Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Happy Face Fascism and the Financial Industry

There are websites, bloggers, tweeters and media that have been reading my mind and constantly blogging my thoughts. Some of these people are in the financial industry.

Whenever I would "think" a thought regarding the touchy subject of Israel or Zionism, they would blog or "tweet" a message that would refer to this topic --- just to let me know they were watching and listening. And of course... reading my thoughts.

Yes, the world you live in really is that crazy... and these people really are that controlling. They want to try and intimidate people from not saying anything.

Please see some of my past posts about this: Fascism with a Happy Face, Honesty, The Nazis Didn't Lose the War, They Had to Move, Cults, Zionism Like Racism Has to Go, Another Secret of the Trading Industry, Canada-Israel: The Other Special Relationship, A Nazi is not a person who tells the truth. It's a person or group of people who try to suppress the truth.

The reality is that those in possession of this technology can read minds, alter behavior and inflict pain and suffering. See here and here for more. (Regarding the last link which is a pdf file, I don't agree with the analysis they have on Leo Strauss.)

Below is an interesting quote from the pdf file in the last link above:

"I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun! Where else could an American boy lie, cheat, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All Highest?”

Now, think about this. Do you think having access to this technology would be helpful for your trading business? What would using this do for you? This is just one more terrific example of why I love this world so much!

First off, the financial industry and all the talk you may hear about "integrity" is complete bullshit. But I certainly don't want to end this with just picking on people in finance. Maybe some of the worst are people in mainstream media. The news that is spewed out on a daily basis is mostly irrelevant and controlled garbage.

I mean, come on. Just look at how screwed up the world is! See here, here and here for more.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Control Rat's Brain Over Internet

Does this mean "THEY" can put thoughts in your head?

Yes! Just like the other posts I made.... this is all real. Unfortunately, this article does not go deep into what "they" really have. Think about this for a second... this technology is literally species changing.

How come the majority of the media isn't covering this more?

Do you think this could be the reason why the government in your country is becoming screwed up? You have to ask yourself... how many people in your government are being blackmailed? How many people in the media, the entertainment industry and business world are being blackmailed?

By the way, anywhere I say "THEY" you can also substitute the word NAZI PIG. A NAZI is not a person who tells the truth. It's a person or group of people who try to suppress the truth. It's a person or group of people who want to control other people.

From the article:

"Government mind control may not be as farfetched as it sounds: after 15 years of research, scientists have found a way to transmit information from one brain to another, thereby controlling the thoughts of its test subject.

Scientists have successfully captured the thoughts of a rat in Brazil and electronically transmitted them through the Internet to the brain of a rat in the US."

Monday, March 18, 2013

I've Told Smith a Thousand Times... (Sell Your Soul to Win)

Okay... maybe not that many.

But a lot.

That damn Smith just doesn't listen to me. I tell him over and over:

"Get on the inside... the inside Smith... that's where ALL the action is --- only then can you be the GO-TO-GUY."

But he still doesn't listen. 

I tell him: "Nature needs an inside and an outside... didn't I teach you anything? You're on the outside.... how are you going to be successful out there?"

Yet, he still doesn't listen to me.

But now, I've made myself a promise... next time I'll grab him by the scruff of his collar and holler into his ear.

I'll break his ear into a million pieces if I have to. "Just imagine what you could do on the inside Smith. With eyes that could see... and ears that could hear.... everywhere!" 

"Right now your weakness is your very own self. You've halted your journey half-way up the steps--- and now you just rest there all heavy like an old bag of dirty, smelly laundry. You don't want to climb no more. That's fine. But just know that to climb really high, the kind that receives a glowing adulation from not only the sky, but every eye --- the inside is where you have to be."

"Yes, of course, there's sacrifice. Maybe even a price to pay. Why would you think otherwise? You always talked about how you wanted to throw that dead rotting self on the ground anyway."

"I say do it, and stomp on it like it's on fire. Burning, melting...because it just might be. Everything dies Smith."

"You do every day, so just speed it up. It's kind of like trading in a car. I mean, giving up your soul for all those worshiping and adoring eyes --- yes, yes... in the end I guess it is for the recognition of others. Think of it that way, no more, no less. So why not just do it anyway? Are you willing to pay that price?"

You see, Smith just doesn't get it.

"But rest be sure... I did leave him a little book with a pyramid on the cover. I'm counting on him opening it at the hour his eyes become slightly heavy. Why you ask? Well, I have often found this to be the exact moment one retires into the comfort of the bed.

And guess what? 

I've often found this to be an amazing time for a book to work its magic. It's almost like there is a bit more forgiveness for the unforgivable at that time.

Do I think it's something about the night?

Most certainly. 

There's something seductive about the way the moon shines. It's so much different than the sun. The sun blinds you when you look at it, while the moon puts you in a trance. Didn't you know? This is why women are always associated with the moon, they both have a way of bringing about a lack of judgment." 

Ahhh, Smith. Maybe after you read my book you'll see what I mean. Why do you want to make your life so hard? Why be an outsider?"

Foolish, foolish Smith.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Another Secret of the Trading Industry...

Aaaaaa.... the free market. Nothing quite like it. As some like to say, it's full of the Franklinian spirit.

Now, before you become hypnotically induced by the usual propaganda that's presented to you, there's something you should know.

Here one secret. It's a special handbook that should be bundled with the three books listed below.

It's another way to help yourself Trade Like a Hedge Fund Manager.... or to help with your Practical Speculations. It's a way to get yourself more than One Good Trade.... better yet, it will give you access to a few good brains.

Just to add to this, one of the blogs had a post referring to the sudden death of Andrew Breitbart. A hinted threat directed at me? I'm sure I'm just crazy. I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist.... don't listen to me.

Once again, another sign of the bullshit world we live in. This is not limited to the financial industry.

What does all this mean? There is no free market.... and anyone who talks about it in the media or anywhere else is lying to you.

All the T.V. pundits, magazine writers, newspaper journalists and radio talk show hosts are in complete silence about the ideas I'm writing about on this blog. I wonder why.

What does this tell you about your government? The one that sends all the soldiers to "fight for your freedom" in other countries. Who runs your country? Who runs your government? Do you really have free elections? Who knows. But it's worth asking.

Imagine if you could see and listen inside someone's house, look inside their body, know what they are thinking...know if they have a fever!

But wait, there's more! (As they say in the infomercials--- where there's more truth than the news media.) 

It gets even worse! But we'll cover that in another post. For now, here are two links to get you started:

1. Mind Control and Mind Reading Technology - Is Edward Snowden a Fake?
2. Mind Control and Augmented Cognition: Hooked Up to a Supercomputer with Artificial Intelligence at the NSA and CIA

This knowledge is essential to anyone wanting to understand the new technologies and capabilities emerging.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Zionism Like Racism --- Has To Go...

Watch The Video Below!

The headline I used for this article is a line from the video below.

It's all about fear --- make people scared. Fear is the new secular god of the state. And this is what they do to the Israeli people.

One great line from the video below:  "People in Israel are basically scared. I mean what do people know, people know what they read, what they hear in the paper..."

And another:

"They want to bring back this tension of 1967 where people are actually afraid. Israeli's in 1967 were scared to death. People were actually afraid there would be another holocaust."

Just like they do to the Americans. How else can you continue to justify the ridiculous spending on the military industrial complex? Don't think it isn't being used to enslave you.  All that money, where is it going?

Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one ---  Benjamin Franklin

Watch the terrific video below of a man with true courage, unlike the majority of people who throw around a bunch of words devoid of any meaning. And just remember who is talking in the video... he has a bit of credibility. Anyone watch the other videos I posted?

You know, there are really three kinds of people on this issue...

1. Those who speak the truth
2. Those who use ad hominem attacks or throw around words that lack meaning
3. Those who don't have the balls to say anything

Which one are you? Are you the righteous religious man or the humanitarian secularist who shuts his mouth? Either way you're a joke. I wonder where Hollywood is for this one? Oh, it wouldn't matter anyway... seeing that no one received anything in Haiti. Good work boys, at least you looked good while "caring" on TV.

You make good money.... that's all that matters. You're a star.

I guess that's when acting can come in handy.... when "caring." It's a good thing that Canada and the United States support this too. Canada, the multicultural country that supports ethnocentric psychopathology in another country.  Harper said not long ago, that "Canada will always stand by Israel."

Below the video you'll some great lines from the talk... READ THEM.

Here are some great lines from this video:

  • Zionism like Racism...has to go

  • And then you have the Israeli army which I like to refer to... as one of the most, best trained, best equipped, best fed,  terrorist organizations in the world. And yes... they have generals and nice uniforms... but their entire purpose is terrorism

  • And just as one example...I'll give you one example... almost exactly four years ago, as Israel began its attack on Gaza, Sept. 27, 2008 at 11:25 in the morning. What I refer to as the most shameful day in the Jewish history. The most shameful day in the history of the Jewish people

  • Israel began carpet bombing Gaza. And on the first day... what was to be a 21 day attack, they dropped 100 tons of bombs. Okay, a 1 ton bomb will destroy 1 city block. Gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world, 800 000 children live in Gaza. 11:25 in the morning is exactly when the morning school shift and the afternoon school shift change --- so all the kids are on the streets... all the children are on the streets. That was the moment by the decision makers in Israel to begin the attack. This was the 1st day, of a 21 day slaughter, that had absolutely no justification.... if that's not terrorism, I don't know what is. And this is how the state of Israel manages to control the different populations. And somehow still keep up this very sweet liberal kind of face to everything

  • The whole Iran issue... in my opinion anyway, is a smoke screen. It was designed very cleverly, and it's used very cleverly by Netanyahu and his government to shift everybody's attention from Palestine to some other fictional threat. And it's been very successful, I mean at the United Nation general assembly nobody talks about Palestine. Everything was about Iran. Iran...Iran.  The threat of Iran. Attack Iran, bomb Iran, don't bomb Iran

  •  This anti-semetic thing... you can say this, because you are you, but when we say it they call us anti-semetic. And my reply to that is... fine. I mean they call me a self-hating Jew. I just got something that said I was a self-hating Jew or that I hate Jews or something. Fine I'll take that. Now, let's talk about something else, can you explain to me why Palestinian children get no water? Can you explain to me how you justify dropping 100 tons of bombs on children? Can you explain to me throwing people out of their homes and making them homeless? Can you explain to me, yanking kids out of their beds at 2 o'clock in the morning, throwing them in prison and torturing them? Can you explain all of this to me? Perhaps I'm anti-semetic. Now you explain all of this to me. What does that make you? AND THIS HAS TO BE THE CONVERSATION. Calling people anti-semetic is a very weak weapon, it's a very weak tool. IT'S ALL THEY GOT.  But when you actually look at it... IT'S COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS... because they do not have an answer for all those other questions, and that has to be the issue. They're the ones to have to explain. Not you. Not us. You have nothing to explain, these are legitimate questions. You supported, you danced, when Israel was dropping hundreds of tons of bombs on 800 000 children that were locked up in Gaza and had no where to go. YOU SUPPORTED THIS. I'm anti-semetic, what does that make you? You support a country that deliberately prevents children from access to water. Not to mention food, medicine and education... and a home and freedom. You support that, what does that make you? How can you support this? This has to be the conversation.
