Sunday, March 9, 2025

"I Like This" Craig Gilmore... You Like Torturing People? Why Did You Take Down Your Facebook Like Mark Amery? Individuals Involved or Complicit in Criminal Harassment, Slander Campaigns, Torture, Human Experimentation, and Organized Stalking

Toxic Human Sludge

Should I Call the RCMP for Criminal Harassment? 
Should I Get a Record of All Your Text Messages?

See Here For a Complete
List of Toxic People

(There will be more going up soon)

How Do You Find Out the Truth?
Brain-Computer Interface- Read Their Minds
They All Know They Are Liars.

Like Vampires

There are two solutions to people like this:

1. Arrest them (concentration camp or jail)

2. Hang them

Also, Read This Post About 
All That I Have Gone Through

Saturday, March 8, 2025

RAPE: Must Read: This Was Written in 2016. Way Before October 7th. Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk, Why Don't You Criticize These Rape Gangs? This From Their "Spiritual" Leader

See previous articles on rape here and here. On a slightly different topic, but still on the topic of rape, single women have to watch living alone when they are covering up technology like this, (the doctor in that was an  Anesthesiologist.) The most important is your room, even if they get in your house, put something in front of your bedroom door that wakes you up. They could easily give you something if they can get in your room and you will not remember. (See here or here.)  But, what if you live with a psycho?  He's already in the house. Yes, there are psychopaths like this in our society, and they often don't look or act like psychopaths. Why is our media covering up stories like this? This is serious stuff. Remember, they contracted for the government. (Remember, the Golden State Killer was a cop.) Just think that Facebook has over 20% of the world's population on its platform, this information goes into the intelligence agencies, just like the other Silicon Valley companies. They can turn your whole life into a reality TV show without you knowing it.  This could be seen as a form of sex trafficking. 

IDF's chief rabbi-to-be permits
 raping women in wartime

Col. Eyal Karim, the IDF's intended next chief rabbi, has previously provided misogynistic interpretations of Jewish law that consider female conscription 'utterly forbidden' and permit raping 'attracting Gentile women' as a way to keep up morale; female MKs and women's rights organizations, incensed, call for his appointment to be canceled.

Quote: The rabbi gave a more shocking answer on the same site when asked if soldiers were permitted to rape women during war. Karim replied that, as part of maintaining fitness for the army and the soldiers' morale during fighting, it is permitted to "breach" the walls of modesty and "satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will, out of consideration for the difficulties faced by the soldiers and for overall success."

Hang Him or Throw Him in Jail: You Know the Truth Don't You? Hook His Brain Up To a Brain Computer Interface - Fire This Weasel: Hate Filled, Sadistic, Spiteful, Backstabbing Steve "Panopticon" Amery - Psycho Lying Piece of Crap From Hell

"Hey, Charlie Brown! Merry Christmas!"

Your Sister and Loser Brother are Involved Too, Hang Your Loser Brother! Right? Don't Worry More of You Pieces of Crap Will Be Up Soon. (I Know Who Most of You Are) Maybe You Shouldn't Work With the Government Torturing and Experimenting on People, Right?

Steve Amery, (he took his LinkedIn account down because he is doing exactly what I am saying, normal people will either contact the Police or contact me and do something about it. Sue me Steve, just like your brother threatened to do.)  

Here is his email:, he is a service manager at in Ireland.

Here is his Facebook,  He is a gang-stalking psychopath who enjoys ruining people's lives. (Just like Steve's sick brother with his phony front business. See herehere, and here for more about Steve's brother Mark Amery. Here is another LinkedIn account for Mark Amery. The scam business Puddle Pools. Mark Amery's businesses are a total sham. He is a lying loser. Steve is also related to Leo Amery, the Zionist Freemason scumbag. (See here and here for more about Leo Amery.) Some of these Zionists are evil manipulative lying psychopaths that stab people in the back. They are the Devil incarnate. They slander people and ruin their lives and take glee in it. They utterly destroy the lives of people that are a threat to our insanely corrupt government. 

Steve Amery used to be in the Canadian military. This loser is a disgrace to any military, let alone ours. Many of these people work with "Public Safety Canada" or other governments to undermine the lives of people who have been put on watch lists. They work with intelligence agencies, the military, community watch, and the police in organized harassment and stalking campaigns. People like him hate people who tell the truth.  

This loser now lives over in Ireland and he is a Service Manager at Rentokil Initial Ireland. (He took down his LinkedIn account because he is a cowardly liar.) He should be fired instantly. What they are involved in is so evil it is beyond what most people could even understand. 

To know what they are all complicit in, I urge ALL of you to watch this documentary and the videos here and hereIT IS CALLED HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION AND TORTURE. See here for documented radio frequency testing, torture, and experimentation. You don't have to believe me, hook this psychopath up to a lie detector test, or better yet, hook his brain up to the mind-reading devices that our government is covering up. 

Two Evil Sick Twisted People Who
Take Pleasure in Framing People, Torturing Them,
and Laughing About it. Human Waste
Padre Peo Feast Day Psychopaths, Right Mrs. Amery?

Mark Amery's Mom
Wine Drinking Lying Stalking Psychopath
Angela Amery
Posted on June 25 (We both know why)

Diagram of the Intra-Body Nano-Network (All Media Covers This Up All Around the World, How is That Even Possible? )

See here for the Wikipedia article on Body Area Network

See here for the Wikipedia article about Electronic Warfare

See here Positioning, navigation and timing technologies.


Click Here to See the Document

Stasi Takedown - Must Watch Videos- Originally Posted in 2014 (Still Good Videos to Watch After All These Years- Scum of the Earth Organized Stalking Demons)

See here for government documents that talk about the technology he refers to in the videos below. See here for a blog about classified technology

Besides the videos below, see here for more about Zionist vigilante violence. I don't agree with everything that is presented in the videos below, but they provide a decent introduction to what is going on in Canada, the United States, and the whole world. See here, and here for more about classified and hi-technology. See here for a documentary about the history of human experimentation. See here for an old CNN special about some of this technology.  See here for Slavery by Satellite - a must-read article from academics. See here for a former FBI agent who confirms that organized gang stalking is real. See here for a Doctor talking about satellite terrorism.

See here for more about smearing political enemies. See here for more about discrediting people with hi-technology video editing. See here for more about covert agents infiltrating the internet to manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations. See here for front businesses set up near political dissidents.

The system has been set up to find those who are politically knowledgeable and awake to their lies. They have set up tons of websites that are fronts. Once they find you, they get nanotechnology inside of you and they contact people around you. They then begin to stalk, harass, and slander you all while shooting you with electromagnetic weaponry. The Internet is a part of this program. The internet is being used like Mao's Hundred Flowers Campaign. You must learn about this.

Essentially, it is a strategy of allowing a stage of liberalization and relative amounts of free expression in order to locate where their political opponents are. They are beginning to clamp down now. This is a Communist strategy and many of the techniques they are using come right out of East Germany. See hereherehere, and here for the connections between Jews, Bolsheviks, the Cheka, and the Stasi. The modern-day Homeland Security is an extension of this.

At the beginning of the second video, he talks about a one-world fascist dictatorship. I don't know if that's the ultimate goal. Though one could argue that some people have access to advanced technology that already makes this a reality. Border and country names are pretty much meaningless with this technology.

Regarding the race and religious tensions in the first video, that is one technique that is used, though certainly not all the time. The whole point is to target politically knowledgeable people, isolate them, and keep people fighting so they cannot bond together and become strong. The divide and conquer idea is very real.

Also, regarding putting miniature electromagnetic weapons in cars etc. mentioned in the second video, I don't agree with this at all. This can all be done remotely. For further information, please see here. Also, as far as using GPS or RFID, this is also what they are using. See here for more about a company that is behind a lot of this. See here for more about nanotechnology, see here for more about the DARPA tracking grid. See here for more about RFID chips fuse with human brain cells and can be controlled. See here for more about data mining and the potential loss of freedom. See here for more about DARPA smart dust. See here for more about a technocracy run by elites. See here for more about Judas Goats and Cointelpro websites that look for people who value freedom. See here for more about the alternative media and Homeland Security. See here for the origins of Homeland Security. See here for the connections between Transhumanism, eugenics, and political control.

I would also recommend that you go back and watch this video, you will see connections between the Unabomber, computers, the internet, DARPA, the military, the intelligence community, the universities, and the aerospace industry.

The stalking game reminds me of Videodrome, the Circle, the Running Man, or the Hunger Games. Check out the links below the video too. 

