Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Stranglehold of The Mainstream Media --- Who Controls It?

Be sure to see my last post here about fake news. Now, watch the videos below to learn more about the pathetic nature of mainstream media. As for Canada, see here and here for the astronomical level of control that exists in the Canadian media. If you are a liberal, (i.e.- the comments about homosexuals,) you do not have to agree with some of the views of the presenters in the videos below. That being said, the facts about media ownership and influence are the facts and ignoring them does not help anyone. The reality is, Zionists have vast amounts of influence in our society. They are extremely powerful and they have a political agenda that is dangerous for you to ignore.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Collection Of Posts About The RCMP, CSIS, The CSE And The FBI

1. About RCMP: … … and … … and … … and … …

2. FBI publicly knows of and admits bio-warfare, but, RCMP doesn't unless you call their Bio-Terrorism office like I did. But why is no one talking about it? It is extremely serious as the FBI says:

3. CSIS Canada denies knowing about Brain-Computer-Interfaces- call them up, ask them like I did. Yet, the Royal Society knows about it:

4. They are actually using a form of biowarfare on the population, and the RCMP and CSIS ARE DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The media is completely silent. Who is the major influence in the media?

5. A Collection of Tweets About Brain Chips - Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control:

6. Echelon- Learn about the CSE in Canada and the NSA in the USA:

7. Homeland Security - a Collection of Must See Links:

8. Microwave Warfare & Directed Energy Weapons - a List of Must See Links and a Video: … … … …

9. Canadian Intelligence Agencies: evil full of crap liars: &

Saturday, April 22, 2017

A Collection of Posts About Mental Illness

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
- Jiddu Krishnamurti 

1.  The second post on mental health, must see:

2.  The third post on mental health: Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union-Now Happening in Canada & USA:

3. Fourth post on mental health: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA:

4. Fifth post on mental health: see here: Psychiatry: The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?

5. The sixth post on mental illness; The DSM Manual - Learn More About Psychiatry and Mental Illness:

6. Look at the classified technology: look at the microwave weapon technology: these people are complete psychos. See here for the intelligence techniques they engage in to discredit people and drive them crazy:

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

French Comedian Dieudonné Speaks the Truth About Zionism

See here for a previous post on this subject. See here for some clips of Dieudonné with English subtitles. Why isn't there more comedians like this in Canada or the United States?

The DSM Manual - Learn More About Psychiatry and Mental Illness

See a previous video on the topic of abusing political dissidents with mental health facilities. For more articles on the topic of mental health, look under the psychiatry category here. (Be sure to scroll down and see all the articles.)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Quotes From a Famous French Revolutionary...

”Any law which violates the inalienable rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical; it is not a law at all. ― Maximilien de Robespierre

“There are only two parties in France: the people and its enemies. We must exterminate those miserable villains who are eternally conspiring against the rights of man...We must exterminate all our enemies.
― Maximilien de Robespierre
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”
“The revolution is the war of liberty against its enemies. The constitution is the rule of liberty against its enemies. The constitution is the rule of liberty when victorious and peaceable.”
“To punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency; to forgive them is cruelty. ― Maximilien de Robespierre
“To defend the oppressed against their oppressors, to plead the cause of the weak against the strong who exploit and crush them, this is the duty of all hearts that have not been spoiled by egoism and corruption… It is so sweet to devote oneself to one’s fellows that I do not know how there can be so many unfortunates still without support or defenders. As for me, my life’s task will be to help those who suffer and to pursue through my avenging speech those who take pleasure in the pain of others. How happy I will be if my feeble efforts are crowned with success and if, at the price of my devotion and sacrifices, my reputation is not tarnished by the crimes of the oppressors I will fight.”
― Maximilien de Robespierre
“Virtue, without which terror is destructive; terror, without which virtue is impotent. Terror is only justice prompt, severe and inflexible; it is then an emanation of virtue.
― Maximilien de RobespierreReport on the Principles of Political Morality
Pity is treason. ― Maximilien de Robespierre

Citizens, did you want a revolution without  revolution? ― Maximilien de Robespierre

”Death is not "an eternal sleep!" Citizens! efface from the tomb that motto, graven by sacrilegious hands, which spreads over all nature a funeral crape, takes from oppressed innocence its support, and affronts the beneficent dispensation of death! Inscribe rather thereon these words: "Death is the commencement of immortality! ― Maximilien de Robespierre
Softness to traitors will destroy us all.― Maximilien de Robespierre

Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Civil War That Is Coming To North America Against Zionist Psychopaths

See here for the problems with Judaism.

1. Doing What Some Jews Do Best- Bullying People and Ganging Up on Them:

2. Doing What Some Jews Do Best- Terrorizing People and Ganging Up on Them Part 2 (This Time With Children):

Israel- a Shining Light? I Don't Think So... Israel Without Her Mascara:

4. Toast to this: More Jewish Bullying and Terrorist Activity: … …

5. ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH VIDEO FOR CANADIANS AND AMERICANS- Pathetic Jewish losers ganging up on gentiles:

6. (Non-Jews)Talmudic Terror and Torture:  

7. Bloodthirsty Sick People:

8. Rabbi Says it's Okay to Kill Goyim:

9. More MUST SEE VIDEOS: Jewish Bullies In Israel Attacking Children, Women And Senior Citizens:

10. Psychopathic Jew Shooting Palestinian Children:

11. Unfortunately, These Children Weren't Chosen. By Talmudic Law - They Were NOT "Jewish." :

12. Jewish Talmud Pedophilia: The Jewish Religion Allows Sex with 3-Year-Old Baby Girls and Little Boys Under Nine:

13. On The Jews And Mental Illness (Also Lying):

14. This is absolutely happening now in Canada and the United States: Zionist Takeover- War on Population:

15. Video Example of Stasi "Anchoring" Techniques That Zionist Losers Use:

16. List of Classified Technology Zionist Scum Use:

17. Homeland Security - Organized Stalking and Militant Zionism:

18. Homeland Security - a Collection of Must See Links:

19.  Diagram of a Zionist Stasi Takedown: Organized Stalking and Torture:

20. US Army Intelligence Officer, Julianne McKinney, on Targeted Individuals, & Organized Stalking Crimes Says it is Predominantly One Group involved in Perpetrating These Stalking and Harassing Crimes:

21. Stalin's Jews - We Must Not Forget That Some Of The Greatest Murderers Of Modern Times Were Jewish:

22. Top Rabbi of Israeli Army: It's OK to Rape Non-Jewish Women:

23. Dealing With Zionist Lunatics:

24. Kill Amalek: The Jewish "Hate" Campaign Against Perceived Threats:

25. Absolute must watch! Jewish Defense League is a Terrorist Group Authorized by Canadian & French Governments:

26. History’s Forgotten Braveheart - Jesus Against the So-Called Jews: