Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Hidden Dangers of Political Correctness

I have to quote what Marc Faber wrote because it's very well said:

 The Hidden Dangers of Political Correctness

"First, I shall discuss Political Correctness. In 1948, Norman M. Thomas, Leader of the US Socialist Party opined that “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of 'liberalism', they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing it happened.”

Political Correctness (PC) is the outcome of a distinctive 'turn' in Leftist politics, which became obvious in the mid-1960s. PC is a subjective list put together by the few to rule the many - a list of things one must think, say, or do. It affronts the right of the individual to establish his or her own beliefs. In the 20th century, the contemporary use of the phrase “Politically Correctness” dates from the dogmatic application of Stalinist doctrine, debated between formal Communists and Socialists, during the middle of the 20th century. Peter Drucker noted that, until recently, only Nazis and Stalinists spoke of “political correctness.” It is indeed a purely totalitarian concept. It asserts the fight of those in power to suppress all but the party line's official lies."

Trying to control what another human-being is saying or thinking is the world of this book.

That Is a World That I Refuse to Live In

That book is the one we read in high school, and are taught... (for good reason,) is the epitome of evil. It tells of a world that we should despise... and if being implemented, one we should fight against.

I Completely Agree With That

Any person who seeks to regulate what another human-being is thinking or saying, or how that human-being is acting...  especially if the human-being is on their property, in their house, and they are not physically harming anyone else --- is a person that is described quite well in this book.

They are seeking to deprive a human-being of an environment that is conducive to the pursuit of happiness and flourishing. To suppress it. To hamper it. To destroy it.

If this is your idea of freedom --- and you are trying to impose it on other human-beings, I don't want to be a part of it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Torture and Trauma Bonding

A couple of interesting videos to watch about Trauma Bonding.... after you watch the videos, be sure to read what I've written below them.

Of course, after I watched the videos ... an article went up on this site. (If they take it down, I copied it.)

I'm sure it's just a coincidence... even though I know the people at that site have access to the technology I've been talking about on this blog. It's not the first time they have done that. It's been going on for two and half years ---- and that's just when I noticed it.

In the posts on their site --- they mention my thoughts, a topic that I've been talking about with someone else, or something my family and I are talking about or doing.

Monday, June 17, 2013

"Thinking" About What Some Call Principles

For some strange reason when I woke up this morning I was "thinking" deep thoughts about principles. Maybe it was after what I wrote last night.

Then I got on my computer and proceeded to go over to this website. (I really don't know why... though I do like this article that was recently posted.)

Then I began to realize, there are those who talk about principles --- and there are those who actually stand up for their principles that they "talk" about having.

I also remembered that even those who don't have any principles at least have one principle; they will say and do anything to make people believe them.

Personally, I don't think Americans need anymore people like that running for congress ... there is already enough of them.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Top Secret America --- Massive Outsourced US Intelligence

Spies For Hire

More on the problems of outsourced intelligence.......

The Choose Yourself Era - Is Outsourcing Intelligence a Big Problem?

I think so.

Is this an example of anarcho-capitalism at work? That's a question I cannot answer. What I would say is this looks eerily similar to the dissolution of the state after the end of the Soviet Union.

The video and the articles below help to make this less CONFIDENTIAL. In other words... it allows you to see it with a pair of "choose yourself" glasses.

So this will have to do.

Imagine if people in the private sector have access to all or some of the stuff I've been talking about on this blog. How are they held accountable?

Can they use what is described here on whoever they want?

Below you'll find two videos about a company called Stratfor. (Also see here.) I'm sure a few people know about them in the financial industry.

And here is another:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Drowning Ideologies - Israel - The NSA and 911

There are some people who think the state of Israel cannot do anything wrong.

You will notice such people by their absolute silence when it comes to talking about many of the issues I have mentioned on this blog.

If someone brings up such issues, they will either attack a person's character --- or --- completely ignore what has been said.

How to Spot Such a Person:

1. If such a person was a squash player trying to join a squash club, he might act like an arrogant and belligerent ass to the club and then complain that the reason the club didn't let him in was because they were Anti-Semitic.