1. See this important post about intelligence and law enforcement abusing this technology (Women getting raped, videos with a medical doctor)
See my blog with technology here
3. Gamer -controlling people
4. Videodrome - snuff and torture
5. Brainstorm - experiencing other people's emotions, seeing out their eyes
6. Surrogates - live through surrogates (people)
7. Anon - see out eyes of people, voyeurs, and police 
8. 8MM about Snuff and Porn

Friday, March 7, 2025

This is For People I am Related to, and Former Friends #MARK AMERY Tough Love (I'll Remember That)

See here for front businesses

See here for gaslighting.

Shane. Nobody is following you. Talk to somebody and get help buddy. It's truly sad. I know you are paranoid that something is happening to you, but just seriously ask yourself why. What do people want from you? Is it money or ? Shane you were a great friend and everyone in our "group" thinks that maybe you need some help. Ever since you started with mr swing and were working through the nights it started to go down hill. I have talked to the police and they said you should get help from a family member as you will have no trust in friends or others, this is why I reached out to Shawn. Not to hurt you, to see if he can help you. I hope you can work through this, as I told Shawn if there is anything we can do on our end to help let me know. I didn't open your links or blogs through this email because I truly don't care what it says and probably wouldn't understand anyways. Take Care Shane. Mark

 - Mark Amery in email to me (He also taped my phone call and sent a cop over to my house. They took me to a mental institution.) You knew the truth the whole time, just like your lowlife Mother, right? You all know the truth. How many years of being tortured and treated worse than an animal?  BEING FRAMED. EXPERIMENTED ON. Living on the street and in my car, smashing up two cars, breaking both my hands, suffering potential brain damage, minor stroke, minor heart attack, concussion, heart issues, circulatory issues, and a hernia that almost killed me. Had to go to the hospital with a heart rate of around 30. (They can do all of this to people with this technology.) Plus, losing many years and how much money? This has cost me everything and millions of dollars. How many years has this been going on? I don't even know. The worst was between 2013 and 2023. (Jake and Tara Beast? Torture? Wine Glass? Beast Mode 24?) 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Brain Implants ‘Could Lead to Hackers Controlling Your Mind,’ Scientists Warn (Also the Bio-Digital Revolution With mRNA Vaccines Though They Not Talk About in This Article) Tesla Chief Elon Musk Teams up With Covid-19 Player CureVac to Build 'RNA Microfactories'

See here for more about the bio-digital convergence.

See here for more about Elon Musk and CureVac.

Elon Musk isn’t content with conquering space with Space X, revolutionizing transport with Hyperloop and making tons of money with his Tesla electric car.

One of his companies aims to create a Matrix-style ‘brain implant’ to plug humans directly into machines. It’s a leap forward that could lead to humans merging with machines – but a group of neuroscientists has warned that brain scans, brain implants, and related technologies could have terrifying side effects.

In a letter in the scientific journal Nature this week, 27 top neuroscientists highlighted some of the risks of the technology. The scientists pointed out that some people who have had brain implants report feeling an ‘altered sense of identity. The researchers write, ‘The technology could also exacerbate social inequalities and offer corporations, hackers, governments or anyone else new ways to exploit and manipulate people,.

‘It could profoundly alter some core human characteristics: private mental life, individual agency and an understanding of individuals as entities bound by their bodies.’ Algorithms that are used to target advertising, calculate insurance premiums or match potential partners will be considerably more powerful if they draw on neural information — for instance, activity patterns from neurons associated with certain states of attention.

‘And neural devices connected to the Internet open up the possibility of individuals or organizations (hackers, corporations or government agencies) tracking or even manipulating an individual’s mental experience.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Listen To The Audio: Narcissist's and Community Based Harassment, Human Experimentation & Torture (Lynching Like Jesus?) Among Others... Those Related to Me and Former Friends - Listen Carefully


Are Any of These People Palestinians?
Your Average Canadian is Now Like a Palestinian

Canadian and American politicians, Joe Rogan and many of his friends including Alex Jones and Lex Fridman, Jake and Logan Paul, (many at Trump's inauguration,) James Altucher, Victor Niederhoffer and buddies at DailySpeculations, Brett Steenbarger, Natalie Portman, Seth Rogen, Ryan Reynolds, (brother part of RCMP and from B.C.) Sara Silverman and other Hollywood actors and actresses, (can list more,) and Jordan Peterson listen up. Silicon Valley individuals listen up. Zionists and Freemasons listen up. Relatives in Washington and Australia, my aunt Shelby listen up. Lisa Podesta and the Maple Ridge News listen up. (Podesta family?) Amery family, Brugman family, Todd family, other former friends, and community leaders, (former Mayors of Maple Ridge, former Mayor of Pitt Meadows who was also a former member of the RCMP for over 20 years listen up.)

