Monday, April 10, 2017

Mind Control Article From The New York Times

For other articles on MK-Ultra, see the category on my blog here. Watch this old CNN video here. Also, see this article that has numerous links about brainchips, nanotechnology and mind control. 

See Part of the Old New York
 Times Article Below The Video

By Robert Naeslund, 2013

When The New York Times exposed the CIA-project of behavior modification in July 1977, the General Director of the secret institution, Stanfield Turner, had to testify at the Senate hearings. On August 3, 1977, he gave an account of a CIA established network including 80 medical universities, hospitals, and prisons together with 185 high-ranking U.S. scientists, researchers, and doctors. 
It was mentioned that the program had begun under the Director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, in 1953. This was something Professor John C. Lilly described in his memoirs, “The Scientist”. He said that the Director in 1953 proposed that he join the CIA and participate in experiments. But he refused and the reason he gave for this was also explained in his book: “Dr. Antoine Remond, using our technique in Paris, has demonstrated that stimulation of the brain can be applied to the human without the help of a neurosurgeon; he is doing it in his clinic. This means that anybody with the proper apparatus can carry this out on a person covertly, with no external signs that electrodes have been used on that person. I feel that if this technique gets into the hands of a secret agency, they could have a total control over a human being and be able to change his beliefs extremely quickly.” Today injectable nanotechnology and microchips are being utilized all around the world and the issue has, with increased levels of usage become even more shrouded by secrecy and a conspiracy of silence.
During the summer of 1977 The New York Times published 30 articles about the CIA and mind control. But ten years before they’d already published a first editorial under the heading “Push-Button People” and demanding a public debate of the threat. As stated in their first editorial on mind control, 10th of April 1967, in relation to the possible political applications they mentioned: “It is quite conceivable that in some countries investigations may be underway into the possibility of using these techniques to control human beings...the mere existence of such a possibility is disturbing and certainly merits wider public discussion and greater attention than it has received up to now.” Britain, Sweden and U.S. were among these nations.
Three years later another editorial was published. On September 19th, 1970, The New York Times editorial “Brain Wave” about the danger posed by mind control made the following point: “If George Orwell were writing a sequel to '1984' today, he would probably reject as archaic the propaganda techniques for controlling people’s minds...” They suggested that: “Today, he might envisage a society in which a newborn baby’s first experience would be neurosurgery, an operation in which the child’s brain was fitted with miniaturized radio devices connected to every major center controlling reason and emotion.” 
They knew what was going on but had no success in bringing about a public debate on the issue. 25 years later the U.S. Senator John Glenn tried to regulate the abuse and said in a speech in the Senate: “I hope to be able to assure the people in my home state of Ohio, and those around the country, that their government is no longer conducting experiments unknown to the individual.” The situation in Europe is the same and the EU’s Ethical Board published their declaration against mind control. 
In 2005 they wrote “How far should we be subject to the control of such devices or by other people using these devices?” and ended with the words: “The Member States have a responsibility to create conditions for a constructive, well-informed debate in this area.” This is the most important subject in today’s world and mass media have a responsibility to open up that debate - so we must all show support for such action. Neither they nor the population in general would like to live with state chips in their brains.

Click Below To Enlarge Article

Microwave Weaponry Explained

See here for previous posts on microwave weapons. See here and here for more about mind control, biowarfare, synthetic biology, and using viruses and bacteria. See here and here for more about classified and hi-technology. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Zionism And ISIS: Opposing Forces Or Two Sides Of The Same Coin?

For more articles on ISIS, see the categories on my blog here and here.

MintPress explores the striking parallels between groups like ISIS and Zionists in their quest to secure politico-religious control in the Middle East, expand their territory and implement exclusionary policies.


Over the past decade, the Middle East — the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of the three major monotheistic religions — has become a flashpoint for religious extremism and fascism. The general public has grown used to associating radicalism with Islam, even to such an extent that the general notion is that the Islamic faith is the expression of religious extremism par excellence.
Yet such assessments have generally failed to take into account an equally dangerous radical trend that has been unfolding in the region for decades — Zionism.
“Although unpopular and deeply politically incorrect the notion might be, Zionism remains nevertheless a reality which the international community cannot afford to turn a blind eye on, especially since its ideology entails and affirms itself on the annihilation of an entire people — the Muslim people,” Rabbi Meir Hirsh, a member of the Neturei Karta, told MintPress News of the effort of Jews to regain and retain their biblical homeland — the historic “Land of Israel.”
Noting that the rise of Zionism is not just a Palestinian issue, Rabbi Hirsh warned that the Zionist absorption of Palestine is “the first step toward the rise of Greater Israel.”
“Criticism toward Israel has become such a social and political taboo that the public has been blinded to the truth. People can no longer see, let alone fathom, that Israel has become just as radical, intolerant and extreme in its views as Islamists have proven to be. I would actually argue that ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria] carries disturbing Zionist characteristics, not only in its ideology but its policies, even though it claims to seek to destroy Israel.”


In late September, “#JSIL” became a social media sensation. The play on words comparing the notion of a Jewish State of Israel and the Levant (JSIL) to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, or ISIS) was tweeted about 5,200 times at its peak. The hashtag sought to point out that the radical Islamic group that adheres to Takfirism and Zionists share similar characteristics, and in many ways, both ideologies stem from religious exclusivism.
Takfirism is a centuries-old ideology marked by the practice of using a harsh dogmatic lens to judge someone else to be a non-believer. It is defined by the belief that Muslims are required to cleanse their faith to be once more worthy of the pure Islam, as prescribed and practiced during the first caliphate in the 7th century. It calls upon its adherents to settle together in isolated communities and fight against infidels.
The movement experienced a revival in 1967, when Cairo was suddenly confronted by the Israeli military’s might and superiority and the country’s Arabs and Muslims were forced to grapple with the possibility of their world falling to another religious denomination — Judaism. Thus, in reaction to an attack they perceived as spiritual, groups of Muslims began their journey toward Takfirism and radicalization. Today, radical groups like al-Qaida and ISIS count themselves as adherents to the ideology.
As far as radicalism goes, investigative journalist Max Blumenthal is among the many who have pointed to the striking similarities between ISIS and Zionists, not only in the formulation and expression of their radical views but also in the deep-seated belief that the assertion of their ideology entails the destruction and negation of all others. Moreover, both groups operate on the same political plane and both advocate territorial expansion and political absorption.
Speaking of the commonalities existing in between Takfirism and Zionism, Rabbi Hirsh emphasized that the two movements are even identical in their blood patterns.
“If ISIS has proven sickening in its killing of innocent civilians and its taste for gruesome public executions, the same can be said of Israel. Was it not Ariel Sharon, Israel’s then-Defense Minister, who ordered the massacres of Sabra and Shatila, where thousands of Palestinian civilians were slaughtered? Was it not again Israel who targeted unarmed children on a Gaza beach this summer? Or was it not Israel who rationalized the killing of women and children in the name of its survival?”
While many may find the parallels uncomfortable to confront, the notion that ISIS and Zionists share not only common values, but identical ideological claims has been a recurring theme of late. United in their religious intolerance and exclusionism, experts — including Israel Shahak and Michel Chossudovsky of the Center for Research on Globalization — have argued that the ideologies have more in common than the world might care to acknowledge.
Yet some have pushed the envelope even further, positing that ISIS is no more than a Zionist creation engineered to serve Zionists’ hegemonic agenda in the Levant to see manifest on the ground a new political and institutional reality in the form of Greater Israel.
ISIS is an “operation by the West to create the greater Israel,” American author James Henry Fetzer told Tehran-based PressTV in an interview in August.
Such views were echoed by international security scholar and investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed in a report republished by MintPress in September. In “How The West Created ISIS,” Ahmed wrote:
“Since 2003, Anglo-American power has secretly and openly coordinated direct and indirect support for Islamist terrorist groups linked to al-Qaeda across the Middle East and North Africa. This ill-conceived patchwork geostrategy is a legacy of the persistent influence of neoconservative ideology, motivated by longstanding but often contradictory ambitions to dominate regional oil resources, defend an expansionist Israel, and in pursuit of these, re-draw the map of the Middle East.”
In regards to Israel’s motives in the region, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, a sociologist who specializes in the Middle East and Central Asia and the author of “The Globalization of NATO,” told MintPress, “What Israel is seeking is Israeli dominance, and this is very different from seeking religious supremacy in the region of the Levant.”
“Aside from token lip-service, Israel is not seeking the supremacy of Judaism at all. In fact, Tel Aviv has undermined the Jewish faith. The roots of the mainstream Zionism that Theodor Herzl subscribed to are based on the separation of the Jewish people from the Jewish faith (in other words, turning Jews into an ethnic category outside of faith and believing in Elohim or God and the Torah),” he explained.

