"Hey Charlie Brown!, Merry Christmas!"
Steve Amery, (he took his LinkedIn account down because he is doing exactly what I am saying, normal people will either contact the Police or contact me and do something about it. Sue me Steve, just like your brother threatened to do.)
Here is his email: steve.amery@rentokil.ie, he is a service manager at https://www.rentokil.ie in Ireland.
Here is his Facebook, He is a gang stalking psychopath who enjoys ruining people's lives. (Just like Steve's sick brother with his phony front business. See here, here and here for more about Steve's brother Mark Amery. Here is an another LinkedIn account for Mark Amery. The scam business Puddle Pools. Mark Amery's businesses are a total sham. He is a lying loser. Steve is also related to Leo Amery, the Zionist Freemason scumbag. (See here and here for more about Leo Amery.) Some of these Zionists are evil manipulative lying psychopaths that stab people in the back. They are the Devil incarnate. They slander people and ruin their lives and take glee in it. They utterly destroy the lives of people that are a threat to our insanely corrupt government.
Steve Amery used to be in the Canadian military. This loser is a disgrace to any military, let alone ours. Many of these people work with "Public Safety Canada" or other governments to undermine the lives of people that have been put on watch lists. They work with intelligence agencies, the military, community watch, and the police in organized harassment and stalking campaigns. People like him hate people that tell the truth.
This loser now lives over in Ireland and he is a Service Manager at Rentokil Initial Ireland. (He took down his LinkedIn account because he is a coward liar.) He should be fired instantly. What they are involved in is so evil it is beyond what most people could even understand.
To know what they are all complicit in, I urge ALL of you reading this to watch this documentary, also watch the videos here and here. IT IS CALLED HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION AND TORTURE. See here for documented radio frequency testing, torture and experimentation. You don't have to believe me, hook this psychopath up to a lie detector test, better yet, hook his brain up to the mind-reading devices that our government is covering up.
Two Evil Sick Twisted People Who
Take Pleasure in Framing People, Torturing Them,
and Laughing About it. Human Waste
Padre Peo Feast Day Psychopaths, Right Mrs. Amery?