Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Many of You Take Pleasure in Hurting People and Ruining Their Lives? Or, Sit Around Watching Others Get Tortured and Acting Like These Individuals Are Crazy, Or Slandering Them as Crazy When You Know They Are Telling the TRUTH?


Listen to This, You All Know He is Right

Intelligence agencies are good at identifying the Cains in our friends and family members 

How Many of You Accepted the Box?

Jews, Do You Like Tisha B'Av?

Christians, Do You Like Ave Maria?

Same, But Different Sides of the Coin

This cup is in this church.
9/11 (254 days in, 111 days left in the year after Sept. 11th,)
or IX-XI for Ave Maria

Below = Cain --- Read

That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.
- Matthew 23:35 (Cain Killed Abel) 

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies 
 - John 8:44 (Liars who follow the Devil- Children of Cain)

Revelation 9:11, the angel of the Abyss, also known as the angel of the bottomless pit, is described as having the name "Abaddon" in Hebrew and "Apollyon" in Greek, both meaning "destroyer"

Revelation 9:21: "And they did not repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, (meaning: witchcraft, occult, lies, hidden, ) nor of their sexual immorality, nor of their thefts".

Napoleon (Apollyon)

Also see here.

There were nine Roman emperors with the name Michael who all had as their patron the Archangel Michael, beginning with Emperor Michael I Rangabe (811 - 813). Michael was the second most popular name to have ever been held by the imperial throne, with Constantine being the most popular (there were eleven emperors with the name Constantine).

In the 4th Gospel of Signs. Christ separates his doctrine at the beginning of the gospel from Judaism and says "the Jews" over 60 times: Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you.- John 16:7

Counselor meaning =  defender,  judge, justice, mouthpiece, ruler

Interestingly, Hunter S. Thompson, who rose to prominence with the publication of Hell's Angels committed suicide with a piece of paper in his typewriter with the date "Feb. 22 '05" and a single word, "counselor." This means  2nd month +2+2+5=11. Counselor = 9 letters. 9/11.

Judaism vs. Christianity: Look at Each Other as Adversaries (The Word Satan Comes From Adversary)

The Jews think Jesus is possessed and associate him with Satan: plus, he is an accuser of them, like Satan. 

Jesus Is Accused of Working with Beelzebub. In the New Testament, some Pharisees, (this is where Judaism comes from,) accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub the prince of demons, implying he was possessed or working with evil spirits.

John the Baptist condemned the Pharisees and Sadducees as a “brood of vipers”

Jesus says: Serpents! Offspring of vipers! How shall you escape from the sentence of Gehenna?

But, Jesus himself also compares himself to a snake: As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up in John 3:14.

Also, he tells his followers to be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves," in Matthew 10:16

Serpents are also associated with angels. Good and evil. The serpent sheds its skin to be "reborn" like Jesus. The serpent eating its own tail is Christ, the Eucharist, and the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. 

Jesus separates from Judaism mostly in the Gospel of John, which is why he collectively condemns them over 60 times in the Gospel. He is light and truth vs. lies and darkness. Not all Jews, because some are his followers, but Judaism or the Pharisees (today's conservatives) and the Sadducees (today's liberals.)  I would like to say he is not  necessarily against all of the Jews of Judaism either, more the ideology and what he sees as the inevitable elitism and hypocrisy it brings and develops. Judaism comes from the Jewish leaders. He is the thesis, they are the anti-thesis, the crucifixion brings the synthesis and the new religion. This is the Gospel of John.  Now, you see why grace is Phi (think pine cone) or beauty or the love of the beautiful similar but different to Aristotle's Nicomeachean Ethics. He is also the irregular distribution of the pareto distribution. (Full of Grace and Truth.) His crucifixion also provides a catharsis like the Greek tragedies which is seen in the good news of the gospels. He is a noble and important person, the Son of God suffering for humanity. He becomes humanities servant and suffers for it like Prometheus tied to a rock. This also brings human rights. Everyone is a son of God, everyone is a king and a priest.  

How you know there is something to this: when the Jews and the Israelites failed to listen to the Old Testament prophets, their temple was destroyed. This was the head of the statue in the book of Daniel. When they failed to listen to Jesus (who represents to culmination of the prophets of the Old Testament,) the same consequences took place; the temple was destroyed. This was the feet of the statue in the book of Daniel. Doesn't matter what you believe; this is a FACT. Everyone must acknowledge it. 

Lynching- Boba Fett Steve Amery and Craig Gilmore - You Guys Know What the Horse "Beast" is in Maple Ridge Right? Hunting People from the Highest Levels - Peter Thiel Rene Girard Scapegoat, Elon Musk the "Burning Man" of Silicon Valley - Same Year I Was Put in the Towers- 2007: Scapegoat Publishing published The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore in 2007. The book is a collection of essays and rituals that present the Church of Satan's philosophy.

Want to know something else interesting? January 11th in the United States is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. This began in 2007 when I was 30 years old. That same year I moved into these towers. I left them after Passover and Easter in 2010 when I was 33. Christ's ministry in the Gospel of John is 3 1/2 years. But it gets even more interesting. On my mother's side of the family, her mother's father, (my mother's maternal Grandfather,) was half-black and their connections go back to a Slave Plantation in Missouri. See here how January 11th is an important day in Missouri for slavery.  

Listen to this about community lynching and this is everything I have gone through, pure evil. I even have former friends and relatives involved in doing this to me. Here is an article about other wealthy individuals involved, also you must listen to this audio about community harassment

Unveiling the Modern Terror: Gangstalking and the Echoes of History.

In Front of Cross of Andrew- Pure evil
Proud of Her Black Heritage While She
Engages in Sacrificing Her Nephew and
 Lying With Zionist Lunatics

My Aunt
Moon in Front of the Sun

In the annals of history, the echoes of oppression resonate through the ages. I stand before you today, a black male born in 1964, an educator, a political, civil rights, and human rights activist. I have witnessed the relentless tide of discrimination, but what I share now shakes the very core of our understanding of power and control.

Gangstalking, an organized plague on our existence, is a sinister cousin to the lynching that once terrorized our ancestors. Just as lynching aimed to break spirits, silence dissent, and intimidate, so does gangstalking prey on the vulnerable, casting shadows of fear and despair upon lives that dare to resist.

In both scourges, community actors play a chilling role, sowing seeds of intimidation and hatred. Just as our forebearers faced vigilante justice at the hands of mobs, today's gangstalkers strike under the cover of darkness, emboldened by a lack of accountability. Law enforcement, the very protectors we trust, may cloak themselves in indifference, tacitly approving these reprehensible acts.

Imagine a life where you're relentlessly pursued, your home invaded, your every step monitored. This is the life of a gangstalking victim – a life I know too well. False rumors, harassment, and even psychological torture shatter our sense of safety. Just as lynching was rooted in prejudice, so is this modern terrorism, festering under the banner of "Neighborhood Watch" groups.

Do not be deceived by the term "gangstalking." Behind this innocuous name lies organized torture and murder, a term that's been around for centuries, hidden behind different masks. Victims, discarded as "undesirable" by law enforcement, find their cries muffled in a sea of apathy. The system's gas-lighting tactic dismisses us as mentally unstable, perpetuating the cycle of victimization.

The KKK's shadow lingers in the dark corners of history, a mirror to the present-day gangstalkers. Police, entrusted with our safety, often morph into our tormentors, leaving us to ponder the very definition of justice. News reporters serve as their allies, painting a veneer of legitimacy over these atrocities.

Our society, once the beacon of freedom, teeters on the precipice of fascism. My brethren, my fellow targeted individuals, we stand united in our fight for human rights. We must unearth these truths, expose the systemic rot, and demand accountability. Only then can we lift the veil on gangstalking's sinister face and let justice prevail. The echoes of history should remind us that this fight is not new – it is the continuation of a struggle against those who seek to suppress us.

The Church of Satan is connected to Jewish causes. The symbol is surrounded by
Hebrew Letters. Samael and Lilith are from the Talmud and the Kabballah.
The inverted goat pentagram contains the Hebrew letters at the five points
 of the pentagram spelling out Leviathan the Sea Monster (לויתן).
See Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, the book of Job
 3:8, 40:15–41:26
Job 41:1–34, Isaiah 27:1, Psalms 74:14.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Donald Trump the Pizza Delivery Man - How Interesting, Donald Trump and the Emerald City (Remember Seattle is Also Referred to as the Emerald City and it's Where the Epicenter of Covid-19 Was.)

You really have to think deeply to understand the importance of this. Who was the Pizza Driver? Was it TRUMP? Now, do you remember who the Wizard turned out to be? He wasn't real, it was ALL make-believe. Follow the yellow brick road, (the money changers in all four gospels that Jesus is dealing with. OZ means oz. of GOLD.) A wave of the Hollywood wand. Hollywood is connected to magic. I'm connected to reality. So who is real? WHAT IS REAL, and what is the eclipse really about? Now you understand this

First off, don't forget the importance of the Space Needle.  Next, Trump and the eclipse


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Was This Osama bin Laden? Marco and Michelle? Michelle Blocking People on Your Facebook Will Not Stop the TRUTH)


Is this not EVIL?  Marco, see here and see below. 

See here for who really did this.

1992 Sesame Street
The guy's name in the clip from Sesame Street below is Louise. (Nice middle name.) 
It is connected to Lucifer, see here.

The Simpsons From an Episode in 1997:
(See here for Jewish control of Hollywood)

You have to understand that there is a connection between the number 23 and the September 11th attacks. See here and here for more about the dates on the Hebrew calendar.  The September 11th attacks = 23, add it up: 9+11+2+0+0+1=23. World Trade Center = WTC. W is the 23rd letter of the Alphabet, T is the 20th letter of the Alphabet, C is the 3rd letter of the Alphabet. So, WTC = 46 (Twin Towers.) 46-23= 23. The Twin Towers were like the number 11 as they stood side by side. The date of the attack: 9/11= 9+1+1=11. The sentence "September 11" consists of 9 letters and 2 numbers = 9+2=11. September 11th is the 254th day of the year= 2+5+4=11. After September 11, there are 111 days left to the end of the year.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

An Interesting Video About Smearing Political Enemies- This is What Some Zionists Love to Do - WWW Internet = 666 In Hebrew - Connected to Finding Political Dissidents

Internet = WWW = 666

First off, go here to read the Wikipedia entry on COINTELPRO. In addition to watching the video below, you absolutely MUST see the articles below the video. Also, see here, is Zionism/Jewish nationalism a political cult?

Doug Christie exposes the attacks on freedom
 in Canada from Ritual Defamation 

1. Torture, Discrediting With Slander and Organized Stalking
2. Examples Of Counter Intelligence Phonies Who Know About Stasi Organized Stalking & Classified Technology And Keep Quiet About It
3. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State
4. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State Part 2
5. Zersetzung Part 3 - The New Homeland Security
6. Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism
7. How to Discredit Someone With  Hi-Technology
8. How Covert Agents Infiltrate To Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations
9. Front Groups and Intelligence Agents
10. Learning About the Origins of "Homeland Security"
11. Download STASI book
12. Noam Chomsky on COINTELPRO
13. A Perfect Example of a Cointelpro Website
14. Phony Cointelpro Front Websites and the Liars That are Behind Them
15. COINTELPRO and the Phoenix Program
17. Gaslighting: What Intelligence and Informant Stalkers Participate In
18. Video Example of Stasi "Anchoring" Techniques
19. How Easy is it to Get People to Engage in Organized Stalking? A Perfect Example of The Naivete of the Public and Putting Too Much Trust in Authority Figures
20. 'Couple Harassed with Organized Stalking Noise Harassment Campaign'
21. Homeland Security Made in Israel
22. Homeland Security is Connected to Zionism
23. Homeland Security: The Strong Connections Between Israel, Canada and the United States
24. CSIS and the RCMP dealing with Political People
25. FBI Infragard and Private Outsourced Intelligence Agents
26. InfraGard: An Unhealthy Government Alliance
27Proof FBI Snitching & Organized Stalking Program
28. The Current FBI, NSA, CIA, RCMP, CSE, CSIS, and the Canadian Human Rights Commission Leadership That Should Be Prosecuted & Thrown In Jail
29. Going after Political Dissidents
30. Counter Intelligence Against Political Dissidents 