2. Such a person, if in a position of power and privilege --- might abuse this by using high-tech surveillance (see here,) with his "friends" to look into another human being's brain, and then constantly and covertly berate and admonish that person about their thoughts on his blog.

If the latter mentioned in number two happened to anyone... (it happened to me --- not just by one person, blog, website or media source... but numerous,) that by itself, should be enough to make anyone re-evaluate the truth and state of the world.

As I have mentioned in another post, the state of Israel is extremely important to Christians and Jews. So much so, that they are willing to do almost anything to protect its reputation no matter what it does. This alone makes it the most important country in the world next to the United States.

It is rather funny that Christians support the state of Israel --- a place that denies their supposed Messiah and that's based on racial laws similar to the Nuremberg Laws. We would not tolerate this anywhere in the western world. So why do we allow Israel to do this? At the absolute least, why do we allow our countries to support it?

Why else would the Christian prime minister of Canada say this: "Canada will always stand by Israel" and "As long as I'm Prime Minister, this government will remain very supportive’ of Israel."
(Update: nothing has changed for Canada, Trudeau is just as pathetic, see here and here.)

Now, don't misunderstand me.

I don't think that it is wrong to stand up for a country. But, should one stand by a country no matter what it is doing or what it has done? Or... without questioning what it even stands for?

Off of the topic of Israel and onto the United States and 9/11.

There has been much talk about the 9/11 attacks and conspiracies. Unfortunately, I believe much of what has been talked about is a red herring. For example, one of the popular topics to focus on is the collapse of the buildings.

While there may be very interesting reasons to question if the damage caused from the planes was the ONLY reason that the towers collapsed, I think it's also important to remember that the planes that crashed into the towers and the Pentagon were enough to bring about an atmosphere of fear and paranoia to fuel a country to go to war.

So it must be asked... was there a reason to collapse the towers? They would and could have gone to war from the terrorist attack itself --- even without the collapse of the towers. The collapse of the towers certainly did create more chaos and damage, but I don't think it really mattered. This is why endlessly studying the collapse of the towers isn't as important to me.

What I Think is More Important is This...

Once you understand the level of technological sophistication the NSA and CIA have, you cannot help but realize that they know a LOT more than what they have said they know.

In fact, I'm sure they know everything that happened on that day. Not just a little --- but absolutely everything. Sadly, this is being completely under-emphasized.

All we have to do is look at the way the media releases information about the NSA and the CIA.

They purposely under-emphasize the level of technological sophistication these Intelligence Agencies possess. In fact, I've yet to see any information that talks about the the level of technology that I'm talking about in the mainstream media. The alternative media isn't much better --- they still won't tell the whole story.


Because then you would see through the REAL big lie of the military industrial complex... and... they don't want you to know that you literally live in Orwell's 1984.

This has lead me to believe that at the absolute least... the terrorist attack on 9/11 was allowed to happen. As horrible as that sounds.

There is just no way that they didn't see it coming.

Yet, it's always written off as incompetence in the media. I find it impossible to believe that they were not following the hijackers the whole time on that day.

I also think the location of Osama Bin Laden was known long before the capture of 2012. Once again, with the level of technological sophistication the Intelligence Agencies possess, I do not see how it could be otherwise.

Why there aren't more people concerned about this when so many died on that day, and so many have died after .... is absolutely inconceivable to me.

When we see the cost of the increased build-up in security and surveillance, with the loss of rights from the Patriot Act and the results of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan .... what else could it be?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rattling the Sheriffs' Cages About the Constitution

From the beginning of the video below:

"Over 100 county sheriffs and peace officers united to uphold their oaths of office, protect citizen liberty, and stop state and federal tyranny..."

Below you can watch a video featuring the constitutional scholar Michael Badnarik giving a lecture to over 100 county sheriffs.

There was no mention anywhere in the talk about high-tech surveillance, manipulation of human behavior with high-technology, or using electromagnetic weapons on people or their animals.


I think that would be an interesting question for a police officer to bring up. Maybe the question was never brought up because the answer was already quite apparent.

This is excellent. Too bad he couldn't do this with the FBI or we couldn't have the same activity in Canada with the RCMP. Though I'm certain that none of what I listed above is allowed in Canada either.

By the way, for all of you that are using the technology that I listed above.... watch Michael Badnarik's constitutional class here.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Seperate-ness, Freedom and Individuality

One reason a person would want to be a part of a separate group away from the rest of humanity is because they have a superiority/inferiority complex.

These two qualities are quite similar to what Socrates said about pain and pleasure. They are joined at the hip --- you cannot have one without the other. 

Now, let me state that, as long as it's used constructively ---  I don't think there is anything wrong with having a superiority/inferiority complex.  In fact, I think having one can lead to a state of creativity.  The alien-ation that is brought about from the chaos of the "dis-order" leads to a heightened state of sensitivity and awareness.

That being said... one must not forget that reality always presents us with double-edged swords.  The other side of the superiority/inferiority complex is blindness. Nature doesn't grant people inferior qualities without also giving them some superior characteristics, nor superior without inferior.

Once we see this for what it is... an epistemological or knowledge problem... we can begin to understand the problem with having a superiority/inferiority complex in an inclusive and separated group that mirrors many of our own beliefs.

If this group has a large amount of money, that means they have a lot of power --- at least in this day and age. If this is true, this also means they have a lot of political and technological power. If we acknowledge these points, we see how we could have a possible recipe for a nightmare.

Does this mean that we should embrace the alternative view that all people are equal? No. This idea also has grave limitations.

This doesn't contradict the political philosophies of the enlightenment that sought to grant people POLITICAL FREEDOM. In fact, it is precisely what is most needed in the real world.

Political freedom is most needed because of one reason.... PEOPLE ARE NOT EQUAL. They are different, and it's because of this that each should be granted political equality to flourish, to PURSUE eudaemonia.

No one puts it better than Emerson in this paragraph:

There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without preestablished harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope.

This is also why the idea behind the United States was such a unique one. Unfortunately, most Americans just mouth or "act" like they care about it today.

The reality is, most Americans will give up their freedom for security.

The security of a paycheck--- no matter who they are taking it from or what they have to do or say to get it.

The security of a group --- no matter how much that group does things that are distasteful or that violate what one thinks is wrong.

The security of a reputation--- no matter how phony it is.

As long as Americans are like this --- they will continue to piss away one of the greatest political projects that has ever been developed in human history.

They will continue down the inevitable road of degeneration where they are HUMANLY equal rather than politically free. A road of "self" love and "self" glorification that is bought through the words, smiles and flattery of others. They will pave their souls flat with what is acknowledged to bring happiness by public opinion.

No Need...

No need. No need to give advise. No need to impress. No need to be a spy. No need to fight wars in foreign countries for "freedom" when it no longer exists in ones own country.

Someone real. Someone that's paradoxically NEEDED in a world of complete bullshit.

A Money Making "Classic"

This guy actually deserves the credit of the word "classic."

Of course, not in the same way as a book like Reminiscences of a Stock Operator---
(a true "classic" book...) but, --- he really did produce a "classic" infomercial that will entertain for years. (Much better than a home video showing how your friend scraped the mirror on your $250,000 car --- don't forget to mention how it's being filmed in the garage of your multimillion dollar house!)

The one thing I really like about Tom --- (and others that are similar,) is at least they don't make a show of their humility. Yes... maybe his system was bullshit. But at least he made people laugh.

I'm sure this sort of format would work wonders if you wanted to sell a "classic" method to a bunch of willing lapdogs who want to learn day trading.

It seems to already be working for Penny Stocks... among other things.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Stasi Influence on Canada & United States - The Informant Society

Here is an interesting book.

When you read through it, you'll discover that many of the techniques described are similar to what the Stasi was doing.

The increased sophistication of the modern day Stasi was learned from the past failures of totalitarian states. What caused their inevitable breakdown? A significant part was that past totalitarian regimes looked excessively threatening or oppressive.

Today's modern day technological dictatorships have become very good at giving people the appearance of freedom. We hear endless talk about freedom of speech in modern day "democracies." Freedom of speech is important and political correctness is a massive problem.


