Monday, September 4, 2023

Baruch Ben Yosef In His Own Words

This guy is a supporter of the current government in Israel. American-Israeli terrorist-turned-lawyer Baruch Ben Yosef in his own words.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

More Reports of Microwave Weapons and Sonic Weapons

See this post too. Apparently, no one cares about this in Canada, including the RCMP and CSIS. There is evidence of it being used way back to the 70's.  (Also see here for old tests done using soundwaves.) Some of these methods do not need to be in a car or a backpack, they can be done from hundreds of miles away and from space. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Public Safety Canada Warns About Harassment of Canadians By the Chinese Government But Doesn't Care About Zionists Harassing Canadians

Read this:

How Interesting eh? Talk about pure insanity. So, apparently Zionist psychopaths can attack the Canadian population but Chinese government agents can't? 

Why isn't the famed supposed whistleblower Edward Snowden talking about any of the advanced technology I am referring to? How does someone like Edward Snowden get on TedTalk, the CBC, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, John Stossel, and the shows of two comedians, namely John Oliver and Joe Rogan. It is pretty simple, it's because Edward Snowden is a phony and a liar by omission like many spies.  The appearance of truth is just as dangerous and sometimes even more dangerous than lies. 

Monday, April 17, 2023


 Also see here and here.  Also see here and here for more about weaponizing nanotechnology from neuroscientist Dr. James Giordano. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Evidence of What I Am Talking About- Slander and Electronic Warfare Are In Military Field Manuals

Click here to see the U.S. military manual for Guerrilla Warfare and Special Forces Operations.
In Chapter 9, at section 152 under the Psychological Operations in Support of Unconventional Warfare they refer to using slander as a tactic against an enemy population. This is why I refer to these tactics in this post here. Also see this post about how covert agents infiltrate the internet to manipulate, deceive and destroy reputations.

Now, click here to see the Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual. Go to Appendix B-23, and you will see they admit using Electronic Warfare.

There you go, they admit using slander and electronic warfare, just like I said.

It is so important for people to realize that this is not just the military doing this, this is the Intelligence Agencies and the Police.

CSIS, CSE and the RCMP in Canada and the NSA, CIA and the FBI in the United States. This is COINTELPRO. (See here and here for more about COINTELPRO.) See here for more articles about the RCMP. See here for the RCMP targeting political dissidents. See here for the RCMP terrorism guide. See here for how the RCMP is transferring resources away from dealing with organized crime into watching supposed "terrorists." See here for Homeland Security, a collection of must see links.

See here for more about electronic warfare from Wikipedia. See here for more about electronic warfare and microwave weapons. See here for more about classified technology.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Why the CIA and CSIS Only Hires Sociopathic Narcissists

“It’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

Monday, January 2, 2023

The Great Reset Agenda

Also see here, here, here and hereConnected to the fourth industrial revolution. The Great Reset came out a couple months after the COVID-19 issues began. Also, see this book, another one that came out soon after it began.  See here and here for more about weaponizing nanotechnology from neuroscientist Dr. James Giordano. See here for humans will be obsolete by 2025 says evil’s AI cyber life-form ‘Louise.’

See here for activist reveals hidden military ties between Canada and Israel- in regards to weaponizing nanotechnology. See here for targeted individual program is US Special Operations Command’s “Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Hostile Forces." See here for a documentary that covers the history of human experimentation.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Brain Implants ‘Could Lead to Hackers Controlling Your Mind,’ Scientists Warn

Elon Musk isn’t content with conquering space with Space X, revolutionizing transport with Hyperloop and making tons of money with his Tesla electric car.

One of his companies aims to create a Matrix-style ‘brain implant’ to plug humans directly into machines. It’s a leap forward which could lead to humans merging with machines – but a group of neuroscientists has warned that brain scans, brain implants and related technologies could have terrifying side effects.

In a letter in the scientific journal Nature this week, 27 top neuroscientists highlighted some of the risks of the technology. The scientists pointed out that some people who have had brain implants report feeling an ‘altered sense of identity. The researchers write, ‘The technology could also exacerbate social inequalities and offer corporations, hackers, governments or anyone else new ways to exploit and manipulate people,.

‘It could profoundly alter some core human characteristics: private mental life, individual agency and an understanding of individuals as entities bound by their bodies.’ Algorithms that are used to target advertising, calculate insurance premiums or match potential partners will be considerably more powerful if they draw on neural information — for instance, activity patterns from neurons associated with certain states of attention.

‘And neural devices connected to the Internet open up the possibility of individuals or organizations (hackers, corporations or government agencies) tracking or even manipulating an individual’s mental experience.

Monday, November 14, 2022

An Israeli (Of All People Claiming to Care About Your Human Rights) at the Top the Canadian Civil Liberties Association

See here. Try contacting this disgusting organization or the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Both are run by sick evil demented people who don't give the slightest damn about us. See here for more information about how I contact these organizations and it resulted in absolutely nothing. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

You Know Who You Are - Your Day Will Come

Here is a Movie You People
Might Like to Watch Called the Box 
Involves the NSA, CIA and NASA takes place in 1976 (Year I Was Born)
The Box is about the Cube and Judas Iscariot (Stabbing People in the Back) 
Judas and his money bag, the kiss of betrayal, those complicit in murder and theft
Satan is a slanderer, deceiver, temper, leads people astray, but also an accuser and judge
(All Stalking Losers Watch This)


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Israeli says to American stopped by Israeli police: “The Godly thing to do is to kill you.

Joe Rogan and James Altucher Exposed (Just Like All The Rest of the Losers in the Alternative Media )

See here for more about Joe Rogan. Be sure to scroll down and read all the articles.  Also, watch this documentary, it was made by someone who used to work for Alex Jones. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan both know about the history of human rights abuses with classified technology. 

See here and here for a list of these lying pieces of crap. See here for James Altucher the complete lying psychopath.  See here for a list of Silicon Valley scum. They all work for  government agencies or they are connected to them somehow.  

All of these people are Satanic human waste, that is what they all have in common.  That is what the video below shows, Joe Rogan is a Satanist. All of them serve the evil Satanic system while they cover up torturing innocent people.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

This Got Me Blocked From Jordan "Struggles With God" Peterson Twitter "X" Account - Screenshots For Everyone to See

 First off, a video of Jordan Peterson having dinner with Ben Shapiro and Benjamin Netanyahu. Also see this past post of someone in the Netanyahu government blocking my Twitter account before it was taken down. (I had no idea who she was.) Jordan Peterson works for the Daily Wire.  (See here for an article about the differences Candice Owens had with the Daily Wire regarding Israel. )

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? - Mark 8:36-37

This is when Jordan Peterson boldly (cowardly?) called for the massacre of Palestinians after Oct. 7.