Diagram of the Intra-Body Nano-Network - Mark? Crazy Heh?

See here for Smart Dust or (MEM's) 

See here for the Wikipedia article on Body Area Network

See here for the Wikipedia article about Electronic Warfare

See here for Positioning, navigation, and timing technologies.

Look Mark, a whole blog of this information


Click Here to See the Document

Friday, March 21, 2025

Read: My Great Grandfather Was Half-Black and His Name Was Oscar = Oscar Means Spear: The Spear of Destiny - Look at the Oscar Award = Statue of Daniel = Box on Jews Head = Box the "Beast" is on in Maple Ridge

 Want to know something else interesting? January 11th in the United States is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. This began in 2007 when I was 30 years old. That same year I moved into these towers. I left them after Passover and Easter in 2010 when I was 33. Christ's ministry in the Gospel of John is 3 1/2 years. But it gets even more interesting. On my mother's side of the family, her mother's father, (my mother's maternal Grandfather,) was half-black and their connections go back to a Slave Plantation in Missouri. See here how January 11th is an important day in Missouri for slavery.  

January 11, 1927 (Tuesday)

Thirty-six Hollywood celebrities gathered at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles and founded the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, for the purpose of acknowledging cinematic excellence. The academy's awards for motion picture industry would later be nicknamed "The Oscars"

The shin is a letter formed by wrapping the strap of the tefillin (BOX) around the middle finger of the hand tefillin. The tefillin is a pair of black leather boxes that Jewish people wear on their arm and head during prayer. The shin is the first letter of the Shema prayer, and the tefillin symbolizes the relationship between God and the Jewish people.

See Three Wraps Above Elbow? = 21 in Hebrew
2 Come Together Moon O Sun O to Make 1

Look Above Jesus Head 6x6=36

The Spear of Destiny 
Flavius Constantine = 306 A.D. to 337 A.D.
36 Squares to 37 x 3 = 111
37 x 24 = 888
In 2013, I was 36 When the First Jesuit Pope came in.
On August 24th of that same year, I turned 37 on August 24th.
The Pope was born in 1936 and was 76, I was born in 1976 and was 36.

X Marks the Spot
Truman Show
Harry Truman 
Israel, CIA, and NSA were established under him in 1948

8+8 (Moon and Sun)

John 8:32
8 Paws, 32 Toes

Do You Guys Really Mean This?
From B.C. When the Jesuit Pope visited

FRAMED or Crucified

Fritz Lang - Classic Weimar and German Movie Maker - M About a Child Murderer. The original was in 1931 and is 111 minutes long, it was remade in 1951 (the year my Mom was born) and is 88 minutes long - we are out of time and I was framed. Donny Darko. It is also connected to the moon and the sun

Thursday, March 20, 2025

This Version is Better Than Coldplay - I Used to Rule the World - Like Nebuchadnezzar Before He is Driven into the Wilderness or a Roman Emperor

Do you know why Nebuchadnezzar was driven into the wilderness and lived like a "BEAST" before he was restored? It wasn't because he destroyed the Jewish temple. He was actually doing the work of God when he did this. It was because of his PRIDE. The greatest of the 7 deadly sins. How many of you put yourselves up about the truth, which is associated with GOD, and watch me suffer for it, (picking up the cross.) While you all sit there and either laugh, lie, or ACT like you care. With PRIDE. Don't ever forget... everyone is replaceable. All sand on the beach and stars in the sky.

