Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The US-Israel Special Relationship Timeline That AIPAC Doesn’t Want You To See

May 14, 1948Official Recognition- The United States of America becomes the first country to officially recognize Israel as an independent nation.
1949-1973- US-Israel Aid Commences- The United States gives Israel an average of $122 million per year in foreign aid payments.
Summer 1954Lavon Affair- Israel recruits Egyptian Jews to blow up American and British targets in Egypt. Israel planned on blaming the murderous false-flag attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood in an effort to garner support from the US and Britain. After officially denying any involvement, the Israeli government finally admitted their role in the incident in 2005 by honoring the surviving agents with a certificate of appreciation.
1955-1970- Israel Steals American Uranium to Build It’s First Nuclear Weapons- In 2011, the Institute for Research on Middle Eastern Policy examined hundreds of newly de-classified documents from the FBI and CIA and discovered that Israeli spies in collaboration with American Jews stole hundreds of kilograms of weapons grade uranium from US stockpiles and shipped it to Israel. Although Israel does not officially acknowledge the possession of nuclear weapons, their nuclear arsenal is estimated at between 200-300 nuclear weapons. (Source)
1963AIPAC Formed- The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) “America’s Pro-Israel Lobby” is formed, but refuses to comply with US law and register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. AIPAC has been in violation of federal law for nearly 50 years, but through political contributions and connections, AIPAC officials have remained above prosecution for their many violations of Federal law, including espionage (as addressed later).
June 8, 1967USS Liberty- Israeli jets and torpedo boats attack the American naval ship USS Liberty with the intention of murdering every sailor on board and then blaming the attack on Egypt. Israel’s goal was to draw America into the Israeli-Arab War. Israel has officially claimed the attack was an “accident,” but every survivor of the USS Liberty claimed that it could not possibly have been an accident given that Israeli jets flew directly over the ship hours earlier on several occasions and one pilot flew so close that he waved to the US sailors, and the sailors waved back. Given the proximity of the jets and the surrounding facts of the incident, there is no question that Israel knew whose ship it was. Lt. General Marshall Carter, the director of the NSA, told congress the attack, “couldn’t be anything else but deliberate.” A later coverup ensued, and in 2002, Captain Ward JAGC senior counsel for the court of inquiry claimed that the court of inquiry’s findings were intended to coverup what was a deliberate attack by Israel on a ship it knew to be American.
1975-  Oil Guarantee-  The Jewish US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, secretly brokered a deal in which the United States of America guaranteed Israel’s oil supply in the event of a crisis. The 1975 Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding (see the full text here) required the United States to maintain an oil reserve for Israel and guarantee the shipping of that oil to Israel in times of emergency. This deal has cost the United States more than a hundred billion dollars since it was first enacted. The most troubling aspect of this deal was not the cost however, but the stipulation that in case of an oil emergency in which both the US and Israel needed oil, the US would give its oil to Israel. Section 3 (b):
 If the oil Israel needs to meet all of its normal requirements for domestic consumption is unavailable for purchase in circumstances where’ quantitative restrictions through embargo or otherwise also prevent the United States from procuring oil to meet its normal requirements, the United States Government will promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel in accordance with the International Energy Agency conservation and allocation formula as applied by the United States Government, in order to meet Israel’s essential requirements. If Israel is unable to secure the necessary means to transport such oil to Israel, the United States Government will make every effort to help Israel secure the necessary means of transport.
This is oil that would have been used to heat homes during the winter, power ambulances, and provide the fuel for tractors to farm America’s agricultural lands. To put this into perspective, in the event of an oil crisis, the fuel that Americans would need to heat their homes, get them to work, and produce food would go to Israel. This agreement very well could have starved tens of thousands of Americans in order to save Israelis if an oil crisis would have taken place.
1978US Starts Paying Egypt $1.3 Billion Annually In Exchange For Maintaining Good Relations With Israel- John McCain admitted in a CNN interview that US-Egyptian aid was essentially a bribe to maintain good relations with Israel. The aid was pledged during a US-brokered peace negotiation between Egypt and Israel, and began to be distributed just after the signing of the Egypt-Israel peace accord.
1980-1981- Israel Teams Up With Republicans to Defeat Jimmy Carter- During the Iran hostage crisis of 1979-1981, Israel, upset at President Jimmy Carter’s attempt to create a peaceful two-state solution in Palestine, used its clandestine operations in Iran to prevent American hostages from being released before Carter’s re-election bid. Carter wrote in his White House Diaries that Israel was purposefully thwarting the peace process with Palestine so it could continue to settle on Palestinian land. History has certainly proven Carter right, and Peter Beinart, the author of The Crisis of Zionism confirms this fact by investigating every major Israeli-Palestinain peace negotiation, and pointing out Israel’s efforts to subvert them. According to Consortium News, Israel used its operatives in Iran to ensure that US hostages were not released before the election, which doomed Carter’s chances for re-election. The hostages were released immediately after Reagan’s inauguration, and Israel was subsequently caught shipping US weapons to Iran after an Israeli chartered plane crashed in the Soviet Union. Israel claimed to have the Reagan administration’s approval for the transfer. As the Consortium article points out, recent discoveries make the cooperation between the Israelis and Republicans to remove a US President by using American hostages as political pawns, impossible to ignore.
1980-1990- Israel Steals American Technology and Equipment at Unprecedented Levels- According to the Israeli newspaper Hareetz, “It is worth mentioning that in the 1980s, regardless of Jonathan Pollards’ espionage activities for Israel, Israeli companies and individuals were involved many cases of  technological espionage, stealing U.S. secrets, technology and equipment. The most outstanding case involved Milco, a U.S. based company owned by Israeli tycoon Arnon Milchan, which bought and shipped equipment with which could have also been used as triggers for nuclear weapons.” Recently released FBI documents revealed that current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was integrally involved in the Milco incident.
1982- Sabra and Shatila MassacresThe Israeli military purposefully allowed a right-wing Lebanese militia to enter two Palestinian refugee camps, which were under Israel’s control, and rape, murder, and dismember 800 civilians. Nearly all of the dead were women, children, and elderly men. In 1983, an Israeli investigation concluded that then Defense Minister Ariel Sharon bore “personal responsibility” for failing to prevent the massacre. The New York Times recently uncovered de-classified transcripts of conversations between US officials and Israeli officials, in which Israeli officials misled the Americans about the events in Beirut, and bullied them into accepting outrageous accusations that the Palestinian women and children were “terrorists,” and therefore deserved to be massacred. According to the New York Times, “The Sabra and Shatila massacres severely undercut America’s influence in the Middle East, and its moral authority plummeted.” Only a year later, in 1983, the US marine barracks were bombed in Lebanon, in which 241 marines were killed.
1985Jonathan Pollard Incident- A Jewish American named Jonathan Pollard was caught stealing American secrets and selling them to Israel. At first, Israel denied any involvement in the incident, but later admitted complicity in 1998. The wife of Pollard’s handler, Avi Sella, worked for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and Pollard later admitted that a prominent ADL member was deeply involved in the spying. Like AIPAC, the ADL does not register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act as per the law, even though it works closely with the Mossad, and has been caught spying on Americans for Israel. Amazingly, the ADL even had the gumption to shamelessly appeal to President Clinton in 1993 to commute their spy’s sentence. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also campaigned for Pollard’s release.
1987Israel Starts Receiving Regular Payments of More Than $3 Billion Per Year. The real US-Israel aid is estimated to be $15-$20 billion per year when valuable military equipment deemed “scrapped”, loan guarantees, under the table aid, and preferential contracts are factored in.
1990First Gulf War. Saddam agreed to withdraw from Kuwait if Israel complied with international law and withdrew from Palestine. Instead of encouraging Israel to abide by international law, the US launched an attack on Iraq, even though Iraq did not threaten America’s oil supply nor pose any danger to US interests. Israel did not send any troops or material support for the invasion.
1993- ADL Spying Scandal- San Francisco newspapers broke the story that the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, which has close ties to Israel, had been paying American police officers for confidential information, illegally wire-tapping phones, and even dumpster diving to acquire  private information on American citizens. The Anti-Defamation League later sold the information to the Israeli and South African governments. Among the individuals the ADL spied on were civil rights activists deemed “anti-Israel”, Congressmen such as Nanci Pelosi, reporters, labor unions, the NAACP, African National Congress, and the Rainbow Coalition. Presumably the ADL was going to use any damning material acquired during their spying efforts to blackmail these politicians and influential people into changing their negative stances on Israel. Just one of their spies, Roy Bullock, had compiled files on more than 9,800 Americans and 950 organizations spanning three decades. After the search of the ADL offices, the San Francisco District Attorney said the ADL was conducting a “national spy network.”
1993AIPAC President David Steiner Caught on Tape Bragging About his Organization’s Incredible Power in America. Steiner first admitted to manipulating the US Secretary of State into giving Israel more foreign aid. Steiner said he, ”met with [Secretary of State] Jim Baker and I cut a deal with him. I got, besides the $3 billion, you know they’re looking for the Jewish votes, and I’ll tell him whatever he wants to hear … Besides the $10 billion in loan guarantees which was a fabulous thing, $3 billion in foreign, in military aid, and I got almost a billion dollars in other goodies that people don’t even know about.”
In the same conversation, Steiner said he would support any politician who has been good to Israel over his own brother. He also discussed his efforts to get Jewish, and pro-Israel candidates re-elected, even by paying for a rigged poll. Steiner was attempting to raise money for dozens of pro-Israel candidates through his position at AIPAC, even though the organization claims that it doesn’t engage in such behavior. In the conversation, Steiner asked a potential Jewish donor to get his children to write checks in order to subvert political donation laws.
Steiner also said, “We gave two employees from AIPAC leave of absences to work on the [Clinton] campaign. I mean, we have a dozen people in that campaign, in the headquarters….and they’re all going to get big jobs. We have friends. I also work with a think tank, the Washington Institute. I have Michael Mandelbaum and Martin Indyk being foreign policy advisers. Steve Speigel—we’ve got friends—this is my business.”
“I talked to Bill Clinton [and he made a commitment that] he’s going to be very good to us.” ”One of my officers, Monte Friedkin, is one of the biggest fund-raisers for them [Clintons]. I mean, I have people like that all over the country.”
When asked if he knows who Bill Clinton would put on the Supreme Court if elected, Steiner replied, “We’re talking now. We don’t have no commitments yet. We’re just negotiating. We’re more interested right now, in the Secretary of State and the Secretary of National Security Agency. That’s more important to us.” He also said, “we are negotiating” who will be Secretary of State.
1993- Israel Caught Selling US Military Secrets to China- Israel sold $2-3 billion worth of sensitive US military technology to China. This was technology that the US had specifically forbidden to be delivered to China in anyway shape or form, as it would undermine America’s national security. Read this link for the full story.
1996 GAO Spy Report- The Government Accountability Office reported that Israel spies on the US more than any other ally.
2000-2003 Iraq Sanctions-  In 2000, AIPAC distributed a letter asking AIPAC members to put pressure on the US Congress and the President to ramp up sanctions on Iraq and block the oil for food program, which was providing Iraqi civilians with much needed food and medicine. In 2003, AIPAC attempted to block a bill that would have allowed US companies to export food and medicine to Iraqi civilians. AIPAC took the position that the food and medicine would not help the Iraqi people, which is obviously untrue, and that the bill would hasten Saddam’s effort to procure weapons of mass destruction. Saddam was of course not building weapons of mass destruction, and the AIPAC efforts ended up murdering thousands of Iraqi civilians.
September 11, 2001Five Dancing Israelis- The terrorists who perpetrated the worst attack on America in its history stated on record that their motivation was America’s unabashed support for the apartheid regime of Israel. Five dancing Israelis were actually caught filming the world trade center attacks and dancing in celebration afterwards. When the Israelis were caught in a van that had contained explosives, they said we are all on the same side now against the Palestinians. The dancing Israelis later admitted on an Israeli talk show that they were there to document the event. Before the US government classified all information on Israel’s involvement in 9-11, the FBI officially concluded that Israel had to have known of the attack before 9-11-2001 and didn’t warn the US. After the attacks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “We are benefitting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” He also said, “these events have swung American public opinion in our favor.”At best, Israel knew of the attacks before hand and did not warn America because of the strategic support against the Palestinians that it would bring. At worst, Israel had a hand in planning the attacks.
2001- Israeli Spies DeportedMore than 60 Israeli spies were arrested and detained. Most of them failed lie-detector tests about their spying activities on the US and their connection to the September 11, 2001 attacks. See hereherehere and here for more information. 
2002- Harvard Economist Estimates Total US-Israel Aid At $3 trillion. Dr. Thomas R. Stauffer, a world renowned economist who taught economics and Middle East studies at Harvard, as well as serving twice in the Executive Office of the President on a task force for oil imports and controls, estimated that as of 2002 (in 2002 dollars) Israel has cost the US $3 trillion. His estimate took into account direct military aid, political support, oil price increases as a result of conflicts, and peripheral/hidden foreign aid.
In Stauffer’s estimation, US aid to Israel costs 275,000 American jobs per year due to unfair trade imbalances and sanctions on Israel’s enemies. In one example of under the table aid, Stauffer pointed out that the US actually gave Russia and Romania billions of dollars in undeclared aid to facilitate Jews moving to Israel. The US has also spent hundreds of billions in the region to secure friendly relationships with Israel. John McCain admitted in an interview that US aid to Egypt is really just a bribe so the Egyptians will maintain friendly relations with Israel. The US has also given Turkey and Greece billions for the same purpose.
A summary of Stauffer’s breakdown can be found here: 
2003Iraq War-  In January 2003, AIPAC executive director Howard Kohr stated, “quietly lobbying Congress to approve the use of force in Iraq” was one of AIPAC’s successes over the past year.” Jeffrey Goldberg reported during a profile piece of AIPAC’s policy director Steven J. Rosen that, “AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the Iraq war.”
In addition, the US media, which by this point was almost completely controlled by Jewish American supporters of Israel (see this link for proof), refused to investigate the validity of the government’s accusation of Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction. The mainstream media then went a step further by criticizing anti-war activists and even called them traitors who were against the troops. Many Americans leaders and reporters came out after the war and criticized the media for its pro-war propaganda, but very few spoke of the Israeli connection for fear of being labeled anti-Semitic.
Even though Israel aggressively lobbied America to attack Iraq, they committed no troops or resources to the struggle.
2005AIPAC Spying Scandal- A pentagon analyst pleads guilty to passing military secrets to two AIPAC employees en route to Israel. After some political wrangling, all charges were dropped against the two Jewish AIPAC employees in 2009, even though the analyst agreed to testify against the AIPAC employees, and the government had overwhelming evidence to prosecute. It was later reported by Time magazine that Jane Harman, a Jewish congresswoman, was bribed by AIPAC to lobby the Department of Justice to drop the spying charges against the AIPAC employees. In 2009, CQ politics reported that Harman was caught on a NSA wiretap telling an Israeli agent that she would lobby the Department of Justice to drop the case.
2008-2009- Israel Fires White Phosphorous Shells Into Civilian Locations, Including a Crowded Refugee Camp. At first, the Israeli army categorically denied the use of white phosphorous gas on civilians (a war crime), but then later admitted it when video footage made it impossible to deny. These weapons were made in the USA.  The entire planet criticized the barbaric and internationally illegal war crimes, but President Bush and the United States supported the Israeli atrocities, which hurt America’s standing in the world.
2010- Israel is Caught Stealing America’s Nuclear Triggers- The United States Bureau of Industry and Security released a report concluding that nuclear triggers were illegally exported to Israel. (Source)
2010Israel Bribes US News Outlets for Biased Stories- Newly declassified files prove that Israel has actually been covertly paying American media outlets tens of millions of dollars to publish pro-Israel stories. Among other things, the documents revealed that Israel paid the Atlantic magazine $50,000 to disrupt a US peace proposal that would have allowed Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in Israel. These documents came from a Senate hearing, which ended up being censored by American politicians who received significant campaign financing from non-gentile sources. The bribed senators even went as far as sealing the most damning documents from the investigation.

