Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Three Pieces of Crap Who Actively Try to Suppress the Truth in a Community Facebook Group

Yes, the Canadian Stasi is in full force, just like these CSIS videos show. The CSIS videos literally show them being like Stasi stalking agents. See herehereherehere and here for more about the connections between the CSECSIS, the RCMP, and Zionism. It is also intriguing to look at this past post I made here about a letter to the Editor of the local Newspaper in Maple Ridge. Also, read this post about Zionist vigilante justice.

As I have stated previously on my Twitter account, absolutely every single Human Rights Organization should be looked at with a critical eye, (see here, here, here and here for posts about some human rights groups,) the same goes for Community Watch Groups, especially their moderators. Canada has 100% become like East Germany, and the Canadian population is full of informants and stalking psychopaths that know their country has become a complete joke.

Three of the people in the group called "Concerned Citizens of Maple Ridge (Standing Up For a Better Community:") are actively trying to suppress information that I post. One of these individuals is a moderator of the group.

Every time I posted something into the group, I would have issues with the same three people. Even though I was never rude to anyone and the information that I was providing was important and relevant for people in the community of Maple Ridge to know.

Another important point that must be made... I was absolutely amazed to find out how many "Community Groups" are in the town of little Maple Ridge. Why would a town like Maple Ridge with a population around 76 000 people have tons of Community Groups on Facebook?

This is not normal. Do the research for yourself. If you go through other towns and cities you won't find this. Even places like Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey and Vancouver. I believe it is because there are tons of people that are following me in the town  --- many who are Zionists and Jews. Others who are informants or intelligence agents.

Be wary of some of these Facebook groups. Of course, that's not to say that they are all bad. I just know from my experience with intelligence that they start groups to follow the people who join them. When your country is becoming overrun by organized crime and corruption they want to know who the people that care about justice and making a difference in their community are. They don't want to change anything. They are there to find you and spy on you.

Do you not find it slightly strange that when I started posting relevant information into this group about classified technology they got their backs up? Why would they care? The reality is, the information that I'm talking about is absolutely crucial for everyone to know. The other comment I made in the group that got these three people angry was on someone else's comment about why the Police are not doing anything about drug dealers. I said many of them are working as informants. I believe that Maple Ridge is a town that is being completely overrun by drugs, same goes for Mission. This is a sign of levels of corruption in British Columbia and Canada. You should read the posts herehere and here about the connections between intelligence agencies, drugs, and drug dealers. It is interesting to note, that Mission, a town with a way smaller population than Maple Ridge, has a community Facebook group of almost 7000 people. Once again, this is very odd. Just like Maple Ridge, no other major cities in British Columbia have this.

The other groups I found highly suspicious on Facebook are "Targeted Individual Groups." You can tell right when you signup and get into these groups that most of these people are not truly "Targeted Individuals." Anyone who has been targeted by intelligence agencies can see this right away, they are a complete joke. Once again, I think all of the moderators of these groups are suspicious and should be investigated.   

Brain Invaders With Former Governor and Navy Seal Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura covered some of the technology I'm talking about on this blog. Certainly not nearly in the same depth, but, at least they tried to cover it. Go here and here to learn more about classified technology. See posts herehere and here for more about using directional sound to create the hearing of an inner voice. Also see here and here for more about the microwave hearing effect.

See here and here for more about the symptoms of radiation exposure. See here for more about documented evidence of radio frequency testing, torture, and experimentation. See here for more about satellite and electromagnetic terrorism, see here for an interview with Dr. John Hall on his experiences with this technology and for a video where the local news covers it. See here for more about a Canadian psychiatrist who is concerned about remote influencing weaponry affecting mental and physical health. See here for more about electromagnetic and informational weapons and the remote manipulation of the human brain.

See here for more about full-spectrum dominance and no-touch reality TV torture, see here for more about directed energy weapons and electronic warfare patents, see here for the write-up on Wikipedia that talks about Electronic Warfare. See here for former
 U.S. Representative from Ohio Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space based weapons, see here for more about domestic terrorism, silent rape and murder, brain chips, nanotechnology, resonance based weaponry, direct energy weapons and electronic warfare.

See this post here about political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union and how it is happening in Canada and the United States, this is actually mentioned by Dr. John Hall here. See here for the farce of the mental health profession. See here and here for more about psychiatry and the inherent problems it faces under a corrupt form of government. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Jews & Eugenics - It Didn't Start With The Nazi's Part 2

For previous articles that cover the connections between Judaism and eugenics, please see herehereherehere and here. See here for the connections between Judaism and Transhumanism, and here for the connections between Transhumanism and political control.


The popular impression is that the eugenics movement was a racist, anti-Semitic Nazi ideology inspired by Anglo-American elites.

In point of fact, eugenics also managed to establish strong bridgeheads in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey. 

Jews played a modest but active role in the early eugenics movement. In 1916, Rabbi Max Reichler published an article entitled “Jewish Eugenics,” in which he attempted to demonstrate that Jewish religious customs were eugenic in thrust.

A decade and a half later Ellsworth Huntington, in his book Tomorrow’s Children, which was published in conjunction with the directors of the American Eugenics Society, echoed Reichler’s arguments, praising the Jews as being of uniquely superior stock and explaining their achievements by a systematic adherence to the basic principles of Jewish religious law, which he also viewed as being fundamentally eugenic in nature. In the Weimar Republic many Jewish socialists actively campaigned for eugenics, using the Socialist newspaper Vorwärts as their chief tribune.

Max Levien, head of the first Munich Soviet, and Julius Moses, a member of the German Socialist Party, believed strongly in eugenics. A partial list of prominent German-Jewish eugenicists would include the geneticists Richard Goldschmidt, Heinrich Poll, and Curt Stern, the statistician Wilhelm Weinberg (coauthor of the Hardy-Weinberg Law), the mathematician Felix Bernstein, and the physicians Alfred Blaschko, Benno Chajes, Magnus Hirschfeld, Georg Löwenstein, Max Marcuse, Max Hirsch, and Albert Moll.

The German League for Improvement of the People and the Study of Heredity was even attacked by the Nazi publisher Julius F. Lehmann as targeted subversion on the part of Berlin Jews.

Löwenstein was a member of an underground resisting the National Socialist government, and Chajes, Goldschmidt, Hirschfeld, and Poll emigrated. In America, when the revolutionary anarchist editor of the American Journal of Eugenics, Moses Harman, died in 1910, Emma Goldman’s magazine Mother Earth took over distribution. In 1933, the eugenicist and University of California professor of zoology Samuel Jackson Holmes noted the significant number of Jews in the eugenics movement and praised their “native endowment of brains,” while at the same time lamenting the racial bias suffered by the Jews, which caused many of their intellectuals to be wary of nonegalitarian worldviews.

The American Eugenics Society itself counted Rabbi Louis Mann as one of its directors, in 1935.One of the most prominent eugenicists was the American Herman Muller, whose mother was Jewish and who received the Nobel Prize in medicine, in 1946, for his work on genetic mutation rates. A communist, Muller spent 1933-1937 as a senior geneticist at the University of Moscow, when he wrote a letter to Stalin proposing that the Soviet Union adopt eugenics as an official policy. 

It was the eve of the Great Purges, and Stalin definitely disapproved of the idea, at which point Muller judged it wisest to leave for Scotland and then returned to the United States. It was in the middle of his Moscow sojourn that Muller’s eugenics treatise Out of the Night appeared in the United States. In 1932, Muller had spent a year in Germany and he was outraged by Nazi concepts and policies concerning race.

According to the National Library in Jerusalem, from the 1920s through the 1950s, some 200 Hebrew-language Parents’ manuals were published. These publications contained a coherent worldview, of which eugenics formed an integral part, subjecting Jewish mothers to an unremitting program of education, indoctrination, and regulation. During the British mandate, Jewish physicians in Palestine actively promoted eugenics. Dr. Joseph Meir, for whom the hospital in Kfar Sava is named, wrote in 1934:

Who should be allowed to raise children? Seeking the right answer to this question, eugenics is the science that tries to refine the human race and keep it from decaying. This science is still young, but it has enormous advantages…. Is it not our duty to insure that our children will be healthy, both physically and mentally? For us, eugenics in general, and mainly the careful prevention of hereditary illnesses, has a much higher value than in other nations. Doctors, athletes, and politicians should spread the idea widely: Do not have children unless you are sure that they will be healthy, both mentally and physically.

One researcher at Ben-Gurion University working on the topic “eugenicist Zionists,” came across a card file with notes written by the editors of a collection of Meir’s writings, published in Israel in the mid-1950s where the editors call the article “problematic and dangerous” and comment that “Now, after Nazi eugenics, it is dangerous to publish this article.”

In point of fact, knowledge of Jewish support for eugenics in pre-1948 Palestine was suppressed for many years. Dr. Max Nordau, the son of an Orthodox rabbi, was converted to Zionism by Theodore Herzl and became prominent in the movement. Nordau’s ideas, which including vigorously propagandizing eugenics, became so popular in the Jewish community that Nordau Clubs were created even in the United States.

Dr. Arthur Ruppin, the head of the World Zionist Organization office in Palestine, wrote in his book The Sociology of the Jews that “in order to preserve the purity of our race, such Jews [showing signs of genetic defects] must refrain from having children.”

In Israel today many eugenic practices have become widely accepted. According to Meira Weiss of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, In Israel, the Zionists’ eugenics turned into a selective prenatal policy backed by state-of-the-art genetic technology. 

There are now more fertility clinics per capita there than in any other country in the world (four times the number per capita in the United States). Abortion is subsidized if the fetus is suspected to be physically or mentally malformed. In cases where the husband’s sperm is not viable, donors fill out extensive health histories. The State supplies the sperm, which is screened for Tay-Sachs. 

Women over thirty-five routinely consent to amniocentesis tests and abort if genetic defects are discovered. Thus, the government is actively pursuing eugenics, although the chief motivation appears to be as least as much quantitative as qualitative. Surrogacy was legalized in 1996137, but only for married women. It too is paid for by the State. 

Jewish religious law does not delegitimize the children of unmarried women, thus making it possible to combine Jewish legal principles with modern legal practices. In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer are preferred by some rabbis as a form of fertility treatment that does not violate the literal Halakhic precepts against adultery.

Curiously, some rabbis refuse to condemn the use of non-Jewish sperm, since masturbation by non-Jews is not of explicit rabbinic concern, and also because Jewishness is passed exclusively through the mother. Children born to different Jewish mothers using the same sperm donor may even marry, since “they share no substance.” Other rabbis, however, consider the use of non-Jewish sperm an abomination. 139

The Israeli attitude toward cloning differs considerably from that prevalent in most other countries. Although human reproductive cloning is currently not permitted because the technology is not yet considered safe, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel sees no inherent religious interdiction in reproductive cloning as a form of treatment for infertility and even sees an advantage over sperm donation, which by using anonymous donors might subsequently lead to a marriage between brother and sister.

In 1998, although more than eight decades had passed since the appearance of Reichler’s 1916 essay, Noam J. Zohar, a professor of philosophy at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, responded to Reichler. Noting that Reichler’s emphatically pro-eugenics views were “shared… by more than a few Judaic circles today,” Zohar wrote that A program of individualized eugenics… would seem to be consonant with an attitude that was, at the very least, tacitly endorsed by traditional Judaic teachings.

Should it make a difference if the means for producing fine offspring are no longer determined by moralized speculation but instead by evidence-based genetic science? It seems to me that, insofar as the goal itself is acceptable, the change in the means for its advancement need pose no obstacle to its pursuit. 

This is so of course provided that the new means are not morally objectionable. To work out a Judaic response to the sort of new eugenics now looming on our horizon it will be necessary to evaluate the various specific means that might serve a modern individualized eugenics. I hope that some of the groundwork for that has been laid in this examination of traditional Judaic voices.

Mass Scale Debauchery in the United States Government - Right Up to the Highest Levels - Including the NSA and CIA

Forward Note: As I said before, this is why you cannot trust government spy institutions and the police who work with them. See herehere, here, here and here for more connections to mind control, pedophilia, drug trafficking, human and child trafficking with spy institutions.  Most people do not know that one of the ways for intelligence officers or anyone else, (a hacker,) to download child porn is to use someone else's computer. They can also use BitTorrents and other Peer-to-Peer File Sharing programs. Many people often download and use these programs for other reasons, but, they can be dangerous because hackers can piggyback on them and download other material onto your computer.


The Pizzagate meme that you hear going around right now is certainly nothing new. The first thing to keep in mind is this stuff is real and it happens. It goes back hundreds if not thousands of years. From cases like Giles de Rais to the Countess Elizabeth Báthory

There Really is People That Are This Crazy

Don't forget the Ian Watkins baby incidents with Peaches Geldof. Peaches tweeted out the Mom's names involved in this. Then there is Jimmy Savile and especially the case of Marc Dutroux who literally had children in torture chambers. The Marc Dutroux case also involved elites in high places. These connections run through the royal families, the Anglo-American empire, the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church which is connected to the Church of England and the Royal Family, the Jewish elite, the state of Israel and Arab allies in the middle east, like Saudi Arabia.  

But, it is also happening in Canada and the United States. Just look at this interview with Corey Feldman about the Hollywood elite and pedophilia and this video with Elijah Wood about the child sex abuse problem in Hollywood. You can also watch this documentary called Hollywood Pedophiles Exposed. Then, of course, there is Jeffery Epstein, the billionaire pedophile with his sex slaves and orgy island. Someone who the Clintons, Donald Trump, and many others knew. Most people have never heard of this case with the father of Nicole Kidman either, where it was alleged that he was involved in an elite pedophile ring.

Another case to consider is Russell Williams in Canada. Russell Williams was the roommate of Paul Bernardo. Williams was flying around Stephen Harper and the Royal family! These are not coincidences. Just like the connections between drugs, organized crime, law enforcement and the intelligence industry.

It's also thought provoking to contemplate the cases below in the context of the classified technology I'm talking aboutThe intelligence industry and elite politically connected individuals are hoarding classified technology and some of us are under a perverted level of surveillance. (They can do it to anyone.) These people have access to technology that allows them to turn someone's life into a reality TV show

They can look out any child, woman or man's eyes. This is the never talked about link between the intelligence agencies and pedophilia. They are, by default, all voyeurs and pedophiles.  The people in control of the United States government right now are absolute lying psychopaths. You are truly living in times comparable to the French Revolution. Their levels of corruption, greed, and depravity are beyond most people's imaginations. This is nothing new. It was going on at the time of the Franklin Coverup, also see here for more about the FBI and Child Sex Trafficking. 

The intelligence agencies are run by complete lying sadistic perverted psychopaths. Do you think it is a coincidence that John Podesta is friends with former speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert

Do you think it's a coincidence that Andrew Breitbart tweeted out those tweets before he died? Another interesting video is this one here, with Andrew Breitbart with Greg Gutfeld on Fox making remarks about "Ping Pong." Hmm, you don't think they knew something?  (See here for more about Comet Ping Pong.)

Below is a whole list of United States abuses that are worth looking at. What is most compelling about them, is many are a part of the government, the most interesting being the intelligence agencies and the Pentagon. This is already something that I pointed out here and here

Ex-House Speaker, 'serial child molester' Dennis Hastert goes to prison

CIA able to keep its secrets on budgets, bad apples

Pentagon lagged on pursuing porn cases

5,200 Pentagon Employees Bought Child Pornography – Investigation halted after 8 Months:

Pentagon computers used for child pornography:

Did We Finish Looking Into Those 1,700 Pentagon Child Porn Cases?'

Child Porn, Coke Smuggling: Hundreds of DHS Employees Arrested Last Year

‘Cannibal Cop’ partner Michael Van Hise wanted to keep children as sex slaves: prosecutors

'Cannibal Cop's' partner 'wanted to make stepdaughter, three, a sex slave and offered two nieces to be raped'

Hill aide arrested on child porn charges

Ryan Loskarn Child Pornography

Lamar Alexander's former aide, charged with child porn, kills himself

Crimes Of DHS Employees – Child Porn, Coke Smuggling, Forgery, Bribery, And Robbery

DHS Press Secretary Arrested on Child Seduction Charges

Jared Fogle, ex-Subway pitchman, paid kids for sex on New York trips, prosecutor says

San Francisco: Homeland Security agent found guilty of possession of child pornography

Customs and Border Protection Supervisor Pleads Guilty to Possession of Child Pornography

State Department official arrested on suspicion of seeking sex with minor: CNN

UPDATE: Aldie man charged with sexually soliciting middle school girls

State Department employee arrested on child porn charge in Broward

N.J. state employee used work computer to download child porn, AG says

State Department employee Carl Carey arrested on child porn charges

Conn. Mayor Arrested on Child Sex Charges

Cop Arrested for Child Sex Charges AGAIN — After Dept Failed to Prosecute the First Time

Real Life #Pizzagate Authorities Arrest 51 In Child Sex Ring, Lawmakers Included

South Florida ICE official arrested on child porn charges

Former Navy official pleads to pornography charge

Former Navy chaplain to be sentenced for child pornography

Former Navy MP pleads guilty to federal child porn charge

Former Navy sailor pleads guilty to child porn charge

Undersecretary of the Navy, Special Assistant to Reagan, Pentagon Spokesman - CHILD PORN

Former Navy Physician’s Assistant Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charges

Ex-Blue Angels photographer pleads guilty to child porn charge

Ex-Army Colonel Weeps as He Is Sentenced to Prison on Child Pornography Charges

Canadian soldier in England pleads guilty to making and possessing child pornography

Former Ontario education deputy minister pleads guilty to three child porn charges

Military officer pleads guilty to possessing graphic child porn

Ex-Clinton adviser pleads to child-porn charge

Ex-Edmonton soldier pleads guilty to child porn charges

Former Subway pitchman seeks to plead guilty to child pornography, sex charges

Former drug agent pleads guilty to federal child pornography charge

More high-ranking officers being charged with sex crimes against subordinates

Retired Navy officer gets one year prison in child-porn case

Portland Man Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison for Possessing One Image of Child Sexual Abuse- employee of the DOI's Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

Former Department of Agriculture Worker Sentenced for Child Porn

Former House staffer sentenced for child porn

Former federal worker gets 50 years in rape, child porn case

Army colonel sentenced to 12 years in child pornography case

Former Greene County Deputy Sentenced for Child Porn

Former Coulee Dam school administrator pleads guilty to federal child porn charge

Richmond Resident Convicted of Possession of Child Pornography 

Former BPD detective sentenced in child porn case

Former top FBI agent charged with child porn distribution

Jews Who Control Hollywood Tell Stars: Better Not Mention Palestine

The article below is from the same time that the activities took place in Gaza during 2014. The article is still relevant though because you always wonder why Hollywood personalities are willing to speak out about some atrocities... and yet, why they keep their mouth's shut about others genocides, and mass slaughters. Maybe this is why.


It’s official: Right now the No. 1 rule in Hollywood is that you can talk about anything political—except Israel’s attack on the Christians and Muslims in Gaza, Palestine. That’s not a conspiracy theory from critics of Israel or Jew-hating neo-Nazis. Instead, that was the thesis of a candid article in the August 1 edition of The Hollywood Reporter (THR), influential trade journal of the entertainment industry.

In fact, the article was bluntly titled: “Rule 1: Talk About Anything Political in Hollywood . . . Except Gaza.”

That such an article would appear in a magazine considered “must” reading for those in show business was a not-so-subtle warning that anyone who violates that rule is in for a tough road ahead.

