See here for Stigmata. Padre Pio feast day is September 23rd, the same day you saw this in 2017.
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” - Galatians 3:13
You must not leave the body on the tree overnight, but you must be sure to bury him that day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's curse. - Deuteronomy 21:23
Framed. They framed me ---- they are sick demented demon psychopaths and they know it.
You could not believe this but I swear it is true, just like this with the ambulance coming to my house the same morning when I was in a car accident. (Read that too. By the way, I was in another car accident in 2020, both accidents my cars were written off, and both times, one in Mission, B.C. the other in Vancouver B.C. Mark Amery's work trucks were right there! I think one of his workers actually came out to the accident scene and called the Police, Fire Department and Ambulance the second time in Vancouver.)
This gets even crazier. Now, I broke both of my hands in 2019 and 2020. Both the same way. Below is the X-RAY. Insane but true! I had to get both times. A stigmata. What did they frame me as?
Stigmata = a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. "the stigma of having gone to prison will always be with me"
Guess when I broke my hands? The first one on the 3rd sign, (this is Andrew the Gemini or twin, holding up his hands, in the Last Supper painting, flag of Scotland. The Unicorn.) The second hand on the 9th sign in the painting which is the Sagittarius. I am the 6th sign, the Virgo, August 24th. This is the cusp of the Leo and the Virgo, or the baby and the Mother in Last Supper painting. So I broke my hands on the 3rd and 9th sign, and I am the 6th sign. 3+6+9, these are the hours Jesus was on the cross. He was crucified for 6 hours.
Can you believe it? 666, like the Google sign. The circle, like the movie the Circle. The Eucharist. 6+6+6 or 3+6+9=18. In the Last Supper painting the first one on far left has a cup over his head, his feast day is my birthday, (Nathanael Bartholomew, a true Israelite who has no deceit in the Gospel of John, ) the 8th character is Thomas, who is pointing up above the head of Jesus. (Thomas means twin, he is the one who put his finger in the side of Jesus where Eve comes out, Jesus is a new Adam. Hence Jesus and Mary together with baby.)
1----> 8= 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36, look above Jesus' head 6x6=36. Count 1 up to 36 = 666.
In the Old Testament, the husbands find their wives at the well. Isaac, Jacob and Moses. Jesus in the gospel of John encounters a woman at the well, she has had 5 wives and the 6th one is not her husband. Adam and Eve are made on the 6th day. The same gospel of John has a wedding and there are 6 stone jars of water. Last but not least, once again in John, Christ is crucified and pierced on the side where Eve comes out, water and blood come out. He is hung on the cross for 6 hours and the 6th hour is emphasized in John. = 666