April 18, 2012- The Bilzerian Report Estimates the Total Cost of America’s Relationship with Israel, Adjusted for Inflation and Including the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to be in Excess of $5 trillion, or $16,000 per American.
July 28, 2012CIA Reports that Israel is the Largest Spy Threat in the Middle East. The report details numerous incidents of Israeli spies breaking into American diplomats’ homes and offices to steal sensitive material.

Jewish Defence League Mob Attacks Paris Journalists

Yes, we are talking about the same group of people that were asked to be a part of Prime Minister Harper's entourage here, also see here. This group is a listed terrorist organization. BUT NOT IN CANADA! So, take a wild guess why our new Prime Miniter is no better on Canada's foreign policy with the state of Israel than Stephen Harper?

What I want people to know is this, Israel is not a state that is ignorant of practicing terrorism to achieve its ends. It was born in terror. Do some research. Don't just listen to what your country, the United States or Israel has to say on this matter. Think about it for a second, most people realize that politicians are caught lying over and over ... what makes you think that any of them are telling the truth about this?

Friday, January 8, 2016

How to Discredit And Slander Someone With High Technology Video and Picture Editing

This is an absolute MUST SEE. Intelligence agencies have had this technology for a while. See herehere, here, and here for articles about how you can use a computer program to control someone else’s face.

Quote from one of the articles: "While it looks like a bit of fun, once technology like this makes it out to the masses, it has the potential to change everything. We can no longer trust the validity of any image put in front of us, and pretty soon, every clip of a world leader speaking will be up for debate too." 

They have the technology to record someone's voice, (they only need a few seconds over your voice,) and put it into a complete video. You can see what is said here and here about what is happening.

Also, they have the ability to add people into pictures that they never photographed, a good example of something they can do is exactly like what is done in these pictures of Scarlett Johansson. It must be remembered that intelligence agencies have access to the highest technology on the planet. They have access to the same level of technology that the highest budget movies in Hollywood use. They are in the business of manipulation, that is what they do.

Intelligence agencies, under the new Homeland Security laws that passed September 11, 2001 --- are isolating political dissidents and stalking, harassing and slandering them. They are using technology that can read the targeted individual's thoughts, influence their behavior and injure them. You can see these videos about how they are using divide and conquer techniques and selective editing of media that they are recording.

The Stasi was known for all of these techniques. The idea was for the slandering to always be done behind the person's back with the hope that it would never get back to the target. See here for a full list of Stasi techniques intelligence agencies practice. See here for more about torture, slander and organized stalking. Also, see here for how covert agents infiltrate the internet to manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations.

Israel: a Place of Systematic Racism and Apartheid

To see previous videos and articles that I've posted about the state of Israel go here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Justin Trudeau - No Better Than Stephen Harper With the State of Israel?

I have written numerous times on this blog about the insane relationship between Canada and the ethnocentric, racist state of Israel under the supposed leadership of Stephen Harper. See here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

Do you think anything will change under the guidance of our new "Hipster"  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau?

If you think so, maybe you should think again. See the articles and the videos below:

1. Israel need not worry about Justin Trudeau

2. Trudeau Reaches Out To CIJA To Affirm Support For Israel

3. Trudeau Government Votes Against UN Anti-Israel Resolutions

4. Canada's new PM supports Israel at UN

5. Will Justin Trudeau win erode Canada’s support for Israel?

6. New Canadian PM Trudeau Votes No on 16 Anti-Israel U.N. Resolutions

Jewish Slave Trade Part 2

With regards to my previous post here, I highly recommend that people watch the videos and read the articles below.

I firmly believe that the driving force behind the behavior of Talmudic Jews is a combination of the Talmud, their interpretation of the Old Testament --- and Zionist ideology.

Just look at the laws in the state of Israel.  Here is another link to a Jewish site. You can see that it doesn't matter what they believe. It isn't a religion. The laws in the state of Israel are completely ridiculous and similar to the Nuremberg laws in Nazi Germany.

Don't let them charge you with being racist or "anti-Semitic", they are ethnocentric, racist and anti-Semitic. (The Palestinians are Semitic too!)

The reality is, right now, more than ever, all races and all religions have to unite against this ideology. Why do I think this is so important? Very simple, because it is hidden from you by your mainstream media.  The world needs the truth. There can be no justice without it.

1. Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People?

2. Most American Civil Rights Activists Are Total Frauds

Dr. Tony Martin: The Jewish Role in the Slave Trade

Jews And Slavery-The Media Cover-Up:

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

See and Hear the Thoughts of Others - See In Their Bedroom and Watch Them Have Sex Out Their Eyes

Besides the article below, see here and here.

This is all possible now. For examples that are somewhat like what I am talking about, see here. As I have stated here, hereherehere, and here, they already have this technology.  If this is hard for you to believe, think about it essentially like an advanced form of Google Glasses or Microsoft's Hololens  with a form of Google Earth and Augmented Cognition that can send thoughts to someone else, read/see the thoughts of others, (have access to their EEG) hear their thoughts, see into the homes of others, into their bedrooms etc.  Meaning, what they have now is being hoarded to themselves, it is classified. For obvious reasons. 

(Remember, Google Earth originally came from the CIA, it is very old technology!) As far as the power and capability of satellite technology, in May 25, 2007, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell authorized the National Applications Office (NAO) of the Department of Homeland Security to allow local, state, and domestic Federal agencies to access imagery from military intelligence Reconnaissance satellites and Reconnaissance aircraft sensors which can now be used to observe the activities of U.S. citizens. The satellites and aircraft sensors will be able to detect chemical traces, and identify objects in buildings and "underground bunkers", and will provide real-time video at much higher resolutions than the still images produced by programs such as Google Earth. See here and here for more.

You have to remember that there is a huge incentive in keeping this quiet. You can certainly see the benefits of having this technology. There is nothing "THEY" don't know. Light can be measured, (photons,) minds can be read, thoughts can be sent. If you can think it, you can send it. Just like writing an email with your mind. Zuckerberg is saying it here, he is just not telling you the whole story.  Also see here for another article with Mark Zuckerberg referring to synthetic telepathy. See here for a Cisco ad that talks about this technology. See this old clip of a scientist looking out of a cat's eyes. What they have now is even more advanced. So, essentially they have access to the EEG readouts of your brainwaves to know what you are thinking, the ability to see out of your eyes and hear out your ears.

Imagine, for instance, being in Zuckerberg's position or anyone else that has a database to Facebook, like the CIA or the NSA. Whether it is someone they like --- or someone they don't .... they could know absolutely everything about them. They would know their contacts, where they live, their thoughts, they could see out their eyes and record it like a movie, hear out their ears, they can also see into their house, (unless the targeted person knew how to block it,) They could use big data and artificial intelligence to mine their life and their surroundings to screw around with them. They could put thoughts into a targeted individual's brain and the brains of those around the targeted individual.

The targeted individual could be a political dissident, someone a person in power hates or is jealous of, or it could be someone they find attractive and would like to have sex with or have a relationship with.

As an example, imagine meeting someone in a bar --- you think it is a chance experience --- they know absolutely everything about you, (though they act like they don't know you and that they have never seen you before,)  --- and to top it all off, they can see what you are thinking and hear what you are thinking about.

Isn't this amazing? Aren't these people "special?" Truth be told, what they really are is psychopathic, lying, criminals. One of the worst parts about it ---- you pay for a lot of this with your tax dollars, and, get this, these people are "defending you" from the terrorists. The truth is, your countries have taken away your rights - you are like their slaves.

They are literally raping you.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us - Bill Joy

Taking this article and the information on this blog into consideration .... maybe it isn't too far away from ---  Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Potential Problems of Technology and the Unabomber

One of the thinkers and writers that influenced the Unabomber was a Christian Anarchist named Jacques Ellul.  He is worth reading, look for his books here, here and here. I have also provided three videos below that you can watch. 

Computers, Artificial Intelligence and the All-Seeing Eye of Surveillance

Introductory Note: First off, see here for a video clip of Arthur C. Clarke predicting the internet back in 1974. Now, before reading the article below about computers, transhumanism, artificial intelligence and surveillance, it would be helpful to learn more about these topics from watching this video and reading this article, then you will understand what is written here and here much better.

By David Livingstone

As explained in Computer: A History of the Information Machine, the personal computer was in large part a product of the “computer liberation” movement that grew out of the counter-culture of California in the 1960s. More specifically, those trends were in turn, an outgrowth of the CIA’s MKUltra program that popularized drug use for “mind-expanding” purposes.

A leading representative of this trend, who coined the term “personal computer,” was Stewart Brand, MK-Ultra agent and founder of the influential Whole Earth Catalogue. Before studying biology at Stanford University, Brand attended Phillips Exeter Academy, a prestigious American private prep school in New Hampshire, one of the oldest secondary schools in the US. The Economist described the school as belonging to “an elite tier of private schools" in Britain and America that counts Eton and Harrow in its ranks. Exeter has a long list of famous former students, including Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, novelist John Irving and Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code and the Masonic-inspired The Lost Symbol.

Phillips Exeter Academy was established in 1781 by banker Dr. John Phillips, who was a great-grandson of the Rev. George Phillips, founder of the Congregational Church in America, who arrived on the ship Arbella with Governor Winthrop in 1630. John Winthrop, who one of the leading figures in the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the first major settlement in New England after Plymouth Colony, was also an alchemist and follower of the infamous John Dee, who was the driving force behind the Rosicrucian movement of the early seventeenth century.[1]

Winthrop was a member of the circle around Samuel Hartlib which, was comprised of an international network of Rosicrucians involved in instigating the mission of Sabbatai Zevi, who rocked the Jewish world by declaring himself messiah in 1666.

His followers, known as Sabbateans, practiced a heretical doctrine which repudiated Bible commandments and became the founders of the Illuminati and spearheaded the leading organizations of the Occult Revival of the late nineteenth century, particularly the Golden Dawn where Aleister Crowley had been a member.

First serving as a soldier in the US Army, Brand was a parachutist and taught infantry skills. In 1962 he studied design at San Francisco Art Institute, photography at San Francisco State College, and participated in a scientific study of LSD in Menlo Park, California. By the mid-1960s, Brand was associated with key MK-Ultra agent, author Ken Kesey and his “Merry Pranksters.” In San Francisco, Brand produced the Trips Festival, involving rock music and light shows. This was one of the first venues at which the Grateful Dead performed in San Francisco. Brand is described in the beginning of Tom Wolfe’s 1968 book, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.