Noting several celebrities had expressed sympathies for the plight of Gaza, THR commented ominously that—“for now at least” —powerful Jewish moguls in Hollywood were simply dismissing those entertainers as being “uninformed.” However, continue speaking out this way and there will be trouble.

Adding breezily that it is commonplace for Hollywood executives “to be on a first name basis with prominent Israeli politicians and business leaders,” THR cooed that this intimacy with Israel explains why so many Hollywood figures who otherwise have much to say about a lot of political issues are silent about Gaza—with only a few exceptions.

Those exceptions—which caused a stir in Jewish circles and a big buzz in Hollywood—included such well-known names as husband-and-wife acting team Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz (both Academy Award winners) and two-time Oscar-winning director Pedro Almodavor, who joined dozens of fellow Spanish actors, directors, musicians and writers in an open letter condemning the assault on Gaza, describing Israel’s policies as “genocide.”

Meanwhile, American actor Jon Voight jumped into action, charging Bardem, Ms. Cruz and their colleagues with “inciting anti-Semitism,” which, of course, brought denials from the accused. Ms. Cruz rushed to explain she was “not an expert” and shouldn’t be misunderstood.

Voight has spent his own entire career vocally proving his love for Israel, well aware it is common knowledge among Hollywood power brokers that his late uncle—the legendary political writer Joseph P. Kamp—was an outspoken critic of Jewish intrigues, particularly targeting the notorious Anti-Defamation League, a big player in Hollywood affairs. (Also, see here and here for more about the ADL.) Kamp—by the way—was a contributing editor to The Spotlight. Voight’s equally politically-outspoken daughter, actress Angelina Jolie, has made it so big she is now a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

THR reported that powerful Hollywood kingpin Haim Saban, (also see here,) —an Israeli citizen—drafted a statement responding to Israel’s critics that was “so strong” that—after being sent to his publicist for review—was never issued. In short: Saban is really mad, and Israel’s critics better watch out. After all, billionaire Saban, who has said his number one concern is protecting Israel, puts his money where his mouth is, bankrolling endeavors—such as the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution in Washington—that promote the Zionist agenda.

In two other Gaza-related “scandals,” actress Selena Gomez dared to post an image on “Instagram” that read: “It’s about humanity. Pray for Gaza,” and popular hip-hopper Rihanna posted “Free Palestine” to the Internet. After coming under fire, Ms. Gomez assured fans she wasn’t taking sides and Rihanna deleted her own post eight minutes after posting it.

Comic Jackie Mason—a trained rabbi—told conservative radio host Aaron Klein that entertainment industry critics of Israel come from “anti-Semitic, low-class backgrounds where a Jew is the most disgusting thing in the world to them.”

THR quoted Ken Solomon, chairman and chief executive officer of The Tennis Channel, Inc., and top Democratic fundraiser—whose grandparents lived in Israel. Solomon, who audaciously said in response to Rihanna and the others: “I think there’s a place for celebrities to get involved, whether it’s the environment or social issues. But getting involved in foreign policy debates? It doesn’t make a lot of sense. . . . With all due respect to Rihanna, unless she’s been studying this, she shouldn’t be talking about it.” In other words, in foreign policy, unless you’re pro-Israel, just shut up.

Jewish comic Joan Rivers, born Joan Molinsky, would have no problem with that argument. Believing Israel is imperiled, she once said: “I worry they’re going to wipe it off the Earth. I only hope they [Israel] will take us all with them, because Jews shouldn’t go quietly this time. If they’re going to kill us, we’re going to kill you right back.”

Those violent comments, it seems, are acceptable, since, after all, Ms. Rivers is Jewish and pro-Israel.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Jews Boast of Owning Hollywood—But Slam Gentiles Who Say the Same

Besides reading the article below, see here for more about who controls the porn industry and why it is important. Yes, it is fine for them to say it, but not you nor him. Not you a mere mortal.  Didn't you know this? Where does this come from? Mostly from the Talmud.


The all-out attack by the Jewish Supremacist “Anti-Defamation League” (ADL) (see here and here for more about the ADL,) on actor Gary Oldman for daring to mention that Jews run Hollywood has highlighted the fact that Jews can routinely boast about that fact—but if a Gentile says the same thing, they are attacked as “anti-Semites.”

Oldman (known for roles like Harry Potter’s Sirius Black and spy George Smiley in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy), when asked in a recent Playboy interview about actor/producer Mel Gibson’s earlier remarks about Jews, said that “Mel Gibson is in a town that’s run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because he’s actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him.” (See here for Marlon Brando saying the same thing to Larry King on CNN.)

For this “sin” Oldman was condemned by the ADL and immediately issued a groveling apology, saying that he hoped his “heartfelt apology would be received as genuine as he intended it to be” and that he has “nothing against Jews.”

This apology was however not good enough for the ADL’s Abe Foxman, who in a press statement said that “We have just begun a conversation with his managing producer”—in other words that the Jewish Supremacists will now be seeking to smash Oldman’s career.

“While his apology may be heartfelt, Mr. Oldman does not understand why his words about Jewish control were so damaging and offensive, and it is therefore insufficient,” Foxman added.

However, Foxman has never said anything when his fellow Jews have said exactly what Oldman said—and even more.

For example, the Jewish journalist Joel Stein, who used to write for the Los Angeles Times and who currently writes for Time magazine, wrote a large article in the LA Times on December 19, 2008, titled “Is Hollywood Run by Jews? You Bet.”

In this article (now “retitled” on the LA Times website as “Who runs Hollywood? C’mon”—obviously the original title was too truthful), Stein explained precisely how Jews control Hollywood:

I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.

How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.

The person they were yelling at in that ad was SAG President Alan Rosenberg (take a guess). The scathing rebuttal to the ad was written by entertainment super-agent Ari Emanuel (Jew with Israeli parents) on the Huffington Post, which is owned by Arianna Huffington (not Jewish and has never worked in Hollywood.)

The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.

As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. Without us, you’d be flipping between “The 700 Club” and “Davey and Goliath” on TV all day.

So I’ve taken it upon myself to re-convince America that Jews run Hollywood by launching a public relations campaign because that’s what we do best. I’m weighing several slogans, including: “Hollywood: More Jewish than ever!”; “Hollywood: From the people who brought you the Bible”; and “Hollywood: If you enjoy TV and movies, then you probably like Jews after all.”

 Significantly, Stein ended his boastful article with the following illuminating comment:

 But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.

Stein has not had his “employers spoken to” by Foxman and the ADL, unlike the unfortunate Gary Oldman.

The difference is, of course, that the Jews are perfectly happy as long as it is they who boast about their control of Hollywood—but woe betide any Gentile who dares to say the same thing—they are just anti-Semites.

Stein is not the only prominent Jewish journalist to have boasted about Jewish control of Hollywood.

In August 1996, the Jewish magazine Moment (which describes itself as “North America’s premier Jewish magazine, founded in 1975 by Nobel Prize laureate Elie Wiesel”) ran a front page article titled “Jews Run Hollywood—So What?” written by Jewish journalist Michael Medved.

(This article too, has been “retitled” on the Moment magazine archives to “Is Hollywood too Jewish?” also because the original title was too truthful.)

Medved said in the article that:

It makes no sense at all to try to deny the reality of Jewish power and prominence in popular culture. Any list of the most influential production executives at each of the major movie studios will produce a heavy majority of recognizably Jewish names.

The article then describes how the Jew Michael Eisner, the Head of Walt Disney studios only hires “highly paid Jewish moguls” as producers such as Jeffrey Katzenberg, Michael Ovitz, Joe Roth (former head of 20th Century Fox).

Medved also reveals how Jews also took over the only major Hollywood studio which was run by Gentiles: the Walt Disney Corporation:

The famous Disney organization, which was founded by Walt Disney, a gentile Midwesterner who allegedly harboured anti-Semitic attitudes, now features Jewish personnel in nearly all its most powerful positions.

Medved continues:

Men and women of Jewish background enjoy a vastly disproportionate—if not dominate—influence in Hollywood.

He also points out that even studios which were bought out by the Japanese Sony Corp. and by Rupert Murdoch, still had to hire

a Yiddish team of long-time industry leaders in all the most powerful positions. When Mitsushita took over MCA-Universal, they did nothing to undermine the unquestioned authority of Universal’s legendary—and all-Jewish—management triad of Lew Wasserman, Sid Scheinberg and Tom Pollack.

 Medved added that most of the movie moguls of today graduated from Ivy League colleges, “where Jews are vastly over-represented—just as they are in Hollywood.”

He says that nepotism plays a role exemplified with Samuel Goldwyn Pictures being run by the son of founder Samuel Goldwyn and a third generation, Tony Goldwyn, is waiting in the wings to take over.

He adds:

This dynastic tendency in American entertainment certainly is a factor in the continued prominence of the Jewish role.

While Hollywood never stops portraying whites as degenerate criminals at every conceivable occasion, Jews are always portrayed as heroes, according to Medved:

Jewish writers and directors employ unquestionably flattering depictions of Jews for audiences to react with sympathy and affection.

Interestingly, Medved also pointed out that the general public was aware of the Jewish control of Hollywood, and that this degenerative effect was the cause of resentment:

Poll after poll, taken over the past 10 years, shows that the public believes this industry is more firmly associated with Jews than any other business in the world. That it is almost universally viewed as a destructive force in our society should be of concern.

And he ends with this significant remark:

The combined weight of so many Jews in one of America’s most lucrative and important industries gives the Jews of Hollywood a great deal of political power. They are a major source of money for Democratic candidates. The industry’s informal patriarch, MCA chairman Lew Wasserman, wields tremendous personal clout in state and national politics. So do Barbara Streisand, Norman Lear and others.

Once again, Medved has never had his “employers spoken to” or had his career derailed by the Foxmans of the world—simply because he is Jewish and allowed to say these things.

There is even a commercially available book about the Jewish control of Hollywood, written by the Jew Neal Gabler, titled An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood.

Gabler is a Senior Fellow at the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center and is a cohost along with Medved of the American film review show, Sneak Previews (which ran for over two decades on the Public Broadcasting Service).

His 512 page book details precisely how Jews have taken over and run Hollywood. On page 263, Gabler even describes this takeover as the work of a “Jewish cabal.”

On the first page of his book he states how the industry was “supervised” by Jews, goes on to detail the workings of the “Jewish network”, and specifies how the studios “preferred to deal with other Jews”(p.272).

Gabler also reveals that the Hollywood Jews practice anti-Gentile discrimination.

“Those goyim!” Harry Warner would yell in derision, or “He’s a nice fellow for a goy” a Jew might say but only in their inner sanctums, when they were safe among fellow Jews, and only verbally. (p.280).

According to the book’s official description, this “wonderful history of the golden age of the movie moguls” (Chicago Tribune ) is a provocative, original, and richly entertaining group biography of the Jewish immigrants who were the moving forces behind the creation of America’s motion picture industry.

That subtitle may inspire in some readers waves of ethnic pride, and in others waves of ethnic revulsion, but the point of this book is that its claim of origin is quite literally true. And what makes it an interesting read for political types is the way it demonstrates that no matter how much the founding Hollywood moguls and their successors tried to peddle an idealized, escapist form of entertainment, bubbling up under and around their every project was ideology, racism, ethnic prejudice, class friction, domestic and international politics and all the other raw, seething stuff that distinguishes this country from all others. In Gabler’s hands, the Industry draws a picture of American political history in spite of itself.

Once again, the Jewish Supremacist hypocrites like Foxman did not “speak to Gabler’s employers” or otherwise smash his career.

Instead, the Jewish-owned New York Times described Gabler’s book as “enthralling book of social history.”

The book was adapted into a documentary movie in 1998. As usual, the film has two titles, distributed to different markets: Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream (original title for A&E) and Hollywood: An Empire of Their Own (title for video/DVD).