Friday, January 1, 2016

Apple - Computers - and Connections to Surveillance and 666

To understand the video below better, please take the time to
     look at thisthisthis, this, this, this, and this.    

Justin Trudeau - No Better Than Stephen Harper With the State of Israel?

I have written numerous times on this blog about the insane relationship between Canada and the ethnocentric, racist state of Israel under the supposed leadership of Stephen Harper. See here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

Do you think anything will change under the guidance of our new "Hipster"  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau?

If you think so, maybe you should think again. See the articles and the videos below:

1. Israel need not worry about Justin Trudeau

2. Trudeau Reaches Out To CIJA To Affirm Support For Israel

3. Trudeau Government Votes Against UN Anti-Israel Resolutions

4. Canada's new PM supports Israel at UN

5. Will Justin Trudeau win erode Canada’s support for Israel?

6. New Canadian PM Trudeau Votes No on 16 Anti-Israel U.N. Resolutions

Jewish Slave Trade Part 2

With regards to my previous post here, I highly recommend that people watch the videos and read the articles below.

I firmly believe that the driving force behind the behavior of Talmudic Jews is a combination of the Talmud, their interpretation of the Old Testament --- and Zionist ideology.

Just look at the laws in the state of Israel.  Here is another link to a Jewish site. You can see that it doesn't matter what they believe. It isn't a religion. The laws in the state of Israel are completely ridiculous and similar to the Nuremberg laws in Nazi Germany.

Don't let them charge you with being racist or "anti-Semitic", they are ethnocentric, racist and anti-Semitic. (The Palestinians are Semitic too!)

The reality is, right now, more than ever, all races and all religions have to unite against this ideology. Why do I think this is so important? Very simple, because it is hidden from you by your mainstream media.  The world needs the truth. There can be no justice without it.

1. Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People?

2. Most American Civil Rights Activists Are Total Frauds

Dr. Tony Martin: The Jewish Role in the Slave Trade

Jews And Slavery-The Media Cover-Up:

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

See and Hear the Thoughts of Others - See In Their Bedroom and Watch Them Have Sex Out Their Eyes

Besides the article below, see here and here.

This is all possible now. For examples that are somewhat like what I am talking about, see here. As I have stated here, hereherehere, and here, they already have this technology.  If this is hard for you to believe, think about it essentially like an advanced form of Google Glasses or Microsoft's Hololens  with a form of Google Earth and Augmented Cognition that can send thoughts to someone else, read/see the thoughts of others, (have access to their EEG) hear their thoughts, see into the homes of others, into their bedrooms etc.  Meaning, what they have now is being hoarded to themselves, it is classified. For obvious reasons. 

(Remember, Google Earth originally came from the CIA, it is very old technology!) As far as the power and capability of satellite technology, in May 25, 2007, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell authorized the National Applications Office (NAO) of the Department of Homeland Security to allow local, state, and domestic Federal agencies to access imagery from military intelligence Reconnaissance satellites and Reconnaissance aircraft sensors which can now be used to observe the activities of U.S. citizens. The satellites and aircraft sensors will be able to detect chemical traces, and identify objects in buildings and "underground bunkers", and will provide real-time video at much higher resolutions than the still images produced by programs such as Google Earth. See here and here for more.

You have to remember that there is a huge incentive in keeping this quiet. You can certainly see the benefits of having this technology. There is nothing "THEY" don't know. Light can be measured, (photons,) minds can be read, thoughts can be sent. If you can think it, you can send it. Just like writing an email with your mind. Zuckerberg is saying it here, he is just not telling you the whole story.  Also see here for another article with Mark Zuckerberg referring to synthetic telepathy. See here for a Cisco ad that talks about this technology. See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes. What they have now is even more advanced. So, essentially they have access to the EEG readouts of your brainwaves to know what you are thinking, the ability to see out of your eyes and hear out your ears.

Imagine, for instance, being in Zuckerberg's position or anyone else that has a database to Facebook, like the CIA or the NSA. Whether it is someone they like --- or someone they don't .... they could know absolutely everything about them. They would know their contacts, where they live, their thoughts, they could see out their eyes and record it like a movie, hear out their ears, they can also see into their house, (unless the targeted person knew how to block it,) They could use big data and artificial intelligence to mine their life and their surroundings to screw around with them. They could put thoughts into a targeted individual's brain and the brains of those around the targeted individual.

The targeted individual could be a political dissident, someone a person in power hates or is jealous of, or it could be someone they find attractive and would like to have sex with or have a relationship with.

As an example, imagine meeting someone in a bar --- you think it is a chance experience --- they know absolutely everything about you, (though they act like they don't know you and that they have never seen you before,)  --- and to top it all off, they can see what you are thinking and hear what you are thinking about.

Isn't this amazing? Aren't these people "special?" Truth be told, what they really are is psychopathic, lying, criminals. One of the worst parts about it ---- you pay for a lot of this with your tax dollars, and, get this, these people are "defending you" from the terrorists. The truth is, your countries have taken away your rights - you are like their slaves.

They are literally raping you.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us - Bill Joy

Taking this article and the information on this blog into consideration .... maybe it isn't too far away from ---  Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Potential Problems of Technology and the Unabomber

One of the thinkers and writers that influenced the Unabomber was a Christian Anarchist named Jacques Ellul.  He is worth reading, look for his books here, here and here. I have also provided three videos below that you can watch. Also, the second video below can be converted to an MP3 to listen to on an iPod by going here.)