Brand was deeply influenced by cybernetics visionary Norbert Wiener, electronics media theorist Marshall McLuhan, and architect and designer Buckminster Fuller. Contemporary cybernetics began as an interdisciplinary study connecting the fields of control and psychology in the 1940s, often attributed to the Macy Conferences. The Macy Conferences were a set of meetings of scholars from various disciplines held in New York under the direction of Frank Fremont-Smith, starting in 1941 and ending in 1960, at the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, which was a CIA front. Among them was Max Horkheimer, the head of the Frankfurt School, who were the neo-Freudian architects of the 60s counterculture and also responsible for the modern ideas of  Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness. (Editor note: It is important to realize how much all of this was created to curb and monitor supposed "antisemitism" and the criticism of so-called Jews.)

Jeffrey Steinberg in From Cybernetics to Littleton: Techniques of Mind Control, reports that, “for John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener, the core of the Cybernetics Group project was the development of computers, and the prospect of combining high-speed computers with so-called Artificial Intelligence, to literally ‘program’ the human race.” Underlying all of their efforts was the absurd belief that the human mind was a machine, and a Tower of Babel-like conviction that its functioning could be replicated, and eventually surpassed, by computers.

Dr. Jerome Wiesner, the president of MIT, participated in several of the Macy Foundation sessions. In 1952, he took over the directorship of the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, where leading members of the Cybernetic Group had all taken up residence. Soon, the RLE had spun off the Artificial Intelligence Lab. Much of the work at MIT, and at the Artificial Intelligence labs at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, was funded through the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

In 1974, Stewart Brand published a collection of essays under the title, II Cybernetic Frontiers. Two of the essays consisted of interviews he conducted with Gregory Bateson, a leading member of the Cybernetics Group and key MK-Ultra scientist, through his posting at the Palo Alto Veterans Hospital. The other, longer essay in the book, Fanatic Life and Symbolic Death Among the Computer Bums, first published in 1972 issue of Rolling Stone, provided a seminal influence, announcing, "Ready or not, computers are coming to the people."

Brand created the Whole Earth Catalogue, published between 1968 and 1971, which identified and promoted key products or tools for communal living and to help “transform the individual into a capable, creative person.” According to Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers, the catalog was “one the bibles of my generation.”

Also working with Brand was Howard Rheingold, who was as founding executive editor of HotWired, one of the first commercial content websites published in 1994 by Wired magazine. A lifelong fascination with mind augmentation and its methods led Rheingold to the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and Xerox PARC.

PARC is a research and development company in Palo Alto, with a distinguished reputation for its significant contributions to the modern personal computer, including graphical user interface (GUI), featuring windows and icons and operated with a mouse. The evolving mythos is that Steve Jobs was granted access to view PARC’s developments, and was able to turn them into marketable products by integrating them into the Macintosh computer.

PARC hired many employees of the nearby Augmentation Research Center of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) as that facility's funding from DARPA, NASA, and the US Air Force began to diminish. Originally founded as a means of attracting commercial business research at Stanford University in California, SRI began taking on military and intelligence contracts, many of them classified.

It was SRI which initiated what came to be known as the Stargate Project, the umbrella code name of one of several sub-projects established by the US Federal Government to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential military and domestic applications, particularly “remote viewing,” referring to the purported ability to psychically “see” events, sites, or information from a remote distance. At least three of the key remote-viewers at SRI were former leaders in L. Ron Hubbard’s Church of Scientology: Hal Puthoff, Ingo Swann and Pat Price. Price, a former police chief, after being trained as a remote-viewer, went to work for the CIA. Swann, a New York artist, went on to train remote-viewers at the Pentagon.[2]

In May 1974, SRI led a study on how to transform the US into Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, entitled “Changing Images of Man.” The report stressed the importance of the United States in promoting Masonic ideals, effectively creating the ideal Masonic state.[3] Leading the study was Willis Harman, a former consultant to the White House and who had been involved in LSD research on behalf of the CIA.

In 1976, Harman wrote An Incomplete Guide to the Future in which he advocated a society based on the ideals of Freemasonry. Harman believed that the symbol of the pyramid with the floating capstone on the Great Seal “indicates that the nation will flourish only as its leaders are guided by supraconscious intuition,” which he defined as “divine insight.”[4]

Rheingold, who was also affiliated with IONS, co-authored Higher Creativity: Liberating the Unconscious for Breakthrough Insight, with Willis Harman. Harman had been president of the Institute for Noetic Sciences (IONS) in their first remote-viewing experiments. IONS was established by Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the moon, who claimed to have undergone a cosmic consciousness experience on his return flight to earth. Mitchell briefed then CIA director George Bush on the activities and results of the IONS.[5]

IONS figures prominently in The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. It was founded in 1973 to encourage and conduct research on human potentials. IONS, it claims, “conducts, sponsors, and collaborates on leading-edge research into the potentials and powers of consciousness, exploring phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models while maintaining a commitment to scientific rigor.” IONS partly funded remote-viewing experiments at SRI, until the CIA eventually acknowledge responsibility for them.

The director of IONS was James Hurtak. Although Hurtak has never been officially employed by SRI, he has retained close contact with its senior figures. In 1975, Hurtak participated in the First Psychic Tournament in 1975 as part of Gnosticon, sometimes called the Gnostica Aquarian Convention. The events, which attracted many of the best-known Witches, Wiccans, Magicians and Neopagans of the time from all around the world, were covered in 1974 in Playboy Magazine by Mordecai Richler, author of The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz.

Hurtak’s The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, published originally in 1973, is a book of channeled revelations from a group of entities who refer to themselves as The Nine, which he claims he was chosen to receive, and draw on many ideas from Crowley, H. P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. Hurtak claimed to belong to a group called the Sons of Light of the Order of Melchizedek, “designed to change the destinies of the world by occult means,” and that he and others with access to “confidential and secret information,” were working to make the public aware that the people of Earth were soon to be contacted by “highly evolved beings.”[6]

Willis Harman disciple Marilyn Ferguson in her best-selling The Aquarian Conspiracy (1980), depicted the  as the realization of H. G. Wells’ The Open Conspiracy, tried to popularize it by painting the drive to foster New Age doctrines as a spontaneous and positive development.

Ferguson conducted a survey of 185 leaders of the Human Potential and New Age Movement and found that the most influential thinkers mentioned were the French philosopher, Jesuit priest and Julian Huxley associate, Teilhard de Chardin, of the Piltdown Man hoax, followed by Carl Jung who worked closely with CIA head Allen Dulles, and Aldous Huxley, who was the guiding figure of its MKUltra program.

