Monday, July 29, 2013

Thoughts From Pascal- Pulling Up Some Blasts From the Past That I Deleted

  • Man does not know the place he should occupy. He has obviously gone astray; he has fallen from his true place and cannot find it again. He searches everywhere, anxiously but in vain, in the midst of impenetrable darkness.
  • We desire truth and find in ourselves nothing but uncertainty. We seek happiness and find only wretchedness and death. We are incapable of not desiring truth and happiness and incapable of either certainty or happiness. We have been left with this desire as much as a punishment as to make us feel how far we have fallen.
  • I condemn equally those who choose to praise man, those who choose to condemn him and those who choose to divert themselves, and I can only approve of those who seek with groans.
  • The parrot wipes its beak although it is clean.
  • Man's greatness comes from knowing he is wretched: a tree does not know it is wretched. Thus it is wretched to know that one is wretched, but there is greatness in knowing one is wretched.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Resentment & Self-Satisfaction

 I grew up with the sea and poverty for me was sumptuous, then I lost the sea and found all luxury grey and poverty unbearable. Every artist keeps within himself a single source which nourishes during his lifetime what he is and what he says. I know that my source is the world of poverty and sunlight that I lived in for so long whose memory still saves me from two opposing dangers that threaten every artist; resentment and self-satisfaction. Among my many weaknesses I have never discovered that most widespread failing... envy. The true cancer of societies indoctrines.

-Albert Camus

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Brian Hutchinson: The RCMP and Pickton

Interesting article regarding the RCMP.

It makes one wonder.

When you combine what is written in this article and this article, with the information that I have written about, you begin to wonder something.

Namely,  are there some RCMP officers that knew what Pickton was doing?

Greater still, did they let him do it?

Well, from my personal experience, there are some RCMP officers who know of the technology I'm talking about. This means they could have easily captured Pickton.

Does this mean the RCMP allowed a serial killer to continue killing people?

Click the link below to read the articles:

Brian Hutchinson: Mountie fetishist sparks new Code of Conduct review

RCMP officer investigated over bondage photos