Monday, November 27, 2023

Brain Computer Interfaces, Mind Control and Surveillance

See past video with Steve Hoffman here. Some one in Silicon Valley that actually tells some of the truth. Think of how many of them know this and say absolutely nothing

Mind Control with Dr. James Giordano PhD, MPhil, is Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry at Georgetown University

 Also see here and see here, (be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles.) 

Tiny, Wireless, Injectable Chips Use Ultrasound to Monitor Body Processes

 See here, herehere, here, and here for past articles with ultrasound. 

 May 11, 2021
 Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science
 Researchers report that they have built what they say is the world's smallest single-chip system, consuming a total volume of less than 0.1 mm3. The system is as small as a dust mite and visible only under a microscope. In order to achieve this, the team used ultrasound to both power and communicate with the device wirelessly.
Click Here to Learn More

Wireless Mind Control: Neural “Smart” Dust Will Now Connect Human Brain To a Computer

See a past article on this topic here

By Nicholas West
Neural Dust – “Smart Dust” – has entered the mainstream via the Independent’s article: “Tiny implant could connect humans and machines like never before.”  This new technology can wirelessly link a human brain to a computer via the implantation of a device the size of a grain of sand. This invention is clearly nothing new; but when the mainstream media begins highlighting something that is literally wireless mind control, it’s worth taking note. It is also worth noting that, as more people learn about science fiction becoming science reality, they are becoming increasingly hesitant about the lack of ethical boundaries for what is emerging.
Some people might have heard about Smart Dust; nanoparticles that can be employed as sensor networks for a range of security and environmental applications. Now, however, literal Smart Dust for the brain is being proposed as the next step toward establishing a brain-computer interface.
The system is officially called “neural dust” and works to “monitor the brain from the inside.” Inventors are attempting to overcome the hurdle of how to best implant sensors that can remain over the course of one’s life. Researchers at Berkeley Engineering believe they have found a novel way to achieve this:
This paper explores the fundamental system design trade-offs and ultimate size, power, and bandwidth scaling limits of neural recording systems.
A network of tiny implantable sensors could function like an MRI inside the brain, recording data on nearby neurons and transmitting it back out. The smart dust particles would all contain an extremely small CMOS sensor capable of measuring electrical activity in nearby neurons. The researchers envision a piezoelectric material backing the CMOS capable of generating electrical signals from ultrasound waves. The process would also work in reverse, allowing the dust to beam data back via high-frequency sound waves. The neural dust would also be coated with polymer. (Source)
The investment in neuroscience has received a $100 million dollar commitment via Obama’s BRAIN project, while Europe has committed $1.3 billion to build a supercomputer replica of the brain in a similarly comprehensive and detailed fashion as the Human Genome Project mapped DNA.
Concurrently, there is massive long-term investment in nanotech applications via the 60-page National Nanotechnology Initiative 2011 Strategic Plan (now updated to 88 pages in 2014 – Ed.) This document lays out a projected future “to understand and control matter” for the management of every facet of human life within the surveillance matrix of environment, health and safety. Twenty-five U.S. Federal agencies are participating.
The concept of Smart Dust has been applied and/or proposed for use in the following ways, just to name a few:
  • Nano sensors for use in agriculture that measure crops and environmental conditions.
  • Bomb-sniffing plants using rewired DNA to detect explosives and biological agents.
  • “Smart Dust” motes that wirelessly transmit data on temperature, light, and movement (this can also be used in currency to track cash).
However, this is the first time that there is a working plan to apply Smart Dust to the human brain. Researchers claim it will be some time before (if ever) this is workable. One aspect that is interesting to note, is that once these particles are sent into the brain, it will be ultrasound that activates the system for full monitoring. This is an area of research that also has been looked at by DARPA as one of the future methods of mind control.
Their idea is to sprinkle electronic sensors the size of dust particles into the cortex and to interrogate them remotely using ultrasound. The ultrasound also powers this so-called neural dust.
Each particle of neural dust consists of standard CMOS circuits and sensors that measure the electrical activity in neurons nearby…
The neural dust is interrogated by another component placed beneath the scale but powered from outside the body. This generates the ultrasound that powers the neural dust and sensors that listen out for their response, rather like an RFID system.
The system is also tetherless–the data is collected and stored outside the body for later analysis. (source, MIT)
Read “tetherless” as “wireless” — or remote controlled analysis of the human brain, thus opening the door (theoretically) for remote mind control. As I’ve highlighted before, this is a two-way street — some people might feel content, for example, with sending their brain’s information out to a doctor for evaluation, but this sensor network could also transmit data back, as is admitted here:
That’s why Seo and co have chosen ultrasound to send and receive data. They calculate that the power required to use electromagnetic waves on the scale would generate a damaging amount of heat because of the amount of energy the body absorbs and the troubling signal-to-noise ratios at this scale.
By contrast, ultrasound is a much more efficient and should allow the transmission of at least 10 million times more power than electromagnetic waves at the same scale. (emphasis added).
In case anyone believes that this has little chance of success, MIT highlights that one of the authors of the research has already achieved this with a remote controlled beetle.
The human brain is clearly of vast, perhaps infinite, complexity — and this is without even introducing concepts such as “the mind” or “the soul.” Nevertheless, it is clear that the reductionists are doing their very best to “Solve the Brain” — measuring it, mapping it, and making sense of it.(source)
Are we to believe that “controlling it” has been left off the list for mere ethical reasons? Not likely.

Reading Minds and Influencing Human Behavior With Neural Dust

See similar articles to this one here, here, and here. This is technology that intelligence agencies and organized crime currently have and are using against the public. For other articles on this topic, please see here. See here for more about DARPA smart dust. See here for more about the DARPA Artificial Intelligence Control Grid. Also see here and here for biowarfare. 


 Robert Sanders

UC Berkeley engineers have built the first dust-sized, wireless sensors that can be implanted in the body, bringing closer the day when a Fitbit-like device could monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time.

Wireless, battery-less implantable sensors could improve brain control of prosthetics, avoiding wires that go through the skull. (UC Berkeley video by Roxanne Makasdjian and Stephen McNally)
Because these batteryless sensors could also be used to stimulate nerves and muscles, the technology also opens the door to “electroceuticals” to treat disorders such as epilepsy or to stimulate the immune system or tamp down inflammation.

The so-called neural dust, which the team implanted in the muscles and peripheral nerves of rats, is unique in that ultrasound is used both to power and read out the measurements. Ultrasound technology is already well-developed for hospital use, and ultrasound vibrations can penetrate nearly anywhere in the body, unlike radio waves, the researchers say.

“I think the long-term prospects for neural dust are not only within nerves and the brain, but much broader,“ said Michel Maharbiz, an associate professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and one of the study’s two main authors. “Having access to in-body telemetry has never been possible because there has been no way to put something super tiny super-deep. But now I can take a speck of nothing and park it next to a nerve or organ, your GI tract or a muscle, and read out the data.“

The sensor, 3 millimeters long and 1×1 millimeters in cross section, attached to a nerve fiber in a rat. Once implanted, the batteryless sensor is powered and the data read out by ultrasound. (Ryan Neely photo)

Maharbiz, neuroscientist Jose Carmena, a professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and a member of the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, and their colleagues will report their findings in the August 3 issue of the journal Neuron.

The sensors, which the researchers have already shrunk to a 1 millimeter cube – about the size of a large grain of sand – contain a piezoelectric crystal that converts ultrasound vibrations from outside the body into electricity to power a tiny, on-board transistor that is in contact with a nerve or muscle fiber. A voltage spike in the fiber alters the circuit and the vibration of the crystal, which changes the echo detected by the ultrasound receiver, typically the same device that generates the vibrations. The slight change, called backscatter, allows them to determine the voltage.

Motes sprinkled thoughout the body

In their experiment, the UC Berkeley team powered up the passive sensors every 100 microseconds with six 540-nanosecond ultrasound pulses, which gave them a continual, real-time readout. They coated the first-generation motes – 3 millimeters long, 1 millimeter high and 4/5 millimeter thick – with surgical-grade epoxy, but they are currently building motes from biocompatible thin films which would potentially last in the body without degradation for a decade or more.

The sensor mote contains a piezoelectric crystal (silver cube) plus a simple electronic circuit that responds to the voltage across two electrodes to alter the backscatter from ultrasound pulses produced by a transducer outside the body. The voltage across the electrodes can be determined by analyzing the ultrasound backscatter.
(Ryan Neely photo)

While the experiments so far have involved the peripheral nervous system and muscles, the neural dust motes could work equally well in the central nervous system and brain to control prosthetics, the researchers say. Today’s implantable electrodes degrade within 1 to 2 years, and all connect to wires that pass through holes in the skull. Wireless sensors – dozens to a hundred – could be sealed in, avoiding infection and unwanted movement of the electrodes.

“The original goal of the neural dust project was to imagine the next generation of brain-machine interfaces, and to make it a viable clinical technology,” said neuroscience graduate student Ryan Neely. “If a paraplegic wants to control a computer or a robotic arm, you would just implant this electrode in the brain and it would last essentially a lifetime.”

In a paper published online in 2013, the researchers estimated that they could shrink the sensors down to a cube 50 microns on a side – about 2 thousandths of an inch, or half the width of a human hair. At that size, the motes could nestle up to just a few nerve axons and continually record their electrical activity.

“The beauty is that now, the sensors are small enough to have a good application in the peripheral nervous system, for bladder control or appetite suppression, for example,“ Carmena said. “The technology is not really there yet to get to the 50-micron target size, which we would need for the brain and central nervous system. Once it’s clinically proven, however, neural dust will just replace wire electrodes. This time, once you close up the brain, you’re done.“

The team is working now to miniaturize the device further, find more biocompatible materials and improve the surface transceiver that sends and receives the ultrasounds, ideally using beam-steering technology to focus the sounds waves on individual motes. They are now building little backpacks for rats to hold the ultrasound transceiver that will record data from implanted motes.

Diagram showing the components of the sensor. The entire device is covered in a biocompatible gel.

They’re also working to expand the motes’ ability to detect non-electrical signals, such as oxygen or hormone levels.

“The vision is to implant these neural dust motes anywhere in the body, and have a patch over the implanted site send ultrasonic waves to wake up and receive necessary information from the motes for the desired therapy you want,” said Dongjin Seo, a graduate student in electrical engineering and computer sciences. “Eventually you would use multiple implants and one patch that would ping each implant individually, or all simultaneously.”

Ultrasound vs radio

Maharbiz and Carmena conceived of the idea of neural dust about five years ago, but attempts to power an implantable device and read out the data using radio waves were disappointing. Radio attenuates very quickly with distance in tissue, so communicating with devices deep in the body would be difficult without using potentially damaging high-intensity radiation.

A sensor implanted on a peripheral nerve is powered and interrogated by an ultrasound transducer. The backscatter signal carries information about the voltage across the sensor’s two electrodes. The ‘dust’ mote was pinged every 100 microseconds with six 540-nanosecond ultrasound pulses.

Marharbiz hit on the idea of ultrasound, and in 2013 published a paper with Carmena, Seo and their colleagues describing how such a system might work. “Our first study demonstrated that the fundamental physics of ultrasound allowed for very, very small implants that could record and communicate neural data,” said Maharbiz. He and his students have now created that system.

“Ultrasound is much more efficient when you are targeting devices that are on the millimeter scale or smaller and that are embedded deep in the body,” Seo said. “You can get a lot of power into it and a lot more efficient transfer of energy and communication when using ultrasound as opposed to electromagnetic waves, which has been the go-to method for wirelessly transmitting power to miniature implants”

“Now that you have a reliable, minimally invasive neural pickup in your body, the technology could become the driver for a whole gamut of applications, things that today don’t even exist,“ Carmena said.

Other co-authors of the Neuron paper are graduate student Konlin Shen, undergraduate Utkarsh Singhal and UC Berkeley professors Elad Alon and Jan Rabaey. The work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Organized Stalking is Psychological Torture - Get That in Your Head

 See here for more info about technological human rights abuse. See here for more about gang stalking.

Psychological torture is considered a war crime under Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions, which has a maximum sentence of the death penalty. The United States has been in a declared state of war, since October 2001, which invokes the Geneva Conventions. 

In the United States, it is also a serious felony charge – to conspire to violate the civil rights of thousands of U.S. citizens - a possible sentence of life in prison. Numerous state and federal laws are being broken every day by these criminals. It is disturbing to even consider that government tax payer supported individuals get up every morning, and gladly plan for the torture of thousands of people in the United States. 