Aldous’ brother Julian wrote the introduction to de Chardin’s book, The Phenomenon of Man. Aldous and Julian were the grandsons of Thomas H. Huxley, who was also a founder of the infamous Round Table, which was responsible for creating the Council on Foreign Relations. Thomas H. Huxley was also known as “Darwin’s Bulldog,” for his defense of evolutionary theory, which according to Rabbi Kook (1865 – 1935), most important exponent of Religious Zionism, “is increasingly conquering the world at this time, and, more so than all other philosophical theories, conforms to the Kabbalistic secrets of the world.”[7] According to Julian Huxley: “evolution is nothing but matter becoming conscious of itself.”[8]

Interest in Darwinism was related to the Theosophical notion of spiritual evolution. Based on the Kabbalah, it asserted that nature, as well as human consciousness, evolves, forming the basis of the belief in an expected cultural transformation that would come to characterize much twentieth-century occult and eventually New Age thought.

Although Teilard had come into conflict with the Catholic Church and was severely reprimanded and his works condemned by the Holy Office, more recently, Pope John Paul II indicated a positive attitude towards him, and in 2009, Pope Benedict XVI mentioned Teilhard’s idea of the universe as a “living host.”

Often referred to as the “Catholic Darwin,” Teilhard de Chardin developed the concept of the Noosphere, reflecting the Kabbalistic notion of evolution. The Noosphere, derived from the Greek nous (“mind”), is the third in a succession of phases of development of the Earth, after the geosphere (inanimate matter) and the biosphere (biological life). Teilhard defined Noosphere as the “thinking envelope of the biosphere,” and the “conscious unity of souls,” which was “the very Soul of the Earth,” woven around the earth from the contributions of the totality of mankind.

Teilhard laid the ground for aspirations of creating artificial intelligence by arguing that as mankind organizes itself in more complex social networks, the Noosphere will grow in awareness, culminating in the goal of history, which he referred to as the Omega Point, a maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which he believed the universe was evolving.

Teilhard called on humanity to create a “sphere of mutually reinforced consciousness, the seat, support and instrument of super-vision and super-ideas.” In other words, mankind was to build the Noosphere. Effectively, man will create God, the all-seeing eye featuring on the back of the dollar bill, floating above the pyramid of human society, whose omniscience and wisdom will be derived from mining the accumulated data from recording every facet of human activity.

Teilhard de Chardin is often regarded as the patron saint of the Internet. Tom Wolfe suggests that Teilhard de Chardin was a hidden influence on the work of Marshal McLuhan. McLuhan is known for coining the expressions the “medium is the message” and the “global village,” and for predicting the coming of the World Wide Web almost thirty years before it was invented.

Teilhard’s concept of the Noosphere is currently being researched as part of the Princeton Global Consciousness Project (GCP), which is privately funded through the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). GCP monitors a geographically distributed network of hardware random number generators in a bid to identify anomalous outputs that correlate with widespread emotional responses to sets of world events, or periods of focused attention by large numbers of people.

[1] Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, p. 226.
[2] Picknett & Prince, Stargate Conspiracy, p. 110.
[3] Picknett & Prince, The Stargate Conspiracy, p. 319.
[4] Picknett & Prince, The Stargate Conspiracy), p. 319.
[5] Edgar Mitchell, The Way of the Explorer, (GP Putnam's Sons, 1996), p. 91.
[6] Jacques Vallée, Messengers of Deception, p. 133.
[7] Rabbi A. Kook (Orot Hakodesh Book 2 Chap. 537).
[8] Pierre Teilard de Chardin, The Human Phenomenon, (Brighton: Sussex Academic Press), p. 114.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Transhumanism and Judaism

Introductory Note: Before reading the article below, please watch this and read this. It is funny how in the first paragraph of the article below they acknowledge that the Transhumanist movement is "elitist" and they "know" what is best for us all. I can tell you from first-hand experience, they are practicing non-consensual human experimentation on a whole bunch of people without them knowing. They also have the ability to manipulate and control people without them even knowing it. They can see out your eyes, hear out of your ears, read your mind, record your whole life like a movie, turn your life into a reality TV show, send messages to you through synthetic telepathy so you believe they are your own thoughts, hook you up to another brain, and hook you up to computers with artificial intelligence for data mining purposes.

They aren't telling you any of that. I am not saying that all parts of Transhumanism are bad, what I am saying is that the current way it is being done, (deceptively pushed on humanity without talking about the negative aspects,) is breaking the Nuremberg Code and enslaving humanity without them knowing it. In all truthfulness, unless people can block the negative effects, humanity as we know it, is doomed.  

Joshua Fox

Transhumanism seeks to bring about a radically transformed future, one in which every aspect of our human existence is changed for the better. The ideology, though not explicitly dependent on any one culture, is in practice tightly bound with Silicon Valley way of life: intellectual, elitist, Americentric, secular, and technophilic.

Ethnic groups world-wide have developed distinctive elements such as oral traditions, literature, song, visual art, crafts, languages, family structures, ritual, moral systems, and much more. If Transhumanism completely remakes mankind in its own image, we will lose the best of thousands of world cultures, from New Guinea to Lappland.  Transhumanists counter that in their preferred future, people will be permitted to retain their atavisms Amish-style, or else to adopt for themselves features of any culture, just as people today can choose punk, Goth, Otaku, or polyamory.

These alternatives leave a thin broth in place of yesterday’s rich stew. Western civilization has already swamped thousands of now-dead cultures, eliminating both their good and their bad aspects. Transhumanism threatens to wipe out all the rest.

Many Transhumanists strive to base their principles and beliefs on culture-neutral rational principles, such as utilitarianism. Yet cultural neutrality does not require neutralizing culture. Transhumanism also believes in “Humanity Plus,” in enhancing the best of what makes us human. This includes not only universal values, but also those found in the tremendous variety of cultures. There is a more out there than furries and anime. We must open a path into the future for these myriad cultures.

The path-breaking Transhumanism belief-system does draw on richer historical roots than are readily visible in its future-looking ideas. Though these are less important influences, they serve as a reminder that not all is rationalist-libertarian-atheist. Transhumanism has drawn on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Jesuit learning, as well as the Taoist and Buddhist insights of East Asia, the Paleolithic lifestyle represented by today’s hunter-gatherers, and the Russian Orthodox traditionalism of Nikolay Fedorovich Fedorov. This essay will trace the connection to Transhumanism of another source: The Jewish culture, religion and ethnic group.

The Roots of Apocalyptic

The Singularity is a modern apocalyptic, the End of Days: the looming threat of world-destroying nanobots, or an superintelligent machine as world-devouring demon-god. Along with that, the Singularity offers the promise of a Messianic Transition Guide to lead us to utopia, with a Singleton AI as benevolent god-figure–or, as Eliezer Yudkowsky has put it, an entity greater than any god ever imagined.

