD IS PIERCED**

TALMUD ZECHARIAH: The Babylonian Talmud says: “One holds that it was for the Messiah the son of Joseph who was killed, as written in Zechariah 12: When they look on me, whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child.” [Tractate Sukkah, Chapter 5] **SAGES IN TALMUD SAY THIS IS MESSIANIC AND QUOTES IT WAS YESHUA**

Even Rashi, in his commentary on tractate Sukkah 52, interprets Zechariah’s prophecy and admits: “And the Land mourned in the prophecy of Zechariah and prophesied for the future that they would mourn the Messiah the son of Joseph who was killed…” [Tractate Sukkah, Chapter 52]

Rabbi Moshe Alshich comments on this passage: “When they look on me, that they will look to me in complete repentance, seeing that the one they have pierced is the Messiah son of Joseph, who will take all of Israel’s faults upon Himself.” [Rabbi Moshe Alshich]

By the way, Rabbi Alshich also says that the Messiah willingly accepts His torment: “For He Himself wishes to bear it… And we thought that He would not have taken it upon Himself, only stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But when the time comes when He is revealed in all his glory, then all shall see and understand how great is the power of He who suffers torment for the generation.” [Rabbi Moshe Alshich]

If we look at the context of Zechariah: it is about grace and supplication. Grace or unmerited favour was poured out at Calvary when the blood of Jesus poured out establishing a new covenant and new testament. The second question we must ask is who is this house of David? We know that David is a type of Jesus as he was a shepherd and he was a king. Jesus is the Great Shepherd of the sheep and King of Kings and Lord of Lords. John is quite clear that this prophecy was fulfilled in John. There will be no national turning of Israel at the second coming for Jesus is not coming for salvation but for wrath.

The Roman "Peace Arch" on the Border of B.C. and Washington State, Napoleon's Mother's Birthday is August 24th - Rebbe Singing the Song 76 Years Ago as of 2024. Why Did They Choose April 20th? You Guys Like Your Trip to Fontainebleau End of 2023? See Pictures...

 See Here For the Peace Arch on the Border of British Columbia and Washington State

Arch in France 

Roads Around Arch

Longlegs = Paedophile in Simple Gematria - The Director First Name Has "Oz" at the Beginning Which Connects to New York and Seattle the Emerald City

Can you find some of the other clues? Craig "I Like This" Gilmore... ANY IDEAS? You "like" torturing people? Let us keep in mind who runs Hollywood, see here

Here are a few. The mother is a nurse, she is a nun. (Think of a nurse with a religious name) Put your name in this to see what it comes out as... not your last name. See if it comes out the same as Longlegs or Paedophile.

She drives a VW. (Think of the Fremont troll VW in his left hand.) The Troll is 18 feet high 6+6+6=18, one-eyed like in the book of Zachariah ANTI-CHRIST.  Think Hitler and the VW. His birthday was April 20th, in a leap year like 1976 and 1992 April 20th is the 111th day. See here about the Space Needle. Oh, Spacebrum = (9 letters) = eight eight in Simple Gematria. 

111 Space Needle and 9/11
Constantine served from 306 A.D. TO 337 A.D.
 (306 A.D.) 6x6=36 Above the Head of Christ in the Last Supper
 (337 A.D.) 37x3 = 111 (Trinity)
37x24 = 888 (Omega)

The mother makes a deal with the devil (Longlegs) to deliver the dolls. Longlegs is the first beast out of the sea, and the mother is the second beast who gets people to worship the first beast. They quote Revelation 13 in the movie.

The daughter is an FBI agent who does a test to see how good her guessing skills are. She gets 8 out of 16 right or 8+8. She is the birthday girl at 9 years old. (Who is a birthday girl in 2001?)  The birthday is January 14 or 111 days after 1-11.  The killer targets girls that are 6 days before January 14th or 6 days after. Or 6 before + January 1+1+4=6 and 6 after = 666. 

1----> 8= 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36, look above Jesus' head 6x6=36.  Count 1 up to 36 = 666. The Flavians became the Roman emperors beginning in 69 A.D. or 36 years after Jesus was crucifed. They destroyed the Jewish temple. This is who Constatine associted his name with Flavius Constaine = 18 letters.

The globe, orb, or sphere in the head of the dolls looks a lot like the one in Constantine's hand here. He is 42 feet high, or 2x3x7 or 13 meters. 

Framed M

Look at Danny's arm, 42. 

2 x 3 x 7 = 42. Room 237 in the Shining. Whose birthday is the 237th day in a leap year? Mine. (August 24th, 237th day in the leap year 1976.) 

Whose name = 237 in simple gematria when you change the letters to numbers, mine. (Shane Russell Hurren) 

First Contact 2020
When Russell 88
Born in 32
Look at the Poster in Video, Monarch Eclipse
Monarch Mind Control the CIA
Danny, talking to himself in the mirror. 42 on his arm.
Remember him writing REDRUM or MURDER backward?
Da Vinci was known for mirror writing. Left-handed people seem to be better at this.
Da Vinci was left-handed.

I am left-handed.
See left-handed connections

My  Loser Aunt
Leviticus 16
16 for Scapegoat right? 
In Front of the Cross of Andrew/ Unicorn
Moon in Front of the Sun

My Grandmother "Grace" Maiden Name
My Mother's Maiden Name
The Book Takes Place During the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall is imminent and the Cold War will soon be over.
But for BOX 88, a top-secret spying agency known only to an inner circle
of MI6 and CIA operatives, the espionage game is heating up.

Posted 11th Month 9th Day

My Birthday!
And 9/11 or September 11th
is 18 Days Later
or 3+6+9 =18
or 6+6+6 =18 

1:53 Long for
Visica Piscis and John 21
Adds up to 88

Listen To The Audio: Narcissist's and Community Based Harassment, Human Experimentation & Torture (Lynching Like Jesus?) Among Others... Losers Related to Me and Former Friends - Listen Carefully

Not everything in this audio is perfect, but it is still fairly accurate. Maple Ridge, YOU ALL KNOW WHAT THIS IS, RIGHT? Can't miss it when you are driving through town. 

Joe Rogan, James Altucher, Lex Fridman, and Jordan Peterson listen up. Silicon Valley psychopaths listen up. Zionist psychopaths and Freemasons listen up. Losers in Washington and my aunt Shelby listen up. Lisa Podesta and the Maple Ridge News listen up. Amery family, Brugman family, Todd family, other former friends, and community leaders, (former Mayors of Maple Ridge, former Mayor of Pitt Meadows who was also a former member of the RCMP for over 20 years listen up.)

See here for more about community harassment and organized stalking. See here for more about narcissists. See here for how easy it is to get people to engage in organized stalking --- a perfect example of the naivete of the public and putting too much trust in authority figures. See here for a diagram of organized stalking and torture. See here to learn more about how they smear and discredit political dissidents.

See here for more about organized stalking and its connections to Zionist interests. See here for militant Judaism and its connections to organized stalking. See here vigilante justice "Zionist Style" with the "Guardian Angels." See here for more about Freemasonry and organized stalking. See here for the classified technology they use on people. See here for more about microwave weaponry and directed energy weapons.

To download the audio, left-click on the link below. Then left click on the download button in the top right corner. It will ask if you want to download the file and say the file is too large for Google to scan for viruses. I assure you there are no viruses in the file. Just download it. 

John 8:32
8 Paws, 32 Toes

Do You Guys Really Mean This?
From B.C. When the Jesuit Pope visited


FRAMED or Crucified

Fritz Lang - Classic Weimar and German Movie Maker - M About a Child Murderer. The original was in 1931 and is 111 minutes long, it was remade in 1951 (the year my Mom was born) and is 88 minutes long - we are out of time and I was framed. Donny Darko. It is also connected to the moon and the sun

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you- Matthew 5:11

Let evil recoil on those who slander me; in your faithfulness destroy them- Psalms 54:5

For I hear the slander of many; there is terror on every side. They conspire against me and plot to take my life - Psalm 31:13

11 Stories, 3 of them in Seattle
Ezekiel 1:1= July 31=153 days left in year = John 21=153 fish/3=51(My Mom's birthday)
Plus Eclipse August 21, 2017 (21 days after my Mom's birthday, 3 days before mine)
Gospel of John Pontius Pilate puts up a sign in Hebrew 22, Latin 23, Greek 24
(My birthday is August 24th,1976, cusp Leo/Virgo Last Supper painting, baby and Mary)
Space Needle opened up 111 (Trinity) days into the year and the 
book came out in 1992 (1+9+9+2=21)
John 21 and Sin 21 Hebrew
The author's father worked for the
 State Department as a liaison between
the USIA and the CIA.
I was framed, they know who I am
they are pure evil

Space Needle = 11 words + opened up on April 21, which is 111 days into the year.
In the year I was born, 1976 (it is a leap year) and  April 20 (Hitler's birthday) is the 111th day.
The top - a
ntenna spire 605.00 ft = 6+5=11 (184.404 m) = 1+8+4+4+4=21
Technical details: Floor count = 6  Lifts/elevators = 3 = Total  9
Total = 9/11 and 21. 

See previous posts (here and here,) about the connection between human hunting,  gang stalking and the Zodiac Killer. Also, see how the Son of Sam Killing over my birthday and my Mom's birthday.

The Beast of British Columbia Clifford Olson is also connected to 9/11, he was a convicted Canadian serial killer who confessed to murdering 11 children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 18 in the early 1980s. Ages of 9 and 11 children, and 18 or 6+6+6. He was born on the 1st day of the 1st month, and he died on the 9th month in 2011. Once again 9/11.

The Columbine shooting is also connected to 9/11. First they did the shooting on Hitler's birthday in 1999 turn upside down 1-666. Eric David Harris was born on April 9, the 99th day of the year, turned upside down = 666. His partner Dylan Klebold was born on September 11 or 9/11.

The Beast of Columbia Luis Garavito killed people from 1992 to 21 April 1999.  1+9+9+2= 21 to April 21 or the day the space needle opened, the 111th day of the year.) Turn the 1999 upside down 1- 666. In the leap years of 1976 and 1992 Hitler's birthday on April 20th would be associated with the 111th day. 

I could put more serial killers up with strange patterns. The point is not everything is what it seems nor are they always telling you the truth.


Lex Fridman- Courage? Jordan Peterson.... Anything to Say?

See here for how Jordan Peterson blocked me. Am I one of these "rats" that you talked about as you flee our country because you fear for your safety?  See here for a couple Israelis' who have questioned the narrative of October 7th. 

Guess who was at the celebration in the top video? This guy. He is the equivalent of the head of Public Safety Canada or Homeland Security in the USA. He literally is a supporter of terrorists and now arguably, is one! This is not me saying this, even the pathetic F.B.I. used to think this once. What is the real threat in Canada and the USA right now? It is Jewish Zionist extremism

Rebel News? Going to tell Canada what is really going on? Are Palestinians stalking people in Canada and trying to shut down protests like the "courageous" billionaire Bill Ackman? Such courage....

Sam "Spock" Harris, Who is Jewish Himself: Jews Often Bring it On Themselves (When He Was More Honest) Lex Fridman Read Here For More About the "Courage" of Bill Ackman on Wall Street Benefiting From the Covid Crash

Sam Harris also knows the truth of the COVID-19 epidemic. ( See here for how people on Wall Street and Silicon Valley benefited from it,) and because he is a mouthpiece who works for the CIA, he will not tell you the truth about that either. Interestingly, he is also friends with the Satanic loser Joe Rogan and some of the Silicon Valley clowns too

They don't care about any of you, they lie all the time. Sam, why don't you talk about this? You should know what is happening, you are a neuroscientist, just like Andrew Huberman. 

It's a trick, we always use it. I love that. Here is another interesting video of an Israeli saying the "Godly" action is to kill you. Sam, why don't you talk about some of the crazy extremist psychopaths in the state of Israel? Like this guy. That's only one, and he is the equivalent of the head of Public Safety Canada or Homeland Security in the USA. He literally is a supporter of terrorists and now arguably, is one! What is the real threat in Canada and the USA right now? It is Jewish Zionist extremism

The only country in the world that says this.  See this comment from a past Israeli Prime Minister! If you had Christians or Muslims saying this, we would not hear the end of it. 

Lex Fridman or Joe Rogan- Can You Guys Get Her on Your Podcast? Does She Have as Much "Courage" as Bill Ackman? An Israeli (Of All People Claiming to Care About Your Human Rights) at the Top the Canadian Civil Liberties Association

See here. Try contacting this disgusting organization or the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Both are run by sick evil demented people who don't give the slightest damn about us. See here for more information about how I contact these organizations and it resulted in absolutely nothing. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Mark Amery- This is Also For People I am Related to, and Former Friends #Tough Love (I'll Remember That)

See here for front businesses

See here for gaslighting.

Shane. Nobody is following you. Talk to somebody and get help buddy. It's truly sad. I know you are paranoid that something is happening to you, but just seriously ask yourself why. What do people want from you? Is it money or ? Shane you were a great friend and everyone in our "group" thinks that maybe you need some help. Ever since you started with mr swing and were working through the nights it started to go down hill. I have talked to the police and they said you should get help from a family member as you will have no trust in friends or others, this is why I reached out to Shawn. Not to hurt you, to see if he can help you. I hope you can work through this, as I told Shawn if there is anything we can do on our end to help let me know. I didn't open your links or blogs through this email because I truly don't care what it says and probably wouldn't understand anyways. Take Care Shane. Mark

 - Mark Amery in email to me (He also taped my phone call and sent a cop over to my house. They took me to a mental institution.) You knew the truth the whole time, just like your lowlife Mother, right? You all know the truth. How many years of being tortured and treated worse than an animal?  BEING FRAMED. EXPERIMENTED ON. Living on the street and in my car, smashing up two cars, breaking both my hands, suffering potential brain damage, minor stroke, minor heart attack, concussion, heart issues, circulatory issues, and a hernia that almost killed me. Had to go to the hospital with a heart rate of around 30. (They can do all of this to people with this technology.) Plus, losing many years and how much money? This has cost me everything and millions of dollars. How many years has this been going on? I don't even know. The worst was between 2013 and 2023. (Jake and Tara Beast? Torture? Wine Glass? Beast Mode 24?) 

They Are Covering Up Torturing People

See here for a list of Silicon Valley individuals. They all know what is going on. Why do none of them say anything?  How Many Were at Trump's Inauguration? They are scum, they know this is happening. They sit on mounds of money lying to ALL OF YOU EVERY DAY.

See here for a list of individuals in the alternative media covering up DARPA tracking nanotechnology and satellite-based torture. These people are all scum of the earth.
Not one word. 

The internet is connected to www or 666.

What is the only flag in the
world with 666 on it? Israel. 

Here is a list of government agencies 

Watch the Video Below!

Watch this documentary, it was made by someone who used to work for Alex Jones. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan know about the history of human rights abuses with classified technology. 

See here and here for a list of these lying pieces of crap. See here for James Altucher the complete lying psychopath.  See here for a list of Silicon Valley scum. They all work for government agencies or they are connected to them somehow.  

All of these people are Satanic human waste, that is what they all have in common.  That is what the video below shows, Joe Rogan is a Satanist. All of them serve the evil Satanic system while they cover up torturing innocent people with nanotechnology via space-based weaponry, satellites, and radar.  See here for other lowlifes in Hollywood (Hollywood means magic wand,) involved in this and covering it up. They are scum.  Here is more about how it connects to the internet and slandering people

Here are some CSIS (Canada Intelligence,) videos showing them following people around.  

Here is some information about InfraGard and how they are a part of the FBI, they work with all the major corporations in the USA. See here for government documents about tagging and tracking with nanotechnology. 

The stalking game they are involved in reminds me of Videodrome, the Circle, the Running Man, or the Hunger Games. Check out the links below the video too. 

Lying Weasel Scum James Altucher

1. See this important post about intelligence and law enforcement abusing this technology (Women getting raped, videos with a medical doctor)
2. See another doctor confirming that Stasi organized stalking and smear tactics exist
See my blog with technology here

In the Movies: 

4. Gamer -controlling people
5. Videodrome - snuff and torture
6. Brainstorm - experiencing other people's emotions, seeing out their eyes
7. Surrogates - live through surrogates (people)
8. Anon - see out eyes of people, voyeurs, and police 
9. 8MM about Snuff and Porn

I Have Ample Evidence This Technology Exists and I Am Going to Put Up Even More Evidence


Human Rights.

Read this Canadian Human Rights Commission Website.

They actually have the nerve to link to the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Torture is Right at the top, articles 4 and 5.... read.

From Their Website:

Universal human rights

Everyone in the world is entitled to the same fundamental human rights. In fact, there are 30 of them [1.41 MB]. They are the universal human rights that we, as citizens of this world, have agreed we are all entitled to. They include the right to live free from torture, the right to live free from slavery, the right to own property, and the right to equality and dignity, and to live free from all forms of discrimination.

Human rights describe how we instinctively expect to be treated as persons.

Human rights define what we are all entitled to: a life of equality, dignity, respect, and a life free from discrimination.

You do not have to earn your human rights. You are born with them. They are the same for every person.

Nobody can give them to you. But they can be taken away.

Countries have human rights laws to make sure that people and governments are held accountable if your human rights are not respected. In Canada, your human rights are protected by provincial, territorial, federal and international laws.

The Bio-Digital Convergence -Why is No Media Covering This? Joe Rogan, Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump, Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk All Know This- Look At All the Tech Billionaires at Trump's Inauguration


More Evidence of the Technology 

Also, see the old post here.

All the Laws That Are Currently Being Violated in Canada and Internationally From the Crimes Mentioned On This Blog

See here for how I contacted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with no reply. See here for how I contacted Head of Public Safety Canada Marco Mendicino and received no reply. 

-Violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada

- Violation of the Bill of Rights of Canada

 Criminal Code of Canada

- Possession of weapon for dangerous purpose

- Drug Trafficking (many of my stalkers are involved in drugs, probably some of the police and intelligence agents too) 

- Human Trafficking (look up the definition of human trafficking) 

-Criminal Harassment

- Torture

- Illegal Surveillance

- Espionage

International Law

- Violation of the Geneva Conventions of human experimentation and torture

- Nuremberg Laws and Code on human experimentation and torture

UN Treaties

- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 

Convention against torture and other cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 

- Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Organized Stalking is Psychological Torture = Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions = US Inventions Secrecy Act, 1951

 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John-8:32- Bible Quote Carving at CIA

See here and here for little known technology that is used for torturing people.  See here for slavery by satellite, geo-slavery. See here for gang stalking and smearing techniques.  

32 Sun Rays

8  the Sun Dial St. Peter's Square

See here for more info about technological human rights abuse. See here for more about gang stalking.

Psychological torture is considered a war crime under Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions, which has a maximum sentence of the death penalty. The United States has been in a declared state of war, since October 2001, which invokes the Geneva Conventions. 

In the United States, it is also a serious felony charge – to conspire to violate the civil rights of thousands of U.S. citizens - a possible sentence of life in prison. Numerous state and federal laws are being broken every day by these criminals. It is disturbing to even consider that government tax payer supported individuals get up every morning, and gladly plan for the torture of thousands of people in the United States. 

I am alarmed at the thought of even asking this question: How sick and disturbed does someone need to be, to willingly torture people every day? These are acts of violence that are beyond comprehension and beyond murder, in my opinion. It is planned and deliberate, every day. This site contains information relating to advanced satellite surveillance and “harassment” technologies which are made available to covert government agencies and organized crime syndicates.

The secret technologies in question are covered by military/agency secrecy orders, mostly obtained under the US Inventions Secrecy Act, 1951. There are currently over 5,000 hidden devices, many computer – based and satellite facilitated, all with military / criminal applications. A list of known patents is available under the 'Mind Control Patents' and 'Classified & Hi-Technology' categories (also see here,) of this blog. Neurophones, brain scanners, and brain wave vocabulary software, directed energy and EM weapons. Undemocratically, and to protect powerful criminals from scrutiny, various secret National Security and Defamation legislation has been enhanced in recent years.

The US Patriot Act, for example, protects governments and connected criminals from criticism and/or detection and prosecution. Under this act anyone whistleblowing or fighting the system on a major concern is arbitrarily deemed to be unpatriotic (when it’s the criminals they criticize who betray us). They can then be listed (by a senior politician or at the request, through them, of a connected criminal) as a security risk and harassed covertly; using secret technologies. 

In fact a Department Of Defense Directive, Directive 5240 1-R, 1994, gives open permission for those under surveillance to be used for remote experimentation. It’s no coincidence that this particularly undemocratic and evil move was followed in 1996 by a significant increase in the number of satellites deployed for the purpose of civilian surveillance and harassment. Over 20,000 satellites currently target and silence countless people worldwide (est. 500,000 plus) as a result of such terrible laws. 

The victims are not openly confronted as that would remove any feigned excuses and leave the perpetrators open to all manner of accusation. Instead the methods used are covert; employing high tech’ to remotely torture, torment, hurt, and deceive victims without leaving evidence.  This technology is also capable of mind control, altering brain states and emotions. This leaves them discredited as they vainly seek help from ignorant or complicit authorities (police, MPs, doctors, media etc). This leaves them neutralized and possibly even silenced on the issue they originally raised. This, along with various research aspects, is the purpose of the exercise.

The situation is getting worse not better with more and more secretive, undemocratic legislation being sneaked past the unwary public all the time. State treachery and terrorism are behind it yet it is all hidden under the guise of “the war on terror”. For example, the US gov’t just passed the National Defense Authorization Act, 2012, giving the President (and others) the power to target and silence anyone questioning State corruption. When this is done openly in other countries the US is the first to condemn such evil yet when they are guilty of the same they do it in secret and no-one dares to criticize lest they join the ranks of those they persecute. So much for gov’t of the people, for the people and by the people. The criminals who do such things abuse their authority, betray our trust and secretly mock the democratic ideals they publicly support. They don’t serve us, they simply help themselves and their criminal associates. By using stealth they can feign ignorance and hide their true nature from most.

Eg. In the USA over 300,000 NSL’s (National Security Letters) have already been issued. These allow the agency targeting of innocent civilians whose objections to corruption / crime in high places have been deliberately skewed or misinterpreted as a threat to powerful people. Once placed in a program people can be abused and experimented on, from a distance (using satellites / high tech’). This effectively silences and discredits them while providing agency researchers with guinea pigs for experiments in control, brain function, health, robotics and much more. Post 9/11, $750 billion per year has been spent on satellite weapons used for human experimentation / targeting. Most of this has found it’s way from gov’t coffers to about 80 defense contractors who are also culpable for the crimes against humanity that are addressed on this site.

There is a circular / Catch 22 type problem in that governments use “classified” covers to hide criminal activity (esp. if it is an unconstitutional act) but targets can’t prove any of that BECAUSE it has been classified…. Eg. NSA Whistleblower William Binney in an interview points out that Executive Order 13526 section 1.7 (covering classified status allocation) specifically says that **”You cannot classify information merely to cover up a crime”**. Even if devices or procedures are classified this also applies to them and information on them when they are being used for criminal purposes. So, in theory, by misusing devices, abusing authority and so on the administration not only commits crimes but should open up the information relating to that for public scrutiny…(Government of, by and for the people). 

Now Presidents Obama and Bush both signed this executive order 13526 so if any of these hidden crimes was to be presented to the US Supreme Court then any current US leader could be impeached as having breached their oath of office…which includes upholding the constitution. The ECHELON spying system, neurophone harassment, remote neural monitoring, the use of directed energy weapons and more are all clearly crimes against the people and humanity in general and so by classifying the devices the government and it’s leaders are breaching the constitution as well. 

As with any crime the break in the loop between the acts, investigation, trial and incarceration is the lack of proof. “Classifying” information and calling it a matter of National Security negates the need for the criminals involved to even create excuses for their conduct. The ability of government to classify crime is what must be fought.

Also, the US military is supposed to be prohibited by law from targeting US citizens with PSYOPS within US borders under Executive Order S-1233, DOD directive S-3321.1 and National Security Directive 130. Of course there’s no-one to police that especially since Psyops, by their very nature, are difficult to prove. This is particularly so where the secret weapons discussed on this web site are employed. Also nothing stops agencies, US or allied, from doing that dirty work and hiding it under the National Security carpet. 

Also, previously The International Commitee of the Red Cross (ICRC) raised the issue of psychotronic weapons; firstly in 1994, then the 2002 Geneva Forum and then the 2009 5th Symposium on non-lethal weapons. The EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT passed a “Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy” – A4-0005/99, January 28th, 1999 which called for “An international convention introducing a global ban on ALL development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings”…”It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and the parliaments around the world to enact legislation which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government AND private organisations as well as individuals”. (Plenary sessions / European Parliament, 1999). ]

Friday, January 31, 2025

Scumbags That Framed Me- This is What They Are Covering Up - M Just a Coincidence I'm Sure - Remember, This Movie is From Weimar Germany Before the Nazi's Came to Power, Was This Going on in Weimar? This is the USA Right Now, They Are Covering This Up.

See this book about Weimar, obviously, not everything was bad about Weimar. But, this is a part of the USA today. There is a reason why the USA has the most serial killers in the world. 

John 8:32
8 Paws, 32 Toes

Do You Guys Really Mean This?
From B.C. When the Jesuit Pope visited


FRAMED or Crucified

Fritz Lang - Classic Weimar and German Movie Maker - M About a Child Murderer. The original was in 1931 and is 111 minutes long, it was remade in 1951 (the year my Mom was born) and is 88 minutes long - we are out of time and I was framed. Donny Darko. It is also connected to the moon and the sun

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you- Matthew 5:11

Let evil recoil on those who slander me; in your faithfulness destroy them- Psalms 54:5

For I hear the slander of many; there is terror on every side. They conspire against me and plot to take my life - Psalm 31:13

11 Stories, 3 of them in Seattle
Ezekiel 1:1= July 31=153 days left in year = John 21=153 fish/3=51(My Mom's birthday)
Plus Eclipse August 21, 2017 (21 days after my Mom's birthday, 3 days before mine)
Gospel of John Pontius Pilate puts up a sign in Hebrew 22, Latin 23, Greek 24
(My birthday is August 24th,1976, cusp Leo/Virgo Last Supper painting, baby and Mary)
Space Needle opened up 111 (Trinity) days into the year and the 
book came out in 1992 (1+9+9+2=21)
John 21 and Sin 21 Hebrew
The author's father worked for the
 State Department as a liaison between
the USIA and the CIA.
I was framed, they know who I am
they are pure evil

Space Needle = 11 words + opened up on April 21, which is 111 days into the year.
In the year I was born, 1976 (it is a leap year) and  April 20 (Hitler's birthday) is the 111th day.
The top - a
ntenna spire 605.00 ft = 6+5=11 (184.404 m) = 1+8+4+4+4=21
Technical details: Floor count = 6  Lifts/elevators = 3 = Total  9
Total = 9/11 and 21. 

See previous posts (here and here,) about the connection between human hunting,  gang stalking and the Zodiac Killer. Also, see how the Son of Sam Killing over my birthday and my Mom's birthday.

The Beast of British Columbia Clifford Olson is also connected to 9/11, he was a convicted Canadian serial killer who confessed to murdering 11 children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 18 in the early 1980s. Ages of 9 and 11 children, and 18 or 6+6+6. He was born on the 1st day of the 1st month, and he died on the 9th month in 2011. Once again 9/11.

The Columbine shooting is also connected to 9/11. First they did the shooting on Hitler's birthday in 1999 turn upside down 1-666. Eric David Harris was born on April 9, the 99th day of the year, turned upside down = 666. His partner Dylan Klebold was born on September 11 or 9/11.

The Beast of Columbia Luis Garavito killed people from 1992 to 21 April 1999.  1+9+9+2= 21 to April 21 or the day the space needle opened, the 111th day of the year.) Turn the 1999 upside down 1- 666. In the leap years of 1976 and 1992 Hitler's birthday on April 20th would be associated with the 111th day. 

I could put more serial killers up with strange patterns. The point is not everything is what it seems nor are they always telling you the truth.
