Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jewish Psychopaths: Watch These Videos - Some Thoughts From a Jew

Watch the videos below. For other posts about Jewish psychopaths please see here and here. Also, see this post about microwave weapons, torture and evil stalking snake psychopaths. For more information on identifying psychopaths see here. See here for more about gaslighting, see here for more about anchoring, see here for more about Zersetzung. A good list of articles about intelligence tactics can be found here.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

MUST SEE- "Marked" Gorilla & Onsite Stalkers Involved With Classified Technology, Torture & Human Experimentation

This Guy Is a Lying Psychopath From Hell. Read All 22 Links Below! Scroll Down The Page

Message to Gorilla: I know what is going on,  someone connected to intelligence informed me that they contacted people around me. See here, here, and here for more about this. You people are pure evil. The evilest people I've ever known in my life, backstabbing psychopathic trash. Nice human sacrifice signs. These are anchoring techniques. You think I'm stupid you psychopathSee this previous post here for more about Amery and the connections to Zionism.

What is interesting is both Gorilla Properties and OnSite Pest Control (see below) use mailboxes for their addresses. I don't know one other established Pest Control business that doesn't have a physical location. Gorilla Properties claims to be franchising and takes calls from all across Canada. Think about that for a second. Who the hell would buy a franchise before the business is even successful? Do you even know why people buy franchises? It is because they have an established record of success you idiot. Who gets pressure washing jobs done for them from a company on the other side of Canada? You must read all of the links below. There are many more pieces of crap in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver doing this, they are all working together. Canada is worse than East Germany was with the Stasi. The technology is much more advanced.

1. Leo the "Gorilla" Amery and his importance in the formation of the state of Israel:

2. Go to my Facebook page and scroll down. (My old Facebook page was taken down by Facebook because they did not like the information I had up, just like my Yelp post was. Here is my new Facebook, soon I will make a video with all of the same information in it. Sorry, it was taken down too! I will soon put this up somewhere else.)

3. History of Zionist terrorism: and:  and here: https://exposeintelligence.blogspot.com/2016/12/jewish-terror-its-connections-to-israel.html. See also here https://exposeintelligence.blogspot.com/2016/02/which-group-of-people-are-most-likely.html for which group is more likely to be terrorists:

4. Stalking Gorillas with front businesses near political dissidents:

5. The little known Jewish sayanim spying all over the world:

6. Classified Technology: Intelligence Tactics: Discredit Someone:

7. Homeland Security, Torture, Political Prisoners, Classified Technology and people involved with drugs -very important must see:

8. News Covers Organized Stalking & Satellite Terrorism & Dr. John Hall Talks about Satellite Terrorism:

9. Vigilante justice Zionist style:

10. A Letter Sent To Local Newspaper About What is Happening in the Town I Used to Live In:

11. Three Pieces of Crap Who Actively Try to Suppress the Truth in a Community Facebook Group:

12. Smearing Political Enemies: Absolutely must read Zersetzung links- MUST LEARN ABOUT:

13. Examples of Character Assassination: Zionist Students Caught Defaming Their Enemies Rather Than Debating Them:

14. Hey Michael, can I get a phony franchise business too? I have a post office box on Lougheed Hwy. I take nationwide calls for property management, I might need to clean graffiti in Nova Scotia or pressure wash in Montreal. I begin to franchise my business before it is even established, makes perfect sense

15. See here for more about comments about this behavior from Zbigniew Brzezinski.

16. Must see links- microwaves: microwave warfare.....

17. A Collection of Tweets About Brain Chips - Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control: https://exposeintelligence.blogspot.ca/2017/03/a-collection-of-tweets-about-brain.html

18. See this article and this article from a couple of academics talking about tracking technology. Stated possible human rights abuse from the misuse of satellite targeting and surveillance technologies. Geo-slavery is "a practice in which one entity, the master, coercively or surreptitiously monitors and exerts control over the physical location of another individual, the slave." As I have pointed out, the intelligence agencies have much more advanced technology than this.  Brain chips have been around since the 60's, though it is much more advanced today. See this old New York Times article and this CNN clip. Microwave weaponry has also been around longer than people think, see here. This is not speculation at all, this is all real. All competent computer scientists and computer engineers know this technology is real. 

