Thursday, January 2, 2020

Originally Published in 2020: Public Safety Canada Warns About Harassment of Canadians By the Chinese Government But Doesn't Care About Zionists Harassing Canadians

Read this:

How Interesting eh? Talk about pure insanity. So, apparently Zionist psychopaths can attack the Canadian population but Chinese government agents can't? 

Why isn't the famed supposed whistleblower Edward Snowden talking about any of the advanced technology I am referring to? How does someone like Edward Snowden get on TedTalk, the CBC, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, John Stossel, and the shows of two comedians, namely John Oliver and Joe Rogan. It is pretty simple, it's because Edward Snowden is a phony and a liar by omission like many spies.  The appearance of truth is just as dangerous and sometimes even more dangerous than lies.