What if we actually live in a country of "political thought correctness," and to top that off --- what if technology exists that can literally influence human thought and behavior? To see further evidence of this technology, please see here, here, here and here.

Add to this that the majority of people are completely ignorant of the existence of such technology.

Below is a video talk given by a lady who wrote a book called Stasiland.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

America Wake Up! Depleted Uranium and the Politics of Radiation

"Three Quotations for Little John Stuart Mill"

Sometimes a person can say something more powerful in three quotations than someone else says in a whole letter. Not me of course. I'm too "humble" to embrace a title of such distinction. I will leave it to a couple of writers.

First, let's take two quotes from a book I saw mentioned on a freedom and liberty lovers website. The website owner is a man of pure humility and truth. His truth and humility are so obvious that you wouldn't even need to read his brain with super-secret satellite technology to know it. But I don't know, I'm a horrible judge of character.

The book is titled "The Earl of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son" by the Earl of Chesterfield:

Below are the two quotes:

1. Manners must adorn knowledge, and smooth its way through the world. Like a great rough diamond, it may do very well in a closet by way of curiosity, and also for its intrinsic value.

2. It is commonly said, and more particularly by Lord Shaftesbury, that ridicule is the best test of truth.

Next, we'll look at a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche in his book titled the Gay Science. I picked this quote because it explains --- at least to me --- why someone might choose to do something "strange" from the viewpoint of today's ever-present, satellite spying, brain-reading eyes and ears.

A question that might be heard while reading further might sound like: "Ethics? You mean, you actually still think about that ridiculous stuff?"

The truth is I don't know if I believe in it. But, at least I still think about it. At least I haven't set it on fire and cast it into the sea --- because the conversation and the tug-of-war are still alive in me.

I cannot say that I'm "certain" that I've found "happiness" like so many others I see around me. I don't do something because everyone else is doing it, nor because it's easy or because everyone else says I should.

The quote below adds to what I mentioned on Mr. Humility's website about a thought plucked from my brain. The title of the post on the site was "The Wrong Route is Easy, The Right Path is Hard." I mentioned the following to a question from one of his friends:

I said

I would say this is more of an aesthetic rule of ethics that is hard to verbalize with the certainty of science. What you said is binary. A way of thinking that wants to simplify the world and compartmentalize people so we can make better predictions on human behavior. It isn’t that simple, like what Aristotle says about ethics, we don’t have the same certainty in this area as others. It might be better to say that when it comes to ethics this is so:

"Often the wrong route be easy” whereas often the “right path will be hard.” I would say it applies more to the ethical realm and not the scientific. Science is about utility, the path of least resistance. In ethics, if something doesn’t seem to agree with what we feel to be right, should one resist? I guess this is the question.

Here is Nietzsche's quote. It's a perfect fit for a bunch of herd-like hyenas that seem to believe in nothing and are incapable of taking anything seriously.  A quality that is just as contemptible as taking everything seriously.

"Noble and common.—Common natures consider all noble, magnanimous feelings inexpedient and therefore first of all incredible. They blink when they hear of such things and seem to feel like saying: "Surely, there must be some advantage involved; one cannot see through everything." They are suspicious of the noble person, as if he surreptitiously sought his advantage. When they are irresistibly persuaded of the absence of selfish intentions and gains, they see the noble person as a kind of fool; they despise him in his joy and laugh at his shining eyes. "How can one enjoy being at a disadvantage? How could one desire with one's eyes open to be disadvantaged? Some disease of reason must be associated with the noble affection." Thus they think and sneer, as they sneer at the pleasure that a madman derives from his fixed idea. What distinguishes the common type is that it never loses sight of its advantage, and that this thought of purpose and advantage is even stronger than the strongest instincts; not to allow these instincts to lead one astray to perform inexpedient acts—that is their wisdom and pride."

I would like to further mention to all the certain and happy ones --- and even more so to the humble and honest ones, a little bit about what I think the last man is about.

It's about a lack of a soul. 

"Ha,ha... the soul!"

"Don't worry about it," you say. "We don't have one of those anyway."

"Science hasn't found it." 

And yet,  we still talk about the importance of esteeming the "self," though we can no more find this "self" that is to be esteemed with modern day science.

