Wednesday, July 10, 2024

We are Hackable Animals

There you go. No more rights. Here is the wikipedia of the guy that is featured in the top video below.  In the bottom video is Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google along with Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum. Have you ever seen the movie the Circle, which is loosely based upon Google? Remember the Google Chrome circle? Do you remember in the movie how they were following the guy around? This is organized stalking

The guy in the top video is Dr Yuval Noah Harari, see interviews with him herehere, and here with James Altucher. I have written previously about James Altucher herehere, and here, The video proves what I am saying. James is a computer scientist, Yuval isn't, but he knows about this. (It is worth mentioning, James is not the only one covering this up.)

Where's the Justice? Silicon Valley Billionaire Scum Along With the CIA and NSA: Must Watch Documentary Below- Learn the History of Manipulation of Human Beings With Classified Technology (Many Silicon Valley Billionaires, Electrical Engineers, Computer Scientists, Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists Know About This & Are Complicit in Covering it Up)

See here for more about Ewen Cameron.  See here for a list of government agencies involved in covering up the human rights abuses and torture that continues now.  

See here and here for more about classified and hi-technology. See here for more about MkUltra. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles when you click through on the MkUltra link.) See here for more about Transhumanism. (Be sure to scroll down and go through all of the articles and videos when you click on the Transhumanist link.)

The documentary below is an absolute must watch. Be sure to watch the whole presentation. You will learn how long this technology has been around and the massive human rights abuses that have been perpetrated. This is something that is rarely talked about, in fact, it is extremely difficult to find information on this topic. Be sure to watch this old news clip from CNN in the 80's. Also interesting are movies from the 80's like Videodrome and Brainstorm

Monday, July 8, 2024

Brain Computer Interfaces, Mind Control and Surveillance

See past video with Steve Hoffman here. Some one in Silicon Valley that actually tells some of the truth. Think of how many of them know this and say absolutely nothing