Friday, May 12, 2017

MUST SEE: The Biggest Scam In The World That Most People Do Not Know About...

See this important post about the money changers. See here, here and here for more about the Bank of Canada and our struggle for banking independence. This pathetic system is what all of the intelligence agencies are defending. WE PAY FOR ALL OF THIS! You are paying for your own enslavement, that's how much nerve these psychopathic banking lunatics have. They are so damn cheap that they socialize their costs of protection onto you while they privatize their profits.

In Canada, we pay a whopping $1.4 Billion dollars a year for the CBC alone! Look at the kind of news we get, (they actually want to increase it to $1.8 Billion.)  I can give you better news on this blog for free!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Important Video and Books That Confirms There is a Concealed Plan or Agenda That People Are Not Being Told About...

The video below features John Taylor Gatto. Besides the videos below... see here for more about Carroll Quigley.

World's Smallest Robots - Nanotechnology

See the video below, and see here for more posts about nanotechnology and here for more about brain-computer interfaces, brain-chips, electromagnetic weapons and mind control. Also, see here for more about synthetic biology and here for more about "Playing God."

This is what these psychopathic scumbags are using on the population ---and of course, the Canadian government (I live in Canada,) more specifically, the media, the intelligence agencies and the RCMP --- are covering this up. We live a truly pathetic controlled society. It only seems like you have freedom --- and they like that ... because the appearance of freedom is what your country really is. Just like the appearance of truth is the greatest enemy of truth itself --- the appearance of freedom is the greatest enemy of freedom itself.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

TedTalk: Microchipping People

See here for more about classified technology. See here for more about creepy technology that could be inside of you right now.

The RCMP & Their "Terror Case"

The video below is interesting. See this post for more about the RCMP.  See here and here for how the RCMP works with the ADL, an organization that was literally started by Jewish organized crime. See here for how the RCMP targets Muslim extremists but gives Zionist terrorists a free pass. See here, here and here for more about CSIS.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Elon Musk Launches Company To Hook People Up To Computers

These pieces of crap in Silicon Valley are already experimenting on people. (See here.) 

I am one of the people they are experimenting on. Of course, the intelligence agencies already have access to this technology and they work with law enforcement. There are tons of crazed Zionist sociopaths running around with this technology. (See here for a list of classified technology. See here for more about former U.S. Representative from Ohio and candidate for the President of the United States Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons.) These people are pure evil. They are shooting people with microwaves and using synthetic telepathy on the population. If you have nanotechnology or a brain-computer interface inside you, these whack jobs have access to your brain and are experimenting on you without you knowing. See here for wires in the brain, nanotechnology and RFID chips fuse with the human brain.  

See here for more about Zuckerberg talking about synthetic telepathy. See here for a Cisco ad that refers to synthetic telepathy. See here for more about the DARPA's Artificial Intelligence Control Grid. 

Malcolm X On The Jews

It is interesting to listen to the words of Malcolm X in the video below. Obviously, these are not the words you heard in the movie Malcolm X. Kind of sounds like the movie JFK that I pointed here. See here and here for previous posts with Malcolm X. See here for more about the Kennedy assassination. 

He talks about Jewish Nazi's in the video below. Sounds like here and here. See here for more of these counter-intelligence psychopaths.  Also, see hereherehere, and here for more about Jews collaborating with Nazis. Julius Streicher actually admitted that the Nuremberg laws were a reaction from the Talmud's Jewish Halakha laws. In other words, they are influenced by the Jewish Talmud's racist and ethnocentric ideology of "Jewishness." 

See here for more about the so-called Jews

CIA Admits Scalar Waves Exist

One of the advantages of scalar waves is their ability to penetrate Faraday cages. Another is action at a distance or what is known as non-locality. Please see the diagram at the very bottom under the videos for a better description of the difference between Scalar Waves and Hertzian Waves.

Click to Enlarge

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Hey, Multicultural Canada... This is What Your Prime Minister Supports! Israel Bans Interracial Marriage Book

Yes, nothing has changed Canadians! Did you honestly think Justin Trudeau would change a thing? Did you honestly think that your vote actually counts?

Before you read the article below... please see here, here, herehere, here and here to understand the context better. Israel is an ethnocentric, racist apartheid state that must be dismantled. If there was anything like this in Canada, we would not tolerate it.


Israel’s Education Ministry has formally banned a book about an interracial affair between a Jew and a Gentile because, the Jewish state’s government says, the book “threatens Jewish identity” and does not deal with the “significance of miscegenation” between “Jews and non-Jews.”

At the same time, the organized Jewish lobby in America and Europe —which fanatically supports Israel—demands of Europeans that they accept miscegenation and mixed marriages in order not to be “racist.”

According to an article in the Israeli 
Haaretz newspaper, titled “Israel Bans Novel on Arab-Jewish Romance From Schools for Threatening Jewish Identity” (December 31, 2015), Israel’s Education Ministry has “disqualified a novel (called “Gader Haya,” or “Borderlife”) that describes a love story between an Israeli woman and a Palestinian man from use by high schools around the country.”
An official statement released by the ministry said that the book had been banned from schools because of the “need to maintain the identity and the heritage of students in every sector,” and that “intimate relations between Jews and non-Jews threatens our separate identity.”
The Education Ministry added that “young people of adolescent age don’t have the systemic view that includes considerations involving maintaining the national-ethnic identity of the people and the significance of miscegenation.”
The book tells the story of Liat, an Israeli translator, and Hilmi, a Palestinian artist, who meet and fall in love in New York, until they part ways for her to return to Tel Aviv and he to the West Bank city of Ramallah, where Israel’s racial segregation laws force them apart.
The decision to ban the book was endorsed by Education Minister Naftali Bennett’s office, which issued a statement saying “The minister backs the decision made by the professionals.”
In a separate article, Haaretz columnist Alon Idan frankly admitted that the reason why the book was banned was so that Israel could “maintain purity of blood.”
Alon said that the decision meant simply that “Jews and Arabs are forbidden to have sex with one another; Jews and Arabs are forbidden to love one another; Jews and Arabs are forbidden to marry one another; Jews and Arabs are forbidden to have families with one another; Jews and Arabs are forbidden to live together.”
The organized Jewish lobby in America and Europe—which is one of Israel’s strongest supporters—demands of Europeans that they adopt exactly the opposite policy to that which they support in the Jewish state.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), for example, which describes itself as “the worlds leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice, and bigotry,” has an entire section of its website devoted to boasting about the Jewish role in dismantling anti-miscegenation and anti-mixed marriage laws in America.
For example, an ADL press release from March 2015, dealing with the promotion of homosexual marriage (something else which is illegal in Israel), titled “ADL Urges Supreme Court to Overturn State Marriage Bans” quotes Christopher Wolf, ADL Civil Rights Chair, as saying that “Marriage bans unconstitutionally enshrine one particular religious view of marriage into law.”
The ADL goes on to quote Deborah M. Lauter, ADL Civil Rights Director, as saying that “Discriminatory laws targeting disadvantaged groups have long been justified by religious and moral disapproval, but time and time again, the Supreme Court has rejected these arguments. The Court needs only to look at its decisions ending slavery, segregation, interracial marriage bans, and laws restricting women’s roles in public life to reach the right conclusion.”
The ADL was joined in this demand by The American Jewish Committee; Bend the Arc — A Jewish Partnership for Justice; The Central Conference of American Rabbis and the Women of Reform Judaism; Global Justice Institute; Hadassah — The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc.; Jewish Social Policy Action Network (JSPAN); Keshet; The National Council of Jewish Women; Nehirim; Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and Jewish Reconstructionist Communities; Society for Humanistic Judaism; T’ruah: Rabbis for Human Rights-North America; and Women’s League for Conservative Judaism.
In addition, the ADL was joined by a host of Christian, Asian, and Sikh organizations—but none of them were being hypocritical about their public stance, unlike the Israel-supporting Jewish groups.
The ADL has a special section of its website devoted to explaining to its supporters how to defend Israel. Titled “Israel: A Guide for Activists,” the ADL page provides detailed instructions on every aspect of the Jewish state, and how to answer accusations made against it.
In addition, the ADL—and all the other organized Jewish organizations—set up formal visits to Israel, engage in lobbying on behalf of the Jewish state, and ensure that their controlled media never reports negatively on Jewish political manipulations or their control of Western governments.
It is clear that the Jews know and understand perfectly the principles of race and the need to preserve racial homogeneity in order to maintain Jewish cultural identity.
In Israel, this understanding takes practical effect through the banning of mixed marriages, the outlawing of non-Jewish immigration, racial segregation in schools and living areas, and their ultimate goal—a separate Jews-only state.
Yet, in America, Europe, and anywhere else where there are large numbers of Europeans, the Israel-supporting Jewish lobby actively promotes policies which are the diametric opposite to the policies which their state enforces.
The facts are inescapable:  the Jewish lobby seems to think they know that miscegenation and mixed marriages will lead to the destruction of Jewish identity and the Jewish nation-state.
Do they also believe that promoting miscegenation and mixed marriages among non-Jews will lead to the destruction of European identity, and the destruction of European nation-states? What do they believe? 
This “hypocrisy” is too obvious to be an accident: why are they such hypocrites? Do you not remember what Jesus charged the Pharisees with being? HYPOCRITES!

Jews and Porn

In addition to the video below, see this article here. One of the points I want to make is this --- whatever your beliefs about porn, it is important for you to realize who the major controlling interests are and their political motivations. 

Believe it or not... it is about more than just money and sex. What is also interesting is how this is very similar to Weimar Germany,  see this book about Weimar Germany. You can download it free here. Also, watch these videos. You can also look at these two articles here and here (especially the second one,) called "Trying To Understand More About World War II"

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Neuro Revolution

Pay close attention to the 5 minute and 12-second mark of the video below. This shows you how many universities are involved in this. See herehereherehereherehere and here for more about MKULTRA. See here for more about classified technology.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Pulsating Behavior Monitoring And Modification System For Neural Networks

Title: Pulsating Behavior Monitoring and Modification System for Neural Networks


Abstract : The pulsating behavioral activity of a neural network such as that embodied in a brain tissue slice is monitored by measurement of intervals between spontaneous events to identify the presence of a chaotic regime and determine by real-time calculation a waiting time for electrical pulse intervention pursuant to a behavioral modifying program having a control or anti-control strategy.


Subject Categories : Anatomy and Physiology, Medicine and Medical Research, Cybernetics

Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

False Flags- Terrorist Attacks: Operation Gladio - Documentary

See here for other posts on this topic.

Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, Operation Gladio reveals Gladio, the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe. This BBC series is about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups.

Known as stay-behinds these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies.

Dealing With Zionists Part 3 - A Collection of Tweets From Twitter

See Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

1. The world has absolutely no idea what they are dealing with when it comes to Zionism and the levels of depravity of some of these sick people

2. I am deadly serious here, you are dealing with such sick entitled, privileged psychopaths you have no idea

3. They will infiltrate your life, have access to your brain, shoot you with microwaves, befriend those around you while they torture you:

4. All of this behavior is exactly like what happened in East Germany. (See the Zersetzung category of my blog, go through all of the articles.) See here for the connections between Jews, Freemasonry, and the Stasi.

5. I have never in my life seen such depraved monster human beings... it starts from the top --- in intelligence and filters down into the community. This is a part of Homeland Security:

There are tons of these psychos watching me.

6. Some of the people the intelligence agencies contacted and are working with were my friends or people I went to school with. They all know this is true, they are unbelievable.... no group of people on earth comes close in levels of psychopathology or entitlement. See here for what this ex-Mossad agent is saying about intelligence agencies who think they are GOD.

7. This too, this is all you need to know, READ THIS! You must know their level of entitlement:

8. This too....

9. They are the "insider" group that has access to the technology I am talking about--- more than any group of people....

10. What they use is Stasi techniques perfected from East Germany and Russia: Learn Intelligence Tactics:

11. Also see this: Discredit Someone with Hi-Technology:

12. Classified Technology: Microwave weapons see here:

13. A Collection of Tweets About Brain Chips - Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control:

15. Facebook is a Zionist Stasi apparatus, people don't understand what these people are doing. We need to start an open-source social network.... Zuckerberg is a complete psychopath: Zuckerberg knows this is happening to people: just like James Altucher: classified technology: more about James Altucher:

16. Every picture you have up on Facebook...they now have you in a facial recognition computer database.... if you say something out of line

17. You can become a target of some of the evilest covert psychopathology known to mankind.

18. You don't even have to say anything out of line... some of these people are just evil and entitled

19. They will go after animals, kids or anyone... they are psychos. Zuckerberg and all the Silicon Valley people know this is going on

20. All you have to do is "think" something out of line.... remember, this is some of what they are covering up:

21. Go through all of those articles.... ask yourself one question...why is your media covering up such evil and who runs and influences the media the most? (See here and here for more about the media.)

22. This shows you the levels of corruption live in a Banana Republic, that is the truth. Listen to this, it is amazing... I even
have Zionist lawyers following "human rights" Twitter accounts who block me... think about that! I don't even know them!

23. They're lawyers and some even specialize in human rights! PUT THAT TOGETHER IN YOUR MIND! THEY ARE INSANE. Other crazy people who are engaging in this activity follow Edward Snowden the supposed whistleblower! They know I am telling the truth but they follow a phony whistleblower!

24. You might think I am kidding about this, I could put up at least 20 of them... it would amaze you.
These lawyers will at the same time represent the most evil butchering psychopathic scum on the earth for cases and trials

25. Once again, I do not want to condemn all Jews for what I am saying, but people have to wake up to the truth of Zionism and how this
runs your world. Obviously, not all Jews are involved in this. .... it is mostly organized crime, intelligence, and those who collaborate with them