Showing posts with label Neoconservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neoconservatives. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Newt Gingrich: A Judas Goat From the Beginning

"In early 1995, Congressman Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House, fired his newly appointed congressional librarian, Christina Jeffrey. He fired her for having once suggested that history students, when studying the Holocaust, (see herehere and here,) should also study the German point of view on the subject. She was fired in spite of her high standing in her profession and notwithstanding her long and cozy relations with the powerful Jewish ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith). The very suggestion that there could be another side to any issue affecting Jews is decried as “anti-Semitic.” In both the entertainment and news media, the only permissible opinion is that Jews are always innocent victims persecuted by intolerant Christians and other “anti-Semites.”

A Judas Goat From the Beginning:
Newt Gingrich: Voice for Corrupted Conservatism—
The Republican Favorite of The Enemy Within

A front-page exclusive published in the January 28, 1985 issue of The Spotlight revealed—much to the dismay of many self-styled “conservatives”— that Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich, then a little known “backbencher” in the House of Representatives, was the brains behind a clique of internationalist Republicans who were working to scrap the GOP’s historic nationalist stance in foreign policy making.

Unfortunately, this honest effort to expose Gingrich’s internationalist bent was greeted with a mixture of outrage and scorn by many conservatives who were hoodwinked by the mainstream media into following the Georgia congressman’s peculiar brand of “leadership.”

The Spotlight revealed that Gingrich, along with several other House Republicans (Reps. Vin Weber [Minn.], Connie Mack [Fla.], and Robert Walker [Pa.]) had attended a secret meeting with Donald
Graham, publisher of the Washington Post, and Meg Greenfield, the Post’s editorial page editor.

Gingrich and his fellow GOP lawmakers had dubbed themselves the Conservative Opportunity Society (COS), although their critics called them the Conservative “Opportunists” Society.

At that meeting, The Spotlight reported, Gingrich and his colleagues effectively agreed to work to revamp the so-called “conservative wing” of the Republican Party and use their influence to push the GOP into the internationalist camp. In return, the Post’s power-wielders agreed to give Gingrich and his colleagues widespread favorable publicity in the pages of their influential daily in the nation’s capital. Until that time Gingrich and company had been relegated to “backbench” status by the media, sometimes even painted as “extremists” and “troublemakers.”

Gingrich and his colleagues told the Post that they would come out swinging in favor of economic sanctions against the anti-communist, pro-American regime in South Africa.This, of course, was a 180-degree reversal of the traditional “conservative”stand in support of South Africa and in opposition to sanctions.

In short time they did, in fact, call for sanctions, causing syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan to comment that Gingrich and company were “turncoat[s]” who were guilty of “stabbing South Africa in the back.” 

By adopting the new position, Gingrich and his COS clique had effectively signed on with the liberal internationalists in Congress who had been waging war against South Africa for decades. Shortly, the Washington Post published a laudatory profile of Gingrich. This set the stage for many future such puff-pieces promoting Gingrich and placing him in line for his ultimate election as House Minority Whip (second-ranking position in the GOP hierarchy).

Then, to the outrage of nationalist-minded Republicans, Gingrich’s COS colleague,Vin Weber, authored a prominently placed op-ed column in the Post (never permitted as a forum for GOP conservatives) which called upon the GOP to become “America’s new internationalist party.”

Ultimately The Spotlight’s world exclusive on the secret meeting between Gingrich and the Post was confirmed by the Post itself—but only after Gingrich had reached a position of influence. In short, The Spotlight’s “conspiracy theory”—as some called it—proved not to be a “conspiracy theory,” but a fact.

As the Spotlight warned, Gingrich himself is an unabashed internationalist and has been recognized as such by the self-styled “new age” movement. One internationalist journal, New Options, even hailed Gingrich as a key “globally responsible” legislator.

In keeping with his orientation, Gingrich, in 1983, joined then-Rep. Albert Gore Jr. (D-Tenn.), later vice president, in introducing a bill to “advise the president on ‘critical trends and alternative futures’”—an effort heralded by a well-known “one world”advocacy journal known as Leading Edge.

All of this should have been no surprise to long-time Gingrich watchers, however. In 1968 when then-California Governor Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon were vying for “conservative” support in their respective bids for the GOP presidential nomination, Gingrich opted to sign on as the Southeast regional coordinator for one of their opponents, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller. Later, prior to his election to Congress, Gingrich taught at the Rockefeller-funded Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, an outpost of the Rockefeller empire.

The reality of what Gingrich truly represents is reflected in his critical role in railroading NAFTA through Congress. Gingrich was almost single-handedly responsible for ensuring passage of the sovereignty-robbing, job-exporting North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He
rallied the GOP votes necessary to enable NAFTA’s enactment, delivering a victory to his fellow member of the Rockefeller-financed Council on Foreign Relations, President Bill Clinton.

On September 3, 1995, the Washington Post assured its readers that Gingrich was “okay” despite many public criticisms of Gingrich by some liberal critics.The Post rushed to the defense of the new House Speaker and pointed out in a headline that “For the ultra-right, Gingrich is just a tool of the world government plot.”The Post said that “anyone who glances at The Spotlight, the weekly newspaper knows that . . . Gingrich is hardly the leader of their movement; in their eyes, he is actively working to subvert it.” (However, the Post was careful not to mention that it was The Spotlight that first blew the whistle on the secret deal between Gingrich and the Post.)

According to the sarcastic and less than factual commentary by the Post,“Those with a paranoid bent are convinced that the Georgian is in cahoots with President Clinton, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Council on Foreign Relations and the entire Eastern Establishment to
abrogate the Constitution and forge a New World Order under the thumb of Jewish central bankers and the United Nations.”

The Post concluded:“It is important for national opinion-makers to understand the chasm between most House Republicans and the loony right. Gingrich and his GOP revolution may be controversial and provocative, but they are not the source of violent extremism.” As far as Gingrich’s close friend and fellow House Republican Vin Weber is concerned,Weber was forced, ultimately, to abandon a promising career in the House after he was caught red-handed in the House check-kiting scandal.

Despite having devoted much time and energy to promoting the demands of the pro-Israel lobby, including working to disrupt an effort to force a congressional inquiry into Israel’s June 7, 1967 unprovoked naval and air attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, sailing peacefully in the Mediterranean, resulting in the deaths of 34 Americans and the wounding of 171 others,Weber’s financial misdeeds caught up with him. Needless to say,Weber received heavy campaign financing from pro-Israel elements in return for his efforts.

However, after Weber’s departure from Congress, his friends in the Zionist elite ensured his future financial security.Weber was named to the prestigious globalist group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and was later named by President George W. Bush as head of the National Endowment for Democracy, an institution promoting “global democracy,”part of the neoconservative agenda.

Gingrich himself abandoned his congressional seat in the midst of the furor over President Bill Clinton’s affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Because it was subsequently revealed thatGingrich had been carrying on an extramarital affair behind the back of his second wife, Marianne,many speculated that Gingrich’s affair (and the possibility that it might become a political issue in the heated fight over the attempt to drive Clinton from office) was the reason that he left office, perhaps convinced by his fellow Republicans that it was best for the party. He later married his mistress, who was a singer in a church choir during her affair with the GOP leader.

As an added note, it should be pointed out that while Gingrich was busy on Capitol Hill carrying water for Israeli interests, his then-wife Marianne was on the payroll of a group known as the Israel Export Development Company (IEDCO) which was promoting the financial interests of Israel vis-à-vis lucrative trade agreements with the United States.

In fact, it seems that Mrs. Gingrich’s lucrative deal with IEDCO was cut in August of 1994 after she and her husband traveled to Israel at the expense of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a foreign lobby for Israel.

Although she was taking home a monthly salary of $2500, plus “commissions,”Mrs. Gingrichrefused to disclose the size of those “commissions.” And while Mrs. Gingrich responded to criticisms of her sweet deal that “If I were going to get a political payoff, it would not be for the amount of money I am making,” the fact is that the yearly figure of $30,000 is precisely the kind of figures often seen linked to political payoffs. And what is interesting is that IEDCO’s president, Larry Silverstein, admitted to the Wall Street Journal that Gingrich was one of a number of members of Congress who were lobbied to support his company’s proposal.

Although his wife’s Israeli connection was obviously an egregious conflict of interest for NewtGingrich, the congressman’s friends in high places saw no problem whatsoever—since “our ally Israel”was involved. Imagine the ruckus if Mrs.Gingrich had been working for Arab interests! These days Gingrich continues to make noise on behalf of Israel and is said to be positioning himself for a future presidential run,his past scandals notwithstanding.

He is even promoting himself—and the media is helping him do it—as an advocate of “reform,”his record of corruption notwithstanding. The bottom line, however, is that Gingrich is not just a spokesman for The Enemy Within.

He constitutes an Enemy Within in and of himself. He is a classic case study of the manner in which the major media has created and promoted a shameless and power-hungry politician whose
loyalties clearly do not lie with the interests of the American people— his rhetoric notwithstanding—but instead with the plutocratic forces within the Zionist and globalist elite.Americans would do well to reject Gingrich now and in the future.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The War Party: Israel, Neo-Conservatives and Organized Crime

Along with watching the videos below, it would be helpful to read the articles herehere, here and here to learn more about organized crime. To learn more about the militant stalking program that is taking place in Canada and the United States, see here. See here for the origins of this stalking program. To see who has the greatest chance of being a terrorist, see here. To learn more about the peculiarities of September 11-2001 that very few people know, see here. To see who is trying to limit free speech, see here. To see how organized crime works with law enforcement, see here.

It is important to realize that the people in control are psychopathic lying thugs. They are the real organized crime that works with law enforcement because they have incredible levels of economic and political power. 

Jewish Neo-Conservatives, Israel and American Foreign Policy

Books to check out about Neo-Conservatism: (You might want to go here or here and see if you can download any of the books for free. The titles listed at number 10 and 11 are available on the internet (do a search,) and on this site for free.

1. The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel

2. Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War

3. High Priests of War

4. The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy

5. The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements