Sunday, October 23, 2016

Brain Has Alternative Visual Pathways And Seeing With The Tongue

If you think the last post about seeing out a cats eyes was crazy, wait until you see this. In this link it shows how a device allows the blind to see out of their tongue. You can also watch the videos below where they talk about the same idea. What this shows is the brain has alternative visual pathways. Here is another article about blindness and remapping the brain and the restoration of vision.

Old Video Clip Shows Brain Researcher Seeing Out Cat's Eyes

Here is an old clip of what I have been talking about with this classified technology, the ability to see out a target individuals eyes and hear out their ears. Remember, this is an old clip, you don't think it's more accurate now? This is connected to the technology I am referring to here and here.

Control of the United States By Zionists

For more about the strength of the Israel lobby, please see here, here, here and here.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Operation Flicker – Child Pornography Found At High Levels of Government

See past posts that cover topics of pedophilia, child trafficking and mind control herehere and here.

The following is a write-up by Voice of America on the government investigation known as “Operation Flicker.”

Federal investigators have identified members of the U.S. military and defense contractors who allegedly bought and downloaded child pornography, at times on government computers.  Some of the individuals have high-level security clearances.

The Pentagon released 94 pages of documents related to investigations that date back to 2002. Many names and details are blacked out, but the facts that remain are disturbing.

A contractor with top secret clearance, tasked with providing support to the National Security Agency, was charged with possessing child pornography.  Investigators say he tampered with his work computer after agents searched his home.  He fled the country and is believed to be in Libya.  The case is closed until he is arrested and extradited.

A National Reconnaissance Office contract employee acknowledged he regularly viewed sexually explicit images of children.

One sailor admitted to accessing child pornography while stationed on the Naval destroyer U.S.S. Mason.  He was sentenced to nearly four years in prison.

The findings come from a wider investigation conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That probe, dubbed Operation Flicker, identified more than 5,000 individuals who subscribed to child pornography websites.   An assistant U.S. attorney general requested that the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, under the auspices of the Pentagon’s Inspector General, assist in identifying Pentagon-affiliated individuals.

The above article was written when only the DCIS investigation was released, which is found below. Since then, I have managed to get quite a few more pages declassified, which can also be downloaded here:

Declassified Documents

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Documents, Released July 15, 2016 [932 Pages, 182.5MB]

Department of Defense / Office of Inspector General [2 Pages, 0.2MB] – As of July of 2015, the DOD/IG is denying all records associated with this request, and will not release them.

Weaponizing Nanotechnology- Creating Viruses and Bacteria With RNA

The videos below provides a description of what I was talking about here, herehere and here.  This is how they can use nanotechnology in extremely interesting and dangerous ways that sound like science fiction.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One Brain To Another

Scientists working at the University of Southern California, home of the Department of Homeland Security’s National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events, have created an artificial memory system that allows thoughts, memories and learned behavior to be transferred from one brain to another.

In a scene right out of a George Orwell novel, a team of scientists working in the fields of “neural engineering” and “Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems” have successfully created a chip that controls the brain and can be used as a storage device for long-term memories. In studies the scientists have been able to record, download and transfer memories into other hosts with the same chip implanted. The advancement in technology brings the world one step closer to a global police state and the reality of absolute mind control.
More terrifying is the potential for implementation of what was only a science fiction fantasy – the “Thought Police” – where the government reads people’s memories and thoughts and then rehabilitate them through torture before they ever even commit a crime based on a statistical computer analysis showing people with certain types of thoughts are likely to commit a certain type of crime in the future.
We already pre-emptively invade nations and torture alleged terrorist suspects with absolutely no due process of law, so the idea of pre-emptively torturing a terrorist suspect before hand to prevent them from committing an act of terrorism in the future really isn’t that far fetched of an idea.
Perhaps a less sensational example, than those I just depicted out of own of Orwell’s famous dystopian novels would be using the technology as it is depicted the modern day Matrix movies, in which computer programs are uploaded into people’s brains allowing them to instantly learn how to perform a wide variety of tasks.
That is exactly the example that Smart Planet uses in their write-up on the USC press release.

Ray Kurzweil Admits Nanobots in the Brain and About Connecting the Brain Wirelessly

See here for more about who Ray Kurzweil is and his connections to Transhumanism and Google. See here for more about DARPA guinea pigs, here for more about nano-wires in the brain and here for RFID chips fuse with human brain cells that can be controlled.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Mind Control With Electric Signals: Advanced DARPA Study Has Perfected Mind Control In Squids

See here for more about mind control and classified technology. See here and here for more about synthetic biology.

Squids are masters of camouflage, and can manipulate the colors emitted by their skin with a distributed central nervous system in order to blend in. 
Now DARPA can manipulate the color changes too, by hacking into the squid's central nervous system functions. 
A study funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has perfected the art of using electrical signals to manipulate the color of a squid's iridescent skin over the entire color spectrum.
The Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts carried out the research. The nerve network in squid skin is immensely complex, and now the ability to manipulate that system offers new opportunities for active camouflage. 
DARPA has a number of programs that set out to hack biology. This is one of them, seeking to exploit the squid's advanced camouflage for military use. 
The colors come from "iridophores" on the squid's skin. Now that the scientists know which nerves stimulate which iridophores — not to mention how to electrically shock the nerve to project the right color — they'll be able to advance the research on iridophore manipulation. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

HSS HyperSonic Sound TEDTalks (Focused Ultrasound) How This Technology Can Be Used to Mimic Mental Illness and Influence Human Behavior

See my last posts here and here for more about using directional sound to create the hearing of an inner voice. Also see here and here for more about the microwave hearing effect. 

More Examples of Using Directional Sound and Hearing

See my last post here for more about using directional sound to create the hearing of an inner voice. Also see here and here for more about the microwave hearing effect. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

An Example of Directional Sound and Hearing as an Inner Voice: From Heineken Beer and Crossworks

Below is an example of technology being used to put an inner voice into people similar to the microwave hearing effect. See here and here for more about this.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Five Authors That You Must Read - Learn More About Israel and the Problems of Militant Judaism and Zionism

I was wondering if the "chair" of the Junto or the "POWERFUL podcast host could do little old me a favor.

I'm saying to both of you ... it's okay. Take a break. You guys deserve it. I know how hard your jobs are. But, you can stop following me around for a day or two. Here's a tip. You have to get rid of that scared little voice in the back of your heads that says, "But what if he's a terrorist like that Osama Bin Laden guy?" 

You know, that guy Robert Fisk, among others... found and interviewed? The same guy the whole US military and intelligence apparatus supposedly couldn't find? Wow, what is this? Why couldn't they seem to find him with all of the advanced surveillance technology that is on my blog, (and yet, some lowly Jewish journalist can!) Isn't there something wrong here? 

Oh, sorry ... I'm wrong. Years later, they did find him. And when they did ---- they killed him. (Though he would have been much more valuable to the American people ALIVE.) And of course, what did they do once they killed him? What most sensible people would do to the mastermind of this tragic and unforgettable day ... they dumped him in the sea.

There I go rambling. If only someone would put me in a triangle choke and shut me up. Anyways, back to my favor. Here's what I would like one of you to do....

Host one of the following authors at your Junta gathering or on your podcast show.

Shlomo Sand 
Ilan Pappe
Max Blumenthal
Gilad Atzmon
Miko Peled

Now you might be asking yourself... "Why would he ask us to do such a thing?"

Listen. I know how much you guys hate censorship of the free exchange of ideas. I also know how much you guys despise anything that resembles "anti-Semitism."

This is why I have to ask you guys for this. But why should I just single out you two?
Why oh why.... when so many are doing the same. 

remember a financial scumbag fool saying the reason that he is doing this to me is simply because HE CAN.

Organized Stalking Paper Written By a Private Detective

A silent war is taking place in cities all over North America and many of the NATO countries. It is covered-up by the media, mental health system, NGOs, and our elected officials.

Now that the financial elite are finished using the US military and allied forces to conquer nations in their quest for global domination, they're neutralizing individuals and groups of resisters who live among the people.

To do this, they have recruited a major portion of the civilian population, which is used as a surrogate force to persecute those who have been identified as enemies.

As part of the same agenda, the security forces are conducting psychological operations on civilians and torturing them with directed-energy weapons. See here for the Stasi techniques they are using and here for the classified technology.

The entire operation is in service to some very wealthy psychopaths who rule our society, as part of a global revolution that will result in a dictatorship.

Now, here is a paper written by a private detective, you might also want to check out this free downloadable Stasi book

Microwave Warfare & Directed Energy Weapons - A List Of Must See Links And A Video

Below are two videos featuring microwave expert Barrie Trower. There have been a couple websites putting up articles trying to discredit him, one being the pathetic Canadian magazine Macleans. See here and here for the astronomical level of control that exists in the Canadian media. See here for more about Barrie Trower and how he spoke to the police in England.

See here and here for more about the symptoms of radiation exposure. See here for a TedTalk about microwave weapons. See here for two introductory videos and a report to read about this technology. See here for more about documented evidence of radio frequency testing, torture, and experimentation. See here for more about satellite and electromagnetic terrorism, see here for an interview with Dr. John Hall on his experiences with this technology and for a video where the local news covers it. See here for a news clip from CNN in the 80's talking about this technology.

See here for more about a Canadian psychiatrist who is concerned about remote influencing weaponry affecting mental and physical health. See here for more about electromagnetic and informational weapons and the remote manipulation of the human brain. See here for more about Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System. See here for more about Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons. See here for more about Electronic Weapons, Radio Frequency Radiation, Remote Manipulation of the Human Nervous System. See here for Microwave Weaponry Explained. See here for a Letter To Senate Committee About Psychotronic Weapons. See here for Psychotronic Weapons- They Exist and Your Governments Know About Them. See here for Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation. See here for NASA talking about using nanotechnology and microwaves as weapons.

See here for more about full-spectrum dominance and no-touch reality TV torture, see here for more about directed energy weapons and electronic warfare patents, see here for the write-up on Wikipedia that talks about Electronic Warfare. See here for former U.S. Representative from Ohio Dennis Kucinich's attempted ban of space-based weapons, see here for more about domestic terrorism, silent rape and murder, brain chips, nanotechnology, resonance based weaponry, direct energy weapons and electronic warfare.

Also, last but not least... see here for a documentary called Resonance Beings of Frequency, and here for another one called Frequency: the Secrets & Science of Sound.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Israel’s Nazi Nuremberg Law-based Citizenship Definition not Strict Enough, says its Chief Rabbi

DECEMBER 6, 2014
Israel’s Nazi Nuremberg Laws-based citizenship rules are not strict enough to preserve Jewish racial purity and more needs to be done to prevent non-Jews from marrying Jews, that country’s chief rabbi has declared.
Interviewed by the Israeli newspaper Ynetnews, Israel’s Chief Rabbi David Lau—the single most powerful and influential Jewish religious leader in the world—said that his nation’s “Law of Return” was letting too many non-Jews into the country.
The “Law of Return”—which allows persons with Jewish heritage three generations back to immigrate to Israel—is, according to the Ynetnews, specifically based on the Nazi Nuremberg Laws which defined who was a Jew—and which are, ironically, paraded by the Jewish Supremacist-dominated media as the ‘apex of evil.’
The article, titled “Chief rabbi: Stop allowing non-Jews to make Aliyah” (Aliyah is the Hebrew word for Jewish immigration to Israel), quoted Chief Rabbi Lau in connection with a discussion of a recent study in Israel which revealed that people who are not defined as Jews in terms of Halacha (Jewish religious law) were getting in to Israel by exploiting the weak definitions of who is a Jew as contained in the Law of Return.
According to the article, some “nine million people from around the world are eligible for Israeli citizenship despite the fact they are not Jewish according to religious law.”
Someone who is Jewish by Halacha is defined as a child born to a Jewish mother. According to Reform Judaism, a person is a Jew if they were born to either a Jewish mother or a Jewish father, while according to Orthodox Judaism, the father’s religion is irrelevant as long as the mother was Jewish. Both strands therefore demand racial-genetic-descent in order to qualify as Jews.
The debate currently underway in Israel is therefore how far back this racial descent must stretch.
This situation—where Jews who are not Jews “according to religious law” has prompted Israel’s chief rabbi to demand that the Law of Return be tightened to exclude these “non-Jews.”
Chief Rabbi Lau told Ynetnews that “we must change the Law of Return immediately so it will include only those who are Jewish according to the halacha.
“Israel can decide to be the third world’s welfare state, but as long as that decision has not been taken—it needs to stop allowing non-Jews to make Aliyah,” Rabbi Lau said.
Lau went on to give what he called a practical example of how whet he views as “non-Jews” are immigrating to Israel under the current Law of Return definition:
Rabbi Lau gives as an example which he says he is personally acquainted with: “Because of one Jewish grandfather who is buried in Moscow, over 73 people (his children and grandchildren) moved to Israel through the Law of Return.”
The Chief Rabbi then went on to say that the “the biggest threat this poses [the weak Law of Return definitions] is inter-faith marriages”—in other words, letting non-Jews into Israel is creating the situation where they can marry with Jews, and dilute the pure Jewish blood in that country.
The article then goes on to explain exactly how the Israeli citizenship laws are based on the Nazi Nuremberg Laws:
There are roughly 14 million Jews around the world, but over 23 million people eligible for citizenship, a new study claimed as the government authorized a massive overhaul for the conversion process.
According to the study by Prof. Sergio DellaPergola from the Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University, as of the beginning of 2014, the number of Jews (people born to Jewish mothers) stands at 14,212,800 (a 0.66 percent increase in comparison to 2013).
If you take into account those born to Jewish fathers, but non-Jewish mothers, the number rises to 17,236,850. 
The number jumps to 22,921,500 when you take into account people who can trace Jewish ancestry three generations back—the maximum allowed by the Law of Return.
The definition is similar to the one laid out by the Nazi’s Nuremberg Laws, and is thus understood to be Israel’s response to the threat posed to Jews by anti-Semitism based on racial—as opposed to religious—criteria.

In other words, according to Israel’s Chief Rabbi, the Nazi definition of who is a Jew—as spelled out in the Nuremberg laws—is not strict enough, and more needs to be done to stop non-Jews coming to the Zionist state.
There has, of course, been no coverage of this in any of the Jewish Supremacist-controlled media in America or Europe, as it would expose the Jewish Supremacists for the undoubted hypocrites that they are.
In America and Europe, Jewish organizations work full-time to accuse any individual, organization, political figure or party that seeks to preserve European racial identity as “Nazi”—while the truth is that the only Nazi-like racial state on earth is the Jews-only country of Israel, as the Ynetnews article has now finally admitted.
In America, for example, the single most powerful Jewish lobby, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, supports Israel without question—while its component members include organizations such as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and the Anti-Defamation League, the latter of which poses as the official anti-racist” front of organized American Jewry.
At the same time as it claims to “oppose racism,” the ADL runs “support Israel programs and offers advice to its supporters on how to defend Israel.
The hypocrisy is staggering: on the one hand, all the official Jewish organizations in Israel accuse any Europeans attempting to preserve themselves as “Nazis”, while on the other hand these same Jewish organizations support Israel which literally does use Nazi laws to preserve its identity.
Furthermore, any religious leader in the West who called for a ban on Jews marrying non-Jews would also be subjected to the “Nazi” smear by the Jewish attack dog organizations such as the ADL—but the chief rabbi of Israel can make this exact same demand without a word being said by anyone.
Furthermore, Israel has recently started using DNA tests to check if potential immigrants are really Jewish…
Ynetnews is the online English language Israeli news website of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s most-read newspaper, and the Hebrew Israel news portal, Ynet. It is part of the Yedioth Media Group which also owns stock in the Israeli TV Channel Channel 2; HOT, the Cable TV company, weekly local newspapers, magazines, and other non-media companies.