Sunday, May 22, 2022

What is a Wireless Body Area Network?

Body Area Network is being used to torture people. Implants are Radio Frequency Devices (RFID), GPS Chips and Ultrasound ID Chips, accelerometers, motion sensors, pressure sensors and neuromuscular stimulators which are stimulated by High Frequency Ultrasound which has 7 times the power limits of electromagnetic frequencies and travel 100 times faster through body tissues. This medical surveillance system can be triggered with an app on a mobile phone.  Once connected, anyone who has the MAC address of your implants can turn them on and connect you with the implanted sensors.

See here for the Wikipedia article. Also see this article "Slavery by Satellite" a must read article from academics. 

A wireless body area network (WBAN)  is a wireless network of wearable computing devices which may be implanted inside the body, worn or carried.  Implanted devices are networks consisting of several miniaturized body sensor units (BSUs) together with a single body central unit (BCU). Smart devices or cell phones act as a data hub, data gateway, providing a user interface to view and manage BAN applications.  A WBAN system can use WPAN wireless technologies as gateways to reach longer ranges. Through gateway devices, it is possible to connect the devices in the human body to the internet. This way, medical professionals can access patient data online using the internet independent of the patient location.. 

The system is touted as being healthcare, but in reality it is being used as an illegal surveillance which takes away the individuality, the privacy, the dignity and independence of a human being. Every activity is recorded. Someone watches every activity, including bathroom activities and having sex.  Every heartbeat and breath can be monitored and recorded. Note that they can communicate using satellites and drones.


​What is Biotelemetry?

Biotelemetry (or medical telemetry) involves the application of telemetry in biologymedicine, and other health care to remotely monitor various vital signs of ambulatory patients. Virtually any physiological signal could be transmitted.


A typical biotelemetry system is comprised of (1) sensors appropriate for the particular signals to be monitored, (2) a battery but some do not require batteries because they are stimulated with frequency or light (3) a radio antenna and receiver, and (4) a display unit or monitor to display information from patients.

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A Very Low Power MAC (VLPM) Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks

by Niamat Ullah *, Pervez Khan and Kyung Sup Kwak

Published: 25 March 2011

Abstract: Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) consist of a limited number of battery operated nodes that are used to monitor the vital signs of a patient over long periods of time without restricting the patient’s movements. They are an easy and fast way to diagnose the patient’s status and to consult the doctor. Device as well as network lifetime are among the most important factors in a WBAN. Prolonging the lifetime of the WBAN strongly depends on controlling the energy consumption of sensor nodes. To achieve energy efficiency, low duty cycle MAC protocols are used, but for medical applications, especially in the case of pacemakers where data have time-limited relevance, these protocols increase latency which is highly undesirable and leads to system instability. In this paper, we propose a low power MAC protocol (VLPM) based on existing wakeup radio approaches which reduce energy consumption as well as improving the response time of a node. We categorize the traffic into uplink and downlink traffic. The nodes are equipped with both a low power wake-up transmitter and receiver. The low power wake-up receiver monitors the activity on channel all the time with a very low power and keeps the MCU (Micro Controller Unit) along with main radio in sleep mode. When a node [BN or BNC (BAN Coordinator)] wants to communicate with another node, it uses the low-power radio to send a wakeup packet, which will prompt the receiver to power up its primary radio to listen for the message that follows shortly. The wake-up packet contains the desired node’s ID along with some other information to let the targeted node to wake-up and take part in communication and let all other nodes to go to sleep mode quickly. The VLPM protocol is proposed for applications having low traffic conditions. For high traffic rates, optimization is needed. Analytical results show that the proposed protocol outperforms both synchronized and unsynchronized MAC protocols like T-MAC, SCP-MAC, B-MAC and X-MAC in terms of energy consumption and response time.

Survey of WBSNs for Pre-Hospital Assistance: Trends to Maximize the Network Lifetime and Video Transmission Techniques

by Enrique Gonzalez, Published: 22 May 2015

Abstract: This survey aims to encourage the multidisciplinary communities to join forces for innovation in the mobile health monitoring area. Specifically, multidisciplinary innovations in medical emergency scenarios can have a significant impact on the effectiveness and quality of the procedures and practices in the delivery of medical care. Wireless body sensor networks (WBSNs) are a promising technology capable of improving the existing practices in condition assessment and care delivery for a patient in a medical emergency. This technology can also facilitate the early interventions of a specialist physician during the pre-hospital period. WBSNs make possible these early interventions by establishing remote communication links with video/audio support and by providing medical information such as vital signs, electrocardiograms, etc. in real time. This survey focuses on relevant issues needed to understand how to setup a WBSN for medical emergencies. These issues are: monitoring vital signs and video transmission, energy efficient protocols, scheduling, optimization and energy consumption on a WBSN.

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The challenge of designing in-body communications

October 26, 2004 Embedded Staff

The range of medical devices and systems being implanted into the human body is increasing rapidly. Evolving from the first implanted pacemaker in the late 1950s, today's in-body devices are now being used to regulate bodily functions, stimulate nerves, and treat diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and epilepsy.

Figure 1: Almost every aspect of a patient's health can now be monitored or regulated by an implanted device.

As Figure 1 shows, almost every aspect of a patient's health can now be monitored or regulated by an implanted device. These range of devices pose unique power, signal processing, and communication challenges for designers.

The 402- to 405-MHz band is well suited for in-body communications networks, due to signal propagation characteristics in the human body, compatibility with the incumbent users of the band (meteorological aids, such as weather balloons), and its international availability. The MICS standard allows 10 channels of 300kHz each and limits the output power to 25μW.

Medical devices can be categorized into those that use an internal non-rechargeable battery (such as pacemakers) and those that couple power inductively (such as cochlear implants). The former employs a duty-cycling operating system to conserve power. The transceiver is “off” most of the time, meaning the off-state current and the current required to periodically look for a communicating device must be extremely low (less than 1μA).

Sensors (Basel). 2011; 11(6): 5561–5595.

Published online 2011 May 26. doi: 10.3390/s110605561

PMCID: PMC3231450

PMID: 22163914

Wearable and Implantable Wireless Sensor

Network Solutions for Healthcare Monitoring

Ashraf Darwish1,* and Aboul Ella Hassanien2

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer

This article has been corrected. See Sensors (Basel). 2012; 12(9): 12375.

Abstract: Wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies are considered one of the key research areas in computer science and the healthcare application industries for improving the quality of life. The purpose of this paper is to provide a snapshot of current developments and future direction of research on wearable and implantable body area network systems for continuous monitoring of patients. This paper explains the important role of body sensor networks in medicine to minimize the need for caregivers and help the chronically ill and elderly people live an independent life, besides providing people with quality care. The paper provides several examples of state of the art technology together with the design considerations like unobtrusiveness, scalability, energy efficiency, security and also provides a comprehensive analysis of the various benefits and drawbacks of these systems.

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Above and below, you will see diagrams of a person who has been implanted with medical devices in what is called a Wireless Body Area Network (BAN). Implants are sensors that are connected with computers by means of a cell phone which communicates to medical, law enforcement and Homeland Securty. Also sensors in humans can be connected to implants in other humans and to the sensors in homes, furniture, vehicles, buildings, electrical wiring, roads, etc.


The implants in a BAN are very similar to a diagram of a person called a Targeted Individual who has been implanted with medical devices for the purposes of tracking, stalking, harassing, surveilling, torturing and killing them. They are tortured in their home, vehicle and public places outside and inside. This indicates that the infrastructure in the Smart Grid is being used against them instead of for medical purposes. Organized stalking is carried on by contractors, including police, firemen, medical EVAC personnel, veterans and others. See COPS program. Smart phones are being used to stimulate the implants in TI's.

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Saturday, May 14, 2022

DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals To Artificial Intelligence Control Grid

 See past video here for DARPA artificial intelligence control grid. See this article from academics about monitoring, enslaving and torturing someone by satellite. See this about the danger of DNA tests. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Once Again the Insane Hubris and Chutzpah of Israel is On Full Display For the Whole World to See

Israel is supposed to be a shining light on the hill, a beacon of justice, righteousness and truth.... and you Jews wonder why everyone focuses on you? As you like to say... aren't you the "chosen" people? 

Only a group of psychopaths would purposely assassinate an innocent journalist and attack people at her funeral. Remember, this was the POLICE at the funeral! IMAGINE THIS IN ANY OTHER COUNTRY.  Thank God the Police in the USA and Canada are training with the Israeli Police. (See here, here , here and here. Also, see how the Police work with the Anti-Defamation League

Where are all the liberal Jews, where are all the Hollywood voices like Ben Stiller and Shawn Penn. Silence. 

Hey liberals,  just so you know... human rights is more than using the wrong gender pronouns. 

Monday, May 2, 2022

Hook His Brain Up To a Brain Computer Interface - Fire This Weasel: Steve "Panopticon" Amery - Psycho Lying Piece of Crap From Hell

"Hey Charlie Brown!, Merry Christmas!"

Steve Amery, (he took his LinkedIn account down because he is doing exactly what I am saying, normal people will either contact the Police or contact me and do something about it. Sue me Steve, just like your brother threatened to do.)  

Here is his email:, he is a service manager at in Ireland.

Here is his Facebook,  He is a gang stalking psychopath who enjoys ruining people's lives. (Just like Steve's sick brother with his phony front business. See herehere and here for more about Steve's brother Mark Amery. Here is an another LinkedIn account for Mark Amery. The scam business Puddle Pools. Mark Amery's businesses are a total sham. He is a lying loser. Steve is also related to Leo Amery, the Zionist Freemason scumbag. (See here and here for more about Leo Amery.) Some of these Zionists are evil manipulative lying psychopaths that stab people in the back. They are the Devil incarnate. They slander people and  ruin their lives and take glee in it. They utterly destroy the lives of  people that are a threat to our insanely corrupt government. 

Steve Amery used to be in the Canadian military. This loser is a disgrace to any military, let alone ours. Many of these people work with "Public Safety Canada" or other governments to undermine the lives of people that have been put on watch lists. They work with intelligence agencies, the military, community watch, and the police in organized harassment and stalking campaigns. People like him hate people that tell the truth.  

This loser now lives over in Ireland and he is a Service Manager at Rentokil Initial Ireland. (He took down his LinkedIn account because he is a coward liar.) He should be fired instantly. What they are involved in is so evil it is beyond what most people could even understand. 

To know what they are all complicit in, I urge ALL of you reading this to watch this documentary, also watch the videos here and hereIT IS CALLED HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION AND TORTURE. See here for documented radio frequency testing, torture and experimentation. You don't have to believe me, hook this psychopath up to a lie detector test, better yet, hook his brain up to the mind-reading devices that our government is covering up. 

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Mark Amery- Lying Scum of the Earth: Gorilla Properties More About His Involvement With Intelligence Agencies and Organized Stalking

See here about front businesses and intelligence agents.

See Below For Screenshots

(You belong in jail you sick lying psychopath)

See here for Mark Amery's LinkedIn account. Companies associated with this psychopath:,,, He is a lying psychopath involved in organized stalking. (See here and here for more about this.) He works with the intelligence agencies of Canada, the USA and Israel. See here and here for more about the technology they are using. (Watch this documentary about the history of classified mind control technology.)

1. Hey Mark, "Gorilla Properties" Amery, do you remember this email reply to me? A couple months before I called you and you taped my call and sent an RCMP officer out to my brother's house and they took me to the Maple Ridge Mental hospital:

Take Care Shane.
2. You are such a pathetic lying psychopath. Anyways, a few months later you get me put into a mental hospital:
See here: Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Now Happening in Canada and the United States: and here:
3. What's up with this?, you can also scroll down on my Facebook here. How interesting.

Do you know the guy below? The guy below is a trader, worked at a Prop Trading Firm (First New York,) he went to the same university as both of the owners of the prop trading firm SMB Capital, Here is their website. Now he is trading for Gorilla Capital Fund! (See below.) Where did you get the name "Gorilla" from Mark? I'm sure you just made it up right?
4. What about this guy, you know him? Worked with the CIA. Guess what.... his name was connected to a website of this business in a WHOIS lookup: They have changed it. They also happen to run a pest control company: and you wouldn't believe it...a pressure washing company: just like you do! They were advertising on Craigslist in Vancouver for workers.