Napoleon. Homeless living in a car and delivering pizza. The movie is 2 hours and 37 minutes long. See how it connects to the Shining

This also connects to Leviticus 16 and the Scapegoat. God's Servant like Nebuchadnezzar, (he is literally called that in the Old Testament,) was driven into the wilderness like Jesus, David, and the Israelites, restored like Simon Peter or Job the Gentile King. Nebuchadnezzar was restored to worshipping God. Nebuchadnezzar lived like a leper or an outcast, he was resurrected like Jesus does for Lazarus in the Gospel of John. This is the same Gospel where Simon Peter the sinful man is restored by Jesus in John 21. The four Gospels are associated with a Tetramorph like the Sphinx. (The Sphinx was associated with the Roman Emperor when Rome began to control Egypt, essentially they were the new Pharaohs.) Before Nebuchadnezzar is restored he is driven into the wilderness where he lives like a beast, (a lion,) he is a man that eats grass like an ox, and his nails grow as long as an eagle's claws. Notice the Tetramorph

The head in Daniel is Nebuchadnezzar who destroys the first temple and at the feet are the Flavians who destroyed the second temple, the rock hitting the feet is associated with Peter (Simon Peter, Peter means stone,) and how he wanted Christ to wash his head, hands and feet at the foot washing in the Gospel of John.  (He is restored in John 21 with the 153 fish and the Vesica Piscis. He is called son of Jonah a trinity of times. (Sign of Jonah, Jonah and the whale from the Old Testament.)

This whole narrative connects to Napoleon, Charlemagne,  and Constantine.  Constantine associated himself with the Flavian regime that destroyed the Jewish temple. Saint Constantine connects himself to the Flavians in his name for this reason, this is the Catholic and the Orthodox Church. The body is the temple, right from the beginning of the Bible, 76 Books of the Septuagint under Constantine. 

See this picture of Napoleon, in his left hand, Napoleon holds the rod of justice, and at his side, he carries a sword whose design was inspired by Charlemagne’s legendary blade, “Joyeuse”. Napoleon's mother's birthday was the same day as mine,  August 24th

St. Constantine was baptized on his deathbed like the Penitent thief and Nebuchadnezzar was restored worshipping God after he was driven into the wilderness. Both are stories of suffering and redemption like Christ. This connects to the spear of destiny of St Longinus whose feast day is the ides of March or Passover just like Caesar Constantine! The lance in Christianity is called the "Holy Lance" and the story is related to the Gospel of John during the Crucifixion. This act is said to have created the last of the Five Holy Wounds of Christ.

June 25th Marriage Day -189 Days In- 176 Days Left the Beast of Maple Ridge (Mark Your Mom Put This up in 2016) Largest Catholic Church in North America Connects to Me (Pontius Pilate Feast Day)

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception - Largest Church in North America in Washington D.C. the 51st State 153/3=51. Ezekiel 1:1 = July 31. My Mom's Birthday = John 21 = 153 Fish and 153 Days Left in the Year. (Simon Peter is restored in John 21 with the 153 fish and the Vesica Piscis. He is called the son of Jonah a trinity of times. (Sign of Jonah the Whale from the Old Testament.)

See here for more about this Basilica. I linked to a slightly older version of the Wikipedia article because someone edited it right around the beginning of Lent of this year.  (2024) How interesting that the head of the NSA (in Mary-land) that came in was born on January 11 and the year of Apollo 11 in 1969. He became the incumbent head of the NSA right before Lent in 2024. (By the way, the CIA is in Virgin-ia.) 