I am alarmed at the thought of even asking this question: How sick and disturbed does someone need to be, to willingly torture people every day? These are acts of violence that are beyond comprehension and beyond murder, in my opinion. It is planned and deliberate, every day. This site contains information relating to advanced satellite surveillance and “harassment” technologies which are made available to covert government agencies and organized crime syndicates.

The secret technologies in question are covered by military/agency secrecy orders, mostly obtained under the US Inventions Secrecy Act, 1951. There are currently over 5,000 hidden devices, many computer – based and satellite facilitated, all with military / criminal applications. A list of known patents is available under the 'Mind Control Patents' and 'Classified & Hi-Technology' categories (also see here,) of this blog. Neurophones, brain scanners, and brain wave vocabulary software, directed energy and EM weapons. Undemocratically, and to protect powerful criminals from scrutiny, various secret National Security and Defamation legislation has been enhanced in recent years.

The US Patriot Act, for example, protects governments and connected criminals from criticism and/or detection and prosecution. Under this act anyone whistleblowing or fighting the system on a major concern is arbitrarily deemed to be unpatriotic (when it’s the criminals they criticize who betray us). They can then be listed (by a senior politician or at the request, through them, of a connected criminal) as a security risk and harassed covertly; using secret technologies. 

In fact a Department Of Defense Directive, Directive 5240 1-R, 1994, gives open permission for those under surveillance to be used for remote experimentation. It’s no coincidence that this particularly undemocratic and evil move was followed in 1996 by a significant increase in the number of satellites deployed for the purpose of civilian surveillance and harassment. Over 20,000 satellites currently target and silence countless people worldwide (est. 500,000 plus) as a result of such terrible laws. 

The victims are not openly confronted as that would remove any feigned excuses and leave the perpetrators open to all manner of accusation. Instead the methods used are covert; employing high tech’ to remotely torture, torment, hurt, and deceive victims without leaving evidence.  This technology is also capable of mind control, altering brain states and emotions. This leaves them discredited as they vainly seek help from ignorant or complicit authorities (police, MPs, doctors, media etc). This leaves them neutralized and possibly even silenced on the issue they originally raised. This, along with various research aspects, is the purpose of the exercise.

The situation is getting worse not better with more and more secretive, undemocratic legislation being sneaked past the unwary public all the time. State treachery and terrorism are behind it yet it is all hidden under the guise of “the war on terror”. For example, the US gov’t just passed the National Defense Authorization Act, 2012, giving the President (and others) the power to target and silence anyone questioning State corruption. When this is done openly in other countries the US is the first to condemn such evil yet when they are guilty of the same they do it in secret and no-one dares to criticize lest they join the ranks of those they persecute. So much for gov’t of the people, for the people and by the people. The criminals who do such things abuse their authority, betray our trust and secretly mock the democratic ideals they publicly support. They don’t serve us, they simply help themselves and their criminal associates. By using stealth they can feign ignorance and hide their true nature from most.

Eg. In the USA over 300,000 NSL’s (National Security Letters) have already been issued. These allow the agency targeting of innocent civilians whose objections to corruption / crime in high places have been deliberately skewed or misinterpreted as a threat to powerful people. Once placed in a program people can be abused and experimented on, from a distance (using satellites / high tech’). This effectively silences and discredits them while providing agency researchers with guinea pigs for experiments in control, brain function, health, robotics and much more. Post 9/11, $750 billion per year has been spent on satellite weapons used for human experimentation / targeting. Most of this has found it’s way from gov’t coffers to about 80 defense contractors who are also culpable for the crimes against humanity that are addressed on this site.

There is a circular / Catch 22 type problem in that governments use “classified” covers to hide criminal activity (esp. if it is an unconstitutional act) but targets can’t prove any of that BECAUSE it has been classified…. Eg. NSA Whistleblower William Binney in an interview points out that Executive Order 13526 section 1.7 (covering classified status allocation) specifically says that **”You cannot classify information merely to cover up a crime”**. Even if devices or procedures are classified this also applies to them and information on them when they are being used for criminal purposes. So, in theory, by misusing devices, abusing authority and so on the administration not only commits crimes but should open up the information relating to that for public scrutiny…(Government of, by and for the people). 