19. See here for Former U.S. Representative From Ohio and Candidate for the President of the United States Dennis Kucinich's Attempted Ban of Space-Based Weapons, also see here for Senator John Glenn talking about the abuse of this technology.

20. Ethical Considerations of Brain Computer Interfaces - Nanotechnology: see here: and here:

21. I used to be staying up at Manning Park. I'm sure this is just another coincidence. You guys know where my family is anyway though, right? Oh and isn't it interesting to see what Jill Amery's husband does for work? He just so happens to be involved with the same industry that I was involved in. See this interesting information about HSBC. Many of these people have access to technology that the general population doesn't know about. 

Click To Enlarge 

22. See pictures below. Sister & brother in law of Gorilla & Onsite stalkers: 33 Pins and Devil Horns with two middle fingers. Pretty cheeky and stupid. The guy with them in the picture is an investor on the Dragon's Den with the likes of Mark Cuban.  All this connects back to psychopaths like James Altucher and other spies who know people like Mark Cuban and Kevin O'Leary on the Dragon's Den and the Shark Tank. James also knows people in Silicon Valley and in organized crime. (See here for more about James Altucher.) Many of these people are also involved with drugs. Just remember, the intelligence agencies have been involved with drugs and organized crime for years.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Must See: Israel and the So-Called Jews- Justification For Killing Babies

You should find the video below to be nothing short of astounding. But, less you think this is out of the ordinary... it is time for you to go through the videos and articles located here. Also, see this about the rape culture of Israel and here for more about a leading Jewish academic who wants Jews to rape Palestinians.

Israeli-Imposed Power Shortages in Gaza Cut Water Access by One-Third

For past articles on this topic, see here and here.   


The United Nations Children’s Fund says the power shortages in the Gaza Strip have reduced access to water by one-third in recent months, in the midst of a sweltering summer heat wave. The Israeli government-imposed power reductions have also disrupted the functioning of hundreds of water and wastewater facilities, causing the number of water-borne cases of diarrhea to double for children under the age of three. The United Nations has warned the Gaza Strip has become unlivable for its 2 million residents.

‘Kill Palestinians To Get Closer To God,’ Israeli Rabbi Says

Read Below!

Introduction: You couldn't make this stuff up--- you must read below. This is how truly insane some of these kooks are. You see a similar mentality in other areas of Israeli and Jewish society. See here for rape culture in Israel, or here for how a top Rabbi of the Israeli army says it is fine to rape non-Jewish women. See here for evil incarnate: how a leading Jewish academic wants Jews to rape Palestinians.

Speaking of kooks, did you know there was actually a Rabbi with the name of Rabbi Kook that promoted kooky theories? What makes the article below even more relevant is that this is also how some of these Jews treat others in countries like Canada and the United States that criticize them ---especially if they are Gentiles. They just do it in different ways. For more about being labeled an "enemy of the Jewish people" and "Amalek," see here

It is literally a part of Homeland SecuritySee this article for more about militant Zionism, Homeland Security, and organized stalking. There you will see the actual Talmudic reference to Amalek. See here for more about the "kook" that was once the head of Homeland Security. 

See here for the hidden secret of Israel and Judaism - what they don't want you to know. See here for a complete list of blog posts about the little known or talked about Jewish Talmud that fuels their ideology and actions. (Be sure to scroll through all the articles there.)  Once again, I am not saying all Jews are doing this, or that they are all participating. 

What I am saying is that Jews and Judaism have a history of terrorist acts that exceed Islam.(See hereherehereherehereherehere and here for more about this.) Zionist terrorists are being given a blank check in North America. These extremists are allowed to persecute people in the United States and Canada and no one will say anything about it. 

