Saturday, June 29, 2024

Nanotechnology: Hacking Humans, Its Potential, and Real Risks

See here for more about nanotechnology. (Scroll down and read all the articles.) This is also what I have been saying about using viruses to get this in your body. (Also see here.) It has become so sophisticated it can also be introduced with dust. See the movie "Gamer" when they talk about this. Also, see this video about injecting a brain-computer interface into your body through your leg (starting at 4:32 into the video,) also see here

Monday, June 17, 2024

The CBC Was Following My Twitter Account - See Proof

Note: this was originally posted in December of 2016 with my old Twitter account that was taken down. If the CBC was following my Twitter account, (see screenshot below, see where it says under CBC pic "follows you") who else do you think knows about what is happening in Canada? Freedom in Canada... give me a break. 

The information I was putting out was so controversial and explosive. The CBC knows this, that's why they won't talk about it.  That is also why you should be following this blog. Click on the picture below to enlarge it, see how they were following me. 

Keep this in mind when you read this blog post and this blog post

(Click on Pic Above to Enlarge, See Where it Says '@CBC Follows You')

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Neuroscientist Dr James Giordano. Neuro-Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Brain Implants

See here for more about smart dust, see here for more about nanotechnology and the brain. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hacking Humans

Watch video below, see past videos from this same hacker here. Also, see the screenshot of his company below the video. He works with Homeland Security, so the US government should probably know about this technology.  He also works with Honeywell, a major military contractor that is involved with augmented cognition