Saturday, December 31, 2016

Friday, December 30, 2016

Who Needs the KGB When You Have Facebook?

Watch The Important Videos Below!

This is an important document that everyone MUST read. It was written about Eben Moglen, who's the guy giving the lecture in this must see video about "The Inevitable Problems of Technology: World Surveillance and the Totalitarian Technocracy."

Essentially, he is touching on the topics that I cover here and here. These same problems were the focus of a documentary called "the Net" which was about the problems of technology, the Unabomber, and the Internet. You can view that documentary here.

By the way, you can watch a video below that shows the links between Facebook and the intelligence community. These same links exist between other Silicon Valley companies too, especially Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Oracle, Microsoft, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Apple, LinkedIn and even Yelp.

All of these sites provide excellent platforms for the intelligence community to acquire vast amounts of data on you for data-mining purposes.  As I have pointed out previously, there has always been a strong link between Silicon Valley and the intelligence community. This is not exactly controversial, it is just that so few people know it ... and they would like to keep it that way.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Little Known Connections Between the Talmud, Judaism, and Racism Against Blacks

“The modern Jew is the product of the Talmud.”

— Michael Rodkinson, in preface of Babylonian Talmud, page XI.
The videos below might also explain why the black JEWS do not have a Talmud! The Talmud is not the Bible nor the Old Testament. This is why Jesus was against these people. Just like the quote above says, see here for how all modern day Jews are a product of the Talmud. (Unless they are Karaites or Beta Israel Jews, which is an extremely small group of people.) For previous videos on a similar subject matter, see here for posts about the Talmud, see here for connections between Judaism and the slave trade, see here for a collection of posts about the problems with Judaism and the state of Israel that are rarely talked about or made public.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Almost Everything Israel Tells you is a Lie! #Coexist

Please click on the video below to watch it. Also see here, here, here and here. Do you know that the state of Israel actually has the hubris to call themselves the most "moral" military in the world? Can you believe that? It's crazy. It would be an absolutely insane stretch for the United States to call itself that, that's why they never do. See here, this is how nuts these people are. They are claiming to be the most moral army in the world when Israel is the only country in the world to automatically prosecute children in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial.

It gets even better, Israel doesn't even have a constitution, so how can they give a crap about free speech? They don't! That's why they do this and why they are trying to get other countries to shut up about what they are doing.  Even more amazing, the United States has made it a part of their foreign policy to go around fighting "anti-Semitism." #Coexist

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Israeli Wedding Celebrating Killing

Wait a short moment for the video to load below. I also recommend you visit the Palestinian doctor that put this on his Twitter below.  Besides the video below, see here and here. Just another reason why Jesus is saying this in the gospel of John.

Israel- a Shining Light? I Don't Think So... Israel Without Her Mascara

Wait a few moments for the videos to load below, they are all must watch. Some of them that show a black screen, just click on them and you'll be able to see them on the Twitter account of the Palestinian doctor. Besides the video clips below, see this important post here. Also, see here for how Israel is the only country in the world to automatically prosecute children in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Israel is the Only Country in the World to Automatically Prosecute Children in Military Courts that Lack Basic Safeguards for a Fair Trial

Each Year The Israeli Military Arrests And Prosecutes
 Around 700 Palestinian Children. Help Us End This

From the moment of arrest, Palestinian children encounter ill-treatment and torture at the
hands of Israeli forces. Three out of four experience physical violence during arrest or interrogation.

We Believe The United States Government Must Use All Available Means To Pressure The Israeli Government To End The Detention And Abuse Of Palestinian Children.