It just shows you the level of power they have in North America.


In January this year, Eliyahu called for the Israeli army to stop  arresting the Palestinians, but to execute them instead.

This rabbi and other rabbis have several times called for killing the Palestinians and committing genocides against them.

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -An Israeli Jewish rabbi described on Sunday the Palestinians as “monsters,” calling for slaughtering them to “get closer to God.”

Chief Rabbi of Safed and Member of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate Council Shmuel Eliyahu said: “The Palestinians are monsters and killing them is a religious duty.”

Speaking to the Israeli TV Channel 7, Eliyahu added: “Slaughtering the Palestinians getting us [Jews] closer to God.”

He said that slaughtering the Palestinians is a “biblical duty and implementing it is as important as respecting Saturdays.”

Eliyahu called on the “state of Israel to work on carrying out this duty.”

In January this year, Eliyahu called for the Israeli army to stop arresting the Palestinians, but to execute them instead.

Several other rabbis have issued similar orders calling for killing the Palestinians, naming this a religious duty.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

On Jewish Psychopaths

“The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready is he to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause.” ― Eric Hoffer

For past articles on this topic see here and here. See here for more about the psychopathic character. Psychopaths possess no conscience, they are compulsive liars and they are entitled in the sense that they have free reign to spew their lies on the population and they expect the rest of us to sit here and say absolutely nothing nor do anything about it. 

We see a perfect example of a psychopath in Elie Weisel, a lying piece of trash that everyone should be laughing at. See here, here and here for more about the phony Elie Wiesel who is the most famous Holocaust survivor. See here for his importance in the establishment of the Holocaust Museum. Isn't that pathetic given his lack of credibility? 

Essentially, psychopaths like this think they are God and no one can question their authority even when it is based on nothing but pillars of sand and lies. See here the so-called Jews. Some of the Jews think they rule the world and that they can treat the rest of us like slavesNot only that... some attack people who "think" or say something that they don't like. (See here for classified technology these psychopaths use and here for the tactics they use that were originally developed under the East-German Stasi. See here for the links between Homeland Security and Zionism.)

We have all witnessed a media syllabus unfold before our eyes over the years, a demonstration of the paradigm that keeps the world locked into this false anti-terror paradigm, in which the terror is often manufactured by the people who claim to be fighting the terror. The situation in Syria is a perfect example. The United States and Israel are supporting groups who were previously terrorists that are now our "freedom fighters." This is the exact insanity that you saw in Afghanistan with the CIA and the Mujahideen.  Do you get it yet? Many times, the Muslim terrorists you hear about work with the Mossad the CIA or other NATO-sponsored terrorist groups similar to Gladio.

As an example, you will often see someone like Wolf Blitzer, the notorious Israeli agent anchorman, come on CNN and announce that some murder or terror attacks were done by ISIS, providing yet another reason, why we should ramp up the War on Terror. Even though the United States and Israel are allies of Saudi Arabia and support radicals in Syria. This is how insane these people are, they don't even care anymore. 

Never, in any newspaper or media source in Canada or the United States, is there a mention that atrocities are often carried out because of some sort of Zionist agenda, Israel, or by “friends” of Israel and the United States. I put the word FRIENDS in quotes because these people really don't have friends, they are psychopaths. As Napoleon said... friendship is but a name. These people can be your friends today and turn on you tomorrow. They will work with anyone and they will stab anyone in the back if they have to.  

Two examples of this are the attacks that happened in Norway and France. It is worth noting that both of these countries had gone on record as nourishing the Palestinians by acknowledging a two-state solution. See this post here. Also, watch this interesting video here with Benjamin Netanyahu.  See this list of articles about ISIS, be sure to scroll down and go through them all. 

The public floggings of journalists like Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez, whose ordinary remarks about Jews earned them heaps of Jewish media scorn and more importantly, conveyed to the public that it is not beneficial to say anything about Zionism or Jews. The Roman orator Cicero said almost the same thing almost two thousand years ago.

