Friday, February 12, 2016

The Russian Mob - Who Are They Really?

What I would like to do is to tell you in more detail about what real organized criminals are doing in countries like the United States and Canada. When I say "real" organized criminals, I'm talking about criminals that are so embedded in the political and economic framework of your government that they are  the definition of what "organized crime" really is. They are literally the electricity or the fuel for your government. Once you understand this, you will begin to see a protected class when it comes to money laundering. (See here for more about the bankers and the money changers.)

There have been many new developments in organized crime during the past few years, and although the mass media have carefully avoided talking about these developments, never using the word "Jew" and referring only to "Russian" organized crime when they do occasionally mention the subject, a book was published by Little, Brown and Company, which provides a reasonably good introduction to the topic of Jewish organized crime. The title of the book is Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America. See this previous post about how they are working with the Law Enforcement. Also, watch this video. (For other good books about Jewish organized crime, see here, here, here and here.)

Interestingly, the author of the book, Robert Friedman, is a Jew himself, so it will be hard to charge him with being a so-called anti-Semite. Though some might call him a "self-hating" Jew. Whatever that means. Certainly, the Jewish gangsters turn on each other often enough in Friedman's account. Both in Russia and in the United States, members of the Jewish mobs machine-gun and bomb each other today even more readily than the members of the Italian gangs used to shoot it out in Chicago back in the 1930s. And although Friedman adopts the standard media ploy of referring to the gangsters as "Russians," he really cannot help revealing that nearly all of them are Jews.

For example, when he comments on the reluctance of the FBI and local and state police to crack down on the so-called "Russian Mafiya" or even to investigate it, he notes, and I quote: ". . . [I]n general, state and Federal law enforcement agencies were loath to go after Russian mobsters, instead devoting their energies to bagging Italian wiseguys . . . . And because the Russian mob was mostly Jewish, it was a political hot potato, especially in the New York area." -- end quote --

Friedman even points out that the mainstream, "respectable" Jewish organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, pressured the police agencies to take it easy on their kinsmen in the Jewish crime gangs, claiming that any publicity associated with investigations or arrests would -- quote -- "foster anti-Semitism" and lead the Gentile public to protest against the continued influx of Jewish gangsters into the United States from the Soviet Union as "refugees." Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, however, writes Friedman, and again I quote: "Jewish organizations continued to lobby the Justice Department to downplay the threat posed by the Russian mob. 'The Russian Mafia has the lowest priority on the criminal pecking order,' admitted FBI spokesman Joe Valiquette during a 1992 interview." -- end quote -- Well, I'm sure it hasn't been too difficult lobbying the Clinton Justice Department to be nice to Jewish gangsters since they have been the source of so much of Clinton's campaign money.

The Anti-Defamation League, of course, has a long history of cozy associations with Jewish crime bosses and with the FBI, giving the Jewish pressure group a great advantage in pulling the necessary strings to shelter the most important of the Jewish gangsters from prosecution. And it wasn't just the Anti-Defamation League which sheltered the flood of Jewish thugs, extortionists, murderers, drug dealers, slave traffickers, and racketeers pouring in from Russia. The Jewish religious establishment in America did everything it could to facilitate the influx.

That's a noteworthy point because the Jewish gangsters are portrayed by apologists for the Jews as being barely Jewish, Jews with no real consciousness of being Jewish, while the Jewish religious establishment is portrayed as being a pious bunch of rabbis, especially the Orthodox Jewish establishment. Actually, it was in the Orthodox establishment that the gangsters formed their most useful connections.

(See here for the Wikipedia write-up about Chabad and here for a website created by Jews about the problems with Chabad. You can also see this post for more information about Chabad, the JDL, the Jewish Task Force, the Intelligence Agencies and Homeland Security.)

Friedman points out that the first of the Jewish mob's godfathers in the United States, Evsei Agron, owed his crime career to a politically connected Orthodox rabbi, Ronald Greenwald. Rabbi Greenwald had gotten his political connections working for Richard Nixon's 1972 reelection campaign. He was Nixon's ambassador to the Jewish community. In the 1980s Rabbi Greenwald became mob boss Agron's one-Jew think tank and facilitator. Mob insiders report that most of Agron's rackets were planned in Rabbi Greenwald's Manhattan office. A leading mob member in Toronto, Joseph Sigalov, is also a leader in Canada's Orthodox Jewish community and the publisher of an influential Orthodox newspaper.

So, if these Jewish mobsters get invited to Democratic Party fundraisers and serve as advisers to Republican re-election committees and are in tight with the Orthodox Jewish religious establishment, and if the FBI thinks they're not really as important as the Italian gangsters, maybe we shouldn't worry about them either. Maybe they're really not such bad guys. Maybe they're just nice, Jewish boys who sometimes step over the line and break the law.

Well, the Italian gangsters certainly don't look at them that way. A member of the John Gotti gang in New York was recorded with a wiretap warning an acquaintance: -- quote -- "We Italians will kill you. But the Russians are crazy -- they'll kill your whole family." -- end quote -- This view also is shared by policemen who have had to deal with the Jews. A New York City policeman told Friedman, and I quote: "The Russians are ruthless and crazy. It's a bad combination. They'll shoot you just to see if their gun works."

One leading Jewish gangster in the United States, Monya Elson, was a hit man, a contract killer, before he became a gang boss. He began by murdering Ukrainians in Kishinev, his home town. Then he went to Moscow and murdered Russians. Then he came to America and began murdering Americans. He boasts that he has more than 100 confirmed kills. And it's not just that the Jews are more ruthless, vicious, and bloodthirsty than the members of the Italian Mafia. They are smarter, better organized, better protected politically, and much greedier: while the Italian Mafia is stealing a million dollars, the Jewish Mafia is stealing a billion. Finally, there are many more Jewish gangsters in America than Italian Mafia members. By the early 1990s, there already were some 5,000 hard-core Jewish gangsters from the former Soviet Union operating in the New York area alone. That's more than the members of all of the Italian Mafia families in the United States.

And the Jews are continuing to pour into the country from Russia. The current flood began nearly 30 years ago, when corrupt politicians in the Congress, working with mainstream Jewish organizations and the largely Jewish influenced media, enacted legislation which opened a sewer line from the Soviet-Jewish underworld to America. The late Washington Democratic Senator Henry Jackson, who had an influence on Neo-Conservatism and supported Jewish causes, spearheaded the effort to tie trade agreements between the United States and the Soviet Union to an increase in the flow of Jews from the Soviet Union to the United States.

The pretext for giving special status to Jews, for using U.S. economic power to persuade the Soviet government to permit Jews to leave when no one else could leave, for allowing the Jews who left to come to the United States without the usual immigration background checks -- even for having American taxpayers foot the bill for flying them over here and then pay for subsidized housing, food stamps, and other special benefits for them -- all of this was based on the pretext that Jews were persecuted in the Soviet Union. The mass media over here portrayed the Jews in the Soviet Union as the principal victims of Communism, rather than as its originators and its principal beneficiaries. That's an especially egregious example of  a "big lie" technique, in which one brazenly stand the truth on its head. This can be done because there is a monopoly-like control of the media where no one can contradict the "official" message. A message that is nothing but propaganda .

Friedman interviewed a well-known Jewish gangster in Miami, known to his associates as "Tarzan." His real name is Ludwig Fainberg. He came to the United States from Ukraine, a country whose natives have traditionally hated the Jews, for very good reasons. Fainberg is not a religious Jew, but he certainly is very Jewish, the kind of Jew the real Ukrainians instinctively despise. But was Fainberg persecuted in Ukraine? Hardly. Friedman reports, and I quote: "To . . . [Fainberg] being Jewish simply meant having certain privileges. 'Jews were the richest people in town,' he told me. 'Jews had cars, Jews had money, Jews lived in nice apartments. We were comfortable. My mother had nice clothes and jewelry. We took a vacation once a year to Odessa, a stunning city with a boardwalk and gorgeous beaches. It was filled with mobsters and entertainers. It was a city with a Jewish flavor.'" -- end of quote -- Fainberg is describing his life as a Jew in Ukraine in the 1960s and 1970s at the height of the supposed persecution of Jews by the communist regime. There was persecution, all right, but it was the Ukrainians who were persecuted by the Jews, not the other way around.

The same story is told by other Jewish gangsters. Marat Balagula, the Jewish godfather of organized crime who succeeded Evsei Agron in New York after the latter was assassinated, also came from Ukraine. He told Friedman, and I quote: "Jews had some of the best positions in the country, They were the big artists, musicians -- they had big money." -- end of quote --

The Soviet government did crack down on dissidents of all races, of course, and this included those Jews who tried to undermine the government's policy in the Middle East because they considered it pro-Arab, just as it included Ukrainian nationalists and other ethnic separatist groups. But it did not include members of the Jewish organized crime gangs, who were not dissidents. The Jewish criminals were happy with the situation in the Soviet Union, because it allowed them to exploit the Russians and the Ukrainians. They already were living high on the hog in the Soviet Union when their kinsmen in the United States opened the border to the Promised Land for them, and they seized the opportunity to live even higher on the hog.

The collapse of Communism made things worse for the real Russians and Ukrainians, because it destroyed the order in their countries and allowed Jewish gangsters to run wild, plundering and pillaging at will. But it did not dampen the desire of many of them to come to the United States and plunder and pillage even more. Friedman quotes Boris Urov, formerly the chief investigator of major crimes for the Russian attorney general. Urov said, and I quote: "It's wonderful that the Iron Curtain is gone, but it was a shield for the West. Now we've opened the gates, and this is very dangerous for the world. America is getting Russian criminals. Nobody will have the resources to stop them. You people in the West don't know our Mafiya yet. You will. You will!" -- end quote --

The name of the game in Russia after the breakup of the USSR in 1991 was "privatization." It was praised by the bought politicians and the controlled media in the West as a giant step toward a free-enterprise society, with inefficiently managed state-owned enterprises and natural resources being sold to private businessmen, who, spurred by the profit motive, would manage everything much more efficiently, resulting in a great increase in Russian productivity and prosperity. That was the theory. Actually, privatization was a massive looting of Russia's wealth by politically connected Jewish criminals. The bureaucrats inside the government made "sweetheart" deals with the Jewish mobsters outside the government, who in any case were the only citizens with the capital to buy anything.

Everything which previously had been owned, in theory, by all the people collectively and managed by the state ended up in the hands of oligarch-like Jewish gangsters, and the Russian people had nothing, not even in theory. Instead of becoming more prosperous, the Russian economy declined every year in the 90's from the end of Communism in 1991. The Russian people were reduced to a state of beggary. While Russian and Ukrainian peasants kill one another fighting over a few potatoes in the fields, in Moscow and St. Petersburg and Odessa Jewish criminals cruised the boulevards in their Mercedes, wearing diamonds and furs, eating in glitzy restaurants where a meal costs more than a real Russian earns in a month, and patronizing sex clubs stocked with beautiful Russian women.

The Jewish gangsters and criminals weren't even trying to use the stolen wealth of Russia to get the country back on its feet. Like a plague of locusts they have devoured everything they could, and the rest they have moved out of the country. Hundreds of billions of dollars of Russia's capital was taken out of the country every year. It's not just that they want to be the richest people in a rejuvenated, capitalist Russia. Their greed is purely destructive. It's a grab-and-run operation. When the U.S. government, through the International Monetary Fund, sent billions of dollars in loans to Russia, it simply disappeared. The Jewish gangsters squirrel it away, and it was never seen again in Russia. And over in the United States politicians pretended that they didn't know what's going on.

But they knew what was going on. A steady stream of reports broke out of Russia and people caught wind of what was happening. They reported that Boris Yeltsin and the crowd around him were all on the take and were controlled by the Organizatsiya. But the Bush administration and then the Clinton administration pretended not to know. All the Bushites and the Clintonistas cared about was that Yeltsin was the candidate being promoted by the politically connected Jewish criminals in Russia -- and of course, by the heavily Jewish-influenced media over here -- and so they promoted him too.

I don't know whether or not you remember when Yeltsin was running for reelection in 1996. All of the media people in the United States were sweating it. They were afraid that a real Russian nationalist, a Russian patriot, might win. The Clinton government was holding out the promise of more money for Russia only if Yeltsin won. In fact, Bill Clinton was campaigning as hard for Yeltsin's reelection as Yeltsin was.

I'll tell you what would have happened if an honest and intelligent Russian nationalist had won instead of Yeltsin. He would have replaced the key leaders in the Army and the secret police with people he could trust. He would have done this carefully but quickly. And then he would have sealed Russia's borders and halted communications with the rest of the world for perhaps 48 hours. At the end of that time there would not have been a Jewish gangster or a collaborator with them left alive in all of Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church would make him a saint, and the Russian people would remember him with gratitude and affection for as long as the Russian nation lasted. But of course, with all of the controlled media in Russia pushing hard for Yeltsin, and with plenty of vote-stealing going on, Yeltsin was reelected, and the looting of Russia continued.

And in America the Jewish mob has continued to consolidate its power. The Miami gangster, Ludwig Fainberg, was really gloating when he explained to Friedman the difference between the Jewish situation in Russia and the American situation and what the Jewish gangsters have in mind for America. The Jews of Russia are cunning predators, he explained. That's the way they have survived the hard conditions there for centuries. But the Americans are soft and trusting, like sheep ready to be fleeced and slaughtered. American laws were made only to be broken by the Jews.

A New York police detective lamented to Friedman, and I quote: "Why are we being victimized by non-citizens who can run to Israel or Russia and can't be extradited? The Russian gangsters have told me that they've come here to suck our country dry. . . . How did the Russian mob become so entrenched? They are into Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid fraud. Why is it that every ambulance service in Brooklyn is run by the Russian mob? Why are so many of their doctors practicing without a license? They have invaded Wall Street from boiler-room operations to brokerage houses. Nothing is too small for them to steal. Even the guys with the multimillion-dollar Medicare scam still have to have their food stamps." -- end of quote --

I'll add two comments to Friedman's report on Jewish organized crime in America. First, it will not be stopped, no matter who wins the White House this year. The FBI has essentially put the Italian Mafia out of business in the United States during the past decade, but it won't put the Jewish Mafiya out of business, and the reason is that the Jews have vastly more money at their disposal for corrupting the system than the Italians ever did, and America is rapidly becoming as corrupt as Russia.

In fact, I have a strong suspicion that the reason the FBI suddenly made a major effort to cripple the Italian Mafia was to make room for the Jewish criminals. The Italians and the Sicilians thought they had the fix in, but the Jewish criminals trumped them with a bigger fix. In the sort of country America has become since the Second World War, any criminal organization run by intelligent men with hundreds of billions of dollars at their disposal to corrupt the system -- and with the protection of the mass media -- can't be stopped by governmental action. Individual Jewish gangsters will be arrested, and have been arrested in the past, but the sort of decisive action needed to stop Jewish crime cold will not be taken.

My second comment is that the Jewish Mafiya does not operate in a vacuum. It operates within the Jewish community as a whole. It operates with the support of the Jewish establishment, from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith to the financial industry, Hollywood, and the New York Times. It also operates with the support of the Christian establishment, from Billy Graham up to the Pope.

These support groups won't put up a fuss if the FBI arrests a psychopathic Jewish contract killer or an extortionist or two now and then, but any realistic effort to stamp out the real problem will have all of the support groups screaming bloody murder. To use other words, what we must deal with is not a criminal problem but a Jewish crime problem. The problem will be solved only after this fact is generally understood.

Meanwhile, the American sheep had better resign themselves to a good fleecing.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

FBI Memo Labels Patriots, Truth-Seekers as Potential 'Terrorists'

Note: Please see my previous post on this matter, as this is one of the goals of Homeland Security in the United States and the new laws that were put in place in Canada after September 11th, 2001, along with the recently passed Bill C-51. Please see here for the group of people that are primarily behind pushing this agenda.

If you harbor any beliefs other than those spoon-fed to you by government, you are increasingly considered an enemy of the state.

So says a recently Justice Department memo, which - under a program named "Communities Against Terrorism" - instructs local law enforcement personnel to consider anyone who harbors "conspiracy theories" about what took place on 9/11 to be a potential terrorist.

According to

The memo thus adds 9/11-official-story skeptics to a growing list of targets described by federal law enforcement to be security threats, such as those who express "libertarian philosophies," "Second Amendment-oriented views," interest in "self-sufficiency," "fears of Big Brother or big government," and "Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties."

A newly released national poll shows that 48 percent of Americans either have some doubts about the official account of 9/11, or do not believe it at all.

This isn't the first time the government has singled out freedom lovers

Titled, "Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Sleepers," the FBI memo says people who need to be "considered suspicious" of potential involvement in "terrorist activity" include folks who have the "attitude" of "conspiracy theories about Westerners." Continuing, the memo lists an example: "e.g. the CIA arranged for 9/11 to legitimize the invasion of foreign lands."

Much of the memo appears to be directed at those who are either not native to America or who harbor ill-will towards the U.S. and its allies. Mentioned specifically are those who arrive "from countries where violent militant Islamic groups are known to operate"; those who have had "long, unexplained absences for purposes of religious education, charity work or pilgrimage"; and those who "travel to countries where militant Islam rules."

It also includes some rather obvious and legitimate concerns, such as urging police to keep an eye on anyone purchasing "chemicals or other dual use materials," and people "scouting out military bases, government buildings and other potential targets."

But this isn't the first time the federal government - especially under the current Obama regime - has made some extremely questionable and disturbing statements regarding Americans who simply disagree with the administration's policies. That includes our veterans.

In April 2009, just a few months after the Obama administration took office, then-Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano defended a report issued by her department that listed returning Afghanistan and Iraq military vets as potential terrorist risks.

As reported by The Washington Times:

In her statement Wednesday, Ms. Napolitano defended the report, which says "rightwing extremism" may include groups opposed to abortion and immigration, as merely one among several threat assessments. ...

"The document on right-wing extremism sent last week by this department's Office of Intelligence and Analysis is one in an ongoing series of assessments to provide situational awareness to state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies on the phenomenon and trends of violent radicalization in the United States," Ms. Napolitano said in her statement.

"This report appears to raise significant issues involving the privacy and civil liberties of many Americans - including war veterans," said Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., then-chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, adding that he was "dumbfounded" by the inclusion of U.S. military vets.

More Examples of Government Mistrust of the Citizenry

A few years later, in 2012, a "study" by Napolitano's DHS characterized Americans who are "suspicious of centralized federal authority," and "reverent of individual liberty" as "extreme right-wing" terrorists.

The report, titled, "Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States," 1970-2008 (see it here,)

That there are questions concerning the events of 9/11 should never be taken as a "threat" by a government that has nothing to hide.

Monday, February 8, 2016

The ADL That Works With the RCMP and the FBI - and its Ties to Organized Crime

I wrote previously about the nature of Homeland Security and the corruption of police officials by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith: the ADL. (See the bottom of the linked article for connections between the ADL and the Police Forces in the USA and Canada.) Also, see here for the origin of Homeland Security, and here for a video of the Head of Homeland Security at the ADL "Leadership" conference.

It is utterly shocking and horrifying how much power Zionists have. What I want to point out to you here are the details which you can check for yourselves, so that you will have no doubt that I am telling you the truth. It’s easy to believe that the ADL is the so-called “civil rights” organization that the mass media say it is. It’s especially easy to believe this when you see ADL officials palling around with prominent politicians and policemen when you see police chiefs and senators receiving awards at ADL banquets.

But don't be fooled

The ADL is a gang of racketeers who break our laws with impunity because they have succeeded in corrupting our politicians and many of our law-enforcement people as well. And now I will prove that charge.

First, however, just as an aside, let’s note that the parent organization of which the ADL is a branch is named B’nai B’rith. That name may sound strange to your ears because it is a Hebrew name. B’nai means “sons,” and b’rith — which is often pronounced “briss” by American Jews — means “circumcision.” B’rith — or briss — refers to the ritual circumcision of Jewish males which according to Jewish tradition is a sign of their “chosenness” or their special covenant with the Hebrew tribal deity Yahweh. You probably won’t find “b’rith” in your dictionary with the apostrophe the way it’s spelled by the ADL, but you should be able to find “briss.” So in English B’nai B’rith means the Circumcised Brotherhood. But really, it’s a criminal brotherhood, whose members are marked by circumcision much in the way many Japanese criminals who belong to the yakuza are marked by a missing fingertip, or members of many drug gangs are marked by a distinctive tattoo.

The ADL was founded in 1913 after a wealthy Jewish factory owner, Leo Frank, was convicted of raping and murdering a 14-year-old girl who worked in his Atlanta pencil factory. The trial of Frank was accompanied by a great deal of very embarrassing publicity for the Jews, and the ADL was organized primarily as a propaganda organization to neutralize such bad publicity: thus its name, Anti-Defamation League. But since 1913 the ADL has been involved in much more than pro-Jewish propaganda. As an arm of B’nai B’rith, which is an international organization with its tentacles in nearly every country on earth, the ADL has expanded its scope of interests and activities to include virtually everything concerning Jews anywhere.

For example, after the success of the Bolshevik Revolution, which resulted in the Jews riding high in Russia, the ADL concerned itself with countering the charge that the Jews had anything to do with communism, which never was popular in mainstream America. After the Second World War, when hundreds of communist spies — virtually all of whom turned out to be Jews — were being rooted out of the U.S. government during the so-called McCarthy era, the ADL worked overtime to discredit anti-communists. To the ADL, anyone who was anti-communist was “anti-Semitic.” Arnold Forster, who changed his name from Fastenberg and who was the ADL’s general counsel for 46 years, wrote in his 1988 memoirs, Square One, about the case of the atomic spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: — quote — “Like so many others, Jew and non-Jew alike, I suffered deep pain when the Rosenbergs were executed.” — end quote —

The ADL had a significant role in the propaganda effort to portray the flushing out of Soviet agents from U.S. institutions as a “witch hunt.” Today most educated Americans who were born too late to experience the late 1940s and early 1950s as adults actually believe the propaganda myth that it was a dark period in American history, when everyone was looking over his shoulder, afraid of being denounced as a spy by a government informant. In truth though, the only ones who were really looking over their shoulders were Jews who were supporters of the Soviet Union. Ordinary Americans didn't feel intimidated by the government’s efforts to rid itself of the Soviet influences which had gained a strong foothold during the war.

In 1948, when the Jews made their first big land-grab in the Middle East after the war, forming the state of Israel with land stolen from the Palestinians, the ADL saw its principal new role as a defender of Israel. The label “anti-Semite” henceforth was applied by the ADL to anyone who was pro-Arab or who did not approve of American support for Israel. Being seen as a champion of Israel rather than as a champion of communism helped enormously with the ADL’s fund-raising efforts. Among others giving large sums of money to the ADL after 1948 were a number of Jewish organized crime figures, who felt a strong sympathy for Israel. These gangsters, including Jews such as Meyer Lansky, Longy Zwillman, and Moe Dalitz, all who were engaged in the slave trade, illegal drug trafficking, and in nearly every other kind of criminal activity imaginable. The ADL’s relationship with Moe Dalitz, one of the most notorious gangsters in America, may suffice to indicate the pattern.

Morris — or “Moe” — Dalitz, like many other organized crime figures before the Second World War, got his start in the illegal booze business during Prohibition. Dalitz was the boss of a criminal organization in Detroit known as the “Purple Gang,” whose principal activity was smuggling whisky across the Detroit River from Canada into the United States.

The controlled media, through popular fiction and films like The Godfather, have given most Americans the erroneous idea that organized crime in America has been almost entirely an Italian affair. Although Sicilians and Italians made up most of the lower ranks of the Mafia and other gangster organizations in the 1920s and 1930s, at the top there were just as many Jews as Italians. And some of the most notorious and bloodthirsty criminal organizations were entirely Jewish, or nearly so. Murder, Incorporated, is an example of a Jewish criminal gang. Moe Dalitz’s Purple Gang is another example. (See the books located here, here and here for more information. Also, watch this video.)

Dalitz eventually moved his whisky-smuggling operation from Detroit to Cleveland and joined forces with another group of Jewish gangsters there. They moved so much illegal booze across Lake Erie that it become known popularly as the “Jewish lake.” It’s good to remember that gangsters like Dalitz did much more than smuggle whisky. They corrupted American society and American government. They bribed judges and politicians and police officials on a huge scale. They murdered people: hundreds of people. And when Prohibition ended in 1933 the gangsters simply switched from smuggling booze to smuggling drugs, extortion, loan-sharking, and slave trafficking.

Toward the end of the war Dalitz and several other Jewish gangsters, including Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky, began investing their ill-gotten wealth in Las Vegas. Soon they were all casino owners. Dalitz was one of the original owners of the Flamingo, which opened in 1946. Dalitz later took over the Desert Inn and became a part owner of the Stardust Hotel. His gang became known as the “Desert Syndicate.” Dalitz and Lansky eventually decided that Bugsy Siegel was cheating them, and in June 1947 they ordered him killed in one of the most spectacular “rubouts” of the postwar period. After that Moe Dalitz was the undisputed “Godfather” of Las Vegas.

Over the years a great deal of Moe Dalitz’s criminal income found its way into the coffers of the ADL — so much so that in 1985 the ADL gave its so-called “Torch of Liberty” award to Dalitz. The award ceremony was a black-tie affair featured on the front page of the ADL Bulletin, in which Dalitz was praised as a “philanthropist” and “deep appreciation” was expressed for his financial contributions to the ADL. And of course, the controlled media were discreet about the relationship between Dalitz and the ADL. There were never any headlines in the New York Times or the Washington Post about the ADL’s ties to the mob, but anyone who has the time to dig back through the issues of the ADL Bulletin at a major library, will find Dalitz on the front page in 1985. Moe Dalitz himself was killed four years later, in 1989, in a gang shootout which also left seven other people dead. But the ADL had plenty of other Jewish gangsters contributing money by then.

The ADL was able to flaunt its relationship with Moe Dalitz and accept tainted money from him and other gangsters — money which was the product of criminal activity — without fear of legal repercussions, because at the same time it had been cultivating its relationships with Jewish organized crime bosses, it also had been cultivating its relationships with law-enforcement officials, especially the FBI.

This sort of criminal collaboration between the FBI and the ADL has continued to the present day. The ADL always has been an espionage organization, with much of its activity consisting in the gathering of personal information and the building of dossiers on everyone perceived as hostile to Jewish interests — and also on tens of thousands of other Americans as well, that the ADL might want to apply pressure to at some time in the future.

The FBI is prohibited by law from investigating people unless it has some evidence that they are involved in criminal activity, but the ADL operates under no such restrictions. The ADL hires people to steal the trash from the curbs in front of the homes of people it is interested in, and it engages in many even less savory practices. And the ADL is generally happy to swap information with the FBI, providing the FBI with confidential personal information on people the ADL or the FBI is interested in.

Occasionally, however, the ADL’s espionage work has gotten it into trouble. In addition to stealing the trash from in front of people’s homes, the ADL has illegally obtained confidential information on thousands of Americans by bribing employees in departments of motor vehicles or in police departments, including the San Francisco Police Department. When the San Francisco police realized that some of their confidential files had been stolen by the ADL, they obtained search warrants. The Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of the ADL were raided by the police twice, first on December 10, 1992 and then again on April 8, 1993. In these raids thousands of stolen police files were recovered. The police also raided the homes of an ADL undercover agent, Roy Bullock; and a sergeant in the San Francisco Police Department, Thomas Gerard. Gerard, who had been stealing the police records for the ADL, subsequently fled to the Philippines to avoid prosecution.

Just prior to the April 1993 raids San Francisco Assistant District Attorney John Dwyer told news reporters: — quote — “The ADL is the target. Their involvement is just so great. People have called this the Gerard case. Now it’s the ADL case. Gerard is just their guy in San Francisco. The ADL is doing the same thing all over the country. There is evidence that the ADL had police agents in other cities. The case just gets bigger every day. The more we look, the more we find people involved.” — end quote — there was extensive news coverage of the ADL raids in the Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Chronicle in December 1992 and April 1993, including the statement I just quoted by the San Francisco assistant district attorney.

Among the 12,000 files on individuals and 950 files on organizations the police recovered in their raids, were files on the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee — the AADC — and many of its members. ADL employee Roy Bullock had been assigned the task of infiltrating the Arab group, and he had even gone so far as stealing a key to their Santa Ana, California, office. The ADL had an especially strong hatred for the AADC, because it countered the ADL’s pro-Israel propaganda with news reports on Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. On October 11, 1985, the chairman of the AADC, Alex Odeh, was killed by a booby-trap bomb when he opened the door of his office in Santa Ana, California.

It didn’t take the FBI very long to figure out who the bombers were, but the three Jewish suspects fled to Israel before they could be arrested. Even though Bullock had the stolen key of the AADC office in his possession at the time of the bombing, neither he nor any of his employers in the ADL were ever charged in connection with Odeh’s murder. Also, in 1985 Jewish activists used a bomb to kill another target of ADL spying and hate propaganda. He was Tscherim Soobzokov, accused by the ADL of having worked with the Germans in his native Belarus during the Second World War. On August 15, 1985, a bomb exploded on Soobzokov’s front porch in Paterson, New Jersey, mortally wounding him.

The ADL used its illegally obtained files in other ways as well, passing some of them to foreign governments. At a court hearing in February 1993, the San Francisco assistant district attorney testified that the file of one American citizen which had been stolen by the ADL had been passed on to the government of Israel. That citizen was Mohammed Jarad, a man of Palestinian ancestry who owned a grocery store in Chicago. When Jarad visited his relatives in Israeli-occupied Palestine in January 1993, he was seized by the Israeli secret police as a result of information supplied to them by the ADL about Jarad’s pro-Palestine activity in the United States.

Now the really disturbing thing about all of this ADL activity is not that the organization accepts money from known crime bosses or that it spies on American citizens and turns some of the information over to foreign governments or even that it sets up assassinations or incites terrorist bombings against its enemies. What makes the ADL more dangerous than any of these others is its ongoing corruption of police officials. In public ceremonies very much like the one honoring gangster Moe Dalitz, the ADL presents awards to police officials and politicians — including the same “Torch of Liberty” award they gave to Dalitz. The ADL regularly persuades local, state, and national police officials to appear on the speaker’s platform when the ADL is denouncing some new enemy of the Jews, just as they had police officials around the country at their press conferences a month ago when they declared me the most dangerous man in America.

The ADL also offers training seminars to police departments to teach them how to recognize and deal with “right-wing terrorists,” believe it or not. And the police departments take them up on it; they have their officers sit and listen to the ADL, with its history of un-American and criminal activity, tell them about how to deal with people that might be a potential problem in their eyes.

Why would any American police official accept an award from the same organization which had given an award to Moe Dalitz and praised him on the front page of its monthly publication? Why would any police official be seen in public with members of an organization caught red-handed with stolen police files? Why would the FBI collaborate with such an organization?

I think that in part it is naivete. Policemen tend to be respecters of authority, even more so than the average citizen. If the media praise the ADL as a “respected civil-rights organization,” and if ADL officials are obviously wealthy and well-connected men, with big offices and lots of secretaries, the police tend to feel that they must be all right. The feeling is that nobody who is rich and powerful and gets good press can be bad. The cops either haven’t seen the few media reports where the ADL got caught red-handed or they've conveniently forgotten.

But more often than naivete, I’m afraid that corruption is the reason for the collaboration. Certainly that is the case with the FBI. The FBI hasn’t forgotten about Moe Dalitz or the stolen police files or the bombing of Alex Odeh’s office. They certainly haven’t forgotten about the arranged murder of Kathy Ainsworth. And that’s frightening. The ADL alone is bad enough. The ADL teamed up with corrupt policemen all across the country should be a nightmare for every decent citizen.

Which Group of People Are Most Likely To Be Terrorists? The Answer May Surprise You…

Zionist mega donor Sheldon Adelson once said, “Not all Islamists [Muslims] are terrorists, but all terrorists are Islamists [Muslim].” Not only are 94% of all terrorist attacks on US soil committed by non-Muslims, but Jews like Sheldon Adelson, are actually responsible for more terrorist attacks than Muslims. That’s right, according to the FBI, Jews were responsible for 7% of terrorist attacks on American soil while Muslims were only responsible for 6%. FBITerrorismIn addition, these official statistics are negatively biased against Muslims. For example, while Muslims were unilaterally blamed for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the only ones arrested on that day were Israeli Mossad agents. These Jewish agents were caught filming the attacks on the twin towers and celebrating afterwards. The agents were apprehended in a van that had explosive residue, and later failed lie detector tests about their role in the attacks. See here for the full article. And yet, look what the RCMP does in Canada
When confronted with these statistics, racists such as Sheldon Adelson will most likely claim that worldwide terrorism statistics are much different; and in that realm Muslims commit far more terrorist attacks than other races. This thesis would also be untrue. While almost no Muslim government in the world today officially condones terrorism, the only Jewish government in the world not only condones terrorism, but officially commissions many terrorist attacks. Israel has admitted to state sponsored terrorist attacks such as the Lavon Affair bombings in Egypt, in which Americans were among the targets. In 1967, there was another example of Jewish terrorism that many people have never heard of, the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. If this was done to a United States ship by any other other country in the world, the Americans would have declared war on them. And in more recent years, Israel commissioned terrorist attacks against civilians in TunisiaIran, Egypt, UAE, and many other countries around the world. In addition, Israel is one of the largest supporters of the MEK, which is a terrorist group that has killed Americans.
In 2010, Israel massacred a group of peace activists trying to bring food and supplies to oppressed Palestinians in what would later be called the 2010 Gaza Flotilla Raid. These terrorist attacks, in addition to Israel’s hostile and reckless behaviour, has led Israeli allies, such as Turkey, to now claim that Israel is a “terrorist state.” Another long time ally, Bolivia, has cut all diplomatic relations and is seeking to bring genocide charges against Israel.
The foundation of Israel was built on terrorism, (see here also,) and this culture has been ingrained in its citizens. In fact, one can say there is a link between terrorism and the founders of the Likud, which is the current party in power in Israel. In 1946, Zionists hoping to achieve a state for Jewish people murdered and maimed more than one hundred civilians in the King David Hotel bombing. In 1948, Jewish terrorists massacred more than 100 innocent Arab villagers at Deir Yassin. The terrorist attack was universally condemned, and the Jewish Agency For Israel later apologized. A list of Jewish/Israeli terrorist attacks can be found here. In addition to organized Jewish terrorism, individual Jews have also murdered scores of innocent Arabs. In one such case in 1994, Baruch Goldstein shot hundreds of peaceful muslims as they worshipped. Afterwards, Israeli Jews actually erected a shrine in the terrorists’ honor and visited it regularly.
Jews only comprise .2% of the world population, or 14 million people, while Muslims comprise 23% percent of the world population, or 1.62 billion people. Therefore, Jews are infinitely more likely to be terrorists than Muslims. In addition, much of the “Muslim terrorism” is in response to Israeli apartheid, displacement, and war crimes. One has to remember that Zionist terrorism against Arabs preceded Muslim terrorism against Israelis.
Hopefully this article has dispelled many of the myths set forth by Zionists such as Sheldon Adelson and their racist cohorts in the American media. This article is by no means meant to demonize the Jewish population, but rather to recognize the ridiculousness of the racist myths that 1) all terrorists are Muslim and 2) Muslims are more likely to be terrorists than other racial groups. The American media, which is has a large percentage of Jewish ownership and management, has pushed these myths on the American people, and should be taken to account for their racial incitement.

Israel Campaigns Against Global Free Speech

Posted by Alcibiades Bilzerian
Freedom-of-Speech-united-states-of-america-21760995-960-720Alarmed at the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli sentiments on the internet, Israeli politicians recently called for nations around the world to enact legislation prohibiting criticism of Jews and Israel. Lobbying to outlaw global free speech is nothing new for Israel, however; it has been in the business of criminalizing speech for decades.
Israel is in the precarious position of receiving tens of billions of dollars in aid every year from nations that purport to support democracy, while simultaneously oppressing the Palestinian people and perpetrating what Nobel Peace Prize winners Bishop Desmond Tutu and President Jimmy Carter deem an apartheid. If the American or European people ever knew that their tax dollars where being used in such a way they would surely cut Israel off. In order to conceal this truth and stifle any criticism, Israel and its lobbyists rely on sympathy from the Holocaust and labels of anti-Semitism to discredit critics. Even US Secretary of State John Kerry was recently called an anti-Semite for supporting a peaceful resolution to the Jewish/Palestinian conflict. Kerry is not alone however, President Obama, and just about anyone who has ever opposed an Israeli policy has been labeled anti-Semitic by his enemies. In order to add teeth to these labels, Israel lobbyists around the world lobby endlessly to criminalize anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.
Israel’s threat of forcing world governments to enact new laws against free speech should not be taken lightly. Israel and its lobbyists have already succeeded in enacting stiff anti-racist laws in most Western countries. These laws have been used on numerous occasions to jail academics, pro-Palestinian activists, and also individuals who have spoken provable facts that are deemed anti-Semitic “canards“.
In Australia, Jewish groups lobbied successfully to outlaw holocaust study and “hate speech.” As with most laws regulating speech and academic study, it has been routinely abused, and is now on the list for repeal. In fact, the law is so tied to Jewish lobbying, that the Jewish newspaper Hareetz published an article: Australian Jews brace for a fight against the repeal of hate laws.
truth-new-hate-speechIn Canada, Jewish groups lobbied for the enactment of hate speech regulation, and defend its use today. In 1983, Israel lobbyists filed a complaint against Ernst Zundal over a book he had written. He was tried several times, his citizenship application in  Canada denied (even though he had resided there for decades), he was detained for two years without trial, and eventually deported to Germany where he was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment.
In France, Israel lobbyists publicly complained about comedian Dieudonne’s parodies of Israel and the holocaust. His home was raided, his shows banned, and hefty fines were imposed. England also followed suit and barred Dieudonne’s entrance into the country. In 2003, the French legislator and Israel lobbyist Pierre Lellouche managed to push through a law which extends the definition of discrimination to include nationalities so anti-Israel activists could be jailed. In 2009, the Lellouche law was used  to convict 20 anti-Israel activists.
In EnglandJewish lobbying efforts successfully enacted strict hate speech laws, and in Austria, acclaimed historian David Irving was incarcerated after Israel lobbyists complained about his academic work. The European Jewish Parliament and the chief Israel lobbyist in Belgium recently called for similar laws to stifle criticism of Israel. According to the Canadian Jewish News article French Vigilance on anti-Israel speech provoking backlash, Israel lobbyists are also attempting to enact similar legislation in the Netherlands.
In America, the Israel lobby has been fighting mightily for years to prohibit hate speech. Those efforts have been unsuccessful thus far, but they have managed to enact hate crime legislation. As Abe Foxman of the ADL noted, the social consequences in America for bigotry against Jews are so severe, (given disproportionate Jewish influence in government, mediafinancehigher educationprofessional sports, etc…) that anti-Israel speakers often see graver consequences than the criminal sanctions they would face in Europe. For example, if one were to be labeled an “anti-Semite,” even if the allegations were wholly unsubstantiated, he would most likely be fired and ostracized from society.
One has to realize that Israel’s efforts having nothing to do with hate speech, anti-Semitism or holocaust denial, but are rather about stifling critical speech that affects Israel and its lobbyists. For example, we know that Israel and its lobbyists are not offended by holocaust denial because Israel and its lobbyists are the leading proponents of Armenian holocaust denial in the world today. Israel should also not be particularly offended by anti-Semitism, because Israel is actually one of the most racist and anti-Semitic nations on the planet.
Today, Israel is furiously enacting anti-free speech laws, hiring internet trolls to spread propaganda and disinformation, and even asking the Jewish owners of social media websites Facebook, Wikipedia, Google, and Youtube to remove material Israel does not like, regardless of its truth or merit. Israel has also campaigned against political parties it does not like in Greece, Hungary, and Ukraine. In Greece, the anti-Israel Golden Dawn Party was disbanded and its leaders arrested for no legal reason. This is a dangerous precedent that threatens world wide freedom and must be combatted immediately, before speaking out against such Israeli efforts is also illegal.
Laws protecting free speech are put in place specifically to protect speech that powerful groups find objectionable. Otherwise, there is no free speech and it is just a matter of time before the list of prohibited phrases grows to include everything the powerful oppose. If it’s illegal to speak about certain races, the disabled or elderly, then why not government employees, and then the rich, or poor, and so on? Either speech is totally protected or it is not protected at all. The point of speech protection is to protect the most unpopular forms of speech. Popular forms of speech obviously need no protection.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Documentary About Israel Torturing Palestinian Children

Before you watch the documentary below, check out this post about children

Now, watch the documentary below! What you'll witness in the documentary is the same mentality behind Homeland Security. The difference being Homeland Security is using Stasi techniques and classified technology to torture their targets. See herehere, herehere, here and here for more information revealing hidden ties between Canada and Israel.

Collection Of Posts About The "Jews"

Before you read the articles and watch the videos in the enumerated posts below, please read my introduction on Judaism. 



One might begin to wonder why I have a problem with what is known as "Jewish" identity. The reason is Judaism is ethnocentric and in many cases... outright racist. See here for more about how Israel is a psychopathic ethno-state.  

Judaism is not merely a religion, it is a blood-based ethnocracy. Many Jews are overt atheists or agnostics, and they do not consider themselves less Jewish because of that. Jews are also the only group in which they have individuals that hold a "crypto" identity, or, in other words, hide or "secretly practice" their beliefs. Is this not strange? One must ask- what exactly is the reason to secretly practice these beliefs? Are they worried that we would be concerned about people who do not want to eat pork or who honor the Sabbath? Seriously, what are these beliefs? Most people do not know much about the Old Testament nor Talmud and the opposition that it has stirred up throughout history. (See the collection of posts located here to learn more about the Talmud. Be sure to scroll down and go through them all. Also, see here for a good introductory video from an honest Israeli.) 

The funny thing is, many Jews think of themselves as a race. All while supporting a racist, ethnocentric, apartheid state...  to top it off, they have the nerve to go around calling other people bigots and racists for criticizing their ideology!   Do you want to know something interesting? Did you know that it is literally illegal for a Jew to marry a Gentile in the state of Israel? This is something they were trying to get rid of with the New Testament

The idea of a "Jew" is based on the Halakhah laws from the Talmud and can be found here. Here is what it specifically says under the heading: "Who is a Jew?"

"A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism. It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do. A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox. In this sense, Judaism is more like a nationality than like other religions, and being Jewish is like a citizenship."

Talmudic "Jewish" identity has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible. In fact, there is nothing in the New Testament nor the Old Testament (Tanakh) about creating a "Talmudic Jewish state of Israel." Talmudic Jewish identity is a fraud, and this is mentioned in the New Testament here and here.  (See the collection of posts located here to learn more about the Talmud and why they cover this up from you.) 

It gets even crazier. Most people have no idea that the laws the Jews are defending in Israel of what makes a Jew a Jew are the Nuremberg laws from the Nazi party! (Also see here from the Jewish Virtual Library.) It's true, and they call me or others who are fighting this a "racist." This is how crazy this really is, but very few people know the truth.

But wait... it gets even crazier than this! Judaism is against the message of Christ. It really is. Read the Gospel of John, the very beginning, it says "he came to his own and his own did not receive him," and, the new doctrine is not of blood but by light, spirit and truth which is God in the New Testament. "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." -John 1:13 

This is not Judaism. Judaism is based upon the blood, it is a cult. Jesus calls the Jews children of the Devil, and the Synagogue of Satan in Revelation. See also when he calls the Pharisees hypocrites and liars. Jesus has redefined what it means to be a Jew and, the new covenant has brought in Jews and Gentiles who believe in his message. (Hence why Catholic means universal.) Jesus is against Judaism. That is not to say the Catholic church is right about everything, because it is full of liars. 

It doesn't matter if you believe in the Bible or God, the question is, where do they get off claiming to be some sort of chosen people of the Bible? See a perfect and reasonable example of the fraud at the 1 hour and 12-minute mark in the video here. Also watch this video. An atheist and an agnostic cannot argue with this. Their "Jewish" identity is based on nothing but lies. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were trying to do with the New Testament. They were trying to get rid of this ethnocentric, racist insanity and universalize human rights. YOU ARE ALL MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD, AND YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE. This is why Jesus says the body is the temple (see here and here,) and why the first and second temples were both destroyed. (Jesus warns about the destruction of the second temple.) The Jews don't understand this. It is also why Jesus says he is the Alpha and the Omega, this means the beginning and the end, just like the creation stories (beginning) and the end in the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation. Remember, we are made in the image of God in the very beginning of the Bible. 

Jesus calls them hypocrites and liars and charges the Jewish leadership with following the Devil for a reason. Why? The main reason is because Judaism is a cult. See here for more about this. This is also why Jesus and the apostles were being persecuted by the Pharisees and the Sadducees. (Unfortunately, many of the churches are a complete joke and they will not tell you the truth.) It is important to let people know that Jesus was not a Jew like the Jews you see today. In fact, he was literally against them and that is why they crucified him. (See here.) 

Many Zionists like to say Jesus was "a Jew just like them" to get gullible Christians, agnostics or whoever to support their insanity. "Jesus was a Jew like us..." or "you should support the state of Israel if you like human rights." or "the only democracy in the middle east" or "the bastion of western civilization in the middle east." All while this, this and this is happening. Just complete madness and lies. The truth is, Israel is an ethnocracy and it does not even have a constitution! Plus, they acknowledge and impose Sharia law

Judaism has historically been associated with usury and slavery. While human rights can be traced back in Christian thought to at least 13th century. It was Christians who brought in natural law and human rights.  Before Christianity, the whole idea of loving your enemy or about everyone being made in the image of God didn't exist. Helping the poor and the sick for disinterested motives. Where do you think this comes from? 

Even with Spinoza, the beloved "Jewish" philosopher... it must be reminded that the "so-called Jews" told him to take a hike. He found more favor among philosophers --- many whom were Christians because Christianity had a history of integrating and adopting philosophy into it. 

The other scheme the state of Israel has is to try to appear like something they aren't. Israel is a hodge-podge that has been set up to try to get everyone and their dog to support it, no matter what the state of Israel does or no matter how full of crap they are. Even when the whole world is against them for their human rights abuses and genocidal actions. They try to get everyone from conservatives to gays and lesbians to support it. Even though the state of Israel supports Sharia law! The truth is, historically, Judaism was always closer to Islam than Christianity. What reform Jews and Zionists are doing is taking ideas from Christianity and adopting them into Judaism, all while refraining to get rid of the tribalistic "chosenness" of Judaism from the Talmud

They try to equate "anti-Semitism" with something that is completely irrational when it is far from being so. Once you understand and know the truth about Judaism you will see why they have had problems with others in the past. They hide it from you! Some of them don't even know the truth themselves. Just like some Christians don't know the truth of Christianity. Some of the "so-called Jews" try to gull the ignorant public into thinking they are the victims. They are not telling you the truth. There is a reason why this group of people has been booted out of so many nations. 

Ask yourself a question, why is it that so many of the supposed "Liberals" in your country support the state of Israel? I mention Liberals because at one time a Liberal was not a bad word. These were the people who stood up to the overreaching powers of the monarchs, these were the people who demanded their natural rights as human beings.  A Liberal originally meant a person who believed in human rights, property rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of conscience with the rule of law. They demanded checks and balances on power. How can you have ethics and morality if you are not free to choose? This is the exact opposite of what is happening in North America and in Israel today. (See here for the connections between Homeland Security, Zionism, and Israel.) 

So, why is it that so few of your politicians are willing to stand up and speak out against what Israel actually is or what is happening over there?  Even when you have a Prime Minister of the state of Israel making insane comments like this. It's because they are afraid of the power of the Jewish lobby. Simple as that.  

Imagine the Pope designating what makes every Christian a Christian... is that you only need to be born from a Christian mother. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO, NOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE! Even better, imagine the Pope saying that you can be a Christian, even though you don't believe or even "struggle with God," (that's what Israel actually means.) You only have to have some Christian relatives. Preferably, your mother. Not only that, he's going to set up a whole state designated for people just like you. But it gets even better... you'll have more rights in that state than people that have lived there their whole lives. If you're lucky,  you might even be able to have one of their homes. 

Another thought experiment... imagine if the Jews turned New York city into a Jewish state. Made it illegal to marry non-Jews, and put big walls around New York city with checkpoints. Imagine they began to uproot the New Yorkers, put them behind the big walls, controlled their water supply and called them terrorists.

Like I said, Israel is a blood-based ethnocracy. Today in Israel, (or anywhere else for that matter,) what makes a Talmudic Jew a Jew, when it comes right down to it... has absolutely nothing to do with what they believe. It is based on the Talmudic interpretation of who a Jew is. It is a man-made blood law. If it is not racist, it is based on blood and ethnocentrism. In this sense, it is not much different to what was happening in Nazi Germany. Think about that! It is not much different than what the Nazi's were doing! Now look through the links below and see what some Jews and the state of Israel hide from you:

1. Transhumanism and Judaism

2. Transhumanism and Judaism Part 2

3. The Israel You Don't Hear About in the Media - MUST SEE VIDEOS

4. The Israel That You Rarely Hear About in the Media Part 2

5. Israel: a Place of Systematic Racism and Apartheid

6. Something Most People Don't Know About - The Talmud

45. The Insane Jewish Gene Idea

46. The Psychopathology of Judaism

47. Five Authors That You Must Read - Learn More About Israel and the Problems of Militant Judaism and Zionism

48. The Jewish Talmud Exposed Video

49. The Talmud Unmasked~ The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Non-Jews

50. The Attitude Towards Gentiles From Some Of The "Chosen People" - Meet Gene Simmons Of Kiss

51. More Wisdom of the Jewish Sages....

52. More Wisdom of the "So-Called" Jewish Sages Part 2

53. More About Jews and Eugenics -Information The "Caring" Liberal Society Hides From You

54. Documentary About Israel Torturing Palestinian Children

55. Perfect Examples of Absolute Ignorance And Crazed Supremacism

56. Two Interesting Books on Judaism

 Jews Selling Blacks - The Little Known or Talked About History of Jewish Involvement in the Slave Trade

58. War on Arabs, War on Africans

59. And You Thought The Liberal Party Was Bad In Canada & The USA --- Check Out Israel!

60. Canadian Government Kills Freedom of Speech on Israel

61. Jews & The Slave Trade- History That Has Been Covered Cup

62. Interesting Video With Conan O'Brien On a Visit To Palestine

63. Interviewing Israeli's About What Should Be Done With Palestinians

64. Exposing The Real Bullies

65. Must See: Jews And The Other

66. Must See: Israel and the So-Called Jews- Justification For Killing Babies

67. Jewish Psychopaths: Watch These Videos - Some Thoughts From a Jew

68. Once Again --- Some Jews Doing What They Do Best--- Terrorizing People