Thursday, October 17, 2024

51 Day Stand Off- 76 Branch Davidians Killed End of the World Waco Texas, Alex You Probably Know Right?

Plus 20 Children = 96,
Year I Was Put in Towers

Waco Texas

Max Blumenthal 51 Day War- Friends and Collogues With Aaron Mate, Daniel Mate is His Brother, Gabor Mate is Their Father - Marco and Michelle, Daniel Mate is Following Lori Graham Husband of Billy Graham # Check Mate (111-254) 9/11 and Space Needle

28 Days Later =  Running time: 113 minutes or 1 hour 53 minutes or John 21 = 153 fish = Ezekiel 1:1 July 31 (my Mom's birthday)  153 days left in year

Release date 1 November or 111 or 666 

Countdown in Donny Darko (John 21 = 153 fish  = Verica Pisces - Moon in Front of Sun) 

28 Weeks Later (2007) - came out when I was put in these towers

28 Years Later which is scheduled for release in 2025 when this starts = 28 days into the year. 

Remember the Georgia Guidestones.

The rage virus in 28 Days Later sounds like this with A.I.  Civil war is probably coming 2024 release, I wonder why.... Donny Darko. 

Deagel Predictions For 2025 - Hopefully Lies, I Really Do, Look it Up - Donny Darko Adds up to 88

The World Economic Forum is Not Criticizing Anything Israel is Doing Which is Interesting

The state of Israel is all about
 dividing people unfortunately 
Donny Darko
1:53 Clip
- Vesica Piscis John 21

2025 - Potential Lock Down Coming


Read Here 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Good Quote to Keep in Mind


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”- Voltaire

How many of you stalking weasel turds from the bowels of Hell know that over 50% of the population of Gaza is in under 18 years old! Can you believe this?  Are you all this dumb or evil? These twisted Zionist maniacs are comparing these children to the Nazi's! Some of these Jews are even saying there is no innocence in Gaza AT ALL and ALL the Palestinians are animals. But that's not all, the people of Gaza do not even have a military nor do they have control of the air space or what comes in and out of Gaza, that includes the water supply! They have also been cutting off aid and starving them! They are even selling some of the seized land from the Westbank to fellow Jews in the United States! (There is no Hamas in the Westbank, so they should not even be there, it is Palestinian territory where some Jews are occupying and now openly stealing the land of Palestinians, all sanctioned and protected by the government of Israel.) They are comparing the people of Gaza to one of the greatest fighting war machines of history! (The Nazi regime.) It is beyond insane, there are no words for how evil and sick some of these people are. You are all abysmal disgusting cowards or pathetic morons. You reap what you sow, remember that. Oh, one more important point, see this and this. Very important. Keep that in mind. 

The Psychology of Narcissists and Psychopaths

See here and here for psychopaths. See here for narcissistic supply. See here for why the CIA only hires narcissists and sociopaths.  See here for a Mossad agent talking how they think they are God, this equally applies to the Five Eyes Intelligence agencies

B.A.I.T.E.R (Backstabber, Abuser, Impostor, Taker, Exploiter and Reckless)

1. Arrogant entitlement 2. A complete lack of empathy 3. No remorse or guilt 4. Irresponsible and self destructive 5. They thrive on drama 6. They brag about out smarting people 7.  A lot of short term relationships or high levels of infidelity... they almost always claim to be the victim 8. They are con artists and liars  9. Use comedy, praise or charm to bring down your guard 10. Use of gaslighting 

2. Another category - Phony religious people, phony humanists and human rights activists, phony "law enforcers", phony law makers, and phony politicians 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

New Blog With List of Classified Technology No More Denying it Scumbags- it is Real

Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one 
Benjamin Franklin

Click Below For a List of Classified Technology:

Friday, September 27, 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024

An Interesting Video About Smearing Political Enemies- This is What Zionists Love to Do - WWW Internet = 666 In Hebrew - Connected to Finding Political Dissidents

Internet = WWW = 666

First off, go here to read the Wikipedia entry on COINTELPRO. In addition to watching the video below, you absolutely MUST see the articles below the video. Also, see here, is Zionism/Jewish nationalism apolitical cult?