I think the last man is about banishing the idea of the soul, or integrity, as they are strongly correlated --- for wealth, health, utility and public opinion.

The last man hops around the modern day scientific wasteland. He's always doing his best to make the most seemingly "rational" decisions that will best preserve and extend his life. Often these decisions mean compromising integrity for comfort, wealth and recognition. This preserver and extender cares no more about truth, only what others think is true. The appearance of truth is what is important to him.

He is "other" directed in the truest sense. He is driven by the need and recognition of the public for his opinion and reputation of himself, and because of this, he will do anything to get the public to look at him with adoring eyes. 

We have all been like this at least once in our lives. When we are in the thick of it, often we don't know until someone points it out to us.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Very Important Documentary

The documentary below is very important --- especially the announcement from Eisenhower.

What was he talking about?

He was talking about the same information that's on this blog. The military, security, industrial complex. It will literally enslave us all. In fact, it already has.

This is the biggest problem in the world today.

Think about it. All this malinvestment while the United States is going broke. The United States spends more money on its military than at least the next seven highest spending countries in the world combined! In fact, in 2015 the U.S. accounted for 37 percent of the world's total military spending. All the money that is being diverted into this could be put to much more beneficial means. It's absolutely tragic.

Do you know what United States DOD is doing?  The truth is that it is far worse than what you've read from supposed authors who claim to be experts on the NSA. The video below does not have that great of quality but it will have to do because someone keeps pulling down all the other versions of higher quality. They have pulled down about five of my other videos.

Happy Face Fascism and the Financial Industry

There are websites, bloggers, tweeters and media that have been reading my mind and constantly blogging my thoughts. Some of these people are in the financial industry.

Whenever I would "think" a thought regarding the touchy subject of Israel or Zionism, they would blog or "tweet" a message that would refer to this topic --- just to let me know they were watching and listening. And of course... reading my thoughts.

Yes, the world you live in really is that crazy... and these people really are that controlling. They want to try and intimidate people from not saying anything.

Please see some of my past posts about this: Fascism with a Happy Face, Honesty, The Nazis Didn't Lose the War, They Had to Move, Cults, Zionism Like Racism Has to Go, Another Secret of the Trading Industry, Canada-Israel: The Other Special Relationship, A Nazi is not a person who tells the truth. It's a person or group of people who try to suppress the truth.

The reality is that those in possession of this technology can read minds, alter behavior and inflict pain and suffering. See here and here for more. (Regarding the last link which is a pdf file, I don't agree with the analysis they have on Leo Strauss.)

Below is an interesting quote from the pdf file in the last link above:

"I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun! Where else could an American boy lie, cheat, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All Highest?”

Now, think about this. Do you think having access to this technology would be helpful for your trading business? What would using this do for you? This is just one more terrific example of why I love this world so much!

First off, the financial industry and all the talk you may hear about "integrity" is complete bullshit. But I certainly don't want to end this with just picking on people in finance. Maybe some of the worst are people in mainstream media. The news that is spewed out on a daily basis is mostly irrelevant and controlled garbage.

I mean, come on. Just look at how screwed up the world is! See here, here and here for more.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Control Rat's Brain Over Internet

Does this mean "THEY" can put thoughts in your head?

Yes! Just like the other posts I made.... this is all real. Unfortunately, this article does not go deep into what "they" really have. Think about this for a second... this technology is literally species changing.

How come the majority of the media isn't covering this more?

Do you think this could be the reason why the government in your country is becoming screwed up? You have to ask yourself... how many people in your government are being blackmailed? How many people in the media, the entertainment industry and business world are being blackmailed?

By the way, anywhere I say "THEY" you can also substitute the word NAZI PIG. A NAZI is not a person who tells the truth. It's a person or group of people who try to suppress the truth. It's a person or group of people who want to control other people.

From the article:

"Government mind control may not be as farfetched as it sounds: after 15 years of research, scientists have found a way to transmit information from one brain to another, thereby controlling the thoughts of its test subject.

Scientists have successfully captured the thoughts of a rat in Brazil and electronically transmitted them through the Internet to the brain of a rat in the US."