Saturday, November 26, 2016

More About The John F. Kennedy Assassination And Its Relevance To The Israeli Nuclear Program

Was the First Shot in Israel's War to
Achieve Nuclear Supremacy Fired in
Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963?

See my previous posts on this issue here, here and here. Now, read the quotes below, they are from Jews themselves.

... [John F.] Kennedy placed the limitation of the nuclear arms race at the center of American foreign policy. . . . Israel's nuclear enterprise was in direct contradiction with the principles of his policy....
The correspondent for Ha'aretz in Washington during the Kennedy and Johnson presidencies, Amos Elon, filed a report saying that in a background talk with James Reston of The New York Times, Kennedy had said that in nuclear matters [Israeli Prime Minister David] Ben-Gurion was a "wild man." — Israeli historian Michael Karpin The Bomb in the Basement: How Israel Went Nuclear and What That Means for the World

The murder of American President John F. Kennedy-brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure being applied by the U.S. administration on the government of Israel to discontinue the nuclear program. [In Israel and the Bomb, Avner] Cohen demonstrates at length the pressures applied by Kennedy on Ben-Gurion ... in which Kennedy makes it quite clear to the Israeli prime minister that he will under no circumstances agree to Israel becoming a nuclear state. The book implied that, had Kennedy remained alive, it is doubtful whether Israel would today have a nuclear option.
— Reuven Pedatzer in Israel's Ha'aretz, Feb. 5, 1999, reviewing Avner Cohen's Israel and the Bomb

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Memorandum on the New 10-Year $38 billion U.S. Aid Package to Israel

Starting in 2019, the U.S. will give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years – $3.8 billion per year, which is $10.41 million per day.

This is in line with previous years. Last year the U.S. gave Israel $3.7 billion – about $10.14 per day. In other words, the new aid package amounts to an increase of around $27 million per year.

Israel has long received more U.S. money than any other country. Some earlier disbursements were even larger when considered in today’s dollars. This aid to Israel amounts to more than half of all direct military aid the United States provides worldwide.

The new agreement will slowly phase out a unique Israeli privilege: Israel’s exception to the requirement that all U.S. military aid be used on American goods and services (40% of military aid to Israel is currently exempted). This special exemption is supposed to end by the seventh year.

It is expected that Israel and Israeli companies will work to get around this potential loss of revenue in a number of ways:
  • forming “partnerships” with American companies;
  • increasing the practice of requiring that some of the systems Israel purchases from American companies include Israeli-made components;
  • increasing the amount of material and other goods in general that the U.S. purchases from Israel, already far from negligible.
Under the agreement Israel promises not to ask for additional money; however, this promise includes loopholes:
  1. Israel may ask for more money if there is a “war.” (Israel’s 2014 invasion of Gaza – during which its forces killed over 2,200 Gazans, over a third of them women and children, and Palestinian resistance fighters killed 67 Israelis – was frequently called a “war.”)
  2. The great many Congressional representatives who are personally pro-Israel or who wish to curry favor with pro-Israel donors and media may independently vote additional money to Israel. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has already indicated that he intends to do just this.
Aid to Israel is technically illegal, violating U.S. regulations prohibiting U.S. aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. There is currently a lawsuit pending in Washington DC challenging the disbursement of this aid.

The American public is not in favor of this aid to Israel. A recent survey showed that almost two-thirds of American voters feel that the U.S. gives Israel too much money
Numerous surveys over the years found that approximately two-thirds to three-quarters don’t wish the U.S. to take sides on Israel-Palestine.

The agreement is in the form of a “memorandum of understanding.” It is not a treaty and is not legally binding. American voters have the right to demand that the MoU be abandoned and that the aid end.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The East German Stasi Secret Police and Zersetzung

For previous articles about the East German Stasi and Zersetzung please see here and here. See here for more about the technology they use when they find you, and here for the techniques they use.

East German Opposition and Activism

The Stasi (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit) was the East German secret police, and that country had the highest proportion of informants and secret police in history: 1 in 60 people were involved by 1989.

The Stasi and Zersetzung

After the East German popular uprising of June 1953 (suppressed by Soviet troops) the government gave the Stasi the task of systematic surveillance and prevention of unrest in the population. Initially, this took the form of brutal physical repression: imprisonment and physical abuse (including torture) by police and secret police.

