Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Originally Posted in 2017: The RCMP Are Evil: They Are Deleting Comments From Their Facebook Account

See Screenshot Below!

Once again, the RCMP is scared of the truth. The comment below was made on the RCMP Facebook account. See this past post where they did the exact same thing. Who is looking to cover up the truth from you? Is it me? No, it is them. Who deletes these posts? It is either the RCMP, the Canadian intelligence agencies, (CSIS or CSE,) or Facebook.

Here's the links the RCMP deleted:

1. MUST SEE: Learn more about classified technology

2. See here for the FBI talking about some of this technology

3. See here for organized stalking counter intelligence tactics that some of them are perpetrating on political dissidents

4. See here for more about the ADL, an organization that the RCMP and CSIS work closely with 

5. See here for more from Thomas Jefferson about freedom of the press

17 Benjamin Franklin Quotes on Tyranny, Liberty, and Rights (It's His Birthday!)

 Benjamin Franklin was dubbed “The First American” for a reason.

Americans remember Benjamin Franklin as one of our founders. That is fitting because he was not just our most famous citizen at our country’s birth, but he was also so much a central part of that birth that he has been called “The First American.”

As a member of the Second Continental Congress, Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence. As a member of the Constitutional Convention, he helped draft the Constitution. Both documents bear his signature. Franklin’s role in our founding has been eclipsed in modern memory by his many other accomplishments.

He also signed the Treaty of Alliance with France, bringing the colonies French aid against the British, and the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War and recognized the independence of the United States. He was the only person, in fact, to sign all those key documents.

However, Franklin’s role in our founding has been eclipsed in modern memory by his many other accomplishments. He was a prolific inventor, from his trademark bifocals to the Franklin Stove and artificial fertilizer. He ran his own paper and published Poor Richard’s Almanac. He even published the first political cartoon in the colonies. He founded the University of Pennsylvania, as well as America’s first public library and hospital. His discoveries went far beyond his famous kite experiment, including the identification of lead poisoning and the charting of ocean currents.

Unfortunately, attention to what Franklin said about American liberty has often been crowded out by his other accomplishments. On his January 17 birthday, we should remember some of those inspirational words.

  1. "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" (proposed by Franklin for the motto of the Great Seal of the United States).
  2. "From a persuasion that equal liberty was originally the portion, it is still the birthright of all men."
  3. "Every man…is, of common right, and by the laws of God, a freeman, and entitled to the free enjoyment of liberty."
  4. "All the property that is necessary to a man for the conservation of the individual… is his natural right which none can justly deprive him of."
  5. "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
  6. "Our cause is the cause of all mankind…we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own."
  7. "[F]requent recurrence to fundamental principles…[is] absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty and keep a government free."
  8. "The more the people are discontented with the oppression of taxes, the greater the need the prince has of money to distribute among his partisans and pay the troops that are to suppress all resistance and enable him to plunder at pleasure."
  9. "Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty, without freedom of speech."
  10. "Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins. Republics…derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination into the action of the magistrates."
  11. "Sell not...liberty to purchase power."
  12. "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
  13. "This Constitution…can only end in despotism…when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other."
  14. "I hope...that all mankind will at length…have reason and sense enough to settle their differences without cutting throats."
  15. "Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes!"
  16. "Ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation to the prejudice and oppression of another is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy...An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy."
  17. Benjamin Franklin expressed the goal of America’s experiment in liberty when he said, "God grant that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on its surface and say: This is my country."

As we reflect on current political developments, we should consider how far we are from that goal and how to rekindle America’s liberty.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Inside the Massive (and Unregulated) World of Surveillance Technology


Shoot 8 Year Old Child in Gaza = Quality Human Being

Be sure to watch to the 7 minute and 14 second part of the video below. Shoot kids just like dropping white phosphorus on them like this.  Total psychopaths, takes no account into consideration that he is the occupying force and that he is an 8 year old child. "The most moral military in the world!" Yes, they can say that with a straight face, amazing.  I know Jews liked comedy but come on! They are the only country in the world that even says this. Such hubris.

See here for past articles about Zionist terrorism.  Something to read here

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A List Of Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs That Needs to Be Seen For What They Really Are --- Evil Twisted Lying Psychopaths

See the Pictures Below!

Every single one of the individuals below knows about the classified and hi-technology on my blog. (See here and here for more about classified technology. See this video from a person from Silicon Valley talking about technology that many people do not know about. See here for more about former U.S. Representative from Ohio and candidate for the President of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons.)

This makes them traitors to their country. They are greedy scumbags who need to be shown out for what they are... LIARS. There are tons of smart people that can do what these people are doing. What makes the individuals that are below unique is their level of corruption and how they have sold their souls to the powers of this world. They are working with intelligence agencies, they would not be in the positions they are if they didn't. There has always been a close relationship between Silicon Valley and the Intelligence  Agencies. ( See here and here for more about this.) Facebook is a Zionist Stasi apparatus, people don't understand what these people are doing. (See here for more about dealing with Zionists.)

Some of the individuals below are also heavily associated with the Transhumanist movement. 

Transhumanism is literally being pushed by some of the biggest Silicon Valley companies, especially Google. (See hereherehere and here.)  They know what Transhumanism is, its connections to eugenics ---- and how it is being implemented on humanity without the public knowing.  See here and here for the connections between Transhumanism and Judaism. See here for some introductory videos about Transhumanism. See here for the Transhumanist category on my blog. Be sure to go through all of the articles. The other industry that some people below are involved in is drugs --- especially marijuana As any informed individual knows, the CIA has always been involved with drugs and organized crime. It is not a coincidence that this piece of crap had the forward written for his book by the ex-CEO of Twitter. James Altucher has connections with Jewish organized crime and the orthodox community, intelligence agencies, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. See here for more about Homeland Security, torture, political prisoners, classified technology and drug dealers. 

Here you can see the connections between drugs, organized crime, Silicon Valley, intelligence agencies and stalking losers in my local area. Like this and this shows, Silicon Valley has always had close connections to the intelligence industry. 

For the most part, but not always.... you will often find that most of the people that are engaging in stalking and using classified technology are Zionists
(Jews or Gentiles that are supporters of Israel.) Why? Well, one of the reasons is because it's literally a part of Homeland Security. See here for more about how fighting "GLOBAL Antisemitism" is a part of American foreign policy. See here and here for the Jewish hand behind the internet. See here for how Israel backdoored everything. None of the individuals below seem to think it matters that a bunch of people are being tortured with electromagnetic weapons and their brains are being beamed out like a live radio station to a bunch of stalking psychopaths. (See here for more about Mark Zuckerberg talking about synthetic telepathy, see here for more about Facebook and typing with your thoughts.) 

This is exactly what is happening, this is not an overstatement at all. THIS IS WHAT THE MEDIA IS COVERING UP. This is how some of these sick assholes get off, torturing people and watching it like a reality TV showA good example of this is shown in the movie "The Circle." But, it is actually much, much worse because the technology is more advanced and dangerous. They can get nanotechnology inside your body and transmit electromagnetic waves and sound waves right into you. They can literally control the minds of people. In fact, mind control was already possible in the '60s with microwaves.  Watch this documentary to learn more about this. A good example is the Jose Delgado experiments with the bull, also see this clip from CNN from the '80s and this old newspaper article from the New York Times. This technology is extremely advanced now. See here for a list.

This is how sad countries like the United States and Canada have become, it is absolutely sickening and pathetic. This is the modern-day Stasi Octopus, it starts at the top with the intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley and works its way down. It involves everyone from businessmen and women, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, government employees, trades personnel, (for example; pest control or property management,) law enforcement, drug dealers, writers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, actors, sports figures, priests and religious leaders, addiction recovery groups, university professors, waiters and hotel personnel. This is exactly what it was like in East Germany. There isn't one group they didn't infiltrate. Now your society has become just as sad, our countries have turned into Stasi nightmares. 

Sergey Brin- Jewish
Larry Page- Jewish

Former CEO of Google

Jim Lanzone, CEO of Yahoo Inc.

Elon Musk 
(Probably Jewish)
(Now owns Twitter or X)

Used to be CEO of Twitter

Jeff Weiner-Jewish

Managing Partner at The Founders Fund

Jimmy Wales-Jewish

Kevin Systrom-Jewish 
co-founded Instagram

Max Levchin-Jewish
Cofounder PayPal

Adam Mosseri-Jewish
CEO of Instagram

Sam Altman -Jewish
CEO of Open AI

Mark Pincus-Jewish
Founder of Zynga, a mobile social gaming company. Pincus also
 founded the startups Freeloader, Inc., Tribe Networks, and Support.com

Steve Ballmer-Jewish
ex CEO of Microsoft

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Smart Dust Is Coming. Are You Ready?

 Bernard Marr

Enterprise & Cloud

Imagine a world where wireless devices are as small as a grain of salt. These miniaturized devices have sensors, cameras and communication mechanisms to transmit the data they collect back to a base in order to process. Today, you no longer have to imagine it: microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), often called motes, are real and they very well could be coming to a neighborhood near you. Whether this fact excites or strikes fear in you it’s good to know what it’s all about.

What can smart dust do?

Outfitted with miniature sensors, MEMS can detect everything from light to vibrations to temperature. With an incredible amount of power packed into its small size, MEMS combine sensing, an autonomous power supply, computing and wireless communication in a space that is typically only a few millimeters in volume. With such a small size, these devices can stay suspended in an environment just like a particle of dust. They can:

  • Collect data including acceleration, stress, pressure, humidity, sound and more from sensors
  • Process the data with what amounts to an onboard computer system
  • Store the data in memory
  • Wirelessly communicate the data to the cloud, a base or other MEMs

3D printing on the microscale

Since the components that make up these devices are 3D printed as one piece on a commercially available 3D printer, an incredible amount of complexity can be handled and some previous manufacturing barriers that restricted how small you can make things were overcome. The optical lenses that are created for these miniaturized sensors can achieve the finest quality images.

Practical applications of smart dust

The potential of smart dust to collect information about any environment in incredible detail could impact plenty of things in a variety of industries from safety to compliance to productivity. It’s like multiplying the internet of things technology millions or billions of times over. Here are just some of the ways it might be used:

  • Monitor crops in an unprecedented scale to determine watering, fertilization and pest-control needs.
  • Monitor equipment to facilitate more timely maintenance.
  • Identify weaknesses and corrosion prior to a system failure.
  • Enable wireless monitoring of people and products for security purposes.
  • Measuring anything that can be measured nearly anywhere.
  • Enhance inventory control with MEMS to track products from manufacturing facility shelves to boxes to palettes to shipping vessels to trucks to retail shelves.
  • Possible applications for the healthcare industry are immense from diagnostic procedures without surgery to monitoring devices that help people with disabilities interact with tools that help them live independently.
  • Researchers at UC Berkeley published a paper about the potential for neural dust, an implantable system to be sprinkled on the human brain, to provide feedback about brain functionality.
Disadvantages of smart dust

There are still plenty of concerns with wide-scale adoption of smart dust that need to be sorted out. Here are a few disadvantages of smart dust:

Privacy concerns:

Many that have reservations about the real-world implications of smart dust are concerned about privacy issues. Since smart dust devices are miniature sensors they can record anything that they are programmed to record. Since they are so small, they are difficult to detect. Your imagination can run wild regarding the negative privacy implications when smart dust falls into the wrong hands.


Once billions of smart dust devices are deployed over an area it would be difficult to retrieve or capture them if necessary. Given how small they are, it would be challenging to detect them if you weren’t made aware of their presence. The volume of smart dust that could be engaged by a rogue individual, company or government to do harm would make it challenging for the authorities to control if necessary.


As with any new technology, the cost to implement a smart dust system that includes the satellites and other elements required for full implementation is high. Until costs come down, it will be technology out of reach for many.

What should you do to prepare?

The entities who have led the development of smart dust technology since 1992 and large corporations such as General Electric, Cargill, IBM, Cisco Systems and more who invested in research for smart dust and viable applications believe this technology will be disruptive to economies and our world.

At the moment, many of the applications for smart dust are still in the concept stage. In fact, Gartner listed smart dust technology for the first time in its Gartner Hype Cycle in 2016. While the technology has forward momentum, there’s still quite a bit to resolve before you will see it impacting your organization. However, it’s important to pay attention to its trajectory of growth, because it’s no longer the fodder of science fiction. We might not know when it will progress to the point of wide-scale adoption, but we certainly know it’s a question of when rather than if.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

Relevant to Today- Absolute Must Watch Video About the Protests in 2018- See the TRUTH of What is Really Happening in Gaza

Watch the video below! See how full of crap some of the Jews really are, see how they lie to us every single day. They are attacking innocent defenseless people, just like the organized stalking program in North America which is done by Public Safety Canada and Homeland Security. Absolute evil incarnate. Sick, demonic, cowardly, and full of lies. How do you defend this Canada? Just twisted beyond anything you could ever imagine.

To see some pictures from the past conflict in 2014 see here.

Monday, October 5, 2020

How Jewish American Pedophiles Hide from Justice in Israel

The Jeffrey Epstein affair is connected to something similar to this. Also, see here, here and here for some of the interesting thoughts from the Talmud. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Wall Street and Slave Auctions

You don't need DuckDuckGo for this. 

See here for the connections between Wall Street and slavery. Conspiracy? Not really, it's just not well known. Who has the most influence over Wall Street even today?  See here to learn more

See here for more about so-called Jews.  Weasel priests and weasel pastors, tell the truth. You all are a complete disgrace to your society. You wonder why no one believes in your religion? You are now at the time when you all better start saying something. 2025 is the year they have planned, this is why they are doing this in Israel. 

See my other posts about Judaism and the slave trade here. See here and here for more about Judaism and Transhumanism and here for more about the Jewish utopia. See here for more articles on Transhumanism. (Scroll down and go through them all.) 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Feel Like Being the Slave of Jews? See Below...

What can I say but... I told you so... the only country in the world that says this.  See this comment from a past Israeli Prime Minister!

Oh, don't worry my fellow Canadians, we support Israel unconditionally! See this past video here. Also, see here and here. As for you Liberals out there, see here if you think Israel or Judaism is compatible with your Liberal values. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Jewish Ethnocentrism and Racism = Slavery

See here for more about Jewish identity. See here for more Jews saying they want slaves. See here for the little known or talked about connection the Jews have to the slave trade.

Zionists? Anything to Say?

 See here for more about Zionism and organized stalking. Also see here for how intelligence agents think they are God. See here for dealing with Zionist psychopaths and here for more about Zionism as a cult.