Doug Christie exposes the attacks on freedom
 in Canada from Ritual Defamation 

1. Torture, Discrediting With Slander and Organized Stalking
2. Examples Of Counter Intelligence Phonies Who Know About Stasi Organized Stalking & Classified Technology And Keep Quiet About It
3. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State
4. Zersetzung: The Origins of Modern Day Homeland Security and the Police State Part 2
5. Zersetzung Part 3 - The New Homeland Security
6. Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism
7. How to Discredit Someone With  Hi-Technology
8. How Covert Agents Infiltrate To Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations
9. Front Groups and Intelligence Agents
10. Learning About the Origins of "Homeland Security"
11. Download STASI book
12. Noam Chomsky on COINTELPRO
13. A Perfect Example of a Cointelpro Website
14. Phony Cointelpro Front Websites and the Liars That are Behind Them
15. COINTELPRO and the Phoenix Program
17. Gaslighting: What Intelligence and Informant Stalkers Participate In
18. Video Example of Stasi "Anchoring" Techniques
19. How Easy is it to Get People to Engage in Organized Stalking? A Perfect Example of The Naivete of the Public and Putting Too Much Trust in Authority Figures
20. 'Couple Harassed with Organized Stalking Noise Harassment Campaign'
21. Homeland Security Made in Israel
22. Homeland Security is Connected to Zionism
23. Homeland Security: The Strong Connections Between Israel, Canada and the United States
24. CSIS and the RCMP dealing with Political People
25. FBI Infragard and Private Outsourced Intelligence Agents
26. InfraGard: An Unhealthy Government Alliance
27Proof FBI Snitching & Organized Stalking Program
28. The Current FBI, NSA, CIA, RCMP, CSE, CSIS, and the Canadian Human Rights Commission Leadership That Should Be Prosecuted & Thrown In Jail

Monday, September 16, 2024

Watch the Videos Below, How Many of You People.... Religious Or Not, Are Just Phony Satanists Covering Up This Classified Technology?

Freemasonry Cannot Be Separated From Israel and the Jewish State

How many of you are a part of this? You can see Masonic symbolism on everything from intelligence agencies, police, government institutions, corporations, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, technology and computer companies, big oil companies, military contractors and the military. See here for is Zionism/Jewish nationalism a political cult? 

As far as Jesus Christ goes, to me that is not totally important, (if you don't care,) what is important is showing that these people run the world and they are Freemasons. But ask yourself something... who puts all of the bizarre esoteric information in their movies, (Jews,) and who has the only Masonic symbol on their flag? (Israel.) Six lines, six triangles and six corners = 666.  The only flag in the world. Remember, Israel is a Jewish state and on a map it is the center of the earth. So why does it all connect to Israel and Jews?  Does it have something to do with Jesus? 

One mistake I noticed in the first video... he claims one picture is Aleister Crowley when he was younger when in fact it is Nietzsche. Besides that I think it is pretty good. Not all of the individuals that are a part of Freemasonry even go through these rituals, they are just brought in.  This has made it easier for more people to be a part of this.

Freemason Sign

Stasi Flag on Top
Flag of Israel on Bottom 

Freemasonry Police USA

British Intelligence-
the oldest intelligence agency

CSIS Canada Pyramid shaped headquarters

Facebook and Tubal Cain, beside the Tubal Cain of
the British Intelligence which is 007 (Two Balls and a Cain)

Silicon Valley Freemasonry All
 Connected to Intelligence Agencies

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Watch Losers This is You Part 2: With Complete Lowlife Stalking Psychopath

See part one here. See here for the Israeli government following me.

Learn from the master himself, the great human waste scumbag Sam Vaknin, a diagnosed narcissistic psychopath.  

Former criminal and Israeli citizen. He is probably still working for the Mossad because he still follows me around and reads my blog all the time. He also know about this, and of course, he will not talk about it like many psychologists and psychiatrists. One of the first people to put up videos regarding narcissists, gaslighting, gang stalking, stalking by proxy, smearing campaigns, torture etc. His earliest info is the best.  See here for my list about narcissism. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Watch Losers- This is Who You Are Right?

Sam Vaknin is Describing
What Zionist Psychopaths Do 

Learn from the master himself, the great human waste scumbag Sam Vaknin, a diagnosed narcissistic psychopathFormer criminal and Israeli citizen. He is probably still working for the Mossad because he still follows me around and reads my blog all the time. He also know about this, and of course, he will not talk about it like many psychologists and psychiatrists. One of the first people to put up videos regarding narcissists, gaslighting, gang stalking, stalking by proxy, smearing campaigns, torture etc. His earliest info is the best.  See here for my list about narcissism. 

On Torture 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Mayan Prophecy and the Codex Borgia - Twin Towers I Was In From 2007-2010 and Connection to Space Needle and Last Supper Painting

See here for Setup Blog
(Go through all of the posts)

The Mayan Prophecy was the end of 2012, I was 36 (above Christ head 6 x 6 = 36
Turned 37 on August 24th in 2013, 37 x 24 = 888
Jesuit Pope came in 12 March 2013 reunite everyone back under Rome
Jesuits are counter reformation

The Codex Borgia (look at numbers,) has 39 (Chi-Rho, Constantine)
76 Pages - My birth year- Israel was established 76 years ago-76 book of Septuagint
Reunite all Rome under Constantine including Greek Orthodox and all Protestants

Simon Peter is the Cancer sign in the Last Supper painting (4th from the left), this is very important.
The Cancer sign is a 6 x 9 = 54 or July 31 to September 23.  

