Showing posts with label Phony Libertarian Losers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phony Libertarian Losers. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

See Walter Block - "Anarcho-Capitalist" Libertarian Defend the "Undefendable" or Intelligence Agency Stasi Techniques

As you can see from the screenshot below, the video here, and Walter Block's book here, he is essentially defending the exact same techniques the intelligence agencies are engaging in. Including blackmail, slander and libel. (CLICK ON THE SCREENSHOT BELOW TO MAKE IT BIGGER.) 

Apparently, in his mind... these are "Libertarian" principles.  One might begin to wonder why none of these supposed Libertarians ever seem to mention the insane level of surveillance the population is under by intelligence agencies. This extremely intrusive level of surveillance includes having access to the brains of political dissidents (some who are Libertarians themselves,) and shooting them with microwaves and electromagnetic weapons. Isn't this kind of relevant to the case for freedom? Isn't it contradictory to their professed principles? Why are none of the people or the websites that Walter is associated with, (the Mises Institute or Lew to name two,) talking about this?

I know's because these websites are associated with the CIA. These websites are all a part of the modern day counter-intelligence program that never ended called COINTELPRO. (See here also.)

I think it is important to ask ---- is keeping quiet about this classified technology and these Stasi stalking techniques compatible with the Libertarian principles of "non-aggression" that Walter holds? My personal opinion is it is more compatible with East Germany than Libertarianism.

Just for the record, Walter knows what these people are doing with electromagnetic weapons. Just like many of the other pseudo-Libertarians listed here, here and here. Many of these supposed "Libertarians" are Zionists and they are strong supporters of Israel. When it comes to compromising their principles, they are exactly like the Pharisees who Jesus charged with being hypocrites. In others words, they say one thing and do the exact opposite. When it comes to Israel and Judaism, they are willing to completely ignore their principles. What they really believe in is enforcing Jewish rule over Gentiles.

Here is a good way to separate the wheat from the chaff ---- if they are not talking about organized Stasi-like stalking techniques or classified technology and electromagnetic weapons, there is a good chance they might be a Judas goat. For more information about counter-intelligence, otherwise known as COINTELPRO, see hereherehereherehereherehere and here. For a more extensive amount of articles about classified technology, see under the Classified and Hi-Technology category on my blog.

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