See here for more about community harassment and organized stalking. See here for more about narcissists. See here for how easy it is to get people to engage in organized stalking --- a perfect example of the naivete of the public and putting too much trust in authority figures. See here for a diagram of organized stalking and torture. See here to learn more about how they smear and discredit political dissidents.

See here for more about organized stalking and its connections to Zionist interests. See here for militant Judaism and its connections to organized stalking. See here vigilante justice "Zionist Style" with the "Guardian Angels." See here for more about Freemasonry and organized stalking. See here for the classified technology they use on people. See here for more about microwave weaponry and directed energy weapons.

To download the audio, left-click on the link below. Then left click on the download button in the top right corner. It will ask if you want to download the file and say the file is too large for Google to scan for viruses. I assure you there are no viruses in the file. Just download it. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Truman Show- The Real Story (Watch Video at Bottom of Post) Very Important Article

Mrs. Amery wine glass June 25th - Who was married? See How it Connects to the Truman Show Below. Also Sirius XM (Dogstar) NASA, and Satellites.Also, remember who John Amery and Leo Amery were. Leo Amery (See here and here.) was a part of the Round Table Group, which connects to Freemasonry and King Arthur's Round Table. Which connects to Parsifal and Hitler. This also connects to Carol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. (The Professor from the Jesuit Georgetown University that Bill Clinton was talking about in this speech in 1992.) Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar and Cecil Rhodes was also a part of the Round Table Group.  Two other important organizations are the Royal Institute of International Affairs or the Chatham House and the Council on Foreign Relations. Look who started them. Lionel Curtis who was a part of the Round Table Group. The Council on Foreign Relations has a very interesting logo. See below. It is a man on a white horse doing a Roman salute. Hence Hitler, Napoleon, and the Spear of Destiny connect to Constantine and Charlemagne

Just in case you forget who runs Hollywood. All the actor losers around Truman are also about the government of Homeland Security and Public Safety Canada, the banks, Silicon Valley etc. Don't forget the slave auctions that used to take place on Wall Street. 

It is interesting in the movie The Shining there is a poster on the wall, Corona and Monarch. The Monarch butterfly and mind control programming. This was released on my birthday about a man falsely imprisoned, it is associated with a butterfly, Papillon.

The CIA MKUltra document originally connected to this is subproject 119This is a very important number. It is connected to so many important events, but one is the American Seal of the Eagle = ROME. Why is there an arch between B.C. and Washington? Sun and Moon (British Columbia and the Sun) + (Washington state and the Moon) = Washington District of Columbia (Eclipse), 51st state. 

Connected to 2001 a Space Odyssey
SPACE X (Paleo Hebrew X Last Letter)
John 21
153 Fish / 3 = 51

Me and African Connection 

Also Hitler's African DNA,

Here is the other about Nazis - 88

Charlemagne "tha" God Produced the Movie (African American) 
(Charlemagne's connection to Cumming
Charlemagne was the First Reich and the Spear of Destiny
Hitler Third Reich

Smith Cumming, also known as "C", is famously associated with writing in green ink, as he was the first head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and had a habit of signing documents with a "C" in green ink, a practice continued by subsequent chiefs; hence, the "C" in green ink is a symbol of the MI6 head. He changed his last name to Cumming after he married a woman from Scotland in 1889, the same year Hitler was born. Also, this book takes place in the same year.  

It is interesting that The guardians of underage
Roman emperors used green ink to sign their charge's correspondence.

Donald Trump Connection 88 CLICK TO SEE 

Scroll to Bottom

36 Above His Head Like Jesus in Da Vinci's Last Supper
Harry Truman was the 33rd President of the USA and he was a 33rd-degree Freemason
In 1948, under Harry Truman the State of Israel, the NSA, and the CIA were established.
The same year Charlie Brown and Snoopy made their first appearance in the comics.
Charlie Brown (his shirt Paleo Hebrew 21) and his dog
Apollo 10 + Apollo 11 = 21 (Danny Shirt the Shining)

The House is owned by a guy who had an affair with an underage girl,
plus he didn't pass a bill to stop human trafficking (me) 
I Was Set Up 
Sun and Moon

The Dog that comes to Truman is a sign of the Dogstar. The light falls from the sky between two Masonic Pillars associated with Jachin and Boaz (Sun and the Moon)
Read what it says: it is connected to the Dogstar (Sirius)

 Read the Legend of the Beast Here  

Adds Up to 119
32 Feathers

32 Sun Rays

Posted 11th Month 9th Day
Hi Marissa!