27 x 27 =54 = July 31 to September 23 (Signs in the Sky 2017) -There is 27 Books in New Testament
21 days after my Mom's birthday on July 31st: Eclipse August 21, 2017
(3 days before mine on August 24th)
Gospel of John Known as the Gospel of Signs:
Pontius Pilate puts up a sign in Hebrew 22, Latin 23, Greek 24

36 ft. Above Jesus head Last Supper Davinci painting
My Mom's birthday: 11 meters = Ezekiel 1.1 = 153 days left in the year after July 31st
John 21 -153 Vesica Piscis Eclipse
(11 by 11 in), for a total length of nearly 11 meters= 11+11+11 = 33 Jesus Christ Death.

The Jews try to kill Jesus a total of 21 times in the Gospels, and in the book of Revelation there is
 7 scrolls, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls = 21 for the sign of Jonah judgment. 
Simon Peter is restored in John 21 with the 153 fish and the Vesica Piscis. He is called son of Jonah a trinity of times. (Sign of Jonah, Jonah and the whale from the Old Testament.)
Simon Peter is the Arch between the Jews of James and the Gentiles of Paul in their ministries.
Simon Peter is crucified at end of Gospel of John and handed over to Rome Emperor.

111 Space Needle and 9/11
Needle and Jesus and COVID (Sun) Vaccination
Constantine served from 306 A.D. TO 337 A.D.
 (306 A.D.) 6x6=36 Above the Head of Christ in Last Supper
 (337 A.D.) 37x3 = 111 (Trinity)
37x24 = 888 (Omega)
Human Trafficking Awareness Day Started in 2007 the Year I Was Put in These Towers
January 11 or 1-11 
Wear Blue For Mary Magdalene (Nurses) 
Agatha of Sicily-saint against rape & torture- died when she was 20 or XX - 9/11 
The connection to Matthew the Capricorn (Saturn sign,) in Last Supper painting and 1:11,
Washington state is the 42nd state, and the Gospel of Matthew is 42 generations.
My birthday is August 24th, 1976, which is the 237th day of a leap year. My name in simple gematria (change numbers to letters) = 237.  2 x 3 x 7 = 42.
Room 237 in the Shining and 42 on Danny's arm.
On my mothers side of the family, her mother's father, (my mother's maternal Grandfather,) was half black and their connections go back to a Slave Plantation in Missouri.
here how January 11th is an important day in Missouri for slavery.  

January 1st month-11 days or 1-11: 354 days left 3 x 54 = 162 = 3 x 6 x 9 = hours Christ on the Cross

Day Space Needle Opened: April 21: 111 days in - 254 days left 2 x 54= 108
(Georgia Guidestones) -See below

September 11th:  254 days in  254 days left 2 x 54= 108 (Georgia Guidestones) and 111 days left 

Join the Blue of Mary, the baby and Jesus
Baby the Leo / Mary the Virgo
Leo/Virgo Cusp
(My Birthday) August 24th-236th day or 23/36 day -1976
24th day + 8th month =32 = One Tower and Jesuit Sign
1+9+7+6=23 = Second Tower
I was on the 13th floor in the building with 23 floors = 36 - above Jesus head
There is a quote from Da Vinci at these towers
Address of Towers: 1200 + 1288 = 1488 = 1+4+8+8=21 = 
John 21 -153 Vesica Piscis Eclipse
Didymus (means twin) 3 time in Gospel of John,
Thomas (means twin) 8 times in Gospel of John

 Sun Behind Buddha Head, Swastika Connected to Sun
4 Noble Truth - 8 Fold Path = 32 Jesuit Sun Rays
John 8:32

18 = 6 + 6 + 6 = 3 + 6 + 9 (hours Christ is on Cross) 
From August 24th (my birthday) to September 11 = 18 days
Ave Maria = 9/11
Constantine connects himself to the destruction of the Jewish temples

John 21=153 Fish / 3 = 51
Ezekiel 1:1: July 31=153 days left in year

Pyramid Pushed Down to Form a Cross

Why Thomas (Twin) Points Up in Da Vinci Last Supper Painting
and his Finger Goes in the Side of Christ Where Eve Comes Out

Add up

Add up - the importance of 111

Add the cross and get 888
the Alpha and the Omega
Man pinned on the Cross
The Cross = the Eucharist = the Cube
666 is associated with carbon (dirt) and man Adam
888 with oxygen and breath (God is Life) 
Man and land animals both made on 6th day, spirit and logos separates them
this is in the Gospel of John and leads to God (reborn in the spirit)
The logical, spiritual animal made in the image of God. 
Solomon got his Wisdom from God and book of Proverbs until he lost it.

the Cross = Body of Christ  =  Sun = the Eucharist

Georgia Guidestones Cube

MM= Mary Magdalene 
JAM= Jesus Ave Maria
Turn Letters to Numbers = 108

Constantine- Chi-Rho -Sun Sign
Cross =  Christ  & Sun
Ave Maria = 9/11

Christian Fish is Vesica Piscis = Moon coming in front of the Sun
Stanley Kubrick Quote About Hitler
John 21=153 Fish / 3 = 51
Ezekiel 1:1: July 31=153 days left in year