Thursday, January 13, 2022

Yuval Harari Total Biometric Surveillance Under The Skin

Yuval Harari is an advisor to Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab is the author of the "Great Reset," a book that was published just after the Covid-19 epidemic. The other book he has written is "the Fourth Industrial Revolution" which is about the "internet of things" or how everything will be hooked up to the internet, including us. 

Yuval Harari is the author of Sapiens: a Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: a Brief History of Tomorrow, and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Talk About Mind Reading Technology

See here, here,  here and here for more.

0:06: 🤖 The co-founders of the Center for Humane Technology discuss the dark side of AI and the risks it poses to humanity. 6:31: 🔑 The video discusses the impact of social media and AI on society and the need for responsibility and coordination to prevent negative consequences. 12:21: 🤖 AI has become entangled with society and it is important to address the potential risks and challenges it poses. 17:56: 🧠 Advancements in AI technology allow for the reconstruction of images from brain patterns, decoding inner monologues, and tracking human movement using Wi-Fi signals. 23:22: 🤖 AI technology is rapidly advancing and has the potential to manipulate language, create virtual avatars, and influence human behavior. 28:31: 🤯 The video highlights the rapid advancement and potential risks of AI language models, such as GPT-3, including their increasing theory of mind capabilities, ability to generate dangerous knowledge, and the ability to make themselves stronger through self-training. 34:22: 🤖 AI is a recursive flywheel that improves itself, makes better chips, and optimizes supply chains. 39:31: 🤖 The video discusses the potential harms and risks associated with the rapid deployment of AI technologies, focusing on the dangers of AI chatbots and the lack of legal protections in place. 44:58: ⚠ The rapid deployment of AI language models without adequate safety measures poses significant risks to users, especially children. 49:33: 🌍 The video discusses the need for humanity to address the challenges of climate change and technological advancements with wisdom and awareness. 55:03: 🌍 The speaker discusses the potential future impact of AI on society and the need for collective intelligence to navigate the challenges it presents. 1:00:33: 📚 The video discusses the need for upgraded institutions and global coordination to ensure the responsible development of technology. 1:05:47: 💔 The speakers discuss the ethical dilemma of using technology to save lives at the cost of disrupting society.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Zionist Lying Abusers

 How much more pathetic can this get? See here, here, here, here, here and here.  See this too. I could go on and on. A joke to humanity. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Great 'Transhumanism' Reset: 'Smart Dust' Spying on Your Brain, Human Microchipping

As early as 2014, futurologist Dr. Oskar Villani said it was possible to monitor people with barely visible computer chips. These tiny chips are called “Smart Dust.” Hundreds of them can be “transferred” to a person with a simple handshake. DARPA, a military research facility of the US Department of Defense, was significantly involved in its development. They also found a way to use Smart Dust to read our brain waves and signals, potentially exposing unexpressed thoughts and moods. The merging of humans with machines is being used to advance globalists’ interests, reshape humanity, and gain complete control over every aspect of our lives. 

Futurologist Oskar Villani 2014 Interview

It appears that it is possible to transfer tiny chips, which are hardly visible to the naked eye, to other people with a handshake – it is no longer even necessary to implant microchips to monitor people. On July 1, 2014, the futurologist Oskar Villani was a guest on German television program “Heute Konkret”. The nearly 5-minute interview begins with Villani shaking hands with presenter Claudia Reiterer and then telling her that he has now transferred several hundred microchips to her, which can now be used to monitor her for up to 14 days and read a wide variety of data.

These tiny chips are called “Smart Dust,” hundreds of them can be “transferred” with a simple handshake. DARPA, a military research facility of the US Department of Defense, was significantly involved in the development. Villani also reported there is a way to use Smart Dust to monitor our brains.

Watch the following Interview with Dr. Oskar Villani that has been translated by RAIR Foundation USA here:

Intelligent Dust: Developed Through Military Research

Because the so-called ” smart dust” was already developed in the 1990s by Dr. Kris Pister, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, as a simple way to use smart wireless sensors, Pister envisioned a world where ubiquitous sensors could measure almost anything. Unsurprisingly, the U.S. military provided the impetus, funding, and development. 

In 1997, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) funded Pister’s research as part of their Smart Dust project. (DARPA was also involved in the development of mRNA technology). Then, in 2001, the American military conducted a surveillance test with the devices. After successfully calculating the speed and direction of 142 military vehicles, the test was declared a great success.

Brain Monitoring

In 2013, MIT reported, “How Smart Dust Could Spy On Your Brain.”  This study revealed how Smart Dust is already developed, used, and soon will be a daily part of our lives. 

Once again, Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, were the first to propose what they called ‘neural dust’ – millimeter-sized sensors that could be implanted in the body and used to stimulate nerves and muscles and monitor the activity of different organs.

It consists of “many small wireless microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).” MEMS are tiny devices with cameras, sensors, and communication mechanisms to transmit the data to be stored and further processed. They are usually between 20 micrometers and one millimeter in size. They are wirelessly connected to a computer network and distributed over a specific area to perform tasks, generally using RFID technology(Radio Frequency Identification) can be recorded.

In 2016, DARPA program manager Doug Weber stated that “neural dust [note: smart dust] represents a radical departure from the traditional approach of using radio waves for wireless communication with implanted devices.” And further: “The soft parts of our body consist mostly of saltwater. Sound waves can pass through this tissue unhindered and be focused with great accuracy on nerve targets deep in our body, while radio waves cannot.” Using ultrasound to communicate with the nerve dust also allows the sensors to be made smaller. For example, they can be introduced into the body by injection with a needle.

This, therefore, is a technology that can be used in the spirit of transhumanists. Elon Musk has already founded Neuralink, a company whose goal is to connect the human brain to a computer. The company is developing an ultra-high bandwidth brain chip to connect humans, computers, and artificial intelligence, what Musk refers to as “a Fitbit in your skull with tiny wires.”

In 2020, Musk and Neuralink demonstrated their success with implanting just such a chip in pigs, with humans being their next target.

In his book “Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” Schwab advocates for a future in which authorities will be able to utilize the blending of technology with the human body to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.”

Schwab writes that the ability “for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” adding, “Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.”

Klaus goes on to state that the “Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us; they will become part of us,” adding,

Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.

Exoskeletons and prosthetics will increase our physical power, while advances in neurotechnology enhance our cognitive abilities. We will become better able to manipulate our own genes, and those of our children

For years, people have been implanted with chips linked to digital currencies and smart devices through the 5G network to process payments directly and allow them to access their homes, offices, and gyms. The chips also allow big-tech databases and government surveillance measures to track and monitor their location, activities, and behaviors.

A global system of totalitarian technocracy has arrived; of course, I’m sure it will only help us! What an exciting “brave new world” we are entering. As Klaus notes:

[It] will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships.”


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Implantable “Neural Dust” Enables Precise Wireless Recording of Nerve Activity

 First in vivo tests demonstrate ultrasound can be used to wirelessly power and communicate with millimeter-scale devices surgically placed in muscles and nerves


Therapeutic modulation of the activity of the body’s peripheral nervous system (PNS) holds a world of potential for mitigating and treating disease and other health conditions—if researchers can figure out a feasible long-term mechanism for communicating with the nerves and pathways that make up the body’s information superhighway between the spinal cord and other organs.

What does “feasible” look like? Small is the best start—small enough to someday perhaps be injected or ingested—but also precise, wireless, stable, and comfortable for the user. Modern electrode-based recording technologies feature some, but not all of these qualities. Hardwired solutions present challenges for chronic use, while existing wireless solutions cannot be adequately scaled down to the sizes needed to record activity from small-diameter nerves and record independently from many discrete sites within a nerve bundle. DARPA’s Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx) program is focused in part on overcoming these constraints and delivering interface technologies that are suitable for chronic use for biosensing and neuromodulation of peripheral nerve targets.

Now, as described in results published today in the journal Neuron, a DARPA-funded research team led by the University of California, Berkeley’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences has developed a safe, millimeter-scale wireless device small enough to be implanted in individual nerves, capable of detecting electrical activity of nerves and muscles deep within the body, and that uses ultrasound for power coupling and communication. They call these devices “neural dust.” The team completed the first in vivo tests of this technology in rodents.

“Neural dust represents a radical departure from the traditional approach of using radio waves for wireless communication with implanted devices,” said Doug Weber, the DARPA program manager for ElectRx. “The soft tissues of our body consist mostly of saltwater. Sound waves pass freely through these tissues and can be focused with pinpoint accuracy at nerve targets deep inside our body, while radio waves cannot. Indeed, this is why sonar is used to image objects in the ocean, while radar is used to detect objects in the air. By using ultrasound to communicate with the neural dust, the sensors can be made smaller and placed deeper inside the body, by needle injection or other non-surgical approaches.”

The prototype neural dust “motes” currently measure 0.8 millimeters x 3 millimeters x 1 millimeter as assembled with commercially available components. The researchers estimate that by using custom parts and processes, they could manufacture individual motes of 1 cubic millimeter or less in size—possibly as small as 100 microns per side. The small size means multiple sensors could be placed near each other to make more precise recordings of nerve activity from many sites within a nerve or group of nerves.

Though their miniscule size is an achievement in itself, the dust motes are as impressive for the elegant simplicity of their engineering. Each sensor consists of only three main parts: a pair of electrodes to measure nerve signals, a custom transistor to amplify the signal, and a piezoelectric crystal that serves the dual purpose of converting the mechanical power of externally generated ultrasound waves into electrical power and communicating the recorded nerve activity. The neural dust system also includes an external transceiver board that uses ultrasound to power and communicate with the motes by emitting pulses of ultrasonic energy and listening for reflected pulses. During testing, the transceiver board was positioned approximately 9 millimeters away from the implant.

The piezoelectric crystal is key to the design of neural dust. Pulses of ultrasonic energy emitted by the external board affect the crystal. While some of the pulses are reflected back to the board, others cause the crystal to vibrate. This vibration converts the mechanical power of the ultrasound wave into electrical power, which is supplied to the dust mote’s transistor. Meanwhile, any extracellular voltage change across the mote’s two recording electrodes—generated by nerve activity—modulates the transistor’s gate, which changes the current flowing between the terminals of the crystal. These changes in current alter the vibration of the crystal and the intensity of its reflected ultrasonic energy. In this way, the shape of the reflected ultrasonic pulses encodes the electrophysiological voltage signal recorded by the implanted electrodes. This signal can be reconstructed externally by electronics attached to the transceiver board to interpret nerve activity. “One of the most appealing features of the neural dust sensors is that they are completely passive. Because there are no batteries to be changed, there is no need for further surgeries after the initial implant,” Weber said.

Another benefit of the system is that ultrasound is safe in the human body; ultrasound technologies have long been used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Most existing wireless PNS sensors use electromagnetic energy in the form of radio waves for coupling and communication, but these systems become inefficient for sensors smaller than 5 millimeters. To work at smaller scales, these systems must increase their energy output, and much of that energy gets absorbed by surrounding tissue. Ultrasound has the advantage of penetrating deeper into tissue at lower power levels, reducing the risk of adverse effects while yielding excellent spatial resolution.

This proof of concept was developed under the first phase of the ElectRx program. The research team will continue to work on further miniaturizing the sensors, ensuring biocompatibility, increasing the portability of the transceiver board, and achieving clarity in signals processing when multiple sensors are placed near each other.

Image Caption: Each neural dust sensor consists of only three main parts: a pair of electrodes to measure nerve signals, a custom transistor to amplify the signal, and a piezoelectric crystal that serves the dual purpose of converting the mechanical power of externally generated ultrasound waves into electrical power and communicating the recorded nerve activity.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Interesting Quote From Famous Jewish Director About Hitler----- 2 Comes Together O - Moon O - Sun = 1

Space Needle = 11 words
Space Needle opened up 111 days into the year
See connection to Space Needle and the Jewish Messiah
Whenever the impure spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out,
“You are the Son of God.” 
- Mark 3:11
This quote is the same as III-11

 day Space Needle opened: April 21 = 111 days into the year and 254 days left-2+5+4=11
or September 11 = 254 days 
into the year (2+5+4=11) + 111 days left

Is there information being covered up from the public? Are they telling you the whole story about Hitler, the Nazi's and Germany? 

This is a quote from the JEWISH director of renown movies like 2001, a Space Odyssey, the Shining, a Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut, Doctor Strangelove and Full Metal Jacket.

His name is Stanley Kubrick. Here is the quote... 

"Hitler Was Right About Almost Everything"-Stanley Kubrick

It would be good for everyone to check out this article that I put up. Could World War II have been stopped? Did they allow it to happen? Something to think about. The people in power today are absolute lying psychopaths, all they do is lie. 

MGM - Letters to Numbers = 33

Monday, September 6, 2021

Leo Amery- The 'English' Jew Behind The Foundation Of Israel

For previous articles about Leo Amery, see here and here. See here for a short write up about Leo Amery in the Jewish Virtual Library. 

It has always been assumed by historians and others that it was the pro-Zionist US government at the end of World War Two and earlier that laid the foundations of the State of Israel. Admittedly the US did play a decisive role in this but research carried out recently in Britain by a Jewish professor has put a very different complexion upon the prelude to the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

As in many fateful and fatal policy decisions, the machinations of the British Foreign Office played a decisive role in creating bloody mayhem, betrayal and misery on a monumental scale, not only in Europe but also in the Middle East.

William Rubenstein, professor of modern history at the University of Wales, has unearthed an extraordinary secret from the annals of British Government concerning the origins of one of the most influential members of government during the past century.


"This case is possibly the most remarkable example of concealment of identity in 20th Century British political history," commented Professor Rubenstein in 'History Today' magazine. Rubenstein was referring to Leopold Amery, a leading Conservative politician, close ally and friend of Britain's un-elected wartime leader, Winston Churchill.  Amery was the author of the infamous 1917 Balfour Declaration, which promised British government support for the Jewish rape and colonization of the Palestinian nation.

Amery throughout his life deliberately concealed his Jewish origins and Professor Rubenstein who is himself Jewish, has established the deception beyond any doubt. In his disclosures about Leopold Amery's past Professor Rubenstein says that Amery misled people about his past in his autobiography, 'My Political Life' which was published just before his death in 1955.

In this book Amery declared that his father, Charles Frederick Amery, came from an old English West Country family.  However, according to the historian he sought to conceal his mother's origins. Amery merely wrote that his mother, Elizabeth Leitner Amery was one of a stream of Hungarian exiles who emigrated after the 1848 European revolutionary turmoil, fleeing first to Constantinople (Istanbul) and then to England.


In fact, according to this new research, Amery's mother was born in 1841 to Jewish parents in Pest, which subsequently became part of Budapest.  This area of the Hungarian capital was host to the Jewish ghetto and her own mother's name was Elisabeth Johanna Saphir, a common Jewish name in the region. Professor Rubenstein says that Amery also changed his middle name Moritz to the more Anglicized Maurice in his full name, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett Amery. He did so to further disguise his Jewish origins.

Amery's mother was of pure Jewish descent says the learned historian and therefore, according to orthodox rabbinical Jewish law and tradition so was her son. Amery's actions and psychotic anti-German hysteria expressed during both World Wars and the intervening years left no doubt as to where his anti-Christian sympathies lay. As the Assistant Secretary to England's War Cabinet in 1917 it was the deceitful pretend-Englishman Amery who drafted the now notorious blood-document, the Balfour Declaration, which was delivered by Lord Balfour, the then British Foreign Secretary.

It was the same hapless Lord Balfour who on behalf of the British Government signed the equally disastrous and infamous Versailles Diktat, which was to lead directly to the British declaration of war against Germany, the consequences of which left Europe in ruins.


This, the Balfour Report, was a momentously evil document, was in effect the founding Charter for the State of Israel and what can be described as the ensuing Palestinian holocaust. Amery thus had an overwhelming racial self-interest as opposed to British interest, in promulgating this. He also founded the so-called Jewish Legion, the first racially exclusive Jewish fighting force created since Roman times.  The Jewish Legion was composed of battalions of Jewish soldiers who were trained and served under superior British officers during the First World War.

This force was a forerunner to the present Israeli Army.  Many of its members deserted, attracted by the opportunity to vent their piratical blood lust on the displaced Palestinian population.  During the Israelis anti-Palestinian pogroms tens of thousands of Palestinians, many of them of Christian faith, were uprooted and driven from their homelands of centuries. Tens of thousands died of brutality, starvation and in numerous Jewish slaughter orgies. Entire villages such as Deir Yassin were wiped off the map.


Few were spared.  Even their British allies were slaughtered; captured, held hostage, hanged and often their lifeless bodies booby-trapped. The most notorious terrorist outrage was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in which 105 Britons, many of them women and children, lost their lives to Jewish terrorism.  Such terrible events have since been conveniently air-brushed out of history books.

Surprisingly, Amery's openly pro-Jewish sentiments and collaboration failed to raise eyebrows among British Government colleagues, some of whom like Sir Anthony Eden who were known to be strongly anti-Semitic. Presumably such politicians regarded Amery's actions favorable to British interests at the time.  It is for this reason that much of the Arab world despises Britain today, an alienation, which costs billions of pounds and tens of thousands of jobs in lost trade and favored nation status.

During the Conservative Government of Sir Stanley Baldwin, when he was Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, Amery was actively one of the promoters of the greatest growth of British Jewry's exploitation of commercial, financial and political opportunity throughout the world.  Yet, he disguised his own Jewishness so effectively that few of his parliamentary and government colleagues were aware that he was in fact Jewish or of where his true allegiances lay.


However the act for which he is best known and often heralded by the English establishment's apologists 'as a true Englishman came in May 1940. Amery played a decisive role in bringing down Neville Chamberlain's government, which sought peace in Europe.  It was Amery who with the impudence of the successful infiltrator made a war-provoking speech in the House of Commons: "Depart, I say.  Let us have done with you.  In the name of God, go!" It signaled the departure of the 'Peace in Europe' section of the Conservative Party and opened the door to those who fervently desired war with Germany, the removal of a trade competitor and the opportunity to loot Europe's most prosperous nation.  More than half of this pro-war section had shares in munitions factories.

Amery, as a secret Jew, had good reason to hate and loathe Neville Chamberlain, the alleged appeaser of Germany's conciliatory leader.  Chamberlain was one of the last, if not the last, of the old style gentlemen of honor and decency in British Government.


Amery neither forgot nor forgave Chamberlain's bitter words in September 1939 when he said to his Foreign Secretary, Lord Halifax.  "The Jews of America are pushing us into this war . . . . " And so it was, Amery and the Conservative Party's 'War with Germany' faction led by Winston Churchill, resolved to ignore Germany proposals for peace and plunged Britain into a global conflict which became the bloodiest in the history of the human race.  It was a conflict which delivered half of Europe to the dictatorship of Jewish-Communism and the Palestinian nation to the emerging Jewish empire.

Professor Rubenstein says he made the discovery by following a hunch he had had for years.  In his article in History Today he says:  "I was about 75% certain of what I was likely to find before I started looking.  Knowing both the relevant Jewish and British sources well, with some lateral thinking, I managed to piece together the whole story with little real difficulty.

An ironic piece of history is that John Amery, Leopold's estranged son was a British Fascist who had gone to live in Germany where he remained when Britain declared war on the German nation. In the early forties John Amery made a few radio broadcasts from Berlin calling for peace between the two countries and the ousting of the British autocrat, Winston Churchill and his warmongering gang.


Vengeance was swift and brutal.  At the end of the war he was arrested in Italy, brought back to England in chains, tried and hanged as a 'traitor', his body being unceremoniously hurled into a lime pit within the confines of London's Pentonville Prison.  The executioner, Albert Pierrepoint later said that John Amery was one of the bravest men he had ever executed.

Whether John Amery knew of his father's past and origin remains uncertain although Professor Rubenstein inclines to the view that he did. His younger brother, also John, became a senior figure in British post-war governments and died several years ago maintaining silence until the end about his family's Hungarian-Jew origins.

Professor Rubenstein sought the reasons for Amery's reluctance to identify his Jewish roots. This was a period in English history when many, even those in the English establishment, held those of Jewish race in loathing often contempt.

He suggests that one reason for the cover-up was the driving ambition to break into English society demonstrated by Amery's Jewish mother, and also the fear of embarrassment that knowledge of his Jewishness might have caused him at the 'elitist' private school Harrow where outwardly at least he ingratiated himself as a 'fervent English nationalist.'

Rubenstein points out also that most of those especially in public life who then and now hide their Jewish ancestry, also took pains to distance themselves as far as possibly from overt interest in Jewish issues. Some would even proclaim anti-Semitism. Leopold Moritz Amery chose to present himself as a great English patriot whilst at the same time serving the interests of where his true loyalties lay, Israel and Judah, side by side with those other cultist sycophants of Zionism, Winston Churchill and F.D Roosevelt.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Email Letter I Sent to Head of Public Safety Canada, Marco Mendicino - Of Course No Reply

Below is the email I sent to Marco Mendicino, here is his Wikipedia bio. He is the the Minister of Public Safety in Canada and is also responsible for the oversight of the RCMP.

This is the equivalent of  the head of Homeland Security in the United States.

Of course, I never got any reply. 


Hello Mr. Mendicino,

I am writing to you because I have been experiencing problems with technology. Specifically, brain-computer interfaces and nanotechnology. I am experiencing abuse from people in the United States and Canada that are using electromagnetic waves and ultrasound to hurt me, track me and read my thoughts. The technology is inside my body. I have compiled a blog full of evidence that this technology exists, you can see the blog here:  

1. My question to you, are you aware of this technology or if this is happening to anyone in Canada?

2. To your knowledge, has Public Safety Canada had any reports of this over the years?

3. If this is happening and you DO NOT know about it, would you think it's a problem that has to be dealt with? 

Thank you,

Shane Hurren

Email Letter I Sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - Of Course No Reply

Below is the email I sent to Justin Trudeau, here is his Wikipedia bio. He is the Prime Minister of Canada.

Of course, I never got any reply. 


Hello Mr. Trudeau,

I am writing to you because I have been experiencing problems with technology. Specifically, brain-computer interfaces and nanotechnology. I am experiencing abuse from people in the United States and Canada that are using electromagnetic waves and ultrasound to hurt me, track me and read my thoughts. The technology is inside my body. I have compiled a blog full of evidence that this technology exists, you can see the blog here:  

1. My question to you, are you aware of this technology or if this is happening to anyone in Canada?

2. To your knowledge, has Public Safety Canada had any reports of this over the years?

3. If this is happening and you DO NOT know about it, would you think it's a problem that has to be dealt with? 

Thank you,

Shane Hurren

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Originally posted in March of 2019, Proof That the Israeli Government is Following Me at the Highest Level: Another Israeli Who Blocks Me Because I'm Intolerant Of Their Intolerance (See Picture)

Not only am I being followed at the highest levels of my own country, but, I'm also followed at the highest levels of Israeli government. See the PROOF below! 

See the screenshot pictures and the video below! 

One is a screenshot from the CSE of Canada Twitter account, which is the equivalent of the NSA in the USA, the CSE is the military intelligence of Canada. As you can see, they were blocking me. The other screenshot is from someone in the Israeli government at the highest level, in fact, you can see her in the former Prime Minister of Israel's (Benjamin Netanyahu,) cabinet picture below. I had no idea who this woman was until I read an article about her, looked her up and found her Twitter account. As you can see, she was blocking my old Twitter account that was banned. 

See her Wikipedia here. For some of her interesting comments see here. Here is a small sample of her loving disposition: “May you be raped in your grave,” says the new darling of Israel’s ruling Likud party. Sounds like this charmer here who said Palestinian mothers give birth to “little snakes.”  I am used to being blocked, it is no different than the Canadian Military Intelligence Agency that blocks me. (See picture below.) For more of this classic Israeli and Jewish intolerance, see this soccer game in Israel

Imagine if we had people in the Canadian government saying this? Thankfully we don't --- they just kiss the asses of the people who believe such insanity. See here for more about Judaism. 

See her in red in center. Click on pic above to enlarge, she is right behind
Benjamin Netanyahu (the previous Prime Minister,) and right beside the
 current Prime Minister of Israel. 

Watch 30 Seconds into the video to see her!