Greater Israel: A Zionist dream

According to Theodor Herzl, the founding father of Zionism as a politico-religious movement in the late 19th century, “The area of the Jewish State stretches: From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.”
Another fervent Zionist and leading official, Rabbi Fischmann, a member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, made a similar declaration in his testimony to the U.N. Special Committee of Enquiry on July 9, 1947: “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates; it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”
Ever since political Zionism emerged in Europe in the 19th century, supporters of the movement have lobbied for and strived to to re-create what they perceive as their political and religious heritage and their birth right: the re-establishment of a Jewish state, exclusive to the Jewish people, within the territory defined by the Jewish Scriptures as the Promised Land of Israel.
The appropriation — or, as some argue, the misappropriation — of Palestine by Israel was never the end game for Zionists, but the cornerstone of a Jewish empire.
In an introduction to “‘Greater Israel’: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East,” a report written by Israel Shahak for the Center for Research on Globalization, Global Research Editor Michel Chossudovsky emphasized, “The Zionist project supports the Jewish settlement movement. More broadly it involves a policy of excluding Palestinians from Palestine leading to the eventual annexation of both the West Bank and Gaza to the State of Israel.
“Greater Israel would create a number of proxy States. It would include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia,” Chossudovsky continued.
Looking at Zionism and how it has manifested through Israel’s policies, Shahak argues that Israel has actively worked toward the balkanization of the Middle East in view of asserting its own political supremacy.
The idea that “Greater Israel” can only be built atop the ruins of the Arab-Islamic world was documented in 1980 by Livia Rokach in her essay, “Israel’s Sacred Terrorism,” in which she details at length how Zionists in the mid-1950s planned to use Lebanon as ground zero for their divide-and-conquer modus operandi. Rather than the irrational work of a conspiracy theorist, Rokach based her argument on the memoirs of former Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Sharett, putting forward not her personal beliefs but rather the political manifesto of one of Israel’s founding fathers.
Within this narrative, Israel’s invasions of Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 can be understood as the implementation of Israel’s Yinon Plan — a strategy to fragment and weaken neighboring states to ensure Israel’s regional superiority.
Javad Arab Shirazi, an Iranian political analyst, believes that Israel’s attempt in 1982 to fragment not only Lebanon, but also Syria and Jordan, served as a springboard for Zionists’ divisionist policy in the Middle East. “Israel’s claims that it wants to see rise strong independent Arab states at its borders [Lebanon, Syria and Jordan] is laughable. What Israel wants are governments which will sanction its expansionist policy.”
“What Zionists want and what they are planning for is not an Arab world, but a world of Arab fragments that is ready to succumb to Israeli hegemony. Israel wants for the region to bow to its political will; its aims are certainly not democratic,” Shirazi continued, “Everything about Israel is actually the antonym of democracy.”
Likewise, Nazemroaya, the sociologist, noted:
“Zionism as an ideology is not intended on the institutionalization of sectarianism necessarily, but in practice it does do that, particularly in the case of Israel, too. The goals of Israeli officials are to entrench the sectarianism that already exists in their ethnocracy by supporting it in the neighboring states. This is why the Israelis want to see Lebanon, Syria and Iraq divided into political entities for Arabs and Kurds, at the ethnic level, and for Christians, Druze, Twelver Shia Muslims, Alawis, and Sunni Muslims, at the level of faiths.

Two faces of a single coin?

If one can reconcile with the idea that Israel intends to claim territorial legitimacy over more than just Palestine in order to recapture the glory of biblical times, where would Takfirism — the messianic ideology expressed by ISIS — ever fit?
Have ISIS militants not vowed that they will not rest until Israel is defeated and Palestine’s sovereign rights are restored, thus positioning themselves as Israel’s arch-enemies?
Franklin Lamb, a former assistant counsel of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee and professor of International Law at Northwestern College of Law in Oregon, wrote in a report for Media with Conscience that, as of the summer of 2013, ISIS had created a special unit dedicated to the annihilation of Israel and the re-conquest of Palestine.
“ISIS’ ‘Al Quds Unit’ (AQU) is currently working to broaden its influence in more than 60 Palestinian camps and gatherings from Gaza, across Occupied Palestine, to Jordan, and Lebanon up to the north of Syria seeking to enlist support as it prepares to liberate Palestine,” Lamb wrote.
Considering ISIS’ infamous leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi has made several grandiloquent anti-Semitic declarations stating his hatred and resentment of Israel, some may think any comparison between Zionism to Takfirism would be far-fetched — especially since the two movements appear to be inherently and fundamentally opposed. Further, as the media has drummed on, Islamic radicalism is best understood in its antipathy and opposition toward Israel.
Yet many experts, analysts and scholars have asserted that Takfirism remains but the expression of Zionist will — a tool in Israel’s hands to destroy the socio-religious fabric of the Middle East.
In October, Iran’s defense minister directly accused Israel of plotting against the Arab people by enabling terror. As the Jerusalem Post reported, “Brig.-Gen. Hossein Dehqan said ISIS and Israel are two sides of the same coin, seeking to weaken the anti-Zionism resistance movements in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.”
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, told MintPress that he has “no doubt Israel has plotted and conspired against Arab states in the region, playing sectarian and tribal tensions to generate instability” to better further its hegemonic agenda.
“The fact that ISIS has not moved against Israel and instead focused on killing Muslims actually says a lot about this organization’s real mission,” Barrett stressed.

The new Middle East

Yuram Abdullah Weiler, a political analyst and columnist for Tehran Times with a keen interest in radical movements, argues that the manner in which ISIS has expanded its territories is suspicious.
“Looking at a map of the Middle East, it is obvious that ISIS militants sit exactly where Zionists imagine Greater Israel should be. Are we to believe that ISIS’ campaigns in Iraq and Syria and its push toward Egypt and Jordan are but a coincidence?” he told MintPress.
In his report, “How The West Created ISIS,” Nafeez Ahmed argues that ISIS’ actions not only align with Israel’s interests but actually serve the Israeli agenda by balkanizing the greater Levant region. He wrote, “The Third Iraq War has begun. With it, longstanding neocon dreams to partition Iraq into three along ethnic and religious lines have been resurrected.”
He went on, referring to Brian Whitaker, the former Guardian Middle East editor, who noticed parallels between Washington’s Perle-RAND strategy and a 1996 paper published by the Israeli Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies — a paper co-authored by former Pentagon official Richard Perle and other neocons who held top positions in the post-9/11 Bush administration.
Ahmed noted:
“The policy paper advocated a strategy that bears startling resemblance to the chaos unfolding in the wake of the expansion of the ‘Islamic State’ – Israel would ‘shape its strategic environment’ by first securing the removal of Saddam Hussein. ‘Jordan and Turkey would form an axis along with Israel to weaken and “roll back” Syria.’ This axis would attempt to weaken the influence of Lebanon, Syria and Iran by ‘weaning’ off their Shi’ite populations.”
To succeed, Ahmed continued, Israel would need to gain U.S. support, “which would be obtained by Benjamin Netanyahu formulating the strategy ‘in language familiar to the Americans by tapping into themes of American administrations during the cold war.’”

Podesta: The Maple Ridge News Is a Joke! I Wonder Why I Can't Post Any Comments To The Maple Ridge News Facebook Wall?

Update: Facebook is now completely blocking my account! See here and here for more about this.
Update Part 2: I opened another Facebook account. (See here for the new account.) I have already been blocked numerous times. See here and here for two more updated posts about Lisa Podesta.
Update Part 3: My new Facebook was once again closed down. To see my Twitter account, go here:

See the screenshots below of the Facebook walls for the Maple Ridge News, the Tri-City News, the Vancouver Sun, the Province, and the Globe and Mail.

Could it be possible that it has something to do with the person who is running the paper? Someone who doesn't like what I am saying that knows some of the people that are following me in the United States, Vancouver, the Lower Mainland, and in Maple Ridge? As everyone can see in the screenshots below--- they allow me to comment on papers like the Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province, and the Globe & Mail. As far as local papers go... the Tri-City News which serves the areas of Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody allows my comments. All those towns are right beside Maple Ridge.

But no..... not the Maple Ridge News. THEY DO NOT ALLOW MY COMMENTS. The lady that is heading the newspaper is concerned that I might say something on their Facebook wall that will make others think or call her credibility into question.

She has an interesting last name too, though she doesn't advertise it herehere and here. See here and here for the Podesta surname used on other social media. A surname that is the same as those involved in this scandal. See here for more about the powerful Washington lobbyist and here for more about the Pizzagate scandal involving John Podesta. You might also want to do some searches on Google and YouTube for "Podesta Scandal" to learn more. I also know that some of the people watching me in New York with classified technology have business relationships with people that just so happen to have the same last name. It's not a very common last name either. No, I am not saying she is involved in this, but, some of these people in Maple Ridge are working with these people in the United States, and they are all intelligence. That's a 100% certainty.

Some of the Podesta Group and their "Think Tank's" clients include: British Petroleum, The Pacific Gas and Electric Company, General Electric, General Motors, Duke Energy, Sunoco, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, AMGEN, Genentech, Synthetic Genomics, Covidien, Merck, Novartis and Comcast, Golden West Financial, Citibank, Wells Fargo,

Now, notice how many of these clients are banks, financial institutions, military contractors, energy companies and companies working with synthetic biology. Let's start with Raytheon which I have talked about here, AMGEN, Genentech and Synthetic Genomics are dealing with synthetic biology, which is something I talk about here, here and here. Also, the energy companies who have access to technology like this. You can also see there is a whole host of military contractors that have access to technology like this, this and this

Makes you think. I have said absolutely nothing offensive on the Maple Ridge newspaper Facebook wall.

See herehere and here for previous posts on the topic of Maple Ridge. Incidentally, many of the people who are following me in Maple Ridge and the Lower Mainland also know the lady who runs the Maple Ridge News. I'm sure it's all just a coincidence... considering the insanely crazy situation I'm involved in that is literally like a 007 script for a Hollywood movie.  Spies, organized crime, classified technology, torture, human experimentation, drugs, human trafficking, child trafficking--- anything else?  Why are all these connected? Because this is what intelligence agencies are involved in and they are psychopaths who truly believe they are God.

Ya, Maple Ridge isn't quite what it used to be. Don't buy their image, they are working with evil lying psychopaths that are hell-bent on covering up how big their lies and deception really are. As I have said before, and as he mentions in this video --- these people are often in commanding positions of power. Positions in government, military, intelligence and key areas in corporations or businesses like Managers or CEO's.

See How I CANNOT Comment Below!
The Maple Ridge News- Click to Enlarge

See How I CAN Comment Below!
The Tri-City News- Click to Enlarge

See How I CAN Comment Below!
The Vancouver Sun- Click to Enlarge

See How I CAN Comment Below!
The Province - Click to Enlarge

See How I CAN Comment Below!
The Globe & Mail - Click to Enlarge

Pizzagate And Beyond - The Big Picture

For more on this topic, see here, herehere and underneath the NSA child porn & child trafficking category of my blog. There is one part of the video below that I disagree with.... when it gets to the 4 minute and 30 second mark, a guy who is a "CIA spymaster" named Steve Pieczenik. He is a Trump supporter --- but the reality is, the Republicans are just as corrupt. Trump was/is friends with the Clinton's and Jeffrey Epstein. Even more disturbing to me is Mr. Pieczenik's background --- he is an extremely connected person.

He will never tell you how bad it really is, nor will he say how much Jewish control and power is being exerted on the President. He, like many others on the right-wing --- is pushing the idea that this is only the left-wing and the Democrats, and that Trump and the Republicans are going to change things. This is complete and absolute garbage. The corruption is in the intelligence agencies and the banks. The intelligence agencies are full of complete psychopaths with classified technology and they are not going to change anything.

As I have said before, this is a problem that is large and goes way beyond the Democrats. It is a Jewish organized crime problem that stretches between the banks (finance) the intelligence agencies, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood. This is a problem that involves disturbing revelations that have happened before in history. This isn't anything new. Take heed of Solomon's words in Ecclesiastes: The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. 

People have to want to change their governments - they have to care about where their money is going and who is really running their governments. The people in power are extremely corrupt with little to no checks on their behavior.

Video: John Podesta Exposed

See here for a previous post about the Podesta's. With the Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta, very little is known in US society about Podesta himself. While he’s maintained a low profile, John Podesta is actually considered one of Washington’s biggest players, and one of the most powerful corporate lobbyists in the world. In this episode of The Empire Files, Abby Martin explores John Podesta’s political rise, his vast network of corporate connections and his think tank "Center for American Progress." Learn why the Podesta's and the Clinton's are a match made in ruling class heaven.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Look What Donald Trump Had To Say About Senator John Glenn And Yet They Won't Talk About Classified Technology

See here and here for previous posts about John Glenn and electromagnetic weapons. He acknowledged that some of the technology that I'm talking about existed. (See here and here for more about classified technology. See here for more about microwave weapons.) Maybe Donald Trump and the pathetic Zionist influenced media should be more truthful with people.

Click On Screenshot Above To Enlarge

Friday, April 7, 2017

Must See Video With George Soros About World War II

Below is an extremely interesting interview video with George Soros who runs the Quantum Fund. Every Jew and Gentile should watch this. This is one of the reasons that I have been putting up information about the Holocaust, the Transfer Agreement, (see here and here) and World War II.

The reality is, we need to know the truth about World War I and World War II. There is a lot of information that is being hidden from people and historians themselves cannot even pry into this too deeply without being labeled "Holocaust Deniers." It has nothing to do with doubting a Holocaust, it is about finding out the truth. Just like every historical event, it should be open to investigation so we get the facts straight. The reality is, some of the workers in Auschwitz were working for I.G.Farben, which was a massive chemical company and a fundamental force for the Nazi war effort. Why was this happening? Why didn't the United States government do something about this? Read below to learn more about the Warburg's who were instrumental in setting up the Federal Reserve in the United States and I.G. Farben. The Warburg family is not as well known as the Rothschilds, but, they are almost as powerful. There are many of these Jewish banking dynasties that few people know about.

Felix and Paul Warburg emigrated to the United States. Felix Warburg married Frieda Schiff, daughter of Jacob H. Schiff, a banker who grew up in Frankfurt. Jacob Schiff was also a major financier of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Schiff financed parts of the American rail system through his investment bank Kuhn Loeb. Schiff's great great grandson Drew married Al Gore's daughter Karenna. Felix Warburg's house in New York City is now the Jewish Museum, and Kfar Warburg in Israel is named for him. His brother Paul Warburg married Nina Loeb, daughter, of Solomon Loeb; they met at the wedding of Paul's brother Felix to Nina's niece Frieda. Paul Warburg was a planner for the U.S. Federal Reserve System which is a collection of private banks, and attended as the American representative, at the Treaty of Versailles conference, where his brother Max was on the German side of the bargaining table.

Beginning in 1933, Max Warburg served on the board of the Nazi Reichsbank, reporting directly to Hjalmar Schacht, before emigrating in 1938.

Before World War II, Max Warburg served on the board of directors of Interessen Gemeinschaft Farben or I.G. Farben, the giant German chemical firm that produced Zyklon B gas used in Nazi internment camps. His brother Paul Warburg served on the board of directors of I.G. Farben's wholly owned American subsidiary, which was also associated with Standard Oil (however, Paul Warburg died in January 1932, before Hitler was elected Chancellor). I.G. Auschwitz, founded in Katowice (33 km northwest of Auschwitz town) had its own corporate slave camp called Buna/Monowitz, where prisoners from Auschwitz were put to work. The Kilgore Committee Report of 1942 claimed that all I.G. Farben board members had precise and prior knowledge that Zyklon B (an insecticide) was being used to murder civilians in concentration camps, with no attempt made to halt production of the insecticide after such murders were understood. I.G. Farben, financed through Wall Street, was instrumental in channeling funds for the rise to power of the Nazi Party (as was Prescott Bush.)

(On a side note; isn't it interesting that Prescott Bush's son George H. W. Bush became the head of the CIA and the Vice President and the President of the United States, and his grandson George W. Bush followed by also becoming the President of the United States? These people are extremely connected individuals, as I said before, intelligence agencies are connected to Wall Street and banking. It always has been.)

I. G. Farben also built up the industrial and war-making capabilities of Germany once the Nazis were in power while simultaneously attempting to restrict industrial production materials to countries marked for invasion by Nazi Germany, all of this to such a degree that all German board members other than Max Warburg were charged after World War II as war criminals. The I.G. Farben factories were carefully avoided by Allied bombers indicating they were protected, as was Max Warburg.

Another interesting bank to look at is UBS, which is a bank that at one time was associated with the Warburgs. It probably still is --- you can look into who the major shareholders of this bank are. See here and here for the controversies with money regarding the Holocaust and World War II.

Nothing New: More Jewish Hypocrisy

Look at these children, see what Israel did to them. For some previous videos see here and here. See here for how Israel is the only country in the world to automatically prosecute children in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

More MUST SEE VIDEOS: Jewish Bullies In Israel Attacking Children, Women And Senior Citizens

For some previous videos see here. See here for how Israel is the only country in the World to automatically prosecute children in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a Fair Trial.

Bloodsucking Rabbi's Infect Babies At Circumcision

For more on the Talmud, see here. See here for a video from an honest Israeli who talks about the problems of Israel and Judaism.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Learn More About Jews & Slavery

Watch The Video Below!

See here and here for more about the Holocaust and Six Million.  Ask yourself why a liar like Elie Weisel was such a prominent figure with the Holocaust museum. See here for his importance in the establishment of the Holocaust museum. See here, here and here for more about the "most famous Holocaust survivor" named Elie Wiesel. Isn't that pathetic given his lack of credibility? 

But wait... is Hollywood any better? Is Marlon Brando right about what he says here? You can be the judge of that. But, one perfect example of this is Steven Spielberg. See here for more about Steven Spielberg trying to cover-up the Jewish role in slavery and here for more about his pathetic Holocaust documentary.

Do you know that Germany just finished paying off the reparations from World War 1 and the Treaty of Versaille? Do you know that Germany is still paying "Holocaust" reparations to the state of Israel? Can you believe this? 

Who do you think owns most of the companies that pull the resources out of the ground all over the world but especially in the African continent?   (Who do you really think is behind the mainstream and alternative media? The same people that are behind the banks, the intelligence agencies and the fraudulent human rights organizations. The financiers and the companies that sell the resources that are being pulled out of the ground.) This is why Africa is being held down. This is what AFRICOM is truly about. These people have access to technology that can find oil and mineral deposits underground with up to 99% accuracy. (See this ad from Shell as an example. Also, see here for an example of synthetic aperture radar satellites.) That includes diamonds! They can rape the planet and hoard all its resources. 

Look under the Jewish slavery category of this blog to learn more about the Jewish slave trade in blacks and whites. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all the articles there.) The video below is interesting and must be watched. See here for the little-known connections between the Talmud, Judaism, and racism against Blacks. Also, be sure to watch this short excellent video from an honest Israeli talking about Judaism and Israel.  

See here for Jews selling Blacks. The historical fact is less than 4% of non-Jewish whites in the South of the United States owned slaves. Less than 2% of the whites in all of pre-civil war America, while 40% of Jewish households owned slaves.  Notice how guilt is only ascribed to "white people" - while Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than Gentile whites. Why are black and white Americans not allowed to know who the primary slave traders were? 

It is also worth noting that Judaism has a history of slavery but also, usury--- which is essentially another way of enslaving people. Besides this, Transhumanism (see here and here,) which is arguably a covert form of slavery and certainly has connections with eugenics, is also heavily oriented with Jews, for more about the connections to Judaism, see here and here. See here also for the connections between Judaism and eugenics. (Make sure you click on all the links there.) 

See here for many more informative videos and articles. 