The underlying psych-op message to the world from the France and Norway incidents is that if you actively work to oppose Israel, you could be brought down or punished at any time by intelligence agents, Jewish sayanim or lackey Gentile slaves who, whether they know it or not... have become an instrument of Zionist policy — which, in case you haven’t yet learned... is to enslave every non-Jew in the world. You can look it up. It’s in the Soncino Talmud (1929). Those who oppose this policy will face the consequences. (See here for a collection of articles on the Jewish Talmud, be sure to scroll down and go through them all.) 

It is important to compare the news commentary after many terrorist attacks to what happened right after 9/11(See here for a collection of articles about September 11, 2001, be sure to scroll down and go through them all.) Remember the kneejerk reactions of the planted TV interviewees while 9/11 was happening? “Oh, it must have been Al-Qaida.” Worldwide Jewish media is still singing the same tune.

But because Zionist Jews either outright own or are the major shareholders of ALL the media in the western world — ALL the media in the western world, you heard it right; consider the distribution networks — you don’t hear that. (If you don't believe this, do the research yourself. It is the absolute truth. If you think the CBC in Canada is an exception to this, see here. While they do not "own the CBC," they run it and influence it like they do with taxpayer dollars.) You hear blind allegiance to the official version of events, or you will be ruined, if not killed.

This is the implementation of cognitive dissonance at its finest, as the blurring of political categories keeps everyone confused. Supposed Jewish "diversity" and "coexistence" at its best. CNN’s stories about ISIS terror attacks and murders or any terrorist attacks are now about as credible as Saddam having weapons of mass destruction or Germans gassing 6 million Jews during a period of time, demographics has shown, when the Jewish population of Europe increased.

Any decent research blows away the fragments of the long-discredited story of the 9/11 attacks. These attacks provided the lame excuse for the War on Terror against the entire Islamic world. Can’t you get it through your heads? All terror attacks must be looked at with a suspicious and critical eye. Organizations like the Mossad, the CIA and MI-6 are full of compulsive lying psychopaths that are above the law and do whatever they want.

But then, that’s not such a change in the facts on the ground. People have always been getting killed for their political beliefs. Many writers have commented that assassination has been the one political tool that has governed American history more than anything else.

Uncountable TRILLIONS of dollars have been stolen by Zionist organized crime criminals with strong connections to intelligence agencies, the Pentagon and the financial industry, and continue to be stolen as we speak, in a million different ways, while anesthetized Americans find any excuse to look the other way, fearful of forfeiting their paychecks from whatever employer is facing the inevitable question: If I offend the Jews, will they put me out of business? The answer is: they will. And that’s why the United States and Canada are essentially going out of business: a hundred years of intense Zionist organized crime banking parasitism have totally erased any claim to morality Americans and Canadians ever pretended to have.

Now, our countries are about to expire, bled to death by those who worship the bottom line and don’t care about anything else. Congratulate yourself for the role you have played in all this, and the silence you have displayed while participating. The policy of keeping silent, most people are afraid to contemplate, always eventually results in their own destruction or murder. It’s up to you to determine if you want to defend yourself and admit what’s really going on. Check out time is quickly approaching for those in power. Or, you can continue to take your cue from all those astute lackey commentators who still insist the system can be fixed if you just accept their well-considered suggestions.

It’s seriously past time to ask an even more serious question. Now that we know this rancid system can’t be fixed, look yourself in the eye and ask yourself if this hollow, ravaged, insincere, oblivious, poisoned, and looted vestige of what America used to be is, and I mean this sincerely, even worth saving? All America has become today in the world is a giant robotized Zionist war machine that kills people unjustly while its drugged and deluded populace looks the other way, refusing to admit they have become mindless puppets in a giant game show in which the host, picked at random from a giant pool of either Jewish organized crime or sayanim (many of whom are now federal judges), gets to say who lives or dies.