John McShain. (Gospel of John and me.) They began the architecture on September 23, 1920, with renowned contractor John McShain, and it was completed on December 8, 2017. How strange,  September 23. The signs in the sky that happened on September 23, 2017, and they finished it in 2017 when the signs in the sky happened. See here for more about this. On December 8th, Roman Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Now, December 8th = 342 days into the year 3+4+2=11 and 23 days left in the year, (the year I was born, 1976=1+9+7+6=23) 2+3=5. Now, take 11+5=16 and Leviticus 16. The scapegoat. The CIA symbol has 16 around it and this quote is in their building

The Dome height is 237 feet. (2+3+7=11) The Dome diameter outer is 108 feet for the Georgia Guidestones. (1+0+8=9) The Dome diameter is 89 feet, I was 13 when this was put in Maple Ridge in 1989 and I was born in 1976. The interior area of the basilica is 76,391 square feet and 3+9+1=13. The diameter of the main dome, (the Trinity Dome,) of the basilica is seven feet (2.1 m) smaller than that of the dome of the U.S. Capitol. The 2.1 is connected to John 21, the eclipse, and the 153 fish which connects to the Vesica Piscis. All of this happened in 2017 which fits Ezekiel 1.1 After my Mom's birthday on July 31, there are 153 days left until the end of the year. The eclipse was 21 days after her birthday on August 21, 3 days before mine. In the Gospel of John Pontius Pilate puts up a sign in Hebrew 22, Latin 23, and Greek 24, my birthday is August 24th. 

Stanley Kubrick 2001

1. From Easter Friday in 2017 to July 31 (My Mom's Birthday, Ezekiel 1:1) is 54 days
2. From July 31 to September 23 is 54 days = 108 which is the Georgia Guidestones 
Plus Eclipse August 21, 2017 (21 days after my Mom's birthday, 3 days before mine)
Gospel of John Pontius Pilate Puts up Sign in Hebrew 22, Latin 23, Greek 24
June 25th is Pontius Pilate's Feast Day

  John 21=153 vesica piscis / 3 = 51 = 50 states + Washington D.C. 
The Statue of Liberty = is 151 feet high, (look at the 111 in front of it.)
7 at its head and 11 at its base for Flavius Constantine
"New York" is the New Rome. Constantine of York in Britain.

See here the beginning of Ezekiel
Ezekiel 1:1 = July 31 = 153 days left /3 =51
Also: Matthew 1:11, also see here

9/11 is connected to the destruction of the Jewish temples,
this is known as Tisha B'Av, which is the 9th of Av

Ave Maria Grail Cup in Church

Cross, Chi-Rho of Constantine
 and Ave Maria or Latin IX=9 XI=11

Friday, March 14, 2025

Read and Watch This Information: THIS WAS A VACCINE (Human Rights?) Supreme Court Losers?

watch this

Read these:

see here, here, and here.

Read this here


The biodigital convergence describes the intersection, and in some cases merging, of biological and digital technologies. Biodigital technologies include mRNA vaccines used to treat COVID-19, digitally controlled surveillance insects, microorganisms genetically engineered to produce medicinal compounds, and more. While significant scholarship has been paid to the ethical dimensions of biodigital technologies from a Western standpoint, little attention has focused on Indigenous views on the biodigital convergence. In this article, we explore the biodigital convergence from a Haudenosaunee perspective and suggest that insights from Indigenous philosophical traditions—specifically regarding relationality and territory—may be necessary for humanity to adapt to the profound and existential changes implicit in the biodigital convergence.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Truman Show- The Real Story (Watch Video at Bottom of Post) Very Important Article

Mrs. Amery wine glass June 25th - Who was married? See How it Connects to the Truman Show Below. Also Sirius XM (Dogstar) NASA, and Satellites.Also, remember who John Amery and Leo Amery were. Leo Amery (See here and here.) was a part of the Round Table Group, which connects to Freemasonry and King Arthur's Round Table. Which connects to Parsifal and Hitler. This also connects to Carol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. (The Professor from the Jesuit Georgetown University that Bill Clinton was talking about in this speech in 1992.) Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar and Cecil Rhodes was also a part of the Round Table Group.  Two other important organizations are the Royal Institute of International Affairs or the Chatham House and the Council on Foreign Relations. Look who started them. Lionel Curtis who was a part of the Round Table Group. The Council on Foreign Relations has a very interesting logo. See below. It is a man on a white horse doing a Roman salute. Hence Hitler, Napoleon, and the Spear of Destiny connect to Constantine and Charlemagne

Just in case you forget who runs Hollywood. All the actor losers around Truman are also about the government of Homeland Security and Public Safety Canada, the banks, Silicon Valley etc. Don't forget the slave auctions that used to take place on Wall Street. 

It is interesting in the movie The Shining there is a poster on the wall, Corona and Monarch. The Monarch butterfly and mind control programming. This was released on my birthday about a man falsely imprisoned, it is associated with a butterfly, Papillon.

The CIA MKUltra document originally connected to this is subproject 119This is a very important number. It is connected to so many important events, but one is the American Seal of the Eagle = ROME. Why is there an arch between B.C. and Washington? Sun and Moon (British Columbia and the Sun) + (Washington state and the Moon) = Washington District of Columbia (Eclipse), 51st state. 

Connected to 2001 a Space Odyssey
SPACE X (Paleo Hebrew X Last Letter)
John 21
153 Fish / 3 = 51

Me and African Connection 

Also Hitler's African DNA,

Here is the other about Nazis - 88

Charlemagne "tha" God Produced the Movie (African American) 
(Charlemagne's connection to Cumming
Charlemagne was the First Reich and the Spear of Destiny
Hitler Third Reich

Smith Cumming, also known as "C", is famously associated with writing in green ink, as he was the first head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and had a habit of signing documents with a "C" in green ink, a practice continued by subsequent chiefs; hence, the "C" in green ink is a symbol of the MI6 head. He changed his last name to Cumming after he married a woman from Scotland in 1889, the same year Hitler was born. Also, this book takes place in the same year.  

It is interesting that The guardians of underage
Roman emperors used green ink to sign their charge's correspondence.

Donald Trump Connection 88 CLICK TO SEE 

Scroll to Bottom

36 Above His Head Like Jesus in Da Vinci's Last Supper
Harry Truman was the 33rd President of the USA and he was a 33rd-degree Freemason
In 1948, under Harry Truman the State of Israel, the NSA, and the CIA were established.
The same year Charlie Brown and Snoopy made their first appearance in the comics.
Charlie Brown (his shirt Paleo Hebrew 21) and his dog
Apollo 10 + Apollo 11 = 21 (Danny Shirt the Shining)

The House is owned by a guy who had an affair with an underage girl,
plus he didn't pass a bill to stop human trafficking (me) 
I Was Set Up 
Sun and Moon

The Dog that comes to Truman is a sign of the Dogstar. The light falls from the sky between two Masonic Pillars associated with Jachin and Boaz (Sun and the Moon)
Read what it says: it is connected to the Dogstar (Sirius)

 Read the Legend of the Beast Here  

Adds Up to 119
32 Feathers

32 Sun Rays

Posted 11th Month 9th Day
Hi Marissa!

My Aunt
In Front of the Cross of Andrew
The Unicorn of Scotland

Leviticus 16


Moon in Front of the Sun

The Book Takes Place During the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall is imminent and the Cold War will soon be over.
But for BOX 88, a top-secret spying agency known only to an inner circle
of MI6 and CIA operatives, the espionage game is heating up.

I fully believe that one day the (Anti-Society) ECHELON Citizen Spying Network will be dismantled by the people brick by brick just the same as the Berlin Wall.
George Farquhar - Oct 1999

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. - Edgar J Hoover