Monday, May 9, 2016

DARPA Smart Dust, Mind Reading and Synthetic Telepathy

See here for more about Smart Dust on Wikipedia. Before you watch the videos below, see this complete post about full-spectrum dominance and no-touch torture reality TV. See here for more about nanotechnology and the brain.

It is important to realize that smart dust technology is used along with big data and artificial intelligence to data-mine the whole planet for predictive purposes.

See here for more about DARPA brain implants and human guinea pigs. See here for more about nanowires in the brain and nanobots in the brain. See here for how someone can influence your behavior with this technology. See here for more about connecting brains: merging two brains to become one --- or the ethical implications of when "I" becomes "We." 

See here for clips from the movie Gamer that shows you the truth of sending synthetic telepathy messages from one person to another. See this Cisco ad referring to synthetic telepathy, see here and here for Mark Zuckerberg talking about it. All of this manipulation to humans can be done by computers, (computer to human,) or human beings, (from one human to another human when they are connected to a computer.)

See here for an interview with Ray Kurzweil where he admits about nanobots in the brain and connecting the brain wirelessly. See here for DARPA Control Grid from official documents.

What is Smart Dust?

Smart Dust - D.A.R.P.A. Military Technology

Smart Dust ((M-E-M-S))

Future World - Smart Dust Micro Computers

Smart Dust & Genetic Engineering

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Herzl and Zionism - the Hidden "Anti-Semitism" of the Founder of the Zionist Movement

Watch the documentary below about Herzl and Zionism. The one element they don't mention in the documentary is the Halakhah law from the Talmud. See here and here for more about the Talmud. This is what makes a Jew a Jew today.  It doesn't matter if they are an Orthodox Jew or an Atheist Zionist Jew. Essentially it doesn't matter what one believes or does. The only thing that matters and that makes someone a Jew is their mother unless they are converted. See here and here for more about this That is Jewish identity. But it is important to note, some Jews do not consider converts to Judaism to be true Jews until Judaism has run through a few generations of the family lineage. This is one of the laws that some people are fighting in Israel because you cannot marry a Gentile, (non-Jew), see here for more.

The quote below is from the supposed founder of the Zionist movement. (I say supposed because it is debatable if he was the founder. Another important figure was Moses Hess who a friend and collaborator of Karl Marx.) 

Here is a quote from Theodor Herzl:

"The wealthy Jews control the world. In their hands lies the fate of governments and nations.  They set governments, one against the other, and by their decree, governments make peace (or war).  When the wealthy Jews play, the nations and the rulers dance.  One way or the other, they (the Jews) get rich. " - Theodore Herzl - Founder of Zionism, in 'Deutsche Zeitung'

If North Korea Had Attacked on 9/11 Would You Do Anything? Or Would You Act Like a Bunch of Sheep?

To understand the video below, read thisthisthisthis and this.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Israel’s “Jews-Only” Marriage Laws Explained

In addition to the article below, please watch this video

It is one of the most commonly-used tricks of Jewish Supremacists to deny that Israel has racially-based marriage laws—but the full and final truth has finally emerged from an organization within Israel itself.

The “Freedom of Marriage World Map” is an annual report produced by the Hiddush-Freedom of Religion for Israel organization that examines and compares the status of freedom of marriage around the world.

According to that organization, the “main and original purpose of the map was to investigate Israel’s standing on freedom of marriage in comparison to world standards.”

The conclusion of that organization is that Israel “ranks among some of the most fundamentalist countries in the Islamic world on this issue.”

Hiddush has the following to say about Israel’s marriage laws:
  • Only recognized religious marriage ceremonies are allowed.
  • For Jews, only weddings that are held according to strict Orthodox standards are accepted.
  • There is no option for civil marriage or interfaith marriage.
  • 300,000 citizens are defined as ‘without religion’ and they are unable to get married in the country.
  • Israeli law permits only religious marriages held by religious testimony, and does not allow civil marriages.
  • Among the Jewish population, the Chief Rabbinate, which operates according to Orthodox Jewish standards, has a monopoly over marriage.
  • Only those who are recognized as Jews according to Orthodox Jewish law can get married in Israel.
  • Members of other religions can only marry spouses of the same religion and only by their own recognized religious authority.
  • The result is that no interfaith or non-religious marriages are allowed.
  • The Law of Return which allows up to second generation descendants of Jews and their spouses to immigrate to Israel and receive citizenship, but prevents them from getting married.
  • This also applies to individuals whose fathers or grandfathers are Jewish but their mother or grandmother is not. They are excluded due to Orthodox Jewish law which stipulates that Judaism is determined by the mother.
  • There are also individuals who are Jewish according to Orthodox law, but who lose their marriage rights in certain circumstances.
  • Those defined by the rabbinical authorities as illegitimate (born to a women who conceived a child with a man who is not her husband) are considered ineligible for marriage.
  • Divorced women are not allowed to marry men who carry any of the traditional “Cohen” family names (denoting families who are considered to be the direct descendants of the ancient Israelite priests and who, by law, are forbidden from marrying divorcees and converts).
  • The State of Israel only recognizes Jewish marriages that are officiated by recognized Orthodox rabbis.
  • Marriages conducted by rabbis of any other Jewish affiliation (Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Renewal) are not recognized.
  • The Law of Return recognizes converts who converted in a non-Orthodox ceremony. They are allowed to receive Israeli citizenship, but the Chief Rabbinate does not recognize them as Jews and does not consider them eligible for Jewish marriage.
  • This creates a situation in which converts who joined Judaism through progressive movements and in some cases, Orthodox converts who converted by moderate Orthodox rabbis, cannot get married in Israel.
  • Due to Israeli Supreme Court rulings from the 1960s, the Ministry of Interior registers and accepts civil marriages held abroad.
  • The question of the validity of civil marriages that were held abroad has yet to be decided in Israel, and there are many contradicting opinions and rulings on this matter.
  • Israel was the only Western country that received a grade of “0” by the Hiddush ranking, putting it in the company of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan with regard to marriage laws.

Excellent Books to Read Regarding Jewish Identity and Jewish Evolutionary Group Strategy

Before reading the books below, it might be helpful to see this, thisthis, this, this and this. Also, read this and this about Zionism's rewriting of the history of the UN resolution that declared Zionism as racism.

1. The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements - by Kevin MacDonald

2. Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism - by Kevin MacDonald

3. Understanding Jewish Influence: Background Traits for Jewish Activism - by Kevin MacDonald

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Phony Cointelpro Front Websites and the Liars That are Behind Them

Before you look through any of the sites below, it is important to learn more about what COINTELPRO and the Phoenix Program are. Please see this post here about the alternative media and its role in looking for political dissidents. Here is a video for more information on the Phoenix Program. It is all connected to Zionism and Homeland Security and the intelligence agencies

Now, I am not saying that you will not find decent information on some of the websites that I have listed below, you will. But, they will frequently lie by omission. They will not tell you how bad it really is. 
The time has come when everyone should start looking at the vast proportion of Zionist individuals that are in the mainstream and alternative media. Don't you think they have an agenda? 

By Zionist, I don't just mean Jews. I mean anyone who believes that the so-called Jews should have a Homeland or anyone that supports or works towards sustaining the apartheid state of Israel and potentially enlarging it. Even if they are critics of the state of Israel, that doesn't make them against Zionism. Noam ChomskyNorman Finkelstein, and Max Blumenthal are all Zionist Jews ---- and all of them are strong critics of Israel. It is crucial to see the new Phoenix Program and the Homeland Security laws in the context of the state of Israel. Please see here for more information, this is very important. 

The intelligence industry has incredibly advanced technology. There is a concerted agenda that runs across all mainstream and alternative media to hide this from you.THEY ARE WATCHING YOU!  If you become politically aware, they will know who you are and you will become a target. Once this happens, they will use these techniques on you, with this technology
Generally speaking, if the media source is semi-popular, it is controlled. Be suspicious of anyone or any website or news source that talks about Israel or foreign policy issues and does not talk about high-technology, remote neural monitoring, electronic weaponry, nanotechnology, Echelon, and Stasi slander and stalking techniques.

Ask Yourself Who is Capable of Doing This and Who Has a
 Vested Interest in Keeping Everyone in a Constant State
 of Confusion and at War with Each Other!

This concerted agenda even crosses borders and countries. It doesn't matter if they are allies or our supposed enemies. 
For instance, some countries might have more accurate news than the United States and Canada, but, they are silent about how bad the world really is from a technological standpoint and spying perspective. 

Most of them know the United States intelligence community has the technology to look into anyone's house in Iran, or to look into Putin's bedroom (or yours,) and watch him have sex, to find and identify objects in buildings and "underground bunkers", that provide real-time video at much higher resolutions than the still images produced by programs such as Google Earth, to find and rape the earth of oil and mineral deposits underground with up to 99% accuracy. 

They know who the largest group of human traffickers are, who the largest weapons traffickers are, and who the largest drug traffickers are. They know who the largest child pornographers are and the largest child traffickers are. They know who starts most of the wars in the world that ruin and destroy countless innocent lives every year.

They know the truth about most assassinations, especially the popular ones that get coverage, they know the truth about downed "mysterious" planes that suddenly go missing, or most importantly, horrible TERRORIST ATTACKS LIKE like the unforgettable one that took place on September 11, 2001, or the recent ones that have happened in France and Belgium. 

They know almost everything! There is a concerted agenda across borders and countries to keep you ignorant. Most of the websites listed below are coming from the Five Eyes Countries.
 This is related to Echelon and Signals Intelligence.  

7. and other mainstream media sources. 

History They Don't Teach - Zionist Terrorism

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

FBI and Child Sex Trafficking

In addition to reading the article below, please see here for more about the Franklin Cover-up: Intelligence Agencies, drugs, child prostitution and mind control. 

It is interesting to contemplate the article below in the context of what has been told about Jimmy Savile and Marc Dutroux.  As anyone knows that has done any research on Jimmy Savile, his connections went all the way up to the royal family and the highest level of british society, entertainment and government.  As I have pointed out here, these connections run through the British royal family, the Anglo-American empire, the Jewish elite, the state of Israel and Zionism.  But, it is also happening in the United States too. Just look at this interview with Corey Feldman about the Hollywood elite and Pedophilia and this video with Elijah Wood about the child sex abuse problem in Hollywood. You can also watch this documentary called Hollywood Paedophiles Exposed.

It is also thought provoking to contemplate the case of Jimmy Savile and Marc Dutroux in the context of the classified technology I am talking about. Another case to consider is Russell Williams in Canada. Russell Williams was the roommate of Paul Bernardo. Williams was flying around Stephen Harper and the Royal family! These are not coincidences. Just like the connections between drugs, organized crime, law enforcement and the intelligence industry.

The intelligence industry and elite politically connected families are hording classified technology and some of us are under a perverted level of surveillance. (They can do it to anyone.) These people have access to technology that allows them to turn someones life into a reality TV show. They can look out any child, woman or man's eyes. This is the never talked about link between the intelligence agencies and pedophilia. They are, by default, all voyeurs and pedophiles.  


From August 1, 2013

The FBI announced Monday that it has arrested 150 people suspected of child sex trafficking.

Unfortunately, those arrested appear to be low-level operators - not the well-connected kingpins who pander children to the wealthiest and most powerful Americans. Elite pedophile networks connected to elements of the CIA, including the “Finders of Lost Children” and the Franklin Scandal group, have operated shamelessly and without fear of prosecution for decades. They have even peddled young prostitutes during midnight tours of the White House.

On June 29th, 1989, the Washington Times published a breakthrough story headlined: “Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush: ‘Call boys’ took midnight tour of White House.’”

The story began: “A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington’s political elite, documents obtained by The Washington Times reveal. One of the ring’s high-profile clients was so well-connected, in fact, that he could arrange a middle-of-the-night tour of the White House for his friends on Sunday, July 3, of last year. Among the six persons on the extraordinary 1 a.m. tour were two male prostitutes.”

None of the guilty parties was ever prosecuted.

In 2005, male prostitute Jeff Gannon repeatedly took midnight tours of George W. Bush’s White House. Though Gannon was using bogus press credentials, and though the Secret Service broke its own rules by failing to log Gannon in and out properly, no investigation was launched - and, of course, nobody was ever prosecuted.

Apparently, offering midnight tours of the White House for young male prostitutes is standard operating procedure in today’s USA.

Why do these criminals enjoy immunity from prosecution?

Two interrelated factors are at work.

First, America’s wealthiest families share a tradition of what sociologists and criminologists call “elite deviance”: They consider themselves above the law. Groups like Skull and Bones, whose initiates masturbate naked in a coffin in front of the older members, help intensify this culture of deviance by inculcating an ethic of superiority and impunity, and operating as a “feeder” for US intelligence services. Professor Peter Dale Scott explains that these elite organized criminals form an “overworld” which is as far above the law as the “underworld” is beneath it.

Secondly, rogue elements of various police and intelligence services, as well as top-tier organized crime outfits, use blackmail as a means of control. They employ child prostitution rings to obtain blackmail material on politicians, judges, military and intelligence officers, and other key power-brokers.

One of the most notorious CIA-linked child-pimping outfits is the Finders of Lost Children. In 1979, police in Tallahassee, Florida arrested two men who were brutally abusing six children between the ages of three and six. A police investigation revealed that large numbers of captive children were being held in two warehouses in Washington, DC and being treated worse than animals in a zoo. The children were “unaware of the purposes of telephones, televisions, and toilets” and were used in blood rituals and sexual orgies. A vast treasure trove of documents, photos, and videos showed that the Finders were running a huge, multi-national child trafficking operation.

Agent Ramon Martinez of the US Customs Service and Detective James Bradley of the Washington, DC police were horrified at what they found. They were even more horrified when their investigation and attempted prosecution of the Finders was called off - by the CIA! According to Agent Martinez’s report, the case of the Finders of Lost Children was deemed “a CIA internal matter” and all details were “classified secret and not available for review.” The CIA forced USCS, the DC Police, and the FBI to drop the case and release the two child abusers - and give them back the six children for further abuse.

The CIA’s role in organized child trafficking has been revealed by former CIA Director William Colby, who admitted to Nebraska State Legislator John DeCamp that a rogue element of the CIA was heavily involved in ritual child abuse. Colby said it would be very difficult to stop the CIA child abusers, who held enormous power, but that in the long term they might be brought down. He informed DeCamp that the abused children were being used in CIA mind-control experiments as well as blackmail projects.

Unfortunately, Colby did not live to see the demise of the CIA child-abuse faction. He was killed in a transparently fraudulent “boating accident” a few years after he began working with DeCamp.

John DeCamp’s book The Franklin Cover-up describes how children from Nebraska’s Boys Town orphanage were flown all over the US by a pimp named Larry King, a well-connected Republican who sang the National Anthem at the Republican National Convention by day, then sold child sex slaves to Republican party bigwigs at night. One of the child prostitutes implicated George H.W. Bush in testimony videotaped by investigators.

A series of mysterious deaths ended the Franklin investigation, but the truth is not hard to discover. Nick Bryant’s book The Franklin Scandal and John DeCamp’s The Franklin Cover-up flesh out the details. And the documentary film Conspiracy of Silence - which was nearly scrubbed from history by the child-abuse perpetrators - can and must be viewed on-line.

Bottom line: Though the FBI should be commended for arresting 150 suspected child traffickers, it still needs to be pressured to go after the elite pedophile organizations that apparently enjoy continuing impunity.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Oliver Stone: Jewish Control of the Media Is Preventing Free Holocaust Debate

In addition to the article below, please see this, this, this and this.

Haaretz Service Jul 26, 2010

Outspoken Hollywood director says new film aims to put Adolf Hitler, who he has called an 'easy scapegoat' in the past, in his due historical context.

Jewish control of the media is preventing an open discussion of the Holocaust, prominent Hollywood director Oliver Stone told the Sunday Times, adding that the U.S. Jewish lobby was controlling Washington's foreign policy for years.

In the Sunday interview, Stone reportedly said U.S. public opinion was focused on the Holocaust as a result of the "Jewish domination of the media," adding that an upcoming film of him aims to put Adolf Hitler and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin "in context."

"There's a major lobby in the United States," Stone said, adding that "they are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington."

The famed Hollywood director of such films as "Platoon" and "JFK," also said that while "Hitler was a Frankenstein," there was also a "Dr Frankenstein."

"German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support," Stone told the Sunday Times, adding that "Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people, 25 or 30 [million killed]."

Referring to the alleged influence of the powerful Jewish lobby on U.S. foreign policy, Stone said that Israel had distorted "United States foreign policy for years," adding he felt U.S. policy toward Iran was "horrible."

"Iran isn't necessarily the good guy," Stone said, insisting that Americans did not "know the full story."

Stone's comments to the Sunday times echo previous remarks by the Hollywood director, regarding what he perceives as the distorted view of figures such as Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin in U.S. media.

Earlier this year, Stone, speaking at the at the Television Critics Association's semi-annual press tour in Pasadena said that "Hitler is an easy scapegoat throughout history and it's been used cheaply."

"He's the product of a series of actions. It's cause and effect ... People in America don't know the connection between World War I and World War II," Stone said, adding that through his documentary work he has been able to "walk in Stalin's shoes and Hitler's shoes to understand their point of view."

"We're going to educate our minds and liberalize them and broaden them. We want to move beyond opinions ... Go into the funding of the Nazi party. How many American corporations were involved, from GM through IBM. Hitler is just a man who could have easily been assassinated," Stone said.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Noam Chomsky on COINTELPRO

In addition to the video below with Noam Chomsky, please see this post here.

The Hidden History of Zionism - Ralph Schoenman

In addition to the book that is linked below, please see this here.

A quote from the book: " Consequently, the Zionists brought Baron Von Mildenstein of the SS Security Service to Palestine for a six-month visit in support of Zionism. This visit led to a twelve-part report by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, in Der Angriff (The Assault) in 1934 praising Zionism. Goebbels ordered a medallion struck with the Swastika on one side, and on the other, the Zionist Star of David."

Zionist Terror Groups in Pre-Israel Palestine (Irgun, Haganah and Lehi)

All this time I’ve been led to believe that terrorism is an exclusively Arab activity.” Well, we can’t deny that this belief is propagated and reinforced by the Western Media which seems to be so utterly unable to say anything at all seeming like criticism of Israel.  This leads us to the Irgun (AKA: The Etzel), and The Lehi (AKA: The Stern Gang).
The story of the Irgun and Lehi is a story of in-fights, splits, and splinter groups due to a constant and steady growth of militant radicalism in Zionist currents. It begins with the first Jewish Para-Military Group in Pre-Israel Palestine. The Haganah.Prior to the 30’s the Haganah was a fairly rag-tag, disorganized group. More of a militia that anything. Following the 1929 Palestine riots, in which 116 Arabs and 133 Jews were killed, the Haganah became a much larger, well-organized force.
The espoused policy of the Haganah (which means “Defense”) was primarily one of restraint. However there were those in the organization who had other ideas and in 1931 a group of Haganah commanders formed their own group, “Irgun Beth.” In 37, during the Arab riots, Irgun Beth itself split and half its members returned to the Haganah. The remaining members changed the group’s name to “Irgun Zeva’i Le’umi” (abbr. Etzel).
The group was a violent organization, which was ideologically influenced by the Revisionist Zionism of  Ze’ev Jabotinsky.

Ze'ev Jabotinsky
After forming, the Irgun carried out attacks against both Palestinian Arabs and British Soldiers. Some were shooting attacks. Other attacks involved bombs being detonated on buses, in cafes and in marketplaces to ensure the maximum number or civilian casualties.The Irgun is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian Arab civilians and British Soldiers and Police. Its violence and ruthless tactics  prompted the Irgun to be condemned as a terrorist organization by the UN and the US and British Governments. Check out the vintage New York Times reference an Irgun attack.
Among the more famous attacks include
-July 26, 1946 The bombing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people.
-July 25 1947 The kidnapping and brutal murder of 2 British Sergeants.
-April 1948 Deir Yassin Massacre in which 107-120 Palestinian Villagers were killed.
In 1948,  Albert Einstein and 27 Jewish intellectuals wrote a letter to the New York Times condemning the Irgun and its activities. They also took a moment to call the former Irgun Commander, Menachem Begin, a Fascist. Note this in the last paragraph. Well, it’s a good thing that Fascist Begin never got any power…. wait a minute!

Menachem Begin, last leader of the Irgun and former Israeli PM
As Begin was transformed from a terrorist leader to a ‘legitimate’ politician and leader, so was the Irgun legitimized and absorbed into the Haganah and the IDF. The same principles and practices of violence against civilians (like the Gaza Massacre) and foreign nationals (such as Emily Henochowicz or the brave activists slain on the Freedom Flotilla) continue.

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Intellectual Death of “Anti-Semitism”—Interview with Jewish Writer and Novelist Gerard Menuhin

It is vital urgently to analyze and to dismiss [anti-Semitism] as so much hot air. All it would take would be for enough ordinary citizens to stand up and say ‘Stop it, it’s nonsense, you know it’s nonsense, and what’s more, it’s boring nonsense!

…by Jonas E. Alexis & Gerard Menuhin

Gerard Menuhin is a British-Swiss journalist, writer, novelist, and film producer. He is the son of Jewish parents, the American violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin, who is considered “one of the greatest violinists of the 20th century.” Menuhim’s mother was a ballet dancer and died in 2003 at the age of 90.[1] He graduated from Stanford University and is the author of the new book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil.

Alexis: You quote Albert Einstein in your book saying that “I believe German Jewry owes its continued existence to anti-Semitism.”[2] It seems that he was aware that the word “anti-Semitism” was being used as an ideological weapon to beat the Goyim over the head because no serious person wants to be called an anti-Semite. Can you expand on that for us?
Menuhin: That depends on one’s definition of a serious person. Is a serious person one who has some position in society or in academia or government — therefore regarded as an ‘expert’, worthy of respect — which they might lose if they don’t adhere to political correctness? Or is a serious person one who has the ability and takes the time to formulate his own opinion about a particular subject, unaffected by the opinions of others?
‘Anti-Semitism’ as an expression is not only a misnomer, it’s gibberish. Douglas Reed suggested a substitute: ‘anti-Semolina’ (The Controversy of Zion).
As I state in the book, ‘Semitism’, at best, describes a language. So ‘anti-Semitism’ would denote opposition to Semitic languages – an absurd stance. To deduce from the expression an opposition to Semitic peoples would be stretching the point. And are Jews Semitic?
Ashkenazi Jews (90% of modern Jewry) are commonly agreed to descend from 8th century Khazars. Their assumed forefather, Ashkenaz, was the son of Gomer, grandson of Noah through Japheth, not of Shem, the father of the Semitic races. They are therefore not Semitic. Furthermore ‘Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.’ (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3)
Arabs are Semites, of course, but no ‘anti-Semite’ has ever been assumed to be critical of Arabs, when accused of anti-Semitism. So why is ‘anti-Semitism’ equated with anti-Judaism?
While the populations of countries where the incubus has taken hold cringe and react with knee-jerk self-abasement to any accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’, Latin Americans, for instance, mock the notion that advanced nations have been fooled into forbidding ‘holocaust denial’ by law and imprisoning people who simply express their disbelief.  That is, of course, because ‘The Holocaust’ wasn’t staged in Latin America.
Presumably, Jews also enjoy this spectacle. When Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that “I believe German Jewry owes its continued existence to anti-Semitism”, he was only agreeing with his ilk, who realized how effective the charge of ‘anti-Semitism’ is, in countries in thrall to the so-called ‘Holocaust’.
‘Nowadays if any States raise a protest against us it is only pro forma at our discretion and by our direction, for their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren’ (allegedly forged Protocol No. 9). (Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil, p. 286)
So, lesser Jews are kept in line by the fear of anti-Semitism (presumptive anti-Jewish sentiment by Gentiles). Since the Protocols were written, ‘the Holocaust’ was concocted, allowing anti-Semitism to be used against society in general, through trumped-up charges against any perceived enemy of a Jewish cause (actual anti-Gentile sentiment by Jews).
Anti-Semitism is therefore a suppressive weapon which only survives because it is linked to the guilt all decent people feel—or are intended to feel — when confronted with ‘The Holocaust’. There you have two allegations in one sentence. The first is a misnomer and the second, a mere psychological projection. Anti-Semitism would be an impotent pseudo-expression, were it not coupled with ‘The Holocaust’.
A further useful weapon of suppression is the accusation of ‘discrimination’. In a world bent out of shape by political correctness, ‘discrimination’ is an accusation to be avoided at all costs. In a free world, discrimination merely means choice, or preference. If someone chooses not to associate with certain people, for instance with Jews, that is of course his perfect right as a free citizen.
Alone the sensational nature of the ‘Holocaust’ claim and the immense figure immutably tethered to it of course invite awe. But it is an awe unmixed with rational skepticism. To ask a very simple, innocent question, why was there no independent investigation of this alleged crime in 1945, or in the Seventies, when the expression really caught on and precluded any other meaning of a formerly unbiased English word?
‘When after twenty years of silence, Holocaust theology began in the late sixties and seventies,…’ (Pour out Your Heart like Water, Towards a Jewish Feminist Theology of the Holocaust, Rachel Adler, p. 1).
When someone is murdered, the police are called in to find clues and track down the perpetrator, if he is still at large. In the case of ‘The Holocaust’, 6 million murders are said to have occurred. Yet no such police investigation has ever sullied the pure, unblemished assertion of this crime. We have been told that it occurred and the subject is closed without debate. (The total itself is in doubt and has indeed been reduced, yet, magically, the 6 million are still universally quoted.) (No, Emily, the innumerable ‘eye-witnesses’ are as unconvincing as the confessions of tortured German soldiers. No, Abigail, the ’Nazis’ didn’t burn or otherwise cause to vanish 6 million bodies. Where are the bones, the ashes?)
Where, for a start, is the corpus delicti? Piles of emaciated corpses are regularly shown on television, but whence came these corpses? Were they evidence of typhus/typhoid deaths in the camps, which indubitably occurred during the last months of the war, when transport had been bombed to a standstill and manpower had been transferred to the east?
Or were they corpses trucked in for effect from elsewhere: the remains of captives in the infamous U.S. Rheinwiesen concentration camps, where German prisoners of war were starved into a state of cachexia, under the pretext that they were ‘Disarmed Enemy Forces’ instead of POWs?
So, for 70 years, much of the world and of course particularly Germany have been paying respect to a putative atrocity which has never been properly examined by the appropriate authorities. Billions in restitution money have been paid and continue to be paid to the supposed victims or their successors (although it’s debatable whether the victims, such as they may be, ever receive much of it).
The further the world distances itself in time from the alleged event, the easier it is to assert that ‘The Holocaust’ occurred. As education is steadily degraded and citizens become more concerned on the one hand with superficial entertainment and on the other, with keeping their jobs, it becomes less likely that anyone will pose the fundamental question: If we are eternally to honour 6 million allegedly murdered Jews, to create organizations and build memorials to aggrandize their passing, shouldn’t we at least have irrefutable proof that they were actually killed; that the crime really occurred?
By irrefutable proof is meant, of course, not the ludicrous and invariably refuted notions of ‘survivors’ and other self-important liars, fictitious fact and factitious fiction,[3] but the results of a completely independent investigation, without the participation of a single Jew, or the obstruction of the Jew-owned media.
Once one has looked into the subject one discovers, not only that many educated people, historians and scientists, have explored it without finding any truth in it, but that it only takes a few seconds of reflection based on common sense to come to the conclusion, as I have written, that a people with the traditions and culture of the Germans could not almost overnight have become barbarians and committed mass murder.
Unfortunately for the Jews who can least afford it, once one has begun to research the topic, one is inevitably drawn towards further investigation, and one is forced to conclude that such an enormous lie fits perfectly with previous lies, and that lying is perhaps the primary attribute of this very fickle folk.
So why do we continue to tolerate it?
The stick of ‘anti-Semitism’, coupled with the carrot of financial benefits, is firmly in the hand of those who are steering our world towards an abyss. Although without substance, the accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’ flaunts its power ubiquitously. That’s why it is vital urgently to analyze and to dismiss it as so much hot air. All it would take would be for enough ordinary citizens to stand up and say ‘Stop it, it’s nonsense, you know it’s nonsense, and what’s more, it’s boring nonsense!

Alexis: You are right on target here. I have discussed some of these issues with numerous people who actually do have the sophistication to make a rational conclusion, but the intellectually lazy response is: “anti-Semitism.”
I once encouraged a flaming Zionist friend of mine to listen to a speech given by Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein in which he literately deconstructs the anti-Semitism mantra. After he was finished, I turned to my friend and said, “Finkelstein’s siblings died in Nazi Germany. Do you think he is an anti-Semite?”
There was a complete silence. But days later, he pulled out the same old anti-Semitic card out of thin air and dropped it on me. At that point, I realized that I was not talking to a rational person. It was impossible to move forward in our dialogue precisely because he was blinded by an ideology which does not allow him to use practical reason and therefore see things the way they really are. He attempted to strike a conversation with me about the same topic over and over, but I frankly responded:
“I don’t want to talk about this issue anymore. Let’s talk about biking instead. If we cannot agree to submit our ideas to reason and historical scholarship, why should we get into an endless debate about these issues? You continue to ignore what I said and you don’t even seem willing to look at the evidence presented. Time is precious, and let us not waste it.”
I have kept my promise. We are still good friends, but whenever he opens his mouth and attempts to drag me into a dialogue on these issues, I either change the subject, keep my mouth shut, or simply tell him: “Sorry, it’s time for me to go.”
I have realized over the years that there are some people in this world who would not hesitate to damn practical reason if it attempts to step on their ideological weltanschauung. I have dialogued with many of them over the years.

[1] Humphrey Burton, “Lady Menuhin: Gifted dancer who complemented the life of her brilliant husband,” Guardian, February 7, 2003.
[2] Gerard Menuhin, Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil (Washington: The Barnes Review, 2015), 386.
[3] Menuhim expands on this in Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil. For further studies, see Arno J. Mayer, Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?: The Final Solution in History (New York: Pantheon Books, 1988).

Friday, April 15, 2016