Now Presidents Obama and Bush both signed this executive order 13526 so if any of these hidden crimes was to be presented to the US Supreme Court then any current US leader could be impeached as having breached their oath of office…which includes upholding the constitution. The ECHELON spying system, neurophone harassment, remote neural monitoring, the use of directed energy weapons and more are all clearly crimes against the people and humanity in general and so by classifying the devices the government and it’s leaders are breaching the constitution as well. 

As with any crime the break in the loop between the acts, investigation, trial and incarceration is the lack of proof. “Classifying” information and calling it a matter of National Security negates the need for the criminals involved to even create excuses for their conduct. The ability of government to classify crime is what must be fought.

Also, the US military is supposed to be prohibited by law from targeting US citizens with PSYOPS within US borders under Executive Order S-1233, DOD directive S-3321.1 and National Security Directive 130. Of course there’s no-one to police that especially since Psyops, by their very nature, are difficult to prove. This is particularly so where the secret weapons discussed on this web site are employed. Also nothing stops agencies, US or allied, from doing that dirty work and hiding it under the National Security carpet. 

Also, previously The International Commitee of the Red Cross (ICRC) raised the issue of psychotronic weapons; firstly in 1994, then the 2002 Geneva Forum and then the 2009 5th Symposium on non-lethal weapons. The EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT passed a “Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy” – A4-0005/99, January 28th, 1999 which called for “An international convention introducing a global ban on ALL development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings”…”It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and the parliaments around the world to enact legislation which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government AND private organisations as well as individuals”. (Plenary sessions / European Parliament, 1999). ]

Friday, November 24, 2023

Must Watch: Doctor Interviews About Gaza - News Flash: There Are Palestinians in Gaza That Are Not a Part of Hamas Elon Musk, Sam Harris, Bill Mahar, Gaad Saad, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Ezra Levant

"Most Zionists Don't Believe That GOD Exists, But They Do Believe He Promised Them PALESTINE." - Ilan Pappe

See here, for most will never tell you the TRUTH. Are we losing free speech in America? See hereSee here for how even Sam Harris, a Jew himself, says "Jews often bring it on themselves" because of  Judaism's strident sectarian beliefs.   

For past posts on the current massacre going on in Gaza, please see here, here, here, here, and here.

“What the Palestinians are asking is not the stars, the moon, and the sky. They are asking for their minimum basic, uncontroversial rights under International Law, which have been repeatedly certified in all the political, and legal, and human rights bodies in the world” - Norman Finkelstein

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Dropped Over 29,000 Bombs On a Place the Size of Las Vegas With 3 Times the Population

This is not about right or left, don't be stupid, face the truth. Your countries are supporting terrorism.  Learn the history of what is going on there. Our whole world is connected to this, remember, many of the people that support the WEF strongly support the state of Israel. WHY? Why is Israel allowed to flaunt all international law?  Who else could get away with this? 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

One of the Greatest Allies of Canada and the USA

See here and here for more about this craziness. (Be sure to scroll down to old posts.) How stupid is the world to believe these people? Many of them are entitled psychopaths

DARPA's Control Grid

This is an important document that everyone MUST read. It was written about Eben Moglen, see his lecture in this must see video about "The Inevitable Problems of Technology: World Surveillance and the Totalitarian Technocracy." 

Everything in the video below is from government documents. You might want to pause it every once in a while to read it all. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

This One Is Going Out to the Ambassadors of Israel, the "Distinguished" Ambassador Homo Erectus, Ambassador Neanderthal and Ambassador Homo Habilis

Here is One of These Advanced Specimens Below
Thank God for Evolution! Ya Ambassador Neanderthal!

Was He Supposed to Be Showing Up At
The WWE (Wrestling) Rather Than the UN? 
Watch the Whole Presentation, He Even Has "Props" Like Carrot Top,
He Learns From the Best of Them. (The Struggling Artist!)
Apparently, defenseless woman and children and a people without a country, a state,
tanks, planes, helicopters, aircraft carriers or submarines, or a military are comparable to one of the most ferocious military war machines the world has ever seen! (the Nazi's.) This is not just Ambassador Neanderthal saying this.  (Many Israeli's say this because they think you are morons.) 
Hitler will rise up from limbless 8 and 9 year old children without a military or a state
who have been deprived food, water and proper medical facilities or equipment. 

For Another Opinion on This Situation, See This Guy: