Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Pure Evil: The Current FBI, NSA, CIA, RCMP, CSE & CSIS and the Canadian Human Rights Commission Leadership That Should Be Prosecuted & Thrown In Jail

Email Letter I Sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - Of Course No Reply.  Email Letter I Sent to Head of Public Safety Canada, Marco Mendicino - Of Course No Reply.  See here for more about the RCMP. (When you click through on the link, be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles about the RCMP.) 

See here for why CSIS and the CIA only hire sociopathic narcissists. See here for how intelligence agencies think they are God and lie all the time. 

The people below are responsible for all of the laws the NSA, CIA and the Canadian CSE and CSIS are breaking---and believe me, there are tons of them. These organizations are above the law. These people are running organizations that are funded by the taxpayers and they are using classified technology on the population. They are complete psychopaths. That is not an overstatement.

For more information on classified technology, see here and here. See here for a list of articles about the organized stalking and discrediting techniques they practice. It is interesting that the FBI leadership page below shows a lot more than the CIA or the NSA. We need to know every piece of trash who works for the intelligence agencies, they are treasonous psychopaths. The CIA is pure evil, there is no other word for it. They work with organized crime all the time. Also, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in the United States is absolutely laughable. It is full of nothing but career politicians that sit around and do absolutely nothing. They are pathetic and they are liars. 

If you read the Canadian Bill of Rights, it is actually the job of the Minister of Justice to notify others when laws are being passed that go against the Bill of Rights. But, no one cares and Canada is a pathetic country. Then there is the Canadian Human Rights Commission who I've personally talked to on the phone a few times. These people are the most despicable frauds in our country. Can you believe they actually have a link to the U.N.'s Declaration of Human Rights on their website, and yet, all they seem to care about is if someone called you a racist name at work or insulted your gender. Absolute total insanity.  Human experimentation, criminal harassment and torture are all fine in Canada. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Ethical Considerations of Brain Computer Interfaces

Ethical Considerations of Brain Computer Interfaces - Nanotechnology: see here: … and here: … For more about classified and hi-technology see here and here.

Targeted Individual Program is US Special Operations Command’s “Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Hostile Forces

Click on Links Below to Read the
 Government Documents

The following seven power point presentations made by and for US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and their military and corporate partners clearly describe and detail the “technology,” systems, and personnel behind the “organized stalking-electronic torture program." 

These power point presentations indicate that this new form of unconventional warfare/low intensity conflict being covertly waged against civilians placed on the Terrorism Watch List under the pretext of the so-called “War on Terrorism” is actually “multi-domain warfare.”

The following terms and technologies, depicted in these power point presentations, strongly suggest that so-called “Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL)”, later termed “Hostile Forces- Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (HF-TTL), is the USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Project) commonly referred to as the Targeted Individual Program/Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment. 

Furthermore, TIs are obviously the expendable guinea pigs/test subjects for development of these technologies:

1) Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Human (High-value) targets aka “hostile forces” to support the Global War On Terrorism (GWOT)
2) Technologies include:
Nanotechnology (including Quantum Dot and Self-assembled Photonic Antenna)
Biotechnology (including “biomimetic devices for detection and identification at long distances” and “Taggants for Biological Signature Amplification, Translation,”)
Chemistry (including “signature enhancing Taggants” and “chemical/biochemical sensors for natural signatures”)
3) Participating agencies include: DARPA, Army Research Lab, NSA, DIA, CIA, Homeland Security, FBI,  Air Force Research Lab, DOE, and Industry
4) Human signature detection via skin spectral emissivity's, thermal fingerprints at long distance
5) fieldable “bio-electronics”
6) bio-engineered signature translation and bio-reactive taggant (implant)
7) self-assembled photonic antennae
8) biometrics and tactical site exploitation (forensics)
9) Operation “Silent Dagger” 
10) Ground SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) Kit (GSK)
11) Joint Threat Warning Systems from the Air, Land, and Sea
12) RF (radio-frequency) and non-traditional (eg., optical/multi-band) Tags and R/Xs
13) “synchronize acquisition of signals intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities across the air, ground and maritime (warfare) domains”
15) Blue Force Tracking (BFT)
16) Special Operations Tactical Video Systems (SOTVS)
17) Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE)
18) tiny satellites that keep tabs on targets from above (SpaceX rocket carrying the CubeSats—inexpensive satellites so small they can fit in the palm of your hand)
19) tracking satellites are part of the growing Special Operations focus on “high-value target” missions
20) tracking tags on enemies including radio frequency identification devices, quantum dots that could be used to track a singe molecule, and tagging measures such as insect pheromones
To acquire the high-value human “targets” needed to test and develop these clandestine weapons systems, the US government, through the FBI-DHS Fusion Centers and Neighborhood Watch Programs among others, has mislabeled innocent citizens as “terrorists” and “hostile forces.” Thus, ALL involved in these operations are complicit in “crimes against humanity,” “war crimes,” murder, attempted murder, torture, terrorism, and TREASON. These individuals and institutions are the real terrorists and they are TRAITORS!

These programs are funded via American tax dollars and deploy regular and irregular (citizen-based agents) forces as well as special forces against innocent citizens.

I. US Special Operations Command: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL)

by Doug Richardson SOAL-T WSO, Sept. 5, 2007

Also at: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL) Mr. Doug Richardson SOAL-T WSO5 September 2007 US Special Operations Command

Mr. Doug Richardson SOAL-T WSO 5 September 2007. The overall classification of this briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED and Locating (CTTL) The Ability to Locate, Track, and Identify Human Beings.

Highlights From PPT:

p. 3: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL)

– The Ability to Locate, Track, and Identify Human Beings and Other Important Targets

- Directly Supports DoD’s Ability to Prosecute the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT)

- Forces Require an Ability to Apply and Monitor Tags

- Detect and Identify Targets Based on Their Unique Observable Characteristics Without Undue Exposure of Personnel to Risks and With Devices That are Sufficiently Clandestine to be Effective.

p. 4: Partnership between Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict (ASD SO/LIC), USSOCOM, and U.S. Army

- Objective: Conduct a Collaborative Effort to Develop New Capabilities for Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating in Response to Priorities Established in a Quick-look Capability-based Assessment Conducted in Response to the Findings of the QDR

- Approach: Transition Existing State-of-the-Art Technologies in Nanotechnology, Chemistry, and Biology to Operational Systems Through the USSOCOM Acquisition Process and Conduct RDT&E From Basic Research Through Prototyping to Provide Continuous Improvements in the CTTL Technology Available for Transition to the Operators. Specific Capability Projections Are Classified.

p. 7: CTTL– Key Enabling Technologies

- Nanotechnology

Clandestine Devices
High Functional-density Devices
Self-organizing, Self-deploying Devices
Processing and Communications
Energy Harvesting


Biomimetic Devices for Detection and Identification (ID) at Long Distance Bio-based Devices for Detection and ID at Long Distance Taggants for Biological Signature Amplification, Translation Natural Signature Detection and ID


Signature Enhancing Taggants
Chemical/Biochemical Sensors for Natural Signatures

p. 8: CTTL– Partnership for Transition–

- DDR&E and USSOCOM AE Executive Sponsorship and Oversight
- USSOCOM Transition

PEO-Special Projects
PEO-Intelligence and Information Systems

- Collaborative Execution of S&T

DoD Service Laboratories
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
ASD(SO/LIC) Coordinated Investments
Intelligence Community Research Organizations
DOE Laboratories

p. 13: CTTL — Human Signature Detection

- Skin Spectral Emissivity's Measured
- Thermal Fingerprints Determined
- “Target” Reacquired 90 Minutes Later

Goal: Verification of Capability and Operational Value Within 2 Years

Human Thermal Fingerprint at Long Distance

p. 14: CTTL –Human Signature Detection —

Goal: Demonstration of Fieldable “Bioelectronics” Within 5 Years

Synthetic Dog’s Nose Sensor

p. 15: CTTL — Signature Amplification/Translation

Bioengineered Signature Translation Bio-reactive Taggant
Goal: Move Basic Research to Advanced Development in 3 Years

Current Capability – Bioengineered Signature Translation

p. 16: CTTL — Nano-scale Devices

Quantum Dots
Goal : Micro-scale in 12 Months, Nano-scale in 4 to 5 Years
Self-assembled Photonic Antenna



Sunday, February 11, 2024

Human Experimentation - The Nuremberg Code

Please see here about laws that are being violated in Canada --- all of this is being covered up. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

We are Hackable Animals

There you go. No more rights. Here is the wikipedia of the guy that is featured in the top video below.  In the bottom video is Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google along with Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum. Have you ever seen the movie the Circle, which is loosely based upon Google? Remember the Google Chrome circle? Do you remember in the movie how they were following the guy around? This is organized stalking

The guy in the top video is Dr Yuval Noah Harari, see interviews with him herehere, and here with James Altucher. I have written previously about James Altucher herehere, and here, The video proves what I am saying. James is a computer scientist, Yuval isn't, but he knows about this. (It is worth mentioning, James is not the only one covering this up.)

Hacking Humans

Watch video below, see past videos from this same hacker here. Also, see the screenshot of his company below the video. He works with Homeland Security, so the US government should probably know about this technology.  He also works with Honeywell, a major military contractor that is involved with augmented cognition


See past video here with Dr Yuval Noah Harari. Remember, this video is from the World Economic Forum. They are doing this now... end of story, this is real. No more lying.