Thursday, February 6, 2014

Edward Snowden is Fake and the Media Doesn't Report Everything... BUT...

The media and him have still informed the public about some very important information. Snowden did not expose anything that was not already known—or at least suspected—since 2002. This timeline just consolidates the known.

Here is a timeline of his revelations:

And here are two excellent links from the Washington Post.

The first one is called Top Secret America:

and the next one is called the Black Budget:

Monday, December 30, 2013

Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons Program and Mordechai Vanunu...

First off, here is a great article regarding Israel's secret nuclear weapons program.

Now, meet Mordechai Vanunu. Maybe there should have been a swap in the past ....

Mordechai Vanunu for Jonathan Pollard. (Just for the record, I think they should consider releasing Jonathan Pollard.) But, I don't think Mr. Vanunu is supposed to exist because what he was involved with doesn't exist either. (Wink, wink.)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Canada --- Pathetic like the United States

Note: Before reading the article below, please see here and here for more information about the technology.

We have all heard the talk about the NSA in the United States... but, it's interesting that Canadians don't know much about their own NSA. The Communications Security Establishment Canada.

Imagine paying tax dollars to a country that likes to say that it's defending or fighting for freedom in other countries and is looking into the brains of its own citizens. Imagine paying your tax dollars to a group of people that use super computers and artificial intelligence to spy on you 24 hours a day. When you go to the washroom, when you have sex, when you sleep, when you eat, when you work. All the time.

No. It is not just emails or the internet that they are tracking. It's not just your cell phone calls. They can look into your brain and influence your behavior. They can put thoughts in your head and evoke emotions. They can beam you with electromagnetic weapons.

I have been on the receiving end of this technology. I am pretty sure it is being directed by either the NSA, (which would be why some in the United States have access to my brain,) or the CSEC in Canada. Hell, maybe both.

As for the organized stalking, this is done by citizens with various backgrounds. Some are neighborhood watch, some might be CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service,) but it's also done by people I recognize and have a background with drugs. Some are probably told and shown things about me, others are probably paid or bribed, and others are probably blackmailed. Also participating in the stalking are RCMP officers,  the Fire Department, ambulances drivers, military or former military, and cab drivers.

 It might sound funny to mention cab drivers, and they know this. But, this sort of activity has always happened in countries that are run by organized crime.That's why they do it, because it sounds so crazy it's hard for anyone to believe. Cab drivers can make some extra money by being the eyes and ears of the powerful.

Here is What They Would Do to Me...

They seemed to have calmed down, but, they would frequently drive past my brothers house, (where I am staying now,) park in front of his house, leave when I came out the door, follow or drive past me at work. (I work outside landscaping.) They literally followed me everywhere.

But Wait... It Gets Even Crazier.  
Do You Think This is Strange?

One of the people that was working at my mother and step-father's former shop was a fireman. He rented out a part of their shop to do metal work. Strangely, he had the same last name as someone who worked with me at a financial website I used to run. Coincidence?

What About This?

When I got on the plane to fly to Las Vegas I was sitting beside a young lady who had the same last name as someone I was previously working with .... at that same site!

Neither of these last names are common.

But that's not all, she frequently mention information that made me realize she knew me. She would mention something I was talking about on the phone or a conversation I had in the house. It was also important for her to mention that she hated racism, and that she was a gypsy.... and of course, that the Nazis persecuted the gypsies.

Now, ask yourself who has the power to get someone sitting beside another person on a plane like that?

I would say it's either intelligence or organized crime. Or both, because the intelligence community has always been hooked up with organized crime, at least in the United States.

 Welcome to Canada. Canada is a Stasi police state that is ruled by the elite who run many of the corporations, most of the drugs and of course... the banks. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Thoughts From Pascal- Pulling Up Some Blasts From the Past That I Deleted

  • Man does not know the place he should occupy. He has obviously gone astray; he has fallen from his true place and cannot find it again. He searches everywhere, anxiously but in vain, in the midst of impenetrable darkness.
  • We desire truth and find in ourselves nothing but uncertainty. We seek happiness and find only wretchedness and death. We are incapable of not desiring truth and happiness and incapable of either certainty or happiness. We have been left with this desire as much as a punishment as to make us feel how far we have fallen.
  • I condemn equally those who choose to praise man, those who choose to condemn him and those who choose to divert themselves, and I can only approve of those who seek with groans.
  • The parrot wipes its beak although it is clean.
  • Man's greatness comes from knowing he is wretched: a tree does not know it is wretched. Thus it is wretched to know that one is wretched, but there is greatness in knowing one is wretched.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Resentment & Self-Satisfaction

 I grew up with the sea and poverty for me was sumptuous, then I lost the sea and found all luxury grey and poverty unbearable. Every artist keeps within himself a single source which nourishes during his lifetime what he is and what he says. I know that my source is the world of poverty and sunlight that I lived in for so long whose memory still saves me from two opposing dangers that threaten every artist; resentment and self-satisfaction. Among my many weaknesses I have never discovered that most widespread failing... envy. The true cancer of societies indoctrines.

-Albert Camus

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Brian Hutchinson: The RCMP and Pickton

Interesting article regarding the RCMP.

It makes one wonder.

When you combine what is written in this article and this article, with the information that I have written about, you begin to wonder something.

Namely,  are there some RCMP officers that knew what Pickton was doing?

Greater still, did they let him do it?

Well, from my personal experience, there are some RCMP officers who know of the technology I'm talking about. This means they could have easily captured Pickton.

Does this mean the RCMP allowed a serial killer to continue killing people?

Click the link below to read the articles:

Brian Hutchinson: Mountie fetishist sparks new Code of Conduct review

RCMP officer investigated over bondage photos

Sunday, June 30, 2013

You Know What I Reach For When I Go Fishing?

The write-up below is about the psychopath named Joe Rogan. He is a phony loser from hell who runs a podcast. He thinks it is funny to threaten people and their families with electromagnetic weapons. See here for the technology--- see here for another post about this.

Well, maybe not --- because I don't drink anymore. Though I've been told they're absolutely excellent... (someone even mentioned the word "bulletproof" when describing it.) Dave Asprey the phony coffee loser will be discussed another day, he is another piece of trash lying scumbag involved with drugs and knows about classified technology.

Incidentally, he has also appeared on Joe Rogan's stupid podcast show. These losers all know each other because they are all scum. Same with the weasel named James Altucher. I have often found what most of these people have in common is Israel and "Jewishness." It is literally a part of Homeland Security to gang up on critics of Israel and Jews! Poor little Jews, so persecuted! Sorry, you aren't chosen. One wonders why all these Jews remain so quiet about their "so-called Jewish identity." One reason why is because they don't want you to know what they really are.

Incidentally, "bulletproof" is something I may need to be one day.

Apparently, the beer in the video below goes well with a lambs shoulder ... with the fuck SLOWLY COOKED out of it. The kind of lambs shoulder that is connected to someone in your family that is getting shot with microwaves.

Lamb Shoulder - Fuck Slowly Cooked Out of It

The beer is called Rogan... and no it isn't from California, Boston or New Jersey. It's from the Ukraine. Crazy, I know. I also know how much Canadians like their beer, so, it wouldn't surprise me if Rogan had to literally wrestle or fight this into the country! 

That would be kind of cool to watch. A couple beers fighting it out in an octagon...

Kind of Like the UFC.

That's why I always liked the UFC ... there's nowhere for bullies to hide. Unlike those who electronically harass, or engage in gang-stalking and gaslighting of others.

Anyways... enjoy the video below.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Anti-State, Anti-War, Pro Market --- Pro Mind Reading --- Pro Space Based Weapons --- Pro Bullshit

I saw a banker do the politician point today. 

"Don't point at the clients --  they will think you're rude. Or worse yet, they might find out that you're full of shit about what you're selling them."

It doesn't surprise me in the least bit.

What does surprise me, is seeing a site that is "Anti-State, Anti-War and Pro Market" interview someone who at the absolute least... lacks credibility because of what I've seen him doing. (For instance, how he's continuously made reference to my thoughts, actions or life in the stories on his blog.)

The truth is... this shouldn't surprise me either. I wrote previously about stalking and how my thoughts were being read. One of the sites I was referring to was a "libertarian" site. (For more counterintelligence phonies see here, here and here.) 

I have to ask again.... is this Anarcho-Capitalism at work? Looking into people's brains with satellites? Defending the undefendable with threats, blackmail, gang stalking, and slander?

I find it highly amusing that a site that talks about the problems of the creeping state, and our "liberties being lost," cannot seem to talk about some of the information on this site.

It's time people begin to ask themselves what some of the alternative media is really about.

Is this just another sham in a world that is completely ridden with shams?

Just like most people in this world, I like truth and I'm utterly sick of the bullshit. And just in case someone says or shows you something about me... watch this and read this. Remember, it's not the messenger, it's the truth that will stare you right in the face. Also, technology exists that can alter human behavior and many of these people know this.

Maybe we should turn up our B.S. monitors, and listen a bit more carefully to those who write a bunch of B.S. --- maybe they're just spying on you.

Even with the video below from Democracy Now, ask yourself... why this NSA whistleblower is not talking about some of the technology on this blog?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Masters of The Universe + Brighton Beach Brawler = Really?

Seeing that I'm a lone soldier that doesn't need to get a haircut from an able-bodied seaman's wife in San Diego, nor do I need to write articles about the illusion of liberty in the United States.

(Though I was thinking about South California, and I did watch this movie last night. Go here to learn more about technology to read and manipulate the human mind. Most people already know about viruses, trojans, cookie and IP tracking... but it's much worse than this. )

I decided to brush up on a much-needed skill. My math. I started with my headline.

What does it mean? notes how one would  be able to spy on an ample amount of gambling systems if one could become Master of the Universe.

How would one go about doing this? Simple as pie. Certainly (one, with a small o...) could soon become One with a capital O. Or a He-Man... a Master of the Universe.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Edward Snowden... I Tell You This --- Go Here Man!

Edward Snowden... now that you are in Russia, it's time for you to go here.

After leaping from the pages of Catch 22 --- and the TV world of Network, (he was literally in these --- in other words, they are laughing in your face while they are lying to you!) your next mission, if you choose to accept it...  is to go back to meet the avatar of your maker.

You must go deep into the forest of Siberia.. where you will find the chosen ones that will take care of you.

There you will find the spotters of the triangles in the sky with pulsing colored lights that appear at each corner of the triangle--- there you will find the awakened ones who await the inevitable chaos of man.

There you will find a cult like the ones I have seen, except the one in Siberia also teaches the masculine professions of handling kettle balls ---- using power tools, and of course... gas operated equipment.

Go now my son. Quickly shuffle thy feet across mother Russia.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Hidden Dangers of Political Correctness

I have to quote what Marc Faber wrote because it's very well said:

 The Hidden Dangers of Political Correctness

"First, I shall discuss Political Correctness. In 1948, Norman M. Thomas, Leader of the US Socialist Party opined that “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of 'liberalism', they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing it happened.”

Political Correctness (PC) is the outcome of a distinctive 'turn' in Leftist politics, which became obvious in the mid-1960s. PC is a subjective list put together by the few to rule the many - a list of things one must think, say, or do. It affronts the right of the individual to establish his or her own beliefs. In the 20th century, the contemporary use of the phrase “Politically Correctness” dates from the dogmatic application of Stalinist doctrine, debated between formal Communists and Socialists, during the middle of the 20th century. Peter Drucker noted that, until recently, only Nazis and Stalinists spoke of “political correctness.” It is indeed a purely totalitarian concept. It asserts the fight of those in power to suppress all but the party line's official lies."

Trying to control what another human-being is saying or thinking is the world of this book.

That Is a World That I Refuse to Live In

That book is the one we read in high school, and are taught... (for good reason,) is the epitome of evil. It tells of a world that we should despise... and if being implemented, one we should fight against.

I Completely Agree With That

Any person who seeks to regulate what another human-being is thinking or saying, or how that human-being is acting...  especially if the human-being is on their property, in their house, and they are not physically harming anyone else --- is a person that is described quite well in this book.

They are seeking to deprive a human-being of an environment that is conducive to the pursuit of happiness and flourishing. To suppress it. To hamper it. To destroy it.

If this is your idea of freedom --- and you are trying to impose it on other human-beings, I don't want to be a part of it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Torture and Trauma Bonding

A couple of interesting videos to watch about Trauma Bonding.... after you watch the videos, be sure to read what I've written below them.

Of course, after I watched the videos ... an article went up on this site. (If they take it down, I copied it.)

I'm sure it's just a coincidence... even though I know the people at that site have access to the technology I've been talking about on this blog. It's not the first time they have done that. It's been going on for two and half years ---- and that's just when I noticed it.

In the posts on their site --- they mention my thoughts, a topic that I've been talking about with someone else, or something my family and I are talking about or doing.

Monday, June 17, 2013

"Thinking" About What Some Call Principles

For some strange reason when I woke up this morning I was "thinking" deep thoughts about principles. Maybe it was after what I wrote last night.

Then I got on my computer and proceeded to go over to this website. (I really don't know why... though I do like this article that was recently posted.)

Then I began to realize, there are those who talk about principles --- and there are those who actually stand up for their principles that they "talk" about having.

I also remembered that even those who don't have any principles at least have one principle; they will say and do anything to make people believe them.

Personally, I don't think Americans need anymore people like that running for congress ... there is already enough of them.