The idea of the apocalypse (originally meaning “revelation”) emerged in Judaism during the late Biblical period, under the influence of Persian Zoroastrianism. The idea reached the form we know today around the turn of the era, emerging in both Judaism and Christianity.

As Steven Kaas points out, the concept of Singularity differs sharply from the religious version of the Abrahamic religions. Still, there is no doubt that the Rapture of the Nerds evokes many of the same feelings as the Jewish and Christian Apocalypse. And of these two religious visions, the Singularity more closely resembles the Jewish version, in which the Messianic era is purely earthly, a much-improved political situation, with people living their lives in a material Utopia, not transfigured into a spiritual existence.

There is precedent for strivings towards an earthly Messianic era, with overtones of Transhumanism. Socialists, and particularly the idealists of the late nineteenth century, looked forward to the hell-and-heaven of a secular End of Days, with science and technology as guides. Theodor Herzl likewise offered a technophilic and universalistic solution to the age-old problem of anti-Semitic persecution. Libertarians, who are disproportionately represented among Transhumanists, envisage a Utopia brought about by the elimination of government interference in society.

A disproportionate number of Jews are leaders in Transhumanism, as also in these other Utopian ideologies. This may be due to the influence on Jews of their tradition’s materialist apocalyptic; or this may simply be another case of Jews’ outsized representation in many areas of endeavor in modern society. But either way, a glance at any list of well-known Transhumanists shows that the Jewish people has contributed disproportionately towards this effort to improve humanity’s future. Ironically, the number of Jews involved also means that Judaism also gets a disproportionate amount of the anti-religious reactions common in the movement.

Israel and the Future

The Jewish people have re-built their national home in Israel. This state leads the world in many areas of interest to Transhumanists: computer science, software and hardware development, bio-tech, and others. I’ll refer you to an article by Hank “Hyena” Pellissier in an earlier issue of H+Magazine for the details, and I’ll let Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fill in the picture, with his speech at the United Nations in September 2009:

…. The allure of freedom, the power of technology, the reach of communications should surely win the day. Ultimately, the past cannot triumph over the future. And the future offers all nations magnificent bounties of hope. The pace of progress is growing exponentially ….

What seemed impossible a few years ago is already outdated, and we can scarcely fathom the changes that are yet to come. We will crack the genetic code. We will cure the incurable. We will lengthen our lives. We will find a cheap alternative to fossil fuels and clean up the planet.

I am proud that my country Israel is at the forefront of these advances – by leading innovations in science and technology, medicine and biology, agriculture and water, energy and the environment. These innovations the world over offer humanity a sunlit future of unimagined promise ….

Figure 1: Theodor Herzl’s rejected proposal for a Zionist flag: Stars of David for the Jewish heritage; seven stars for the seven hours of the working day; white background to symbolize purity.

Moral Complexity

I have traced several lines of connection between Judaism and Transhumanism: The rise of apocalyptic, with a focus on a material rather than an other-worldly Utopia; the outsized contribution of Jews to Transhumanism; and the role of the state of Israel in benefiting humanity through technological progress.

But I have not traced a connection between Transhumanism  and Judaism as a religion. In Transhumanism, attitudes towards religion range from evangelical atheism to a diffuse personal spirituality. Support for organized religion is few and far between, with Lincoln Cannon’s Transhumanist Mormonism and Tohamer Toth-Fejel’s Catholicism as notable exceptions. There  is no explicit connection between the Jewish religion and transhumanism.  But Judaism, though it includes religion in the post-Enlightenment sense of personal spirituality, is more than that. It is also an ethnic group, an ancient civilization, a state, and a system of rules for daily life, including ethical principles

There is another area where Judaism’s contribution is crucial. Judaism was the origin of ethical monotheism. Other civilizations have established their own moral systems, all related through their origin in our evolutionary past, but the moral backdrop established by Judaism has spread world-wide through the civilization in which Transhumanism thrives, to a large extent through the medium of Christianity. We define morality here not simply in the narrow sense of “altruism,” but, in accordance with the Jewish legal system, as “the best way to order society and human life.”

Jewish religious law frames its commandments as divinely inspired imperatives , not merely as calculations of personal benefit, nor as arbitrary customs. The laws are not necessarily moral injunctions. Seen from the ethical perspective commonly adopted by Transhumanists, which tries to be culturally neutral while taking its guidance from Enlightenment principles such as individual choice, the ethical weight of the precepts vary from the immoral to the moral.

Some of Jewish religious law, like divorce regulations, are from the modern perspective immoral. (We should note, however, that such Biblical commandments as the extermination of enemy tribes are proto-Jewish, not Jewish; the religion has evolved radically since the writing of the Bible.)

Other rules, like dietary taboos, are morally neutral. Yet others, like rules for sexual behavior, are immorally restrictive of liberty from a modern Western perspective, yet considered key to morality by billions of people worldwide, including those who are followers of an Abrahamic religion.

But many of the religious precepts of Judaism are explicit demands for just behavior towards others, without hope of immediate reward. It is this ancient background, more than any utilitarian calculations or abstract deontological universal imperatives, which has shaped our altruistic feelings into what we call “morality” today.

Transhumanism as a whole has a “techno-volatile” world-view, foreseeing either tremendous benefit or tremendous harm from technology. This makes the definition of morality critical; when we set technology on a course, we may find that it takes us to a destination far beyond what we can imagine today.

There is thus a tension between simplicity and complexity in moral definitions. On the one hand, as technological power tends to an extreme, it is much easier to extrapolate its effect under simpler moral calculations.

David Pearce’s negative hedonism, the elimination of suffering, can be extrapolated to a world where no living being, neither human nor any other animal, experiences the subjective pain which today serves as a low-level driver for higher-level behavioral choices. Eliminating suffering is important, and it would be unfair to deprecate Pearce’s philosophy for “compromising” by seeking nothing more than the total elimination of pain. Yet morality as we intuit it, whatever it is, is much more than that.

Another Transhumanist philosophy, one which Hugo de Garis calls “Cosmism” and reluctantly advocates, ascribes primary moral value to increased intelligence. It is simple to extrapolate this morality under radical technological improvement, and relatively simple to guide the future towards perfection under this moral system. All that is needed is to fill the world with intelligent thought, and the ideal is achieved. Yet morality, again, is far more than that. An “artilect,” a superintelligence which is able to maximize intelligent thought by converting the world to ultraefficient computer processors, computronium, and then setting these processors to intelligent thought, would not have achieved moral perfection, as most of us see it.