But this changed during the 1970s when the GDR became more interested in gaining a positive international image, and the repression of activists became more subtle. The Stasi redefined the military term Zersetzung (attrition or corrosion) to name their harassment tactics: the aim was to disrupt the working of groups and the lives of individuals to such a degree that their activism became ineffective, or more preferably, ceased altogether.

The aim of the Zersetzung was to ‘switch off’ the group by rendering it ineffective, with an interim goal of hindering any positive media or public exposure. The usual ways to switch groups off were to: create conflict between members – particularly useful subjects for sowing discord were those of a philosophical or political nature, money,and personal (sexual) relations; hinder and sabotage activities by one or more infiltrators, who would agree to do tasks, but not get round to doing them, lose materials and equipment, repeatedly request changes and further edits of materials to slow down production, attempt to divert the group into more harmless activities etc; isolate the groups from other activists, eg by spreading rumors regarding unacceptable behavior and political views etc.

The choice of tactics was based on psychological profiling and intelligence about the group members, particularly: who plays what role, who fulfills what kind of task; what are relationships within the group like, who hangs out with whom.

Informants (IM: Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter) were the usual way to gain information on a group and were also used to implement the plans to incapacitate a group and sabotage its activities. In activist circles, the informants were almost never Stasi or police officers but were usually existing members of the groups who had been pressured, persuaded, bribed or blackmailed into helping the Stasi; or a suitable outsider who would try to infiltrate and become trusted by the group.

How did the Stasi persuade people to become informants?

1.) Appeals to patriotism
2.) Bribery, or Cash or material reward
3.) Blackmail
4.) Offers of immunity from threatened prosecution
5.) Making the mission sound like an exciting adventure

As in the case of groups, the Zersetzung of individuals had the aim of ‘switching off’ that person’s efficacy by undermining their confidence and their belief in the value of their activities. The Stasi did not usually care whether an individual was switched off through disillusionment, fear, burn-out or mental illness: all outcomes were acceptable, and people’s mental health and social standing during or after an operation were of no interest to the officers involved.

The Zersetzung of individuals was usually carried out by systematically undermining the target’s quality of life (both socially and in the workplace,) with the intention of simply destroying the target’s confidence. The tactics used took various forms, such as spreading slanderous rumors, causing trouble at work etc.

The first stage of Zersetzung was an evaluation of all state held data and information, eg medical records, school reports, police records, intelligence reports, searches of target’s residence. At this point they were looking for any weak points (social, emotional or physical) that could be used as a way to put pressure on the target, eg extra-marital affairs, criminal records, alcoholism, drug use, differences between the target and their group (eg age, class, clothing styles) that could be used to socially isolate them.

After this, a Zersetzung strategy was drawn up: What was the specific aim? What tactics should be used to exploit the target’s personal situation and character traits? What was the timescale?

The next stage was often to supplement covert surveillance with overt observation in order to communicate to the target that they were of interest to the Stasi and to create a sense of insecurity and paranoia. Tactics included stalking and following with sensitizing tactics, friends or strangers dropping hints or repeating information to you about something you might have done in your house the day before to let you know you are under surveillance, gaslighting, prank phone calls and strange noises on telephone lines.

The final stages entailed psychological and physical harassment: moving things around at one's home, break-ins  with nothing being stolen, break-ins with nothing but leaving food or milk out on the counter, (one morning the alarm clock goes off at 5am instead of 7am, and the socks are in the wrong drawer, there’s no coffee left…); damage to bikes and vehicles (eg slashing tires); the spreading of rumours as mentioned above; ordering goods in subject’s name etc.

Families were often used as leverage against activists at this stage – either with bribery, material gain or career advancement, or using methods of blackmail (family members were sometimes subject to oppression as a way of putting indirect pressure on the activist), or persuasion (“your daughter will land in deep trouble if she remains involved in that group, can’t you make her see sense? It’s her career at stake…”). Physical harassment often included repeated threats, physical attacks on the street, or abuse and assault could be incited by the rumors that had been spread (eg bullying at work, avoidance by neighbors).

How effective was the Stasi?

The militarily organized Stasi simply couldn’t understand how many activist groups functioned without leaders and hierarchies. They often mistook informal hierarchies (caused for example by differences in empowerment levels or dominant behavior patterns) to be real hierarchies – they would target political activists who they thought were leaders or knew information that they didn't want others to know about, and didn’t realise that even if some of these individuals were ‘switched off’, the rest of the group could still manage to function and wouldn’t necessarily fall apart.

The dedication of individuals and groups was also often underestimated – even if an informant successfully sabotaged an individual or a group’s activities, they rarely were completely disheartened, but would try all the harder to achieve their goals.

The tactics of Zersetzung had a significant control function ... if you were engaged in (or merely suspected of) activities that the Stasi didn’t like then repression was a way to punish you.

The human cost of Zersetzung is hard to quantify – many GDR activists are still suffering from burnout, trauma, and chronic mental health issues as a result of being targeted: on a personal level, the Stasi could be frighteningly effective.

2) Gathering and using intelligence

Informants weren’t just used to sabotage group activities and implement Zersetzung plans, but also to gain intelligence on individuals and groups (around 160km worth of Stasi archives survived the end of the GDR). Most intelligence was used to evaluate relationships and activities (which then led to an extension of intelligence gathering to previously untargeted individuals and groups,) and as a basis for planning Zersetzung operations. Obviously, plans for actions and activities were also reported, but these were acted upon only in rare and serious cases – if intelligence were used to disrupt the activities in any obvious way then suspicion would be drawn to the informant.

Intelligence from surveillance and the use of informants was rarely used to actually gain evidence for a prosecution – the Stasi desperately needed the huge amount of information it was processing in order to justify its own existence (along with the salaries and expenses of its officers and staff). If anything, this made the Stasi more dangerous to activists – the Stasi’s dependency on gathering intelligence and mounting operations made the surveillance, Zersetzung, and sabotage more likely to happen, along with the associated human cost.

Informants were regularly found out – mostly because of poor preparation and chance (eg groups who came across evidence that an informant was passing information to the Stasi). But it is significant that most informants were only discovered after 1989 when the Stasi files were opened.

Dealing with Zersetzung

Many people succumbed to pressure from the Stasi and other security forces, often because of mental health difficulties (brought about by the pressure) or through a process that was commonly called ‘inner migration’: giving up political and social beliefs, following the path of least resistance and ceasing oppositional activity.

On the other hand, resistance to Zersetzung was remarkably commonplace, and activists found ways to remain both healthy and active. When East German activists talk today about how they managed to continue their activism, the same points come up again and again, these are summarized below.

Support from friends and other activists was essential – a circle of close friends who shared an understanding of the political and policing situation was probably the most effective way to counter the Stasi.

With such friends, activists could talk openly about fears, suspicions, and needs – they could work out ways to deal with the pressure. They spent time with these friends doing non-activism related activities which helped to build trust in the group. This helped them to know that if things got bad for them, they could both trust their friends and be trusted by them; they would be there if help and support were in need. As a group, they would make plans for possible situations – for example, who would take care of the children in case of arrest or even imprisonment, or who could provide a ‘safe house’ if somebody was being shadowed and needed a break.

On a wider level, the solidarity between groups was an important factor in their survival and freedom to remain active: those groups that had strong relationships with others around the country were generally subject to less repression. In later years, particularly in East Berlin, even when repression happened, widespread solidarity actions and concerted efforts to gain publicity led to quick results (arrested or imprisoned individuals released, the work of the group allowed to resume etc). On the other hand, those groups that weren’t so well networked (usually those in small towns and rural areas where they might be the only active group) were easy pickings for the Stasi – at times whole regions of the country were ‘cleansed’ of grassroots activism.

Groups openly discussed the possibility of surveillance and intervention. The groups would aim to work out what oppression measures they might be subject to (currently and in future,) and think of ways they could deal with them. The hard bit was not to get lost in paranoia (particularly since there was a good chance that the group already had an informant present,) nor to be naïve or ignorant about the possibilities, but to find a middle ground of sensible measures that would, if needed, help, while not bogging the group down in extensive security measures that would just hinder the work of the group.

Part of working out the level of threat from the Stasi, and how to deal with it, was to consider the way the group worked, and how open the group was to newcomers. It is tempting to think that preparing and carrying out actions in the utmost secrecy would be the best defence against an opponent like the Stasi, but of the groups we know about which worked covertly in the GDR, all were subject to brutal Zersetzung measures, while those that worked openly were often subject ‘only’ to surveillance and sabotage by informants, but could nevertheless carry on their activities to a greater or lesser extent.

When open groups were subject to extraordinary repression levels, they were in a good position to mobilize support from other groups and interests. (It’s difficult to draw conclusions though – generally only those from open groups are willing to speak of their experiences, and any covert group that might have survived would be, by definition, hard to find out about.) Working openly also did not preclude the need to work secretly at times, particularly when planning an action or dealing with sensitive issues, and steps would be taken to avoid surveillance.

If a group identified an individual as a possible informant they might have decided not to take any obvious initial action. The immediate reaction would be to assess whether there might be any merit in the suspicions rather than to spread any rumors. The usual way of dealing with the situation would be for a few trusted individuals to discreetly research the suspect. Backgrounds would be checked (are there any family members? Do they exist? Has anyone else from the group spoken to them? What about friendships outside the group? Did the suspect actually work where they said they did? Are they familiar with the town they say they grew up in? etc) This worked well enough for informants who had been provided with a cover story and infiltrated into the group by the Stasi, but couldn’t provide clear results if the informant was a ‘real’ person who had been turned.

By making notes of behavior patterns and movements of a suspect, the group might think they were finding evidence of Stasi involvement. One certain way was to discover reports or connections to handling officers, this would be a clear sign.


It is easy to get lost in analyzing the techniques the Stasi used, and the more you look into it, the more frightening it gets. But it’s worth mentioning that, in our assessment, the grassroots opposition movements made the biggest contribution to the revolution that started in East Germany in autumn 1989 – despite the horrifying levels of repression and surveillance that they had faced for decades. Quite simply, the Stasi failed to predict the events of that year, and once things had started their Zersetzung tactics became ineffective.

Victims of Phosphorus Bombs in Gaza

The same ideology (see herehere, and here,) that is driving people to commit such heinous crimes against humanity as what is seen in the video below, is also driving this.

See here for a previous post on this matter, it should be noted that the United States also used this on the Iraqi people in Fallujah.

Rabbi Says its Okay to Kill Goyim (Non-Jews)

This is not science fiction people. This is not said by some antisemitic KKK or Neo-Nazis. These are Rabbis saying it's okay to kill non-Jews.... including children. See here for more about the bankrupt ideology that is known as Judaism. Reform and liberal Jews are adopting ideas from the New Testament and Christianity, even if they don't know it. Tolerance is not something Judaism is known for, even though some would like you to believe it is. There is a reason why Israel is a segregationist state, and unfortunately, very few people even know about this.  

Friday, November 18, 2016

New Algorithm Predicts Your Future Movements Within 65-Foot Accuracy

Take the following article into consideration when you have a brain-computer interface or nanotechnology in your brain or your body like is shown here and what I am talking about with classified technology. These pieces of crap will follow you around everywhere. But, they also have access to your EEG,  your thoughts and your bodies vital signs  --- so, does it really matter? See here for more about teaching computers to predict the future. See here for more about "Big Data" and Artificial Intelligence. See here for more about Fusion Centers and Data Mining.

Popular Science - By Rebecca Boyle  August 13, 2012

Plenty of hay has been made over which apps and cell phones track our movements, but so far it has been difficult to accurately determine where we're going next -- people can be unpredictable, after all, and make dinner plans at random new places on a whim. In that case, what's a prediction algorithm to do? Track all your friends, too, it turns out.

A team of British researchers developed a new algorithm that can predict where you'll be within 24 hours, with 20-meter (about 65-foot) accuracy. This is a major improvement over other attempts to predict future movements, which have been based in cell phones and even in some cars. These systems track your location over time to determine patterns and habits throughout the days and weeks, figuring out likely destinations at certain periods. But what about when the pattern is disrupted?
Mirco Musolesi, Manlio Domenico, and Antonio Lima of the University of Birmingham combined individual tracking data with data from everyone in a subject's phone book. Their algorithm finds correlations between a user's phone and the movements of contacts in that phone's contact list, and can make an educated guess about where a user is going -- even if it's a major deviation from that person's normal routine. Even if you change your typical path by huge margins, the algorithm's error rate is only about 65 feet, less than an average city block.
The algorithm won Nokia's Mobile Data Challenge, but it could have some real-world implications, too. Location-based services could use it to predict where you might eat lunch tomorrow, for instance, and send you coupons for restaurants in the likely vicinity. This could be attractive for businesses that would love to take advantage of your spontaneous activity, along with your humdrum daily routines.
Or in a more ominous scenario, authorities could use location-prediction to predict future crimes and where they might occur, something that's already being done on city-wide scales in places like Santa Cruz, Calif. The main obstacle would be privacy -- but as Slate points out, plenty of location-service users have no problem giving away where they are, at all times. Just look at services like Foursquare, Yelp or even Facebook. People like sharing where they are and where they plan to go -- so it's not a far leap for advertisers, or others, to start following along with those plans.

This is All You Need To Know About What is Happening in Canada and the United States

This tells you everything you need to know about what is happening in Canada and the United StatesREMEMBER, Ariel Sharon used to be the Prime Minister of Israel! Canada supports Israel. Some of these people are utter psychopaths. They are applying this mentality in our own countries with Homeland Security and Bill C-51 laws that allow the intelligence agencies to do whatever they want. Read below! Is this something Trudeau would say? Hitler didn't even say things like this. I wonder where the crazy people I am dealing with get their mentality?

“Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East. Personally, I don’t want to be any better than Harry Truman who snuffed out half a million Japanese with two fine bombs.” —Ariel Sharon, 1982


“We are Judeo-Nazis, and why not? If you're nice, civilized parents, rather than writing books about their love for humanity had instead come to Israel and killed six million Arabs, what would have happened? Sure, two or three nasty pages would have been written in the history books, and we would have been called all sorts of names, but we would be here today as a people of 25 million! What you don’t seem to understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.”
—Ariel Sharon, 1982


“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” - Menaheim Begin, 6th Prime Minister of Israel. speech to the Knesset (24 June 1982), quoted in “Begin and the ‘Beasts” Amnon Kapeliouk, in The New Statesman (25 June 1982);


“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” “In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew. Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” -Rabbi Ovadia Yosef October-18-2010 during his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat. 


This should begin to wake people up.  Now, when you have the current Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu speaking in front of the United States congress, (no other country has ever done this,) what does that say about the United States and who runs it? See here for more about Netanyahu speaking in front of congress.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Two Videos- More About Jewish Slavery

For previous posts about Jewish involvement in the slave trade see here. See another post with Larry David here.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions

What follows is a fairly honest article from the website My Jewish Learning. In the article he refers to Israel Shahak and his books. To watch videos with interviews and talks with Israel Shakak, go here. Go here to view his books on Amazon. Some of his books are available online for free.


Israel Shahak's theory that anti-Gentile traditions have influenced Israeli policy is well known in both Arab and anti-Semitic circles, but Jews have yet to properly confront it.

Despite its title, Israel Shahak’s Jewish History, Jewish Religion(1994) is not your average intro-to-Judaism book. It is more likely to be found in a Muslim day school in Damascus than a Jewish day school in New York, more likely to be cited on a neo-Nazi website, than your local synagogue’s.
Shahak’s book is an overview of Judaism and Zionism, which focuses on Jewish anti-Gentile traditions. Though he recognizes that many of these teachings are no longer authoritative, Shahak believes that they have, nonetheless, had a profound influence on the development of Jewish identity over the centuries. Most importantly, he believes that they have seeped into Zionist ideology and have affected the way Israel interacts with its non-Jewish citizens and neighbors.
Shahak, a Holocaust survivor who died in 2001, was for many years a professor of chemistry at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He also led the Israeli Civil Rights League from the mid-1970s until 1990. In Israel, he was a controversial figure, but he was revered by the international left as a tireless advocate for human rights.

Are Jewish Lives Worth More?

In Jewish History, Jewish Religion Shahak brings numerous texts and legal rulings to demonstrate Jewish antipathy to non-Jews. He mentions a passage from the Talmud that says that Jesus will be punished in hell by being immersed in boiling excrement. He relates that Jewish tradition teaches pious Jews to burn copies of the New Testament and curse the mothers of the dead when passing non-Jewish cemeteries. Shahak highlights the famous passage from Leviticus commanding Jews to "love thy neighbor as thyself" and mentions that, according to rabbinic interpretation, "thy neighbor" refers only to Jews.
Shahak further suggests that the Jewish tradition values Jewish life more than Gentile life. He cites Maimonides’ assertion that whereas one who murders a Jew is subject to the death penalty, one who murders a non-Jew is not (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Murder 2:11). According to another leading commentator, indirectly causing the death of a non-Jew is no sin at all (Rabbi Yoel Sirkis, Bayit Hadash, commentary on Bet YosefYoreh Deah 158).
Shahak reiterates the well-known Jewish teaching that the duty to save a life supersedes all other obligations and notes that the rabbis interpreted this to apply to Jews only. According to the Talmud, "Gentiles are neither to be lifted [out of a well] nor hauled down [into it]" (Tractate Avodah Zarah, 26b). Maimonides writes: "As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war…their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: ‘neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow’–but [a Gentile] is not thy fellow" (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Murder 4:11).
Indeed, Maimonides is the focus of much of Shahak’s analysis. Shahak believes that the 12th-century philosopher and talmudist was a Gentile-hater and racist. He quotes Maimonides’ statement that, "their [the Turks and the blacks] nature is like the nature of mute animals, and according to my opinion they are not on the level of human beings" (Guide For the Perplexed, Book III, Chapter 51).

Practical Ramifications

Shahak recognizes that many of these traditions are not followed in practice, but he believes that, in general, they have been covered up, instead of confronted. In support of this claim, he refers to another a violent passage from Maimonides that is not translated in the bilingual addition of the Guide published in Jerusalem in 1962. He sees this as a deliberate deception on the part of the editors to soften classical Jewish militancy. His own English translation of the passage, which discusses the command to kill Jewish infidels reads: "It is a duty to exterminate them with one’s own hands. Such as Jesus of Nazareth and his pupils, and Tzadoq and Baitos [the founders of the Sadducees] and their pupils, may the name of the wicked rot."
According to Shahak, Jewish "traditions of contempt" infiltrated Zionism and have affected Israeli policy towards its Arab citizens and the Palestinians. He cites three main areas where he believes this has occurred: residency rights, employment rights, and equality before the law.
As an example, he mentions that 92% of Israel’s land is legally restricted to Jews. While in other countries it would be labeled anti-Semitic if a policy excluded Jews from living on or owning land, in the Israeli context Jews tolerate it. He adds that based on the distinction in classical Judaism between reverence for Jewish cemeteries and not for non-Jewish ones, the state of Israel has destroyed hundreds of Muslim cemeteries, including one in order to build the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv.
Perhaps most disturbingly, Shahak cites a booklet published by the Central Regional Command of the Israeli Army which states that it is permissible, and even encouraged, to kill civilians encountered in war. "In war, when our forces storm the enemy, they are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians, that is, civilians who are ostensibly good." In a footnote, Shahak mentions that this booklet was withdrawn from circulation on the command of the Chief of Staff, but he nonetheless, believes that even the brief appearance of such a text can only be explained by an accurate assessment of the inequality in Jewish tradition between the lives of Jews and non-Jews.

Jews Have Ignored Shahak’s Work, Others Haven’t

Whatever your opinion of Shahak and his arguments, Jewish History, Jewish Religion should be taken seriously for a number of reasons.
For one, the texts that Shahak cites are real (though Shahak’s sporadic use of footnotes makes it difficult to check all of them). Oftentimes, the interpretation of these texts is debatable and their prominence in Judaism negligible, but nonetheless, they are part of Jewish tradition and, therefore, cannot be ignored. And, indeed, they are not ignored. As alluded to above, Shahak’s work is very popular in both Arab and Muslim circles (Radio Islam contains the full text of Shahak’s work) as well as groups that are often openly anti-Semitic (David Duke and Bradley Smith include Shahak’s book on their websites).
Others use Shahak’s work in their presentation of Judaism, and that fact alone should make it relevant to contemporary Jews.
Shahak was an ardent secularist and anti-Zionist, but he wrote his book as a challenge to Jews to engage the chauvinist, dehumanizing elements of Jewish tradition and to help create a self-critical and sensitive modern Judaism. It’s true that he combed the rabbinic tradition in search of hateful passages, often–though by no means always–misinterpreting them and taking them out of context, but this may be beside the point.
Jewish texts exist that can be–and are–understood to be vehemently xenophobic. These texts must be openly and honestly grappled with, explained, and if necessary, repudiated.

Ari Alexander is the co-founder and co-Executive Director of Children of Abraham, an international organization dedicated to the promotion of dialogue between Jewish and Muslim teenagers around the world. In January 2008, he relocated to Paris, where he co-founded Génération Dialogue, with Ambassador Jacques Huntzinger, in order to build a web platform that creates a space for intercultural dialogue between young people in predominantly immigrant suburbs and their peers in Paris. Ari has spoken at numerous international conferences about Children of Abraham in South Korea, Spain, Senegal, Belgium, Morocco, Tunisia and Qatar. He completed two Master's degrees in the United Kingdom as a Marshall Scholar: an MA in Comparative Ethnic Conflict from the Queen's University of Belfast, and an MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Oxford. His research led Ari to spend time living in Jerusalem, Beirut and Damascus. Ari graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in History. He has also served as a counselor and facilitator at Seeds of Peace International Camp and Face to Face/Faith to Faith, in addition to working with Jewish teenagers in United Synagogue Youth and at the Lauder Camp in Hungary.