Four New Human Rights When Our Brains Are Hooked Up To Computers

See here for classified technology and here for more about Elon Musk. The reality is, this has been happening for years, see here for more MKULTRA articles, be sure to scroll down and go through them all. Also, see here for an old New York Times article referring to this topic.  In all actuality, we don't really need any new human rights. They only need to enforce the Bill of Rights in the United States and the Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada. What we need is for the public to be made aware of this technology and that is should be treated with the equivalence of a biowarfare outbreak or a pandemic. 
By Edd Gent
The human-machine mind meld is just around the corner if you believe the buzz coming out of Silicon Valley these days. But neuroethicists worry the technology poses a threat to the last bastion of privacy, our innermost thoughts, and have suggested tweaks to our fundamental human rights to protect that privacy.
Elon Musk made waves last month when it was revealed that he had launched a new company called Neuralink, aimed at building brain-computer interfaces (BCI) that would allow us to “telepathically” communicate with machines.
The tech billionaire has been talking about the need to avert the existential threat of artificial intelligence by merging with machines for some time, but he’s now put his money where his mouth is and set an ambitious target of having healthy people installing these devices as a consumer product within the decade.
Earlier this month, the head of Facebook’s Building 8 research group, Regina Dugan, said they are also working on this kind of neural technology, though they want to create a non-invasive headset rather than an implant. They envisage people being able to use their thoughts to control a cursor in augmented reality or type 100 words per minute.

“The technology is coming and is likely to have dramatic implications for privacy, consent and individual agency.”

The technology is coming and is likely to have dramatic implications for privacy, consent and individual agency. That’s why Marcello Ienca, a neuroethicist at the University of Basel, and Roberto Andorno, a human rights lawyer at the University of Zurich, have outlined four new human rights in the journal Life Sciences, Society and Policy designed to protect us from the potential pitfalls.
“While the body can easily be subject to domination and control by others, our mind, along with our thoughts, beliefs, and convictions, are to a large extent beyond external constraint,” they write. “Yet, with advances in neural engineering, brain imaging and pervasive neurotechnology, the mind might no longer be such an unassailable fortress.”

1. The Right to Cognitive Liberty

The first proposed new right is the right to “Cognitive Liberty,” which states that people have the right to use emerging neurotechnology to modify their mental activity. But it also protects the right to refuse to use it in situations such as an employer requiring workers to take advantage of devices that would improve their performance.

2. The Right to Mental Privacy

Second on the list is the right to “Mental Privacy,” which would protect people from third parties accessing data about their mental activity collected by a neurotechnology device without their consent.
The impulse for this protection is obvious; tech giants are already hoovering up huge amounts of our behavioral data in their efforts to divine our innermost desires and sell us stuff. Brain data could let them bypass this guesswork and precisely tailor our online experiences in pursuit of their goals.
The authors debate whether this right should be absolute or relative, though. In certain situations, allowing the state to access the thoughts of criminals and terrorists could have obvious benefits for society. But the researchers suggest this could erode the already well-established right not to incriminate oneself, which is widely recognized across the democratic world and enshrined in the Fifth Amendment.

3. The Right to Mental Integrity

The last two rights are intertwined and deal with the emerging ability to not just record mental activity, but directly influence it. The right to “Mental Integrity” effectively protects against people hacking brain implants to hijack or interfere with their mental processes or erase memories.

4. The Right to Psychological Continuity

The right to “Psychological Continuity” deals with the vaguer notion of attempts to alter someone’s personality or identity, either through similar brain hacking approaches or more subtle ones like neuromarketing, which can involve companies using insights from neuroscience to try and alter unconscious behavior and attitudes in consumers.
These proposals raise some important issues that will have to be tackled as neurotechnology becomes increasingly common. However, it remains debatable whether the invention of new human rights is the best way to tackle them.
The researchers themselves raise the problem of so-called “rights inflation,” where the push to label anything that is morally desirable as a fundamental right waters down the meaning of those already in place.
While they offer a defense, it is not entirely clear why existing rights to privacy and accompanying data protection laws would not be equally applicable to the personal and medical data collected by neurotechnology devices. Similarly, it could be argued that the final two rights overlap to the point where it may make more sense to combine them.
Either way, though, the paper cuts through the utopian futurism that has surrounded emerging neurotechnology in recent months by highlighting the potential dangers and opening up discussion on how best to tackle them.