The Singularity Institute is working on the formal definition of a decision-theory based  on utilitarianism, which in the limiting case fulfills each human’s true desires with the help of a friendly superintelligence. Again, a simple definition and a relatively simple extrapolation.

The definition does try to subsume, within its compact specification, the complexity of individual human volition. And no doubt the ultimate solution, if any, will be based on something like this approach. Yet each individual’s desires sometimes contradict each other, as the science of heuristics and biases has shown. For example, the Trolley Problem, which poses certain moral quandaries to test subjects, produces results which apparently contradict not only each other but also utilitarian ethics. The “Framing Effect” bias produces mutually contradictory answers to moral questions by a single respondent depending on how the situation is described. Though the utilitarian formula  “the greatest good for the greatest number” can cover pretty much any moral system with an appropriate choice of definition for “good” (technically, a utility function), human morality simply doesn’t work that way,  and human morality is the only kind we can work with.

Moreover, in a world where different people want different things, reconciling their desires may be impossible. Ben Goertzel, Chairman of Humanity+, describes a Coherent Aggregated Volition which tries to average out human desires. But game theory has known, at least since the 1940s, of difficulties and paradoxes in rules-based preference aggregation, as for example Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem. The notion that one could average out human desire is a simplification.

Worse, even if one could average out human desires, what would emerge would not necessarily look like what most Transhumanists consider morality. It seems likely, for example, that an average of all humans’ attitudes towards homosexuality would work out to condemnation, or at least disapproval.

Eliezer Yudkowsky of the SIAI attempts to solve this with his proposal for Coherent Extrapolated Volition, in which the desires of humanity are not only averaged, but also extrapolated into the future towards what “we would wish if we knew more, thought faster, were more the people we wished we were.” The results of this extrapolation are not known precisely, but the dominant assumption seems to be that this future wisdom would be based on the liberal-secular-Western principles of the culture which surrounds the SIAI–augmented with other as-yet-unknown moral sentiments. The presumptuous notion that humans’ desires would converge under extrapolation at all, and that the SIAI’s host culture would serve as the core of this outcome, are simplifications with little evidence to support them.

Ray Kurzweil’s approach at least resolves the problem of oversimplification. He believes that humans will merge with machines. Rising intelligence and power will be controlled directly by humans, and thus will reflect human values in all their complexity. Unfortunately, humans are unreliable, and we cannot rely on individuals to use their power responsibly, particularly since their minds’ architecture could change in new and unpredictable ways as they merge with their computers; nor is there any guarantee that we will merge with our computers before a standalone AI self-improves itself to super-human intelligence levels.

Socialists also tried to discard our complex and contradictory morality, which was brewed by human societies out of the original psychological ingredients created by evolution; they wanted to eliminate the complex “bourgeois morality” and replace it with simple formulas like “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” “for the good of society,” and “for the good of the state.” Then, as the power of the state trended towards totality, the results were 100 million deaths and much more suffering.

In contrast to these simplifications, real human morality is a complex and internally inconsistent mess, as Joshua Greene has described. Morality is built of ad hoc and sometimes contradictory modules designed by evolution, and then further developed in human societies. If we really want a moral future, we must set our technology on a course towards true morality, which is deeply human, and not simple at all.

What is usually called morality, in the larger civilization in which Transhumanism is embedded, has been shaped by its Jewish origins. No one will develop brain-altering drugs to implement a morality based on the Jewish religion, or any other; nor will anyone assign a super-human AI to make this happen. The results would differ too often from personal definitions of morality in a world with thousands of cultures and billions of individuals. But the principles which emerge from this ancient, inconsistent source serve as a reminder that the world is not simple, nor is the definition of what it means to make the world a better place.

Joshua Fox works at IBM, where he co-founded the Guardium Data Redaction product and now manages its development. He has served as a software architect in various Israeli start-ups and growth companies. He received a BA in Mathematics and Judaic Studies from Brandeis and a PhD in Semitic Philology from Harvard. He is a long-time supporter and now a Research Associate of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Links to his talks and articles are available at his website and blog.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Download Talmudic Jewish Slave Trade Books: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: Volume One and Two

Before you download the two books linked below, please see here and here to find out more about the mentality that potentially fuels this.  It must be made apparent that Talmudic Jews have historically dominated the slave trade and this is often left out of the narrative that is presented to us.

Last point, I would also like people to know that this is still happening. The slave trade is still going on and it's covered up by "Human Rights" front groups and Intelligence Agencies. (The Intelligence Agencies know how drugs get in and out of the countries, they also know who the biggest human traffickers are in the world.) Human trafficking is big business, just like drugs and weapon sales.

The Jewish Role in the African Slave Trade

Download the First Book here

Download the Second Book here

Excerpts from the first book: The Secret Relationship
Between Blacks and Jews Volume One

"This study is structured as a presentation of historical evidence regarding the relationship of one people with another. The facts, as established by highly respected scholars of the Jewish community, are here exposed and linked by as sparse a narrative as is journalistically permitted for review by those interested in the subject. It is not the mission of this study to interpret the data to an extent greater than is required to present these facts clearly."

"The facts, we believe, speak for themselves. Statements will be presented and then verified by references which are fully cited in the footnotes. Some statements may seem redundant only because we have made every attempt to include the words of every Jewish scholar who has commented on the subject at hand. We have made every effort to be fair and just in the presentation of this data and hereby invite all analysis to the contrary."

"Throughout history Jews have faced charges of economic exploitation of Gentile communities around the world. Indeed, no single group of people have faced blanket expulsion in so many places around the world as frequently as have the Jews."

 "The pattern and the charges are familiar: monopolization, usury, "sharp practices," selling "cheap" goods, frequent bankruptcies, etc. All such claims seem to preface the expulsion orders and are vigorously denied both by those charged and by the Jewish writers of history. But this is not the only charge that is made against Jews. Jews have been conclusively linked to the greatest criminal endeavor ever undertaken against an entire race of people - a crime against humanity - the Black African Holocaust. They were participants the entrapment and forcible exportation of millions of Black African citizens into the wretched and inhuman life of bondage for the financial benefit of Jews. The effects of this unspeakable tragedy are still being felt among the peoples of the world at this very hour."

"Deep within the recesses of the Jewish historical record is the irrefutable evidence that the most prominent of the Jewish pilgrim fathers used kidnapped Black Africans disproportionately more than any other ethnic or religious group in New World history and participated in every aspect of the international slave trade. The immense wealth of Jews, as with most of the White colonial fathers, was acquired by the brutal subjugation of Black Africans purely on the basis of skin color - a concept unfamiliar to Moses. Now, compiled for the first time, the Jewish sources reveal the extent of their complicity in Black slavery in the most graphic of terms."