My Aunt
In Front of the Cross of Andrew
The Unicorn of Scotland

Leviticus 16


Moon in Front of the Sun

The Book Takes Place During the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall is imminent and the Cold War will soon be over.
But for BOX 88, a top-secret spying agency known only to an inner circle
of MI6 and CIA operatives, the espionage game is heating up.

I fully believe that one day the (Anti-Society) ECHELON Citizen Spying Network will be dismantled by the people brick by brick just the same as the Berlin Wall.
George Farquhar - Oct 1999

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. - Edgar J Hoover

Monday, February 24, 2025

Lynching- Boba Fett Steve Amery and "I Like This" Craig Gilmore - You Guys Know What the Horse "Beast" is in Maple Ridge Right? Hunting People from the Highest Levels - Peter Thiel Rene Girard Scapegoat, Elon Musk the "Burning Man" of Silicon Valley - Same Year I Was Put in the Towers- 2007: Scapegoat Publishing published The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore in 2007. The book is a collection of essays and rituals that present the Church of Satan's philosophy.

Want to know something else interesting? January 11th in the United States is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. This began in 2007 when I was 30 years old. That same year I moved into these towers. I left them after Passover and Easter in 2010 when I was 33. Christ's ministry in the Gospel of John is 3 1/2 years. But it gets even more interesting. On my mother's side of the family, her mother's father, (my mother's maternal Grandfather,) was half-black and their connections go back to a Slave Plantation in Missouri. See here how January 11th is an important day in Missouri for slavery.  

Unveiling the Modern Terror: Gangstalking and the Echoes of History

In the annals of history, the echoes of oppression resonate through the ages. I stand before you today, a black male born in 1964, an educator, a political, civil rights, and human rights activist. I have witnessed the relentless tide of discrimination, but what I share now shakes the very core of our understanding of power and control.

Gangstalking, an organized plague on our existence, is a sinister cousin to the lynching that once terrorized our ancestors. Just as lynching aimed to break spirits, silence dissent, and intimidate, so does gangstalking prey on the vulnerable, casting shadows of fear and despair upon lives that dare to resist.

In both scourges, community actors play a chilling role, sowing seeds of intimidation and hatred. Just as our forebearers faced vigilante justice at the hands of mobs, today's gangstalkers strike under the cover of darkness, emboldened by a lack of accountability. Law enforcement, the very protectors we trust, may cloak themselves in indifference, tacitly approving these reprehensible acts.

Imagine a life where you're relentlessly pursued, your home invaded, your every step monitored. This is the life of a gangstalking victim – a life I know too well. False rumors, harassment, and even psychological torture shatter our sense of safety. Just as lynching was rooted in prejudice, so is this modern terrorism, festering under the banner of "Neighborhood Watch" groups.

Do not be deceived by the term "gangstalking." Behind this innocuous name lies organized torture and murder, a term that's been around for centuries, hidden behind different masks. Victims, discarded as "undesirable" by law enforcement, find their cries muffled in a sea of apathy. The system's gas-lighting tactic dismisses us as mentally unstable, perpetuating the cycle of victimization.

The KKK's shadow lingers in the dark corners of history, a mirror to the present-day gangstalkers. Police, entrusted with our safety, often morph into our tormentors, leaving us to ponder the very definition of justice. News reporters serve as their allies, painting a veneer of legitimacy over these atrocities.

Our society, once the beacon of freedom, teeters on the precipice of fascism. My brethren, my fellow targeted individuals, we stand united in our fight for human rights. We must unearth these truths, expose the systemic rot, and demand accountability. Only then can we lift the veil on gangstalking's sinister face and let justice prevail. The echoes of history should remind us that this fight is not new – it is the continuation of a struggle against those who seek to suppress us.

The Church of Satan is connected to Jewish causes. The symbol is surrounded by
Hebrew Letters. Samael and Lilith are from the Talmud and the Kabballah.
The inverted goat pentagram contains the Hebrew letters at the five points
 of the pentagram spelling out Leviathan the Sea Monster (לויתן).
See Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, the book of Job
 3:8, 40:15–41:26
Job 41:1–34, Isaiah 27:1, Psalms 74:14.

Read: My Great Grandfather Was Half-Black and His Name Was Oscar = Oscar Means Spear: The Spear of Destiny - Look at the Oscar Award = Statue of Daniel = Box on Jews Head = Box the "Beast" is on in Maple Ridge

 Want to know something else interesting? January 11th in the United States is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. This began in 2007 when I was 30 years old. That same year I moved into these towers. I left them after Passover and Easter in 2010 when I was 33. Christ's ministry in the Gospel of John is 3 1/2 years. But it gets even more interesting. On my mother's side of the family, her mother's father, (my mother's maternal Grandfather,) was half-black and their connections go back to a Slave Plantation in Missouri. See here how January 11th is an important day in Missouri for slavery.  

January 11, 1927 (Tuesday)

Thirty-six Hollywood celebrities gathered at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles and founded the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, for the purpose of acknowledging cinematic excellence. The academy's awards for motion picture industry would later be nicknamed "The Oscars"

The shin is a letter formed by wrapping the strap of the tefillin (BOX) around the middle finger of the hand tefillin. The tefillin is a pair of black leather boxes that Jewish people wear on their arm and head during prayer. The shin is the first letter of the Shema prayer, and the tefillin symbolize the relationship between God and the Jewish people.

See Three Wraps Above Elbow? = 21 in Hebrew
2 Come Together Moon O Sun O to Make 1

Look Above Jesus Head 6x6=36

The Spear of Destiny 
Flavius Constantine = 306 A.D. to 337 A.D.
36 Squares to 37 x 3 = 111
37 x 24 = 888
In 2013, I was 36 When the First Jesuit Pope came in.
On August 24th of that same year, I turned 37 on August 24th.
The Pope was born in 1936 and was 76, I was born in 1976 and was 36.

X Marks the Spot
Truman Show
Harry Truman 
Israel, CIA, and NSA were established under him in 1948

8+8 (Moon and Sun)

John 8:32
8 Paws, 32 Toes

Do You Guys Really Mean This?
From B.C. When the Jesuit Pope visited

FRAMED or Crucified

Fritz Lang - Classic Weimar and German Movie Maker - M About a Child Murderer. The original was in 1931 and is 111 minutes long, it was remade in 1951 (the year my Mom was born) and is 88 minutes long - we are out of time and I was framed. Donny Darko. It is also connected to the moon and the sun

Friday, February 21, 2025

Strangers able to Log into Your Daughters ---- Do You Want This? Mainstream and Alternative Media Covering it Up (Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Secular Talk, Among Others... You Guys and Gals On This?) Seeing That I'm So Crazy and All Of You Are Always Telling the Truth

 Edward Snowden, where are you? Is he still in Russia?

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Roman "Peace Arch" on the Border of B.C. and Washington State, Napoleon's Mother's Birthday is August 24th - Rebbe Singing the Song 76 Years Ago as of 2024. Why Did They Choose April 20th? You Guys Like Your Trip to Fontainebleau End of 2023? See Pictures...

April 20th in a leap year like 1976 is the 111th day.

 See Here For the Peace Arch on the Border of British Columbia and Washington State

Arch in France 

Coincidence I'm Sure, right Mark. You were there.

Roads Around Arch

Napoleon, see this picture of him, in his left hand, Napoleon holds the rod of justice, and at his left side, he carries a sword whose design was inspired by Charlemagne’s legendary blade, “Joyeuse." Napoleon's mother's birthday was the same day as mine, August 24th.

Napoleon the Movie From 2023. How Long was it?

2 hours and 37 minutes long.

2 x 3 x 7 = 42. Room 237 in the Shining. Whose birthday is the 237th day in a leap year? Mine. (August 24th, 237th day in the leap year 1976.) 

Whose name = 237 in simple gematria when you change the letters to numbers, mine. (Shane Russell Hurren)

Also interesting,

The PBS documentary about Napoleon

It is 4 hours long or 240 minutes

There you get the Gospel of John (4th Gospel) the 24 or Omega

With PBS turn the letters into numbers = 37

37 x 24 = 888

Look Above Jesus Head 6x6=36

The Spear of Destiny 
Flavius Constantine = 306 A.D. to 337 A.D.
36 Squares to 37 x 3 = 111
37 x 24 = 888
In 2013, I was 36 When the First Jesuit Pope came in.
In August 24th of that same year, I turned 37 on August 24th.
The Pope was born in 1936 and was 76, I was born in 1976 and was 36.