Monday, February 6, 2017

Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness

Another excellent video showing how pathetic some Jewish intellectuals are. For other interesting posts on political correctness, see here, here and here. Also be sure to see here for more about Jewish slavery with blacks and whites. (Be sure to scroll down and see all of the articles.)

To receive value from the video below, you do not have to be a supporter of Christianity or the Catholic church. It is just important for you to see where some of the crazy ideas of political correctness had their origins.

Most people do not know much about Judaism--- how are you supposed to be a judge of something you do not understand? First off, everyone should read the Old Testament and realize Jews are a people of the Old Testament --- but that is far from being the whole picture, read here to learn more. Also, see here for more about the Jewish Talmud.

Jews need to own up for their major role in slavery. They were involved more than any other group of people. Jewish director Stephen Spielberg will not talk about it in his movie Amistad. Why not Mr. Spielberg? I used to have so much respect for Jewish people, unfortunately, I have seen the truth of what some Jews really are.... absolutely privileged pathetic liars.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Kill Amalek: The Jewish "Hate" Campaign Against Perceived Threats

Below is a video that talks about the Jewish hate campaign against perceived threats to Judaism. This applies to critics of Judaism and the state of Israel. This persecution of critics of  Israel is being carried out under Homeland Security in the United States and Bill C-51 in Canada. The reality is, Zionists are the aggressors. As I have pointed out before, they don't have to do this... there are other ways to solve their problems. They are just psychopaths who love having power over people.

They do this because of the insane ideas in Judaism that are hidden from the majority of the public. They cannot allow the public to find out the true nature of Judaism and Israel. Think about it, people that have a difference of opinion do not go to such lengths to snuff out their opposition. They have open debates and discussions about their ideas and differences. That is true tolerance. They do not say "this topic is undebatable." They are not a cult like Zionism is.  Their "COEXIST" campaign is nothing but a meaningless slogan. 

Christians maintain Jesus was the Passover Lamb, a “HUMAN” sacrifice for the sins of all. This being so, it is important for everyone to know that some of the so-called Talmudic Jews think of Gentiles as. Especially those that are seen as Amalek (For proof of this, see here under the heading of Wars, law 611 to 613 at the bottom of the page. Also, watch the videos herehere and here to see how they treat those they perceive as Amalek in Israel.) 

See the Wikipedia write-up for more about the Passover sacrifice of the sacrificial lamb or goat. See here for more about the sin offering and Jesus.

See here for the hidden secret of Israel and Judaism - what they don't want you to know. See here for a complete list of posts about the little known or talked about Jewish Talmud that fuels their ideology and actions. See this article for more about militant Zionism, Homeland Security, and organized stalking. There you will see the actual Talmudic reference to Amalek.

Once again, I am not saying all Jews are doing this, or that they are all participating. What I am saying is that Jews and Judaism have a history of terrorist acts that exceed Islam. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.)  Zionist terrorists are being given a blank check in North America, especially Canada. These extremists are allowed to persecute people in Canada and no one will say anything about it. (See here and here for more information.)

It just shows you the level of power they have in North America.

Monday, January 30, 2017

The Israeli Lobby: Israel Caught Subverting UK Government- This is Also Happening in Canada

Must watch videos below. If you think this is bad in the UK, you haven't seen anything yet. Canada is 100% occupied territory. As I point out here, this has been happening in Canada for a long period of time, Bill-C-51 just put the final nail in the coffin. It essentially allows them to remove all your rights as a Canadian citizen and torture you without a trial with classified technology and electromagnetic weapons, under the suspicion of being a presumed threat or terrorist.

But that's not all, they also smear you so no one will listen to you (see here and here,) and stalk and harass you with access to your brain to drive you crazy. Yes, they truly are that insane and evil. They are using techniques from the East German Stasi. Most of the people that are doing this are Zionists with connections to intelligence, but also, organized crime. Of course, this is being applied against those who are deemed a threat to the state. To see what is happening in Canada and the United States under these supposed protective laws, go here.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Where Is The Money? Corruption Pentagon

See past posts here and here. The United States is being hollowed out and turned into a Banana Republic, and neither Trump nor Hillary will change it. The same is happening in Canada. Even if you don't think this is true, Canada is directly influenced by what is happening in the United States.

Now you know why I am dealing with so many psychos in the United States right now, it is completely out of control. Most are in intelligence, organized crime, the financial industry, banking and Silicon Valley.

As I have said previously, the United States is being turned into something similar to when Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia. This was when Russian Jewish organized crime was taking over the country. This is why you have thisthis, this and this happening in Canada and the United States. You should also learn more about classified technology, intelligence tactics, and discrediting someone with Hi-Technology.

Homeland Security - a Collection of Must See Links

See here for the origins of Homeland Security. See here for a collection of tweets about Homeland Security and its connections to Zionism. See here for the strong connections between Israel, Canada, and the United States. See here for the Canada-Israel “Public Security” Agreement for Counter-Terrorism & Homeland security. See these comments from an activist here about the strong connections between Canada and Israel with regards to weaponization. See here for how the Canadian government is cracking down on criticism of Israel. See here for more about how fighting "GLOBAL anti-Semitism" is a part of American foreign policy. 

See here for how the FBI memo labels patriots, Truth-seekers as potential 'terrorists.' See here for the 72 types of Americans that are considered “potential terrorists” in official government documents. See here for Israel campaigns against global free speech.

See here for the corruption of the RCMP and how they work with organized crime, s
ee here for how the ADL works with the RCMP and the FBI and its ties to organized crime. See here for how the ADL trains the police. See here for a video of the head of Homeland Security at the ADL "Leadership" Conference, see here and here for how Jewish groups get most of the Homeland Security grants, see here for how safeguarding the Jewish community is a top priority for Homeland Security.

See here for the high technology they are using and here, here and here for the techniques they are using. See hereherehere and here for more about data mining and its connections to fusion centers.

They have you under surveillance all of the time, it is called Remote Neural MonitoringOnce you see the connections between organized crime, the media, corporate conglomerates, intelligence agencies, and the police, you'll see what is really happening in our countries.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Absolute must watch! Jewish Defense League is a Terrorist Group Authorized by Canadian & French Governments


Not a surprise! This is just like Canada! The Canadian government lets these nutcases do whatever they want. These people are twisted psychopaths that support absolutely evil policies against the Palestinians. See herehereherehere and here for just a small sample of what they are defending. Look through my blog history for more. Start at this link

Not only are they ruthless against the Palestinians, but also, against the citizens of Canada who criticize the policies of Israel. See these comments from an activist here about the strong connections between Canada and Israel. See here and here for the history of Zionist terrorism. See here to learn about which group is most likely to be terrorists. See here for more about Zionist vigilante justice.

Shocking Scenes as 150 Jewish Men Go On Rampage in Paris Streets and Clash With Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators- None Were Arrested Despite Going on the Rampage in Front of Police

Nothing new. See here for more on Jewish vigilante justice. Also, see this, just pathetic. See link below. 

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets. It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles.

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets. The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out. Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues.

Two Jewish men were reportedly injured. In the wake of the clashes, Mr. Hollande said the country will 'redouble vigilance.' He was due to meet the head of Jewish umbrella group CRIF today. Alexis Bachelay, a Paris MP for the ruling Socialist party, said: ‘There has evidently been a media manipulation about who really got assaulted.

‘These are extremely serious facts that need to be investigated thoroughly by the police. It is not the first time that young French people of Muslim origin are stigmatized by the media.

‘French people of Muslim origin should be protected by the law when demonstrating. They should not be